Pena Urís

Profesor/a titular de universidad

Área de Ciencia de los Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica
Departamento de Ingeniería de los Materiales, Mecánica Aplicada y Construcción

Información de contacto

Escuela de Ingeniería Aeronáutica y del Espacio
Pav. Manuel Martínez-Risco, Despacho 37

As Lagoas, s/n
32004 Ourense

+34 988 387 094

Breve CV

Doctora en Química con docencia reconocida por 5 tramos de valoración de la actividad docente desarrollada en el departamento de Ingeniería de Materiales, impartiendo docencia en gallego, castellano e inglés, en diversas asignaturas de Ingeniería Industrial, Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica, Grado en Ing. Tecnologías Industriales, Ingeniería de Minas e Ingeniería Aeroespacial, así como en distintos Másteres y Programas de doctorado. Dirigió 3 tesis de doctorado (dos de ellas premios extraordinarios) y 11 tesinas y PFC. Su actividad investigadora, iniciada en el estudio de la corrosión de aleaciones pasivables, se centra ahora en la mejora de aleaciones ligeras y en la obtención de MCMM para aplicación en la industria del transporte y aeroespacial. Tiene reconocidos 4 sexenios de investigación, es autora de más de 70 publicaciones en revistas científicas indexadas en el JCR, de las cuales 23 se encuadran en el Q1; más de 110 comunicaciones en congresos nacionales e internacionales, y participó en 26 proyectos de investigación en convocatorias competitivas y 30 contratos con empresas de especial relevancia.


Grupo de investigación

ENCOMAT (Ingeniería de la Corrosión y Materiales)

Líneas de investigación

  • Obtención de materiales compuestos de matriz aluminio reforzados con nanopartículas
  • Uniones disimilares mediante FSW en materiales aeronáuticos
  • Aleaciones ligeras: mejora de su resistencia a la corrosión


Resultados de investigación

Feijoo, I., Pena, G., Cristóbal, M.J., Cabeza, M., Rey, P.
Effect of Carbon Nanotube Content and Mechanical Milling Conditions on the Manufacture of AA7075/MWCNT Composites
Metals, 12, 6, 2022 | DOI

Feijoo, I., Pena, G., Cabeza, M., Cristóbal, M.J., Rey, P.,
Mwcnt-reinforced aa7075 composites: Effect of reinforcement percentage on mechanical properties
Metals, 11, 6, 2021 | DOI

Feijoo, I., Merino, P., Pena, G., Rey, P., Cabeza, M.,
Microstructure and mechanical properties of an extruded 6005a al alloy composite reinforced with tic nanosized particles and strengthened by precipitation hardening
Metals, 10, 8, 2020 | DOI

Conference Paper
Rey, P., Feijoó, I., Cabeza, M., Cruz, S., Merino, P., Pena, G., Perez, M.C.,
Manufacturing of AA6005A-nanotic composite by mechanical alloying, hot extrusion and friction stir welding
Euro PM 2018 Congress and Exhibition, , , 2020 | DOI

Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Figueroa, R., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G.
Evolution of corrosion behavior for AA7075 aluminum alloy implanted with nitrogen
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 442, , 2019 | DOI

Feijoo, I., Cabeza, M., Merino, P., Pena, G., Rey, P.,
Age hardening of extruded AA 6005A aluminium alloy powders
Materials, 12, 14, 2019 | DOI

Feijoo, I., Cabeza, M., Merino, P., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C., Cruz, S., Rey, P.,
Estimation of crystallite size and lattice strain in nano-sized TiC particle-reinforced 6005A aluminium alloy from X-ray diffraction line broadening
Powder Technology, 343, , 2019 | DOI

Cabeza, M., Feijoo, I., Merino, P., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C., Cruz, S., Rey, P.,
Effect of high energy ball milling on the morphology, microstructure and properties of nano-sized TiC particle-reinforced 6005A aluminium alloy matrix composite
Powder Technology, 321, , 2017 | DOI

Book Chapter
Álvarez, A.I., Cid, V., Pena, G., Sotelo, J., Verdera, D.
Assisted friction stir welding of carbon steel: Use of induction and laser as preheating techniques
Friction Stir Welding and Processing VII, , , 2016 | DOI

Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Figueroa, R., Pena, G.
Wear and corrosion performance of two different tempers (T6 and T73) of AA7075 aluminium alloy after nitrogen implantation
Applied Surface Science, 327, , 2015 | DOI

Álvarez, A.I., García, M., Pena, G., Sotelo, J., Verdera, D.
Evaluation of an induction-assisted friction stir welding technique for super duplex stainless steels
Surface and Interface Analysis, 46, 10-11, 2014 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alvarez, A.I., Cid, V., Pena, G., Sotelo, J., Verdera, D.
Assisted friction ster welding of carbon steel: Use of induction and laser as preheating techniques
TMS Annual Meeting, , , 2013 | DOI

