
Álvarez, M.S., Deive, F.J., Rodríguez, A., Longo, M.A.,
Designing biodegradable aqueous biphasic systems for the selective separation of enzymes
Separation and Purification Technology, 353: 128508, 2025 | DOI

Barciela, R., Mahadevan, T.S., Quintero, F., Pou, J., Du, J.,
Size effects on the fracture behavior of amorphous silica from molecular dynamics simulations
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 631: 122935, 2024 | DOI

González-Fernández, M.A., Estévez-Ventosa, X., Pérez-Rey, I., Alejano, L.R., Masoumi, H.,
Size effects on strength and deformability of artificially jointed hard rock
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 176: 105696, 2024 | DOI

Cristóbal, A., Rigueira, X., Pérez-Rey, I., Estévez-Ventosa, X., Pazo, M., Napoli, M.L., Currás, B.X., Alejano, L.R.,
Automatic Characterization of Block-In-Matrix Rock Outcrops through Segmentation Algorithms and Its Application to an Archaeo-Mining Case Study
Geosciences (Switzerland), 14(2): 29, 2024 | DOI

Portela-Pino, J., Talavera, M., Chiussi, S., Bolaño, S., Peña-Gallego, Á., Alonso-Gómez, J.L.,
Development of robust chiroptical systems through spirobifluorenes
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Pérez-Rey, I., Muñiz-Menéndez, M., Frühwirt, T., Konietzky, H., Jacobsson, L., Perras, M.A., Atefi-Monfared, K., Mas Ivars, D., Sánchez Juncal, A., Alejano, L.R.,
Assessment of Direct Tensile Strength Tests in Rock Through a Multi-laboratory Benchmark Experiment
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, : , 2024 | DOI

Fdez-Sanromán, A., Torres-Pinto, A., Rosales, E., Silva, C.G., Faria, J.L., Pazos, M., Silva, A.M.T.,
Optimisation of a photoelectrochemical system for the removal of pharmaceuticals in water using graphitic carbon nitride
Catalysis Today, 432: 114578, 2024 | DOI

Perez-Gracia, V., Solla, M., Fontul, S.,
Analysis of the GPR signal for moisture detection: application to heritage buildings
International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 18(2): , 2024 | DOI

Solla, M., López-Leira, J.M., Alonso-Díaz, A., Rodríguez, J.L.,
Ground-penetrating Radar and Geotechnical Analyses to Investigate the Foundation Settlements of an Indiana House in NW Spain
International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 18(2): , 2024 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
A strain gradient problem with a fourth-order thermal law
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 445: 115818, 2024 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Liverani, L., Quintanilla, R.,
Analysis of a thermoelastic problem with the Moore–Gibson–Thompson microtemperatures
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 438: 115571, 2024 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
A Moore-Gibson-Thompson heat conduction equation for non centrosymmetric rigid solids
ZAMM Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 104(2): e202300531, 2024 | DOI

Comesaña-Cebral, L., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Seoane, A.N., Arias, P.,
Transport Infrastructure Management Based on LiDAR Synthetic Data: A Deep Learning Approach with a ROADSENSE Simulator
Infrastructures, 9(3): 58, 2024 | DOI

Martínez-Arcos, A., Reig, M., Cruz, J.M., Cortina, J.L., Moldes, A.B., Vecino, X.,
Assessment of physical pre-treatments for the recovery of biosurfactants in corn steep water prior to advanced membrane-based water treatment
Journal of Water Process Engineering, 60: 105199, 2024 | DOI

Jiménez-Desmond, D., Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Arizzi, A.,
Present and future of chromatic reintegrations of wall paintings
Journal of Cultural Heritage, 67: , 2024 | DOI

Case, R., Castaneda, H., Ding, Y., Narayanan, D., Khan, A., Cedeno, M., Pena, G.,
Characterization Using Point Defect Theory of the Microstructure Effect on Passivity Stability in Austenitic Stainless Steel
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Ayala, M., Doval-Gandoy, J., Rodas, J., Gonzalez, O., Gregor, R., Delorme, L., Romero, C., Fleitas, A.,
Field-Weakening Strategy with Modulated Predictive Current Control Applied to Six-Phase Induction Machines
Machines, 12(3): 178, 2024 | DOI

