Webinario impartido (IEA): Technology and policy needs for decarbonising the transport sector

O relator, Jacopo Tattini, é analista de Transporte e Enerxía de Política Tecnolóxica de Enerxía, división da International Energy Agency (IEA). Dará unha conferencia sobre as futuras liñas de financiamento no ámbito do transporte e da enerxía no ámbito Europeo. Esta xornada está limitada a un máximo de 50 persoas.

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  • Introduction: mission and activities of the IEA
  • Status of the energy system and emissions:
    • Historical energy consumption
    • Emissions by primary energy source
    • Emissions by end-use sector
    • What happened during the pandemic
    • CO2 emissions rebounding in 2021
    • Targets set by countries / net zero emission pledges
  • Status of the transport sector and trends over last few years:
    • Emissions as share of total energy system
    • Emission by sub sector
    • Energy demand as share of TFC
    • Energy demand by source
    • Number of EVs today by region/mode
    • Trend of fuel economy of light-duty vehicles over the years by segment and fuels
    • Number of FCEVs today by region/mode and HRSs;
    • Status of battery technology
    • Insights from TCEP, overview of sectors to show that more efforts are needed
  • Low carbon transition in the transport sector:
    • Key pillars: avoid/shift/improve
    • By fuel/macrotrend: electrification, hydrogen, bioenergy, behaviour-avoid/shift, innovation
    • By sub-sector: light-duty vehicles, two/three wheelers, buses, trucking, shipping, aviation, rail
  • Insights into additional efforts to reach net zero emissions in 2050
    • Overview and additional efforts
    • Key milestones and action items in transport
  • Policy recommendations for a sustainable transport