Alejano Monge

Catedrático/a de universidade

Área de Explotación de Minas
Departamento de Enxeñaría dos Recursos Naturais e Medio Ambiente

Información de contacto

Escola de Enxeñaría de Minas e Enerxía
Despacho M124
As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo

+34 986 812 374


Resultados de investigación

Muñoz-Ibáñez, A., Herbón-Penabad, M., Delgado-Martín, J., Alejano-Monge, L., Alvarellos-Iglesias, J., Canal-Vila, J.,
Hydrostatic, strike-slip and normal stress true triaxial hydrofracturing testing of Blanco Mera Granite: breakdown pressure and tensile strength assessment
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 9, 1, 2023 | DOI

Chang, L., Alejano, L.R., Cui, L., Sheng, Q., Xie, M.,
Limitation of convergence-confinement method on three-dimensional tunnelling effect
Scientific Reports, 13, 1, 2023 | DOI

Pérez-Rey, I., Muñoz-Ibáñez, A., González-Fernández, M.A., Muñiz-Menéndez, M., Herbón Penabad, M., Estévez-Ventosa, X., Delgado, J., Alejano, L.R.,
Size effects on the tensile strength and fracture toughness of granitic rock in different tests
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 15, 9, 2023 | DOI

González-Fernández, M.A., Estévez-Ventosa, X., Alejano, L.R., Masoumi, H.,
Size-Dependent Behaviour of Hard Rock Under Triaxial Loading
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 56, 8, 2023 | DOI

Ludmány, B., Pérez-Rey, I., Domokos, G., Muñiz-Menéndez, M., Alejano, L.R., Sipos, A.,
A New Insight into the Stability of Precariously Balanced Rocks
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 56, 5, 2023 | DOI

Gui, J., Alejano, L.R., Yao, M., Zhao, F., Chen, W.,
GIS-Based Landslide Susceptibility Modeling: A Comparison between Best-First Decision Tree and Its Two Ensembles (BagBFT and RFBFT)
Remote Sensing, 15, 4, 2023 | DOI

Gui, J.Y., González-Fernández, M.A., Estévez-Ventosa, X., Song, F., Alejano, L.R.,
Toppling susceptibility of a single rock block resting on a regularly rough base
Engineering Geology, 313, , 2023 | DOI

Conference Paper
González-Fernández, M.A., Estévez-Ventosa, X., García-Bastante, F., Alejano, L.R., Ferrero, A.M.,
Study of size effects on the peak and residual strength of intact and artificially fissured granite samples
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1124, 1, 2023 | DOI

Conference Paper
Pérez-Rey, I., Sarro, R., Tomás, R., Alejano, L.R., Hernández Gutiérrez, L.E., Mateos, R.M., Riquelme, A.,
A brief review of the effect of wildfires on rockfall occurrence
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1124, 1, 2023 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R., Gui, J.Y., González-Fernández, M.A., Pérez-Rey, I., Muñiz, M.,
Toppling of a rock block resting on a rough surface
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1124, 1, 2023 | DOI

Rabat, , Tomás, R., Cano, M., Pérez-Rey, I., Siles, J.S., Alejano, L.R.
Influence of water content on the basic friction angle of porous limestones—experimental study using an automated tilting table
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 81, 6, 2022 | DOI

Song, F., González-Fernández, M.A., Rodriguez-Dono, A., Alejano, L.R.
Numerical analysis of anisotropic stiffness and strength for geomaterials
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, , , 2022 | DOI

Estévez-Ventosa, X., Castro-Filgueira, U., González-Fernández, M.A., García-Bastante, F., Mas-Ivars, D., Alejano, L.R.,
Scale effects on triaxial peak and residual strength of granite and preliminary PFC3D models
Geomechanics and Engineering, 31, 5, 2022 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., González-Fernández, M.A., Estévez-Ventosa, X., Song, F., Delgado-Martín, J., Muñoz-Ibáñez, A., González-Molano, N., Alvarellos, J.
Anisotropic deformability and strength of slate from NW-Spain
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 148, , 2021 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Walton, G., Gaines, S.
Residual strength of granitic rocks
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 118, , 2021 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Pérez-Rey, I., Estévez-Ventosa, X., Muñiz-Menéndez, M., Arzúa, J.
Natural instability phenomena in granitic rock masses: slopes in decomposed granite, boulder fields and irregular large granitic boulders
Boletin Geologico y Minero, 132, 4, 2021 | DOI

Conference Paper
Jordá-Bordehore, L., Alejano, L., Tomás, R., Loaiza, S.C., García, M.T., Galindo, R., Pérez-Rey, I., Riquelme-Guill, A., Cano, M., Borja-Bernal, C.P., Medinaceli Torrez, R.
Determination of the basic friction angle fb of joints using the field tilt test: Results of various "fast" tests on outcrops
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 833, 1, 2021 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R.
Considerations on failure mechanisms of rock slopes involving toppling
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 833, 1, 2021 | DOI

Conference Paper
Vagnon, F., Ferrero, A.M., Alejano, L.
Additional insights to EC7 from the application of reliability-based design methods: The case of debris flow protection structures
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 833, 1, 2021 | DOI