Medina-Sanchez, M., Yepes, A.G., Lopez, O., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
A Generalized Overmodulation Strategy With Minimum Current Distortion for Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Multiphase Induction Motor Drives
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, : , 2024 | DOI

Prieto, B., Paz-Bermúdez, G., López de Silanes, M.E., Montojo, C., Pérez-Velón, D.,
Current knowledge regarding biological recolonization of stone cultural heritage after cleaning treatments
Journal of Building Engineering, 87: 109091, 2024 | DOI

Puga, A., Meijide, J., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A., Rosales, E.,
Novel Fe-Ti nanoparticles synthesized in deep eutectic solvents for enhanced photo-electro-Fenton processes: Synergistic effects and environmental applications
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 402: 124732, 2024 | DOI

Gui, J.Y., Alejano, L.R., Cano, M., Arzúa, J., Pérez-Rey, I.,
Analytical and experimental studies on toppling behavior of blocks misaligned with the slope face
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 83(4): 153, 2024 | DOI

Fdez-Sanromán, A., Pazos, M., Rosales, E., Sanromán, A.,
Pushing the Operational Barriers for g-C<inf>3</inf>N<inf>4</inf>: A Comprehensive Review of Cutting-Edge Immobilization Strategies
Catalysts, 14(3): 175, 2024 | DOI

Atmani, F., Balamane-Zizi, O., Akkari, I., Pazos, M., Yeddou-Mezenner, N., Manseri, A., Kaci, M.M.,
The Potential of Almond Skin as a Sustainable Biomaterial for Eliminating Azo Dye in Aqueous Media
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 235(4): 257, 2024 | DOI

Baldonedo, J., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 34(1): , 2024 | DOI

Solla, M., Maté-González, M.Á., Blázquez, C.S., Lagüela-López, S., Nieto, I.M.,
Analysis of structural integrity through the combination of non-destructive testing techniques in heritage inspections: The study case of San Segundo's hermitage (Ávila, Spain)
Journal of Building Engineering, 89: 109295, 2024 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Bochicchio, I., Fernández, J.R., Naso, M.G.,
Analysis of a double Timoshenko beam model
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 537(1): 128315, 2024 | DOI

Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
Analysis of a higher order problem within the second gradient theory
Applied Mathematics Letters, 154: 109086, 2024 | DOI

Lvova, K., Martínez-Arcos, A., López-Prieto, A., Pérez-Cid, B., Vecino, X., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.,
Correlation of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy data for optimizing Gramicidin production in corn kernel aqueous stream
Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 39: 101596, 2024 | DOI

Pazo, M., Gerassis, S., Araújo, M., Margarida Antunes, I., Rigueira, X.,
Enhancing water quality prediction for fluctuating missing data scenarios: A dynamic Bayesian network-based processing system to monitor cyanobacteria proliferation
Science of the Total Environment, 927: 172340, 2024 | DOI

Comesaña-Cebral, L., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Suárez-Fernández, G., Arias, P.,
Wildfire response of forest species from multispectral LiDAR data. A deep learning approach with synthetic data
Ecological Informatics, 81: 102612, 2024 | DOI

Navares-Vázquez, J.C., Arias, P., Díaz-Vilariño, L., Balado, J.,
Mixed reality head mounted displays for enhanced indoor point cloud segmentation with virtual seeds
Resilient Cities and Structures, 3(3): , 2024 | DOI

Alonso-Rodríguez, J.A., Balado, J., González-Cespón, J.L., Díaz-Vilariño, L.,
Thermographic comparative study using smartphone and camera technology in buildings
Dyna (Spain), 99(1): , 2024 | DOI

Cordeiro-Costas, M., Labandeira-Pérez, H., Villanueva, D., Pérez-Orozco, R., Eguía-Oller, P.,
NSGA-II based short-term building energy management using optimal LSTM-MLP forecasts
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 159: 110070, 2024 | DOI

