Morán González

Profesor/a titular de universidade

Área de Máquinas e Motores Térmicos
Departamento de Enxeñaría Mecánica, Máquinas e Motores Térmicos e Fluídos

Información de contacto

Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Despacho 218
As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo

+34 986 814 001

Breve CV

Enxeñeiro Industrial pola Universidade de Vigo en 1994. Doutor en Enxeñaría Industrial pola Universidade de Vigo en 2004. Desde 2004 é Profesor Titular da Universidade de Vigo. Impartiu docencia universitaria desde 1995. Os seus intereses de investigación son Enerxía Térmica (Solar, Biomasa, Eficiencia enerxética..). É coautor de máis de 80 publicacións (artigos, traballos en congresos, capítulos, libros, documentos científico-técnico restrinxidos), participante en máis de 20 proxectos de investigación/contratos con empresas. É coautor de 2 patentes e modelos de utilidade. Realizou 2 estadías de investigación no estranxeiro. Colaborou na organización de máis de 3 congresos/reunións científicas. Dirixiu máis de 2 Teses de Doutoramento e máis de 25 Proxectos Fin de Carreira. Foi Director de Departamento e Secretario de Departamento. É censor de máis de 10 revistas internacionais. É avaliador externo da ANEP. Recibiu o Premio Extraordinario de Doutoramento pola Universidade de Vigo en 2005.


Resultados de investigación

Vega-Nieva, D.J., Ortiz Torres, L., Míguez Tabares, J.L., Morán, J.,
Measuring and Predicting the Slagging of Woody and Herbaceous Mediterranean Biomass Fuels on a Domestic Pellet Boiler
Energy and Fuels, 30, 2, 2016 | DOI

Morán, J.C., Míguez, J.L., Porteiro, J., Patiño, D., Granada, E.,
Low-quality fuels for small-scale combustion boilers: An experimental study
Energy and Fuels, 29, 5, 2015 | DOI

Saá, C., Míguez, J.L., Morán, J.C., Vilán, J.A., Lago, M.L., Comesaña, R.,
A study of the influence of solar radiation and humidity in a bioclimatic traditional Galician agricultural dry storage structure (horreo)
Energy and Buildings, 55, , 2012 | DOI

Míguez, J.L., Morán, J.C., Granada, E., Porteiro, J.,
Review of technology in small-scale biomass combustion systems in the European market
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16, 6, 2012 | DOI

Porteiro, J., Patiño, D., Miguez, J.L., Granada, E., Moran, J., Collazo, J.,
Study of the reaction front thickness in a counter-current fixed-bed combustor of a pelletised biomass
Combustion and Flame, 159, 3, 2012 | DOI

Saá, C., Míguez, J.L., Morán, J.C., Vilán, J.A., Lago, M.L., Comesaña, R.,
The influence of slotted floors on the bioclimatic traditional Galician agricultural dry-store structure (hórreo)
Energy and Buildings, 43, 12, 2011 | DOI

Granada, E., Patiño, D., Porteiro, J., Collazo, J., Míguez, J.L., Moran, J.,
The motion of discs and spherical fuel particles in combustion burners based on Monte Carlo simulation
Energy Conversion and Management, 51, 4, 2010 | DOI

Porteiro, J., Patiño, D., Collazo, J., Granada, E., Moran, J., Miguez, J.L.,
Experimental analysis of the ignition front propagation of several biomass fuels in a fixed-bed combustor
Fuel, 89, 1, 2010 | DOI

Porteiro, J., Patiño, D., Moran, J., Granada, E.,
Study of a fixed-bed biomass combustor: Influential parameters on ignition front propagation using parametric analysis
Energy and Fuels, 24, 7, 2010 | DOI

Moran, J.C., Miguez, J.L., Porteiro, J., Patiño, D., Granada, E., Collazo, J.,
Study of the feasibility of mixing Refuse Derived Fuels with wood pellets through the grey and Fuzzy theory
Renewable Energy, 34, 12, 2009 | DOI

Collazo, J., Porteiro, J., Patiño, D., Miguez, J.L., Granada, E., Moran, J.,
Simulation and experimental validation of a methanol burner
Fuel, 88, 2, 2009 | DOI