Walton, G., Gaines, S., Alejano, L.R.
Validity of continuous-failure-state unloading triaxial tests as a means to estimate the residual strength of rocks
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 13, 4, 2021 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Estévez-Ventosa, X., González-Fernández, M.A., Walton, G., West, I.G., González-Molano, N.A., Alvarellos, J.
A Method to Correct Indirect Strain Measurements in Laboratory Uniaxial and Triaxial Compressive Strength Tests
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 54, 6, 2021 | DOI

Pérez-Rey, I., Muñiz-Menéndez, M., González, J., Vagnon, F., Walton, G., Alejano, L.R.
Laboratory physical modelling of block toppling instability by means of tilt tests
Engineering Geology, 282, , 2021 | DOI

Sarro, R., Pérez-Rey, I., Tomás, R., Alejano, L.R., Hernández-Gutiérrez, L.E., Mateos, R.M.
Effects of wildfire on rockfall occurrence: a review through actual cases in spain
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11, 6, 2021 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Pérez-Rey, I., Múñiz-Menéndez, M., Riquelme, A., Walton, G.
Considerations Relevant to the Stability of Granite Boulders
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, , , 2021 | DOI

Conference Paper
González-Fernández, M.A., Estévez-Ventosa, X., Alonso, E., Alejano, L.R.
Analysis of size effects on the Hoek-Brown failure criterion of intact granite samples
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 833, 1, 2021 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Arzúa, J., Estévez-Ventosa, X., Suikkanen, J.
Correcting indirect strain measurements in laboratory uniaxial compressive testing at various scales
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 79, 9, 2020 | DOI

Castro-Filgueira, U., Alejano, L.R., Ivars, D.M.
Particle flow code simulation of intact and fissured granitic rock samples
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 12, 5, 2020 | DOI

Pérez-Rey, I., Bastante, F.G., Alejano, L.R., Ivars, D.M.
Influence of Microroughness on the Frictional Behavior and Wear Response of Planar Saw-Cut Rock Surfaces
International Journal of Geomechanics, 20, 8, 2020 | DOI

Rabat, Á., Cano, M., Tomás, R., Tamayo, Á.E., Alejano, L.R.
Evaluation of Strength and Deformability of Soft Sedimentary Rocks in Dry and Saturated Conditions Through Needle Penetration and Point Load Tests: A Comparative Study
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 53, 6, 2020 | DOI

Estévez Ventosa, X., González Molano, N.A., Blázquez Pascual, V., Alvarellos, J., Alejano, L.R.
A methodology to estimate permeability in porous and fissured rock specimens at laboratory scale
Archives of Mining Sciences, 65, 4, 2020 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R., Pérez-Rey, I., Muñiz-Menéndez, M., Riquelme, A., Walton, G.
Relevant considerations on the stability of granite boulders
54th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, , , 2020 | DOI

Conference Paper
Rabat, Á., Cano, M., Tomás, R., Tamayo, Á.E., Alejano, L.R.
Using the needle penetration test to determine strength and deformability of dry and saturated siltstones
ISRM International Symposium – EUROCK 2020, , , 2020 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R., Estévez-Ventosa, X., Delgado-Martín, J., Blázquez-Pascual, V., Glez.-Molano, N.A., Alvarellos, J., Canal-Vila, J.
Permeability measurements in fissured rock samples at variable confinements
ISRM International Symposium – EUROCK 2020, , , 2020 | DOI

Conference Paper
González-Molano, N.A., Alvarellos, J., Lakshmikantha, M.R., Arzúa, J., Alejano, L.R.
Numerical and experimental characterization of mechanical behaviour of an artificially jointed rock
ISRM International Symposium – EUROCK 2020, , , 2020 | DOI

Conference Paper
Muñiz-Menéndez, M., González-Gallego, J., Moreno-Robles, J., Pérez-Rey, I., Alejano, L.R., Riquelme, A.
Stability analysis of balanced boulders: Methodology and case study
ISRM International Symposium – EUROCK 2020, , , 2020 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R., Estévez-Ventosa, X., Pérez-Rey, I., González, J.
Stability analysis of over-tilted benches in an ornamental granite quarry
Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure Development- Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, ISRM 2019, , , 2020 | DOI

Conference Paper
Arzúa, J., González, J., Erazo, I.T., Cánovas, M., Alejano, L.R.
Grinding or not grinding, that is the question
Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure Development- Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, ISRM 2019, , , 2020 | DOI

Conference Paper
Muñoz-Ibáñez, A., Delgado-Martín, J., Juncosa-Rivera, R., Romera-Rodríguez, L., Alejano-Monge, L., Canal-Vila, J., González-Molano, N., Alvarellos-Iglesias, J., López-Puiggene, E., Lakshmikantha, M.R.
Development of a true triaxial device for hydraulic fracturing experiments
Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure Development- Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, ISRM 2019, , , 2020 | DOI

Conference Paper
Muñiz-Menéndez, M., Pérez-Rey, I., Alejano, L.R.
The use of open-source hardware and software in low-cost geotechnical sensors: A strain-gauge logger and a tilt-test machine
Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure Development- Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, ISRM 2019, , , 2020 | DOI

Vagnon, F., Ferrero, A.M., Alejano, L.R.
Reliability-based design for debris flow barriers
Landslides, 17, 1, 2020 | DOI

Walton, G., Labrie, D., Alejano, L.R.
On the Residual Strength of Rocks and Rockmasses
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 52, 11, 2019 | DOI