Hernandez-Cruz, P., Erkoreka-Gonzalez, A., Giraldo-Soto, C., Mora, L., Eguía-Oller, P.,
Measurement uncertainty and behaviour analysis of indoor air quality variables of thermal zones of an in-use mechanically ventilated building
Building and Environment, 254: 111366, 2024 | DOI

Peidro-Devesa, M.J., Martínez-Movilla, A., Rodríguez-Somoza, J.L., Martínez Sánchez, J., Román, M.,
Quantifying intertidal macroalgae stocks in the NW Iberian Peninsula using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) multispectral imagery
Regional Studies in Marine Science, 77: 103621, 2024 | DOI

Rodríguez-Antuñano, I., Barros, B., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Riveiro, B.,
Urban Infrastructure Vulnerability to Climate-Induced Risks: A Probabilistic Modeling Approach Using Remote Sensing as a Tool in Urban Planning
Infrastructures, 9(7): 107, 2024 | DOI

Rodríguez-Antuñano, I., Sousa, J.J., Bako?, M., Ruiz-Armenteros, A.M., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Riveiro, B.,
Empowering intermediate cities: cost-effective heritage preservation through satellite remote sensing and deep learning
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 45(12): , 2024 | DOI

Tesnim, D., Díez, A.M., Amor Hédi, B., Sanroman, M.Á., Pazos, M.,
Sustainable removal of antipyrine from wastewater via an Eco-Friendly heterogeneous Electro-Fenton-like process employing Zero-Valent iron nanoparticles loaded activated carbon
Chemical Engineering Journal, 493: 152494, 2024 | DOI

Pozueco, S., Simonini, L., Mahmood, H., Rigotti, D., Kakkonen, M., Riveiro, A., Comesaña, R., Pou, J., Tanhuanpää, O., Kanerva, M., Sarlin, E., Kallio, P., Pegoretti, A.,
Influence of CO<inf>2</inf> laser surface treatment of basalt fibers on the mechanical properties of epoxy/basalt composites
Polymer Composites, 45(12): , 2024 | DOI

Cruz, Y., Cabaleiro, M., Conde, B., Barros, B., Riveiro, B.,
Methodology for the Integration of Structural Health Assessment of Masonry Bridges into HBIM
International Journal of Architectural Heritage, : , 2024 | DOI

Conde-Fontenla, M., Paz, C., Cabarcos, A., Concheiro, M.,
Experimental data review for boiling incipience at subcooled flow boiling and new dimensionless correlation
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 233: 126007, 2024 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Concheiro, M., Díaz-Rodríguez, S.,
Characterization of the ozone effect on a scraped off fouling sample
Powder Technology, 445: 120112, 2024 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Vence, J., Paradela-Rodríguez, J., Montero-Cubillo, N., Estaire, J.,
Advanced approach for assessing the degradation of railway ballast particles through detailed 3D scanning
Construction and Building Materials, 436: 136947, 2024 | DOI

Ponnath, L., Aumann, T., Bertulani, C.A., Gernhäuser, R., Heil, M., Almusidi, T., Alvarez-Pol, H., Atar, L., Atkins, L., Ayyad, Y., Benlliure, J., Boretzky, K., Borge, M.J.G., Bott, L.T., Bruni, G., Brückner, B., Cabanelas, P., Caesar, C., Casarejos, E., Cederkall, J., Corsi, A., Cortina-Gil, D., Dueñas, J.A., Duer, M., Elekes, Z., Escribano Rodriguez, S., Fabbietti, L., Falduto, A., Feijoo, M., Feijoo Fontan, M., Fonseca, L.M., Frotscher, A., Galaviz, D., Galiana, E., García-Jiménez, G., Gašparic?, I., Geraci, E.I., Gillibert, A., Gnoffo, B., González Caamaño, D., Graña González, A., Göbel, K., Hartig, A.L., Heinz, A., Hensel, T., Holl, M., Horvat, A., Jedele, A., Jelavic? Malenica, D., Jenegger, T., Johansson, H.T., Jonson, B., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kelic-Heil, A., Kiselev, O.A., Klenze, P., Kresan, D., Kröll, T., Kudaibergenova, E., Kurtulgil, D., Körper, D., Labiche, M., Langer, C., Lihtar, I., Litvinov, Y.A., Löher, B., Mayer, J., Murillo Morales, S., Nacher, E., Nilsson, T., Obertelli, A., Panin, V., Park, J., Paschalis, S., Perea, A., Petri, M., Pirrone, S., Pohl, T., Reifarth, R., Rhee, H.B., Rodriguez-Sanchez, J.L., Rose, L., Rossi, D.M., Russotto, P., Savran, D., Scheit, H., Simon, H., Storck-Dutine, S., Stott, A.M., Sürder, C., Taniuchi, R., Tengblad, O., Teubig, P., Trache, L., Trimarchi, M., Törnqvist, H.T., Varga, L., Wagner, V., Wamers, F.,
Measurement of nuclear interaction cross sections towards neutron-skin thickness determination
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 855: 138780, 2024 | DOI