Granada, E., Patiño, D., Collazo, J., Moran, J.C., Porteiro, J.,
Available exhaust gas power in different configurations in a pellet stove plant
Renewable Energy, 34, 12, 2009 | DOI

Patiño, D., Moran, J., Porteiro, J., Collazo, J., Granada, E., Miguez, J.L.,
Improving the cofiring process of wood pellet and refuse derived fuel in a small-scale boiler plant
Energy and Fuels, 22, 3, 2008 | DOI

Murillo, S., Míguez, J.L., Porteiro, J., López-González, L.M., Granada, E., Morán, J.C., Paz, C.,
Exhaust emissions from diesel, LPG, and gasoline low-power engines
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 30, 12, 2008 | DOI

Patiño, D., Morán, J.C., Porteiro, J., Míguez, J.L., Granada, E., Collazo, J.,
Study of the combustion of pellets and RDF in a small boiler-stove plant
Clean Air, 8, 3, 2007 | DOI

Murillo, S., Míguez, J.L., Porteiro, J., Granada, E., Morán, J.C.,
Performance and exhaust emissions in the use of biodiesel in outboard diesel engines
Fuel, 86, 12-13, 2007 | DOI

Porteiro, J., Granada, E., Collazo, J., Patiño, D., Morán, J.C.,
A model for the combustion of large particles of densified wood
Energy and Fuels, 21, 6, 2007 | DOI

Morán, J.C., Tabarés, J.L., Granada, E., Porteiro, J., López González, L.M.,
Effect of different configurations on small pellet combustion systems
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 28, 12, 2006 | DOI

Míguez, J.L., López-González, L.M., Porteiro, J., Paz, C., Granada, E., Morán, J.C.,
Contribution of renewable energy sources to electricity production in galicia (Spain)
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 28, 11, 2006 | DOI

Míguez, J.L., López-González, L.M., Sala, J.M., Porteiro, J., Granada, E., Morán, J.C., Juárez, M.C.,
Review of compliance with EU-2010 targets on renewable energy in Galicia (Spain)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 10, 3, 2006 | DOI

Tabarés, J.L., Granada, E., Moran, J., Porteiro, J., Murillo, S., López González, L.M.,
Combustion behavior of Spanish lignocellulosic briquettes
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 28, 6, 2006 | DOI

Granada, E., Lareo, G., Míguez, J.L., Moran, J., Porteiro, J., Ortiz, L.,
Feasibility study of forest residue use as fuel through co-firing with pellet
Biomass and Bioenergy, 30, 3, 2006 | DOI

Conference Paper
Morán, J., Granada, E., Míguez, J.L., Porteiro, J.,
Use of grey relational analysis to assess and optimize small biomass boilers
Fuel Processing Technology, 87, 2, 2006 | DOI

Conference Paper
Porteiro, J., Míguez, J.L., Granada, E., Moran, J.C.,
Mathematical modelling of the combustion of a single wood particle
Fuel Processing Technology, 87, 2, 2006 | DOI

Míguez, J.L., Porteiro, J., López-González, L.M., Vicuña, J.E., Murillo, S., Morán, J.C., Granada, E.,
Review of the energy rating of dwellings in the European Union as a mechanism for sustainable energy
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 10, 1, 2006 | DOI

Murillo, S., Míguez, J.L., Porteiro, J., González, L.M.L., Granada, E., Morán, J.C.,
LPG: Pollutant emission and performance enhancement for spark-ignition four strokes outboard engines
Applied Thermal Engineering, 25, 13, 2005 | DOI

Moran, J.C., Granada, E., Porteiro, J., Míguez, J.L.,
Experimental modelling of a pilot lignocellulosic pellets stove plant
Biomass and Bioenergy, 27, 6, 2004 | DOI

Moran, J.C., Granada, E., Porteiro, J., Míguez, J.L.,
Preheating in pellet stoves: Effect in energy balance and emissions
Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, 1, 1, 2003 | DOI

Moran, J.C., Granada, E., Porteiro, J., Míguez, J.L.,
Pellet combustion in stove: Performance and emissions statistical approach
Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, 1, 1, 2003 | DOI

Granada, E., López González, L.M., Míguez, J.L., Moran, J.,
Fuel lignocellulosic briquettes, die design and products study
Renewable Energy, 27, 4, 2002 | DOI