Pérez-Rey, I., Riquelme, A., González-deSantos, L.M., Estévez-Ventosa, X., Tomás, R., Alejano, L.R.
A multi-approach rockfall hazard assessment on a weathered granite natural rock slope
Landslides, 16, 10, 2019 | DOI

Winn, K., Wong, L.N.Y., Alejano, L.R.
Multi-approach stability analyses of large caverns excavated in low-angled bedded sedimentary rock masses in Singapore
Engineering Geology, 259, , 2019 | DOI

Pérez-Rey, I., Alejano, L.R., Riquelme, A., González-deSantos, L.
Failure mechanisms and stability analyses of granitic boulders focusing a case study in Galicia (Spain)
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 119, , 2019 | DOI

Castro-Caicedo, A.J., Alejano, L.R., Monsalve, J.E., Bernal, A.
Geotechnical design of pillars in underground mines of gold veins in cases of Colombia [Diseño geotécnico de pilares en minas subterráneas de vetas auríferas en casos de Colombia]
DYNA (Colombia), 86, 209, 2019 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Veiga, M., Pérez-Rey, I., Castro-Filgueira, U., Arzúa, J., Castro-Caicedo, Á.J.
Analysis of a complex slope failure in a granodiorite quarry bench
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 78, 2, 2019 | DOI

Pérez-Rey, I., Alejano, L.R., Muralha, J.
Experimental study of factors controlling tilt-test results performed on saw-cut rock joints
Geotechnical Testing Journal, 42, 2, 2019 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Muralha, J., Ulusay, R., Li, C.C., Pérez-Rey, I., Karakul, H., Chryssanthakis, P., Aydan, Ö.
ISRM Suggested Method for Determining the Basic Friction Angle of Planar Rock Surfaces by Means of Tilt Tests
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 51, 12, 2018 | DOI

Walton, G., Alejano, L.R., Arzua, J., Markley, T.
Crack Damage Parameters and Dilatancy of Artificially Jointed Granite Samples Under Triaxial Compression
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 51, 6, 2018 | DOI

González-Cao, J., Alejano, L.R., Alonso, E., Bastante, F.G.
Convergence-confinement curve analysis of excavation stress and strain resulting from blast-induced damage
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 73, , 2018 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Sánchez-Alonso, C., Pérez-Rey, I., Arzúa, J., Alonso, E., González, J., Beltramone, L., Ferrero, A.M.
Block toppling stability in the case of rock blocks with rounded edges
Engineering Geology, 234, , 2018 | DOI

Conference Paper
Arzúa, J., Alejano, L.R.
Study of the mechanical behavior of intact and jointed rocks in laboratory with particular emphasis on dilatancy
ISRM International Symposium – 10th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, ARMS 2018, , , 2018 | DOI

Conference Paper
Pérez-Rey, I., Alejano, L.R., Martínez, J., Muniz, M., Muralha, J.
Understanding tilt-test results on saw-cut planar rock surfaces from a statistical perspective
Geomechanics and Geodynamics of Rock Masses, 1, , 2018 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R., Castro-Filgueira, U., Pérez-Rey, I., Arzúa, J.
Stability Analysis of an Over-tilted Slope in a Granite Quarry: The Role of Joint Spacing
Procedia Engineering, 191, , 2017 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Castro-Filgueira, U., Ferrero, A.M., Migliazza, M., Vagnon, F.
In situ stress measurement near faults and interpretation by means of discrete element modelling
Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia, 14, 2, 2017 | DOI

Quiñones, J., Arzúa, J., Alejano, L.R., García-Bastante, F., Mas Ivars, D., Walton, G.
Analysis of size effects on the geomechanical parameters of intact granite samples under unconfined conditions
Acta Geotechnica, 12, 6, 2017 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Muralha, J., Ulusay, R., Li, C.C., Pérez-Rey, I., Karakul, H., Chryssanthakis, P., Aydan, Ö., Martínez, J., Zhang, N.
A Benchmark Experiment to Assess Factors Affecting Tilt Test Results for Sawcut Rock Surfaces
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 50, 9, 2017 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Arzúa, J., Castro-Filgueira, U., Malan, F.
Strapping of pillars with cables to enhance pillar stability
Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 117, 6, 2017 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Arzúa, J., Bozorgzadeh, N., Harrison, J.P.
Triaxial strength and deformability of intact and increasingly jointed granite samples
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 95, , 2017 | DOI

Walton, G., Diederichs, M.S., Alejano, L.R., Arzúa, J.
Corrigendum to “Verification of a laboratory-based dilation model for in situ conditions using continuum models” [J Rock Mech Geotech Eng 6 (2014) 522–534] (S1674775514000869) (10.1016/j.jrmge.2014.09.004)
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 9, 2, 2017 | DOI

Book Chapter
Alejano, L.R.
Multi-approach back analysis in mining
Rock Mechanics and Engineering Volume 3: Analysis, Modeling and Design, , , 2017 | DOI

Conference Paper
Pérez–Rey, I., Alejano, L.R., Velasco, P.
Comparison of observational, empirical and 3D discrete numerical methods to estimate subsidence over longwall coal faces
ISRM AfriRock – Rock Mechanics for Africa, 2017-October, , 2017 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R., Castro-Filgueira, U., Pérez-Rey, I., García-Bastante, F., Arzúa, J.
Characterization and numerical modelling of standard and cabled-strapped pillars in a haematite mine
ISRM AfriRock – Rock Mechanics for Africa, 2017-October, , 2017 | DOI