Arias, J., Cabeza, M., Castro, G., Feijoo, I., Merino, P., Pena, G.,
Modification of AISI M2 high-speed tool steels after laser-surface melting under different operating conditions
Welding International, 27, 1, 2013 | DOI

Conference Paper
Rodríguez, J.B., Miniño, P., Pena, G., Gesto, D., Rey, P., Verdera, D.
FIB and SEM-STEM studies of friction-stir processed AM60 magnesium alloy
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 18, SUPPL.5, 2012 | DOI

Cristóbal, M.J., Figueroa, R., Mera, L., Pena, G.
Tribological behaviour of aluminium alloy AA7075 after ion implantation
Surface and Coatings Technology, 209, , 2012 | DOI

Conference Paper
Cristóbal, M.J., Gesto, D., Miniño, P., Pena, G., Rey, P., Verdera, D.
An XPS analysis of the oxide surface layers formed on a friction stir processed magnesium alloy
Surface and Interface Analysis, 44, 8, 2012 | DOI

Figueroa, R., Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Pena, G.
Effect of nitrogen and molybdenum ion implantation in the tribological behavior of AA7075 aluminum alloy
Wear, 276-277, , 2012 | DOI

Conference Paper
Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Figueroa, R., Pena, G.
Passive layers developed on different tempers of AA7075 aluminium alloy after molybdenum implantation
Surface and Interface Analysis, 44, 8, 2012 | DOI

Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Figueroa, R., Pena, G.
Influence of molybdenum ion implantation on the localized corrosion resistance of a high strength aluminium alloy
Corrosion Science, 54, 1, 2012 | DOI

Cabeza, M., Castro, G., Merino, P., Pena, G., Román, M.,
Laser surface melting: A suitable technique to repair damaged surfaces made in 14 Ni (200 grade) maraging steel
Surface and Coatings Technology, 212, , 2012 | DOI

Conference Paper
Gesto, D., Verdera, D., Rey, P., Miniño, P., Pena, G.
Obtaining sub-micron grain size in AM60 magnesium alloy using friction stir processing
TMS Annual Meeting, , , 2011 | DOI

Conference Paper
Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Figueroa, R., Merino, P., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C.
Mo implantation in austenitic stainless steels: Effect on the corrosion resistance in chloride acidic media
Surface and Interface Analysis, 42, 6-7, 2010 | DOI

Conference Paper
Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Figueroa, R., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C.
Influence of nitrogen implantation on the localized corrosion resistance of different tempers of AA7075 aluminium alloy
Surface and Interface Analysis, 42, 6-7, 2010 | DOI

Conference Paper
Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Figueroa, R., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C.
An XPS study on the influence of nitrogen implantation on the passive layers developed on different tempers of AA7075 aluminum alloy
Surface and Interface Analysis, 42, 6-7, 2010 | DOI

Arias, J., Cabeza, M., Castro, G., Feijoo, I., Merino, P., Pena, G.,
Microstructural characterization of laser surface melted AISI M2 tool steel
Journal of Microscopy, 239, 3, 2010 | DOI

Conference Paper
Arias, J., Cabeza, M., Castro, G., Feijoo, I., Merino, P., Pena, G.,
Microstructure and mechanical behavior of laser surface melted AISI M2 high-speed steel
Surface and Interface Analysis, 42, 6-7, 2010 | DOI

Arias, J., Cabeza, M., Castro, G., Feijoo, I., Merino, P., Pena, G.,
Modification of AISI M2 high speed tool steels after laser surface melting under different operation conditions
Revista de Metalurgia (Madrid), 46, 3, 2010 | DOI

Conference Paper
Cabeza, M., Castro, G., Merino, P., Pena, G., Román, , Semiao, J.,
Optimization of ageing parameters of a low nickel maraging steel
Materials Science Forum, 636-637, , 2010 | DOI

Abreu, C.M., Freire, L., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G., Pérez, Y.M.C.
Comparative study of the electrochemical behaviour of iron in alkaline media containing red mud and grey slurries. The effect of Al<sup>3+</sup>
Revista de Metalurgia (Madrid), 45, 1, 2009 | DOI

Conference Paper
Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Figueroa, R., Novoa, X.R., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C.
Microstructure of the passive layer formed on different austenitic stainless steels implanted with molybdenum
Defect and Diffusion Forum, 289-292, , 2009 | DOI

Conference Paper
Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Merino, P., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C.
An insight on the influence of ion implantation on the pitting corrosion resistance of AISI 430 stainless steel
Defect and Diffusion Forum, 289-292, , 2009 | DOI

Freire, L., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G., Vivier, V.
On the corrosion mechanism of AISI 204Cu stainless steel in chlorinated alkaline media
Corrosion Science, 50, 11, 2008 | DOI

Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Merino, P., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C.
Electrochemical behaviour of an AISI 304L stainless steel implanted with nitrogen
Electrochimica Acta, 53, 20, 2008 | DOI

