

The CINTECX Strategic Plan includes, within the action plan for the fulfilment of its strategic objectives, an annual call for grants, called CINTECX Challenge, for the development of collaborative R&D projects between the different research groups of the centre.

Consult the full call


The CINTECX research center has just published the resolution of the CHALLENGE-2021 call.

This second call has had a great reception by the researchers of the center, four proposals have been received involving seven of the ten groups of the center, all of them with a high scientific quality.

After evaluating the four applications submitted, the CINTECX management decided to award the grant to the proposal: “Resistance welding (RSW) of advanced high strength steels (AHSS). Optimisation of the process and equipment”, which combines capacities in which researchers from the Electronics and Manufacturing and Materials areas of Cintecx participate.

Consult the CHALLENGE resolution.