Conference Paper
Pérez-Rey, I., Alejano, L.R., Alonso, E., Arzúa, J., Araújo, M.
An Assessment of the Post-peak Strain Behavior of Laboratory Intact Rock Specimens Based on Different Dilation Models
Procedia Engineering, 191, , 2017 | DOI

Conference Paper
Castro-Filgueira, U., Alejano, L.R., Arzúa, J., Ivars, D.M.
Sensitivity Analysis of the Micro-Parameters Used in a PFC Analysis Towards the Mechanical Properties of Rocks
Procedia Engineering, 191, , 2017 | DOI

Conference Paper
Castro-Filgueira, U., Alejano, L.R., Arzúa, J., Mas Ivars, D.
Numerical simulation of the stress-strain behavior of intact granite specimens with particle flow code
ISRM International Symposium – EUROCK 2016, , , 2016 | DOI

Conference Paper
Pérez-Rey, I., Alejano, L.R., Arzúa, J., Muralha, J.
The role of tilting rate and wear of surfaces on basic friction angle testing
ISRM International Symposium – EUROCK 2016, , , 2016 | DOI

Conference Paper
Pérez-Rey, I., Alejano, L.R., Arzúa, J., Muralha, J.
The role of tilting rate and wear of surfaces on basic friction angle testing
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering: From the Past to the Future, 1, , 2016 | DOI

Conference Paper
Castro-Filgueira, U., Alejano, L.R., Arzúa, J., Mas Ivars, D.
Numerical simulation of the stress-strain behavior of intact granite specimens with particle flow code
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering: From the Past to the Future, 1, , 2016 | DOI

Conference Paper
Stockhausen, H.W., Alejano, L.R., Arzúa, J., Escolano, F.
On the application of rockfall risk assessment techniques from field observation and quarry experience
50th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2016, 2, , 2016 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Carranza-Torres, C., Giani, G.P., Arzúa, J.
Study of the stability against toppling of rock blocks with rounded edges based on analytical and experimental approaches
Engineering Geology, 195, , 2015 | DOI

Walton, G., Arzúa, J., Alejano, L.R., Diederichs, M.S.
A Laboratory-Testing-Based Study on the Strength, Deformability, and Dilatancy of Carbonate Rocks at Low Confinement
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 48, 3, 2015 | DOI

Conference Paper
Arzúa, J., Alejano, L.R., Pérez-Rey, I.
Compressive strength tests of cabled rock specimens as pillar analogues
ISRM Regional Symposium, EUROCK 2015, , , 2015 | DOI

Conference Paper
Arzúa, J., Alejano, L.R., Rodríguez, P.
Back-analyses of failures and support redesign of a magnesite room-and-pillar mine excavated in stratified rock
13th ISRM International Congress of Rock Mechanics, 2015- MAY, , 2015 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R., Arzúa, J., Pérez-Rey, I.
Effect of scale and structure on the strength and deformability of rocks
13th ISRM International Congress of Rock Mechanics, 2015- MAY, , 2015 | DOI

Conference Paper
Harrison, J.P., Alejano, L., Bedi, A., Ferrero, A.M., Lamas, L., Mathier, J.-F., Migliazza, R., Olsson, R., Perucho, A., Sofianos, A., Stille, H., Virely, D., Wittke, M.
Rock engineering design and the evolution of Eurocode 7: The critical six years to 2020
13th ISRM International Congress of Rock Mechanics, 2015- MAY, , 2015 | DOI

Conference Paper
Pérez-Rey, I., Alejano, L.R., González-Pastoriza, N., González, J., Arzúa, J.
Effect of time and wear on the basic friction angle of rock discontinuities
ISRM Regional Symposium, EUROCK 2015, , , 2015 | DOI

Taboada, J., Saavedra, Á., Paz, M., Bastante, F.G., Alejano, L.R.
Analysis of tailing pond contamination in galicia using generalized linear spatial models [Análisis de contaminación de balsas mineras en galicia usando modelos lineales espaciales generalizados]
DYNA (Colombia), 82, 189, 2015 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Alejano, L.R., Veiga, M., Alberruche, E.
Landscape assessment of engineered and man-made slopes
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability, 167, 1, 2014 | DOI

Walton, G., Diederichs, M.S., Alejano, L.R., Arzúa, J.
Verification of a laboratory-based dilation model for in situ conditions using continuum models
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 6, 6, 2014 | DOI

Conference Paper
Veiga, M., Barbiero, J., Alonso, S., Alejano, L.R., Ferrero, A.M.
Comparison between continuous and discontinuous approaches to tunnel models: FLAC vs. UDEC
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses – Proceedings of EUROCK 2014, ISRM European Regional Symposium, , , 2014 | DOI

Conference Paper
González, J., González-Pastoriza, N., Castro, U., Alejano, L.R., Muralha, J.
Considerations on the laboratory estimate of the basic friction angle of rock joints
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses – Proceedings of EUROCK 2014, ISRM European Regional Symposium, , , 2014 | DOI