Kudaibergenova, E., Lihtar, I., Feijoo-Fontán, M., Aumann, T., Bertulani, C.A., Gašpari?, I., Horvat, A., Panin, V., Rodríguez-Sánchez, J.L., Rossi, D., Storck-Dutine, S., Törnqvist, H.T., Alvarez-Pol, H., Atar, L., Benlliure, J., Boretzky, K., Bott, L.T., Caesar, C., Casarejos, E., Cederkäll, J., Chatillon, A., Cortina-Gil, D., de Filippo, E., Dickel, T., Duer, M., Falduto, A., Fonseca, L.M., Galaviz, D., García-Jiménez, G., Ge, Z., Geraci, E.I., Gernhüser, R., Gnoffo, B., Graña-González, A., Göbel, K., Hartig, A.L., Heil, M., Heinz, A., Hensel, T., Holl, M., Jedele, A., Jelavi?-Malenica, D., Jenegger, T., Ji, L., Johansson, H.T., Jonson, B., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Keli?-Heil, A., Kiselev, O.A., Klenze, P., Körper, D., Kröll, T., Litvinov, Y.A., Löher, B., Martorana, N.S., Morfouace, P., Murillo-Morales, S., Nociforo, C., Obertelli, A., Paschalis, S., Perea, A., Petri, M., Pietri, S., Pirrone, S., Ponnath, L., Rhee, H.B., Rose, L., Russotto, P., Savran, D., Scheit, H., Simon, H., Simon, J.P., Stott, A.M., Sun, Y., Symochko, D., Sürder, C., Taieb, J., Taniuchi, R., Tengblad, O., Velardita, S., Wamers, F.,
Acta Physica Polonica B, Proceedings Supplement, 17(3): , 2024 | DOI

Lihtar, I., Kudaibergenova, E., Feijoo-Fontán, M., Gašpari?, I., Horvat, A., Aumann, T., Rossi, D., Panin, V., Rodriguez-Sanchez, J.L., Alvarez-Pol, H., Atar, L., Benlliure, J., Bertulani, C.A., Boretzky, K., Bott, L.T., Caesar, C., Casarejos, E., Cederkäll, J., Chatillon, A., Cortina-Gil, D., De Filippo, E., Dickel, T., Duer, M., Falduto, A., Galaviz, D., García-Jiménez, G., Ge, Z., Geraci, E.I., Gernhäuser, R., Gnoffo, B., Graña-González, A., Göbel, K., Haettner, E., Hartig, A.L., Heil, M., Heinz, A., Hensel, T., Holl, M., Jedele, A., Malenica, D.J., Jenegger, T., Ji, L., Johansson, H.T., Jonson, B., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Keli?-Heil, A., Kiselev, O.A., Klenze, P., Körper, D., Kröll, T., Litvinov, Y.A., Löher, B., Martorana, N.S., Fonseca, L.M., Morfouace, P., Murillo-Morales, S., Nociforo, C., Obertelli, A., Paschalis, S., Perea, A., Petri, M., Pietri, S.B., Pirrone, S., Ponnath, L., Rhee, H.B., Rose, L., Russotto, P., Savran, D., Scheit, H., Simon, H., Simon, J.P., Storck-Dutine, S., Stott, A., Sun, Y., Symochko, D., Sürder, C., Taieb, J., Taniuchi, R., Tengblad, O., Törnqvist, H.T., Velardita, S., Wamers, F.,
Acta Physica Polonica B, Proceedings Supplement, 17(3): A17, 2024 | DOI