Conference Paper
Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C.
Effect of chromium and nitrogen co-implantation on the characteristics of the passive layer developed on austenitic and duplex stainless steels
Surface and Interface Analysis, 40, 3-4, 2008 | DOI

Conference Paper
Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Freitas, P., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C., Serra, C.
Microstructure of the passive layer formed on AA2024-T3 aluminum alloy surface implanted with nitrogen
Surface and Interface Analysis, 40, 3-4, 2008 | DOI

Conference Paper
Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Merino, P., Novoa, X., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C.
Analysis of the passive layer developed on two stainless steels co-implanted with chromium and nitrogen
Materials Science Forum, 587-588, , 2008 | DOI

Collazo, A., Cristóbal, M.J., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C.,
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy as a tool for studying steel corrosion inhibition in simulated concrete environments – Red mud used as rebar corrosion inhibitor
Journal of ASTM International, 3, 2, 2006 | DOI

Book Chapter
Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Losada, R., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C.
An insight on the role of Nickel in the passive films generated on different stainless steels
Passivation of Metals and Semiconductors, and Properties of Thin Oxide Layers, , , 2006 | DOI

Book Chapter
Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Freire, L., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C.
The effect of Al<sup>3+</sup> in the passivity of iron in alkaline media containing chlorides
Passivation of Metals and Semiconductors, and Properties of Thin Oxide Layers, , , 2006 | DOI

Book Chapter
Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C., Serra, C.
The effect of the Cerium ion implantation in the passive films properties of a duplex stainless steel
Passivation of Metals and Semiconductors, and Properties of Thin Oxide Layers, , , 2006 | DOI

Book Chapter
Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Losada, R., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C.
Modifications in the electrochemical behaviour of SAF 2205 in alkaline media induced by Cl<sup>-</sup> ions
Passivation of Metals and Semiconductors, and Properties of Thin Oxide Layers, , , 2006 | DOI

Conference Paper
Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Losada, R., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C.
Effect of surface preparation on the evolution of the passive films formed on AISI 304L
Surface and Interface Analysis, 38, 4, 2006 | DOI

Conference Paper
Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C.
XPS study of passive films generated on AISI 430 ferritic stainless steel implanted with nitrogen and chromium plus nitrogen
Surface and Interface Analysis, 38, 4, 2006 | DOI

Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Losada, R., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C.
The effect of Ni in the electrochemical properties of oxide layers grown on stainless steels
Electrochimica Acta, 51, 15, 2006 | DOI

Conference Paper
Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Losada, R., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C.
Long-term behaviour of AISI 304L passive layer in chloride containing medium
Electrochimica Acta, 51, 8-9, 2006 | DOI

Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Losada, R., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C.
High frequency impedance spectroscopy study of passive films formed on AISI 316 stainless steel in alkaline medium
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 572, 2, 2004 | DOI

Conference Paper
Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Losada, R., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C.
Comparative study of passive films of different stainless steels developed on alkaline medium
Electrochimica Acta, 49, 17-18, 2004 | DOI

Conference Paper
Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C., Serra, C.
Influence of chromium and cerium implantation in the electrochemical development of passive layers on AISI 304L
Electrochimica Acta, 49, 17-18, 2004 | DOI

Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C.
Analysis of the passive layer developed on stainless steels implanted with chromium
Revista de Metalurgia (Madrid), 40, 3, 2004 | DOI

Conference Paper
Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C.
Chromium implantation in AISI 304L stainless steel: Electrochemical study of the passive film
Journal of Corrosion Science and Engineering, 6, , 2003 | DOI

Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C., Rodríguez, R.J.
Modifications of the stainless steels passive film induced by cerium implantation
Surface and Coatings Technology, 158-159, , 2002 | DOI

Conference Paper
Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C.
Characterisation of the electrochemical behaviour of cerium implanted stainless steels
Electrochimica Acta, 47, 13-14, 2002 | DOI

Conference Paper
Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Montemor, M.F., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C.
Galvanic coupling between carbon steel and austenitic stainless steel in alkaline media
Electrochimica Acta, 47, 13-14, 2002 | DOI

Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Merino, P., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G.
Electrochemical behaviour of an AISI 430 stainless steel implanted with cerium
Revista de Metalurgia (Madrid), 38, 5, 2002 | DOI

Merino, P., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G., Porto, E., Espada, L.
Intergranular corrosion susceptibility of austenitic–ferritic duplex stainless steels: Application of potentiokinetic reactivation tests
Materials Science and Technology (United Kingdom), 9, 2, 1993 | DOI

Espada, L., Sanchez, A., Merino, P., Pena, G.
Atmospheric corrosion of copper and low carbon steel in marine environments
Revista de Metalurgia (Madrid), 25, 5, 1989 | DOI

Soldaduras disímiles por Fricción-agitación (FSW) en materiales de uso aeronáutico
Ref.: MAT2017-83825-C4-2-R
01/01/2018 – 30/09/2021 | Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Investigadores: Gloria María Pena Urís