Conference Paper
Giani, G.P., Orsatti, S., Alejano, L.R.
Numerical simulation of sliding and toppling of a block system
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses – Proceedings of EUROCK 2014, ISRM European Regional Symposium, , , 2014 | DOI

Conference Paper
León-Buendía, C., Santamaría-Arias, J., Alejano, L.R., Giráldez, R.
Analysis of a complex slope failure in a quartzite slope
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses – Proceedings of EUROCK 2014, ISRM European Regional Symposium, , , 2014 | DOI

Conference Paper
Pérez-Rey, I., Arzúa, J., Barbiero, J., Alejano, L.R., Walton, G.
A lab-testing based geomechanical characterization of metamorphic rocks focusing on post-failure behavior
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses – Proceedings of EUROCK 2014, ISRM European Regional Symposium, , , 2014 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Perucho, Á., Olalla, C., Jiménez, R.
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses – Proceedings of EUROCK 2014, ISRM European Regional Symposium, , , 2014 | DOI

Conference Paper
Ponce-Zambrano, M.R., Gordón, D.P., Alejano, L.R., Pérez-Rey, I.
Geotechnical characterization of the site and stability of a tailings dam in Ecuador
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses – Proceedings of EUROCK 2014, ISRM European Regional Symposium, , , 2014 | DOI

Conference Paper
Lamas, L., Perucho, A., Alejano, L.R.
Some key issues regarding application of Eurocode 7 to rock engineering design
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses – Proceedings of EUROCK 2014, ISRM European Regional Symposium, , , 2014 | DOI

Conference Paper
Ferrero, A.M., Sofianos, A.I., Alejano, L.R.
Critical review of Eurocode-7 regarding rock mass characterization
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses – Proceedings of EUROCK 2014, ISRM European Regional Symposium, , , 2014 | DOI

Conference Paper
Arzúa, J., Alejano, L.R., Clérigo, I., Pons, B., Méndez, F., Prada, F.
Stability analysis of a room & pillar hematite mine and techniques to manage local instability problems
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses – Proceedings of EUROCK 2014, ISRM European Regional Symposium, , , 2014 | DOI

Arzúa, J., Alejano, L.R., Walton, G.
Strength and dilation of jointed granite specimens in servo-controlled triaxial tests
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 69, , 2014 | DOI

Book Chapter
Lamas, L., Perucho, A., Alejano, L.R.
Some key issues regarding application of Eurocode 7 to rock engineering design
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses, , , 2014 | DOI

Alejano, R., Perucho, Á., Olalla, C., Jiménez, R.
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses, , , 2014 | DOI

Book Chapter
Ponce-Zambrano, M.R., Gordón, D.P., Alejano, L.R., Pérez-Rey, I.
Geotechnical characterization of the site and stability of a tailings dam in Ecuador
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses, , , 2014 | DOI

Book Chapter
León-Buendía, C., Santamaría-Arias, J., Alejano, L.R., Giráldez, R.
Analysis of a complex slope failure in a quartzite slope
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses, , , 2014 | DOI

Book Chapter
Arzúa, J., Alejano, L.R., Clérigo, I., Pons, B., Méndez, F., Prada, F.
Stability analysis of a room & pillar hematite mine and techniques to manage local instability problems
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses, , , 2014 | DOI

Book Chapter
Veiga, M., Barbiero, J., Alonso, S., Alejano, L.R., Ferrero, A.M.
Comparison between continuous and discontinuous approaches to tunnel models: FLAC vs. UDEC
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses, , , 2014 | DOI

Book Chapter
Giani, G.P., Orsatti, S., Alejano, L.R.
Numerical simulation of sliding and toppling of a block system
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses, , , 2014 | DOI

Book Chapter
Pérez-Rey, I., Arzúa, J., Barbiero, J., Alejano, L.R., Walton, G.
A lab-testing based geomechanical characterization of metamorphic rocks focusing on post-failure behavior
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses, , , 2014 | DOI

Book Chapter
González, J., González-Pastoriza, N., Castro, U., Alejano, L.R., Muralha, J.
Considerations on the laboratory estimate of the basic friction angle of rock joints
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses, , , 2014 | DOI

Alejano, R., Perucho, Á., Olalla, C., Jiménez, R.
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses, , , 2014 | DOI

Book Chapter
Ferrero, A.M., Sofianos, A.I., Alejano, L.R.
Critical review of Eurocode-7 regarding rock mass characterization
Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses, , , 2014 | DOI

Márquez, I.G., Alejano, L.R., Dono, A.R., Bastante, F.G.
A case of compatibility between quarrying of ornamental granite and forest exploitation
Acta Montanistica Slovaca, 18, 2, 2013 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., García-Cortés, S., García-Bastante, F., Martínez-Alegría, R.
Study of a rockfall in a limy conglomerate canyon (Covarrubias, Burgos, N. Spain)
Environmental Earth Sciences, 70, 6, 2013 | DOI

Conference Paper
Arzúa, J., Barbiero, J., Alejano, L.R.
Strain-softening characterization of granitic rocks and numerical simulation of servo-controlled strength tests
ISRM International Symposium – EUROCK 2013, , , 2013 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R., Bedi, A., Bond, A., Ferrero, A.M., Harrison, J.P., Lamas, L., Migliazza, M.R., Olsson, R., Perucho, Á., Sofianos, A., Stille, H., Virely, D.
Rock engineering design and the evolution of Eurocode 7
ISRM International Symposium – EUROCK 2013, , , 2013 | DOI