Perez-Estevez, D., Rios-Castro, D., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
Sensitivity-Based Impedance Modeling of AC Voltage-Controlled Converters
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, : , 2024 | DOI

Blanco-Rodríguez, J., Porteiro, J., López-Campos, J.A., Cortada-García, M., Fernández-Castejón, S.,
Wear protection assessment of ultralow viscosity lubricants in high-power-density engines: A novel wear prediction algorithm
Friction, 12(8): , 2024 | DOI

Míguez, J.L., Gómez, M.Á., Rodríguez, S., Porteiro, J.,
Geostrategic study of the evolution of energy harvesting systems based on the patent activity of flywheels and regenerative shock absorbers
Energy Reports, 12: , 2024 | DOI

Larrañaga, A., Sandberg, R.D., Martínez, J., Porteiro, J.,
On the machine learning-assisted identification of the fundamental parameters of nonstandard microfin arrays to assess their heat transfer performance
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 136: 108945, 2024 | DOI

Gómez, M.A., Moya-Rico, J.D., Larrañaga, A., Cid, N., Porteiro, J.,
Modeling and optimization of triple tube heat exchangers. Theoretical formulation, CFD model and experimental contrast
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 52: 102658, 2024 | DOI

Jin, X., Barro, O., Riveiro, A., Pou, J., Pérez-Prado, M.T.,
Anomalous twin boundary formation in magnesium alloys by rapid solidification
Acta Materialia, 272: 119935, 2024 | DOI

Diogo, G.S., Permuy, M., Marques, C.F., Sotelo, C.G., Pérez-Martín, R.I., Serra, J., González, P., Munõz, F., Pirraco, R.P., Reis, R.L., Silva, T.H.,
In vivo assessment of marine vs bovine origin collagen-based composite scaffolds promoting bone regeneration in a New Zealand rabbit model
Biomaterials Advances, 159: 213813, 2024 | DOI

Alonso-Fernández, I., Haugen, H.J., Nogueira, L.P., López-Álvarez, M., González, P., López-Peña, M., González-Cantalapiedra, A., Muñoz-Guzón, F.,
Enhanced Bone Healing in Critical-Sized Rabbit Femoral Defects: Impact of Helical and Alternate Scaffold Architectures
Polymers, 16(9): 1243, 2024 | DOI

Alonso, L., Picos, J., del Carmen Iglesias-Pérez, M., Iglesias-González, D., Armesto, J.,
Deciphering the plot preferences of forest contractors when purchasing stumpage through conjoint analysis
Forest Policy and Economics, 166: 103283, 2024 | DOI

Rincón, T., Alonso, L., Picos, J., Molina-Terrén, D.M., Armesto, J.,
A Systematic Approach to Map and Evaluate the Wildfire Behavior at a Territorial Scale in the Northwestern Iberian Peninsula
Fire, 7(7): 249, 2024 | DOI

Solares-Canal, A., Alonso, L., Picos, J., Armesto, J.,
Individual Tree Identification and Segmentation in Pinus spp. Stands through Portable LiDAR
Forests, 15(7): 1133, 2024 | DOI

Brodo, I.M., Lendemer, J.C., Harris, R.C., McMullin, R.T., López De Silanes, M.E., Van Miltenburg, N., Bull, R., Paradis, M., Ginter, A.,
Xanthosyne (Lecanoraceae), a new genus for Lecidea varians and related species in Europe and North America
Bryologist, 127(2): , 2024 | DOI

Adam, J.M., Makoond, N., Riveiro, B., Buitrago, M.,
Risks of bridge collapses are real and set to rise — here’s why
Nature, 629(8014): , 2024 | DOI

Terrón, D., Holgado-Vázquez, J.P., Giráldez, A., Rosales, E., Sanromán, M.A., Pazos, M.,
Application of novel Zn-MIL53(Fe) for removal of micropollutants using an activated peroxymonosulphate system
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 12(5): 113403, 2024 | DOI

