CINTECX is committed to the principle of effective equality between men and women in the area of its competence and in all areas and activities carried out at the center. As the instrument responsible for the overarching incorporation of this principle, it has its own Equality Plan, framed within the III Equality Plan of the University of Vigo, whose implementation, evaluation and monitoring is is managed by an internal commission, the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee. It also has the figure of the Equality Liaison, who acts as a bridge between the center and the Equality Unit of the University of Vigo.
Within the framework of the new European approach to equality policies, Gender+, the CINTECX Equality Plan considers, within the scope of the center’s competences, the following aspects:
- Reconciliation of personal, family and work life and organizational culture sensitive to inequality.
- Gender balance in leadership and decision-making.
- Integration of the gender perspective in research.
- Equality in access and promotion of the research career
- Measures against gender violence, including sexual harassment.
The “CINTECX Equality Policy” document can be found here.
- Organic Law 2/2023, of March 22, of the University System.
- Law 17/2022, of September 5, which modifies Law 14/2011, of June 1, on Science, Technology and Innovation.
- Ángeles Alvariño Law. Law 13/2021, of July 20, which modifies Legislative Decree 2/2015, of February 12, which approves the consolidated text of the legal provisions of the Autonomous Community of Galicia on equality, to guarantee real equality between women and men in the university and research fields.
- Law 6/2013, of the Galician University System.
- State Pact against gender violence
- HR Excellence in Research
- Horizon Europe 2021-2024
- III Equality Plan of the University of Vigo (2020-2024)
- What is sexist violence? – Equality Unit of the University of Vigo.
- Glass roof – Equality Unit of the University of Vigo.
- Think lilac – Equality Unit of the University of Vigo.
- Feminism also needs men – Equality Unit of the University of Vigo.
- Free and safe on the networks and in the streets – Equality Unit of the University of Vigo.
- Cousiñas de muller – Equality Unit of the University of Vigo.
- Inclusive language manual in the university environment – Equality Unit of the University of Vigo.
- Women and engineering – Real Academia de Ingeniería.
- Association of women researchers & technologists.
- Inspire steam – Deusto University.
Equality contact CINTECX
Gloria Pena Uris
+34 986 813 456