González-Cao, J., Varas, F., Bastante, F.G., Alejano, L.R.
Ground reaction curves for circular excavations in non-homogeneous, axisymmetric strain-softening rock masses
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 5, 6, 2013 | DOI

Arzúa, J., Alejano, L.R.
Dilation in granite during servo-controlled triaxial strength tests
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 61, , 2013 | DOI

Márquez, I.G., Alejano, L.R., Dono, A.R., Bastante, F.G.
A case of compatibility between quarrying of ornamental granite and forest exploitation
Acta Montanistica Slovaca, 17, 4, 2012 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R., Arzúa, J., Alonso, E.
Impact of post-failure rock mass behavior on excavation response
46th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2012, 3, , 2012 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Veiga, M., Taboada, J., Díez-Farto, M.
Stability of granite drystone masonry retaining walls: I. Analytical design
Geotechnique, 62, 11, 2012 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Veiga, M., Gómez-Márquez, I., Taboada, J.
Stability of granite drystone masonry retaining walls: II. Relevant parameters and analytical and numerical studies of real walls
Geotechnique, 62, 11, 2012 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., González, J., Muralha, J.
Response by the authors to S. R. Hencher’s discussion of the paper “comparison of different techniques of tilt testing and basic friction angle variability assessment
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 45, 6, 2012 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Bobet, A.
Drucker-Prager criterion
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 45, 6, 2012 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., González, J., Muralha, J.
Comparison of different techniques of tilt testing and basic friction angle variability assessment
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 45, 6, 2012 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Rodríguez-Dono, A., Veiga, M.
Plastic radii and longitudinal deformation profiles of tunnels excavated in strain-softening rock masses
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 30, , 2012 | DOI

Conference Paper
Huerta, C.L., Oyanguren, P.R., Huerta, R.L., Carnero, F., Santana, C., Monge, L.A.
Stresses and stability of a mine paste fill
Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment – Proceedings of the 12th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics, , , 2012 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R., García-Bastante, F., Taboada, J., Migliazza, R.
Design of room & pillar exploitations of non-expensive minerals and ornamental rocks in Spain
Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment – Proceedings of the 12th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics, , , 2012 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R., Veiga, M., Gómez-Márquez, I., Dellero, H.
Application of rockfall risk assessment techniques in two aggregate quarries
Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment – Proceedings of the 12th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics, , , 2012 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R., Rodríguez-Dono, A., Veiga, M.
Extending the convergence confinement method to study the role of the face in tunnel stability
ISRM International Symposium – EUROCK 2012, , , 2012 | DOI

García Bastante, F., Alejano, L., González-Cao, J.
Predicting the extent of blast-induced damage in rock masses
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 56, , 2012 | DOI

Álvarez-Fernández, M.I., González-Nicieza, C., Álvarez-Vigil, A.E., Alejano, L.R.
Geometrical design of ornamental stone slabs cutting using the neutral region concept
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 52, , 2012 | DOI

Book Chapter
Alejano, L.R., García-Bastante, F., Taboada, J., Migliazza, R.
Design of room and pillar exploitations of non-expensive minerals and ornamental rocks in Spain
Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment, , , 2011 | DOI

Ferrero, A.M., Migliazza, M., Alejano, L., Rodriguez Dono, A.
Numerical modelling of tunnel based on a non-contact geological survey method
45th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, , , 2011 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Carranza-Torres, C.
An empirical approach for estimating shear strength of decomposed granites in Galicia, Spain
Engineering Geology, 120, 01/04/2021 0:00, 2011 | DOI

Book Chapter
Laín Huerta, C., Ramírez Oyanguren, P., Laín Huerta, R., Carnero, F., Santana, C., Alejano Monge, L.
Stresses and stability of a mine paste fill
Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment, , , 2011 | DOI

Book Chapter
Alejano, L.R., Veiga, M., Gómez-Márquez, I., Dellero, H.
Application of rockfall risk assessment techniques in two aggregate quarries
Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment, , , 2011 | DOI

Gómez-Márquez, I., Alejano, L.R., García Bastante, F.
Mining compatibility with other projects in Spain: Solutions and benefits
Resources Policy, 36, 1, 2011 | DOI

Torres, J.M., Nieto, P.J.G., Alejano, L., Reyes, A.N.
Detection of outliers in gas emissions from urban areas using functional data analysis
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 186, 1, 2011 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Ferrero, A.M., Ramírez-Oyanguren, P., Álvarez Fernández, M.I.
Comparison of limit-equilibrium, numerical and physical models of wall slope stability
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 48, 1, 2011 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R.
Why the convergence confinement method is not much used in practice
Rock Mechanics in Civil and Environmental Engineering – Proceedings of the European Rock Mechanics Symposium, EUROCK 2010, , , 2010 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R., Rodríguez-Dono, A., Veiga, M.
Preliminary assessment of longitudinal deformation profiles for tunnels excavated in strain-softening rock masses
Rock Mechanics in Civil and Environmental Engineering – Proceedings of the European Rock Mechanics Symposium, EUROCK 2010, , , 2010 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R., Posada, D., Rodriguez-Dono, A.
Servo-controlled strength tests on moderately weathered granite
Rock Engineering in Difficult Ground Conditions – Soft Rocks and Karst – Proceedings of the Regional Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, EUROCK 2009, , , 2010 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R., Alonso, E., Rodriguez-Dono, A.
An approach for characterizing strain-softening Hoek-Brown rock-masses
Rock Engineering in Difficult Ground Conditions – Soft Rocks and Karst – Proceedings of the Regional Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, EUROCK 2009, , , 2010 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R., Alonso, E., Rodríguez-Dono, A., Ordóñez, C., Córdova, D.
Estimate of support and reinforcement cost increase associated to poor blasting practices in drifting
Rock Fragmentation by Blasting – Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, FRAGBLAST 9, , , 2010 | DOI

Conference Paper
Gómez-Márquez, I., García-Bastante, F., Alejano, L.R.
Blast vibration study to analyse the response of a wind tower close to an open pit mine
Rock Fragmentation by Blasting – Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, FRAGBLAST 9, , , 2010 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Gómez-Márquez, I., Martínez-Alegría, R.
Analysis of a complex toppling-circular slope failure
Engineering Geology, 114, 01/02/2021 0:00, 2010 | DOI

Rivas, T., Alvarez, E., Mosquera, M.J., Alejano, L., Taboada, J.
Crystallization modifiers applied in granite desalination: The role of the stone pore structure
Construction and Building Materials, 24, 5, 2010 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Ordóñez, C., Armesto, J., Rivas, T.
Assessment of the instability hazard of a granite boulder
Natural Hazards, 53, 1, 2010 | DOI

Conference Paper
Rodriguez-Dono, A., Alejano, L.R., Veiga Ríos, M.
Analysis of longitudinal deformation profiles using FLAC3D
ISRM International Symposium – 6th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, ARMS 2010, , , 2010 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Juncal, A.S.
Stability analyses of footwall slopes in open pit mining [Análisis de estabilidad de taludes de muro en explotaciones mineras a cielo abierto]
DYNA (Colombia), 77, 161, 2010 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Alonso, E., Rodríguez-Dono, A., Fernández-Manín, G.
Application of the convergence-confinement method to tunnels in rock masses exhibiting Hoek-Brown strain-softening behaviour
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 47, 1, 2010 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Rodriguez-Dono, A., Alonso, E., Fdez.-Manín, G.
Ground reaction curves for tunnels excavated in different quality rock masses showing several types of post-failure behaviour
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 24, 6, 2009 | DOI

Armesto, J., Ordóñez, C., Alejano, L., Arias, P.
Terrestrial laser scanning used to determine the geometry of a granite boulder for stability analysis purposes
Geomorphology, 106, 03/04/2021 0:00, 2009 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R., Rodriguez-Dono, A., Fdez-Manín, G., Alonso, E.
Ground reaction curves of a tunnel excavated in a good quality rock mass showing different types of post-failure behaviour
ISRM International Symposium on Rock Mechanics, SINOROCK 2009, , , 2009 | DOI

Bastante, F.G., Taboada, J., Alejano, L., Alonso, E.
Optimization tools and simulation methods for designing and evaluating a mining operation
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 22, 6, 2008 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Stockhausen, H.W., Alonso, E., Bastante, F.G., Ramírez Oyanguren, P.
ROFRAQ: A statistics-based empirical method for assessing accident risk from rockfalls in quarries
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 45, 8, 2008 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Taboada, J., García-Bastante, F., Rodriguez, P.
Multi-approach back-analysis of a roof bed collapse in a mining room excavated in stratified rock
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 45, 6, 2008 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R., Alonso, E., Fdez.-Manín, G.
Ground reaction curves of tunnels considering post-peak rock mass properties
Underground Works under Special Conditions – Proceedings of the Workshop (W1) on Underground Works under Special Conditions, , , 2007 | DOI

Ordóñez, C., Saavedra, A., Taboada, J., Alejano, L.
Analysis of dust pollution in slate and granite transformation plants
Environmental Progress, 26, 2, 2007 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Pons, B., Bastante, F.G., Alonso, E., Stockhausen, H.W.
Slope geometry design as a means for controlling rockfalls in quarries
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 44, 6, 2007 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alonso, E., Alejano, L.R., Varas, F., Fdez-Manin, G.
Dimensionless charts for the GRC for rock masses exhibiting strain-softening behaviour
Proceedings of the International Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, Eurock 2006 – Eurock 2006 Multiphysics Coupling and Long Term Behaviour in Rock Mechanics, , , 2006 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Alonso, E.
Corrigendum to “Considerations of the dilatancy angle in rocks and rock masses”. [Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 42 (2005) 481-507] (DOI:10.1016/j.ijrmms.2005.01.003)
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 43, 5, 2006 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R., Alonso, E., Varas, F.
A model to estimate the dilatancy angle of rock masses
Impact of Human Activity on the Geological Environment – Proceedings of the International Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, Eurock 2005, , , 2005 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R., Alonso, E.
Application of the ‘shear and tensile strength reduction technique’ to obtain factors of safety of toppling and footwall rock slopes
Impact of Human Activity on the Geological Environment – Proceedings of the International Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, Eurock 2005, , , 2005 | DOI

Bastante, F.G., Taboada, J., Alejano, L.R., Ordóñez, C.
Evaluation of the resources of a slate deposit using indicator kriging
Engineering Geology, 81, 4, 2005 | DOI