Cruz del Álamo, A., Puga, A., Dias Soares, C.M., Pariente, M.I., Pazos, M., Molina, R., Sanromán, M.A., Martínez, F., Delerue-Matos, C.,
Novel 3D electro-Fenton reactor based on a catalytic packed bed reactor of perovskite/carbon microelectrodes for the removal of carbamazepine in wastewater
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 12(4): 113154, 2024 | DOI

Puga, A., Soares, C., del Álamo, A.C., Pariente, M.I., Molina, R., Martínez, F., Sanromán, M.A., Pazos, M.M., Delerue-Matos, C.,
Efficient carbamazepine removal from wastewater using a continuous three-dimensional electro-Fenton system at natural pH
Journal of Water Process Engineering, 64: 105690, 2024 | DOI

Fdez-Sanromán, A., Lomba-Fernández, B., Sanromán, A., Pazos, M., Rosales, E.,
Enhancing stability and immobilization techniques for graphitic carbon nitride in photocatalytic applications
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 405: 125005, 2024 | DOI

Bouzayani, B., Sanromán, M.Á.,
Polymer-Supported Heterogeneous Fenton Catalysts for the Environmental Remediation of Wastewater
Molecules, 29(10): 2188, 2024 | DOI

Dubey, K.K., Pant, K.K., Pandey, A., Sanromán, M.Á.,
Biodegradation of toxic and hazardous chemicals: Remediation and resource recovery
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Dubey, K.K., Pant, K.K., Pandey, A., Sanromán, M.Á.,
Biodegradation of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals: Remediation and Resource Recovery, : , 2024 | DOI

Book Chapter
Escudero-Curiel, S., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.Á.,
Bio-Adsorbent-Based integrated system
Biodegradation of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals: Remediation and Resource Recovery, : , 2024 | DOI

Dubey, K.K., Pant, K.K., Pandey, A., Sanromán, M.Á.,
Biodegradation of toxic and hazardous chemicals: Detection and mineralization
Biodegradation of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals: Detection and Mineralization, : , 2024 | DOI

Dubey, K.K., Pant, K.K., Pandey, A., Sanromán, M.Á.,
Biodegradation of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals: Detection and Mineralization, : , 2024 | DOI

Kakkar, S., Gupta, P., Singh Yadav, S.P., Raj, D., Singh, G., Chauhan, S., Mishra, M.K., Martín-Ortega, E., Chiussi, S., Kant, K.,
Lateral flow assays: Progress and evolution of recent trends in point-of-care applications
Materials Today Bio, 28: 101188, 2024 | DOI

Song, F., Wang, H., Shang, C., Rodriguez-Dono, A., Wang, E., Gui, J., Alejano, L.,
Considering creep in rock tunnelling with a combined support system: Theoretical solutions and machine-learning solver
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 153: 106019, 2024 | DOI

West, I., Walton, G., Gonzalez-Fernandez, M., Alejano, L.,
Mechanical Behavior of Intact and Increasingly Jointed Marble Laboratory Specimens
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 42(6): , 2024 | DOI

Aghajanzadeh, M., Masoumi, H., Heidarpour, A., Alejano, L.R.,
Estimating Time-to-Failure and Long-Term Strength of Rocks Based on Creep Strain Rate Model
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Alejano, L.R.,
Rock Mass Classification Systems: A Useful Rock Mechanics Tool, Often Misused
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Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
Non-locality as a regularization mechanism in elastodynamics
Mechanics Research Communications, 138: 104280, 2024 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
A Moore-Gibson-Thompson heat conduction problem with second gradient
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, : , 2024 | DOI

Álvarez, M.S., Longo, M.A., Rodríguez, A., Deive, F.J.,
The role of deep eutectic solvents in catalysis. A vision on their contribution to homogeneous, heterogeneous and electrocatalytic processes
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 132: , 2024 | DOI

Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
Qualitative properties for a Moore–Gibson–Thompson thermoelastic problem with heat radiation
Acta Mechanica, : , 2024 | DOI

Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
A type III thermoelastic problem with two dissipative mechanisms
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Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Muñoz-Rivera, J.E., Ochoa, E., Quintanilla, R.,
Analytical and numerical analyses of a viscous strain gradient problem involving type II thermoelasticity
AIMS Mathematics, 9(7): , 2024 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J., Magaña, A., Magaña, M., Quintanilla, R.,
International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 21(2): , 2024 | DOI

Miranda, L.F., Vázquez, R., Olguín, L., Guillén, P.F., Matías, J.M.,
Morphokinematical study of the planetary nebula Me 2-1: Unveiling its point-symmetric and unusual physical structure
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 687: A123, 2024 | DOI

Núñez-Seoane, A., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Rúa, E., Arias, P.,
Comparing Mobile and Aerial Laser Scanner point cloud data sets for automating the detection and delimitation procedure of safety-critical near-road slopes
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González-Collazo, S.M., Balado, J., Garrido, I., Grandío, J., Rashdi, R., Tsiranidou, E., del Río-Barral, P., Rúa, E., Puente, I., Lorenzo, H.,
Santiago urban dataset SUD: Combination of Handheld and Mobile Laser Scanning point clouds
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Rashdi, R., Garrido, I., Balado, J., Del Río-Barral, P., Rodríguez-Somoza, J.L., Martínez-Sánchez, J.,
Comparative Evaluation of LiDAR systems for transport infrastructure: case studies and performance analysis
European Journal of Remote Sensing, 57(1): 2316304, 2024 | DOI

Cid, N., Chapela, S., Gómez, M.Á., Patiño, D.,
Growth analysis of the particle layer in a small-scale ESP with biomass combustion
Journal of Electrostatics, 127: 103881, 2024 | DOI

Díaz, B., Figueroa, R., Nóvoa, X.R., Pérez, C., Pérez-Betanzos, S., Valverde-Pérez, S.,
Effect of substrate microstructure on corrosion resistance of cast and forged anodised 6082 Al alloy
Surface and Coatings Technology, 481: 130614, 2024 | DOI

Silva-Fernández, S., Díaz, B., Figueroa, R., Nóvoa, X.R., Pérez, C.,
A comprehensive structural and electrochemical study on the performance of Mn-phosphate layers
Surface and Coatings Technology, 476: 130260, 2024 | DOI

Jiménez-Desmond, D., Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Arizzi, A.,
The fresco wall painting techniques in the Mediterranean area from Antiquity to the present: A review
Journal of Cultural Heritage, 66: , 2024 | DOI

Díez, A.M., Moreira, M.M., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A., Albergaria, T., Delerue-Matos, C.,
Pesticide abatement using environmentally friendly nano zero valent particles as photo-Fenton catalyst
Separation and Purification Technology, 336: 126179, 2024 | DOI

Torres-Pinto, A., Díez, A.M., Silva, C.G., Faria, J.L., Sanromán, M.Á., Silva, A.M.T., Pazos, M.,
Tuning graphitic carbon nitride (g-C<inf>3</inf>N<inf>4</inf>) electrocatalysts for efficient oxygen evolution reaction (OER)
Fuel, 360: 130575, 2024 | DOI

Díez, A.M., García-Ocampo, J., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.Á., Kolen´ko, Y.V.,
Structured organic frameworks as endocrine disruptor adsorbents suitable for Fenton regeneration and reuse
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 12(1): 111820, 2024 | DOI

Barros, B., Conde, B., Riveiro, B., Morales-Nápoles, O.,
Gaussian Copula-based Bayesian network approach for characterizing spatial variability in aging steel bridges
Structural Safety, 106: 102403, 2024 | DOI

Valverde-Pérez, S., Figueroa, R., Nóvoa, X.R., Ramírez-Rico, D.S., Vivier, V.,
On the preparation of multifunctional conversion coatings of FePO<inf>4</inf>/LiFePO<inf>4</inf>
Surface and Coatings Technology, 479: 130548, 2024 | DOI

Cabarcos, A., Paz, C., Suarez, E., Vence, J.,
Application of supervised learning algorithms for temperature prediction in nucleate flow boiling
Applied Thermal Engineering, 240: 122155, 2024 | DOI

Ayala, M., Doval-Gandoy, J., Rodas, J., Gonzalez, O., Gregor, R., Delorme, L., Romero, C., Fleitas, A.,
Improving Steady State Accuracy in Field-Weakened Six-Phase Induction Machines with Integrator and Modulated Predictive Control
Electronics (Switzerland), 13(5): 952, 2024 | DOI

Rios-Castro, D., Perez-Estevez, D., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
Grid-Connected Converter With Grid-Forming and Grid-Following Modes Presenting Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Fault Ride-Through Capability
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, : , 2024 | DOI

Larrañaga, A., Martínez, J., Míguez, J.L., Porteiro, J.,
Robust optimization of heat-transfer-enhancing microtextured surfaces based on machine learning surrogate models
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 151: 107218, 2024 | DOI

Khodaei, H., Álvarez-Bermúdez, C., Chapela, S., Olson, C., MacKenzie, M.D., Gómez, M.A., Porteiro, J.,
Eulerian CFD simulation of biomass thermal conversion in an indirect slow pyrolysis rotary kiln unit to produce biochar from recycled waste wood
Energy, 288: 129895, 2024 | DOI

Alonso, L., Rodríguez-Dorna, A., Picos, J., Costas, F., Armesto, J.,
Automatic differentiation of Eucalyptus species through Sentinel-2 images, Worldview-3 images and LiDAR data
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 207: , 2024 | DOI

Etayo, J., López de Silanes, M.E.,
Contribution to the Study of Lichenicolous Fungi from Northwest Iberian Peninsula (León and Lugo Provinces)
Journal of Fungi, 10(1): 60, 2024 | DOI

Paz-Bermúdez, G., Fernández-Salegui, A.B., Hespanhol, H., López de Silanes, M.E., Vieira, C., Calviño-Cancela, M.,
Effects of the Abandonment of Traditional Cultural Practices on Epiphytic Bryolichenic Communities in Chestnut Orchards in North-West Spain
Forests, 15(1): 160, 2024 | DOI

Lamas, D., Justo, A., Soilán, M., Riveiro, B.,
Automated production of synthetic point clouds of truss bridges for semantic and instance segmentation using deep learning models
Automation in Construction, 158: 105176, 2024 | DOI

Fdez-Sanromán, A., Pazos, M., Rosales, E., Sanromán, M.Á.,
Advancing in wastewater treatment using sustainable electrosorbents
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 44: 101450, 2024 | DOI

Larrañaga, A., Brunton, S.L., Martínez, J., Chapela, S., Porteiro, J.,
Data-driven prediction of the performance of enhanced surfaces from an extensive CFD-generated parametric search space
Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 4(2): 025012, 2023 | DOI

Junejo, A., Al-Abdeli, Y.M., Porteiro, J.,
Role of Air Staging in a Batch-Type Fixed Bed Biomass Combustor under Constant Primary Air
Journal of Thermal Science, : , 2023 | DOI

Junejo, A., Chapela, S., Porteiro, J., Al-Abdeli, Y.M.,
Secondary air induced flow structures and mixing in a fixed bed combustor
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, : , 2023 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Cabarcos, A., Pinto, S.I.S.,
Numerical Study of a Thrombus Migration Risk in Aneurysm After Coil Embolization in Patient Cases: FSI Modelling
Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology, 14(4): , 2023 | DOI

Vence, J., Paz, C., Suárez, E., Cabarcos, A., Conde-Fontenla, M.,
Experimental evaluation of the effect of ozone treatment on the oxidation and removal of dry soot deposits of the exhaust gas recirculation system
Heliyon, 9(7): e17861, 2023 | DOI

Menduiña, A.P., Doval, A.F., Delmdahl, R., Martin, E., Kant, K., Alonso-Gómez, J.L., Chiussi, S.,
Pulsed 193 nm Excimer laser processing of 4H–SiC (0001) wafers with radiant exposure dependent in situ reflectivity studies for process optimization
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 168: 107839, 2023 | DOI

Vence, J., Paz, C., Suárez, E., Cabarcos, A., Concheiro, M.,
Analysis of the local growth and density evolution of soot deposits generated under hydrocarbon condensation: 3D simulation and detailed experimental validation
Results in Engineering, 18: 