Taboada, J., Alejano, L.R., G-Bastante, F., Ordóñez, C.
Total exploitation of an ornamental granite quarry [Aprovechamiento integral de una cantera de granito ornamental]
Materiales de Construccion, 55, 279, 2005 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Alonso, E.
Considerations of the dilatancy angle in rocks and rock masses
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 42, 4, 2005 | DOI

Varas, F., Alonso, E., Alejano, L.R., Fdez.-Manín, G.
Study of bifurcation in the problem of unloading a circular excavation in a strain-softening material
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 20, 4, 2005 | DOI

Alonso, E., Alejano, L.R., Varas, F., Fdez-Manin, G., Carranza-Torres, C.
Ground response curves for rock masses exhibiting strain-softening behaviour
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 27, 13, 2003 | DOI

Conference Paper
Liz-Losada, R.J., Alejano, L.R.
New Safe Mud Weight Window Representations to Prevent Wellbore Instability
Proceedings of the IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference, APDT, , , 2000 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Taboada, J., Ram??rez-Oyanguren, P.,
Reply to Discussion by M. Karmis and Z. Agioutantis on the paper FDM predictive methodology for subsidence due to flat and inclined coal seam mining, L.R. Alejano, P. Ram??rez-Oyanguren and J. Taboada. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 36 (1999), 475–491.
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 36, 8, 1999 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R., Alonso, E.
Subsidence prediction with FLAC
FLAC and numerical modeling in geomechanics. Proceedings of the international FLAC symposium, Minneapolis, September 1999., , , 1999 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alejano, L.R., García-Bastante, F., Alonso, E., Taboada, J.
Back-analysis of a rockburst in a swallow gypsum room and pillar exploitation
9th ISRM Congress, , , 1999 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Ramírez-Oyanguren, P., Taboada, J.
FDM predictive methodology for subsidence due to flat and inclined coal seam mining
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 36, 4, 1999 | DOI

Taboada, J., Vaamonde, A., Saavedra, A., Alejano, L.
Application of geostatistical techniques to exploitation planning in slate quarries
Engineering Geology, 47, 3, 1997 | DOI

Alejano Monge, L.R., Ramirez Oyanguren, P., De La Fuente, R.
A method to predict final subsidence basins by means of a finite difference computer code
Land subsidence. Proc. international symposium, The Hague, 1995, , , 1995 | DOI

Oyanguren, P.R., Monge, L.R.A.
Coupled elastoplastic and viscoplastic analysis of a potash mine
Geomechanics 93. Proc. conference, Ostrava, 1993, , , 1994 | DOI

Profundizando en el comportamiento de macizos rocosos: efectos de escala en la respuesta tenso-deformacional de probetas fisuradas con especial atención a la post-rotura
Ref.: RTI2018-093563-B-I00
01/01/2019 – 31/12/2021 | Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
IPs: Leandro Rafael Alejano Monge

04/07/2019 | Ignacio Pérez Rey
Estudo do comportamento á fricción de discontinuidades de rocha planas serradas cara unha metodoloxía para o ensaio de inclinación e a súa aplicación a casos de estudio
Directores: Leandro Rafael Alejano Monge
Cum Laude Mención Internacional Premio Extraordinario

26/03/2019 | Uxía Castro Filgueira
Simulación numérica do comportamento tenso-deformacional de mostras de granito naturais e artificialmente fisuradas mediante o código de partículas PFC3D
Directores: Leandro Rafael Alejano Monge
Cum Laude

11/12/2015 | Javier Arzúa Touriño
Estudo do comportamento mecánico de rochas intactas e diaclasadas en laboratorio, con particular énfase na dilatancia
Directores: Leandro Rafael Alejano Monge
Cum Laude

20/07/2015 | José González Cao
Curvas Converxencia-Confinamento en macizos rochosos non homoxéneos con dano por voadura
Directores: Leandro Rafael Alejano Monge; Fernando Varas Mérida
Cum Laude

11/10/2011 | María Veiga Ríos
Deseño de muros de mampostería de granito en seco
Directores: Leandro Rafael Alejano Monge

10/06/2011 | Alfonso Rodríguez Dono
Estudos de excavacións subterráneas en macizos rochosos
Directores: Leandro Rafael Alejano Monge

16/04/2010 | Iván Gómez Márquez
Compatibilidade entre actividades mineiras e outras de distintos sectores: aplicación a varios casos particulares
Directores: Fernando García Bastante; Leandro Alejano Monge

09/07/2008 | Harald Stockhausen Nieschulz
Un Método Empírico para Estimar o Risco de Accidentes por Caída de Bloques en Explotacións Mineiras a Ceo Aberto
Directores: Leandro Rafael Alejano Monge

18/01/2002 | Elena Mercedes Alonso Prieto
Curvas converxencia-confinamento: resolución numérica e aplicación a macizos rochosos con comportamento elasto-plástico con reblandecemento
Directores: Leandro Rafael Alejano Monge

Caracterización do comportamento hidro-mecáncio de macizos rochosos e reservorios fracturados e interacción con fracturas hidráulicas
01/10/2020 | Leandro Rafael Alejano Mongue

Basic friction angle of intact granitic rock and planar cement contacts by means of tilt testing
09/05/2019 | Leandro Rafael Alejano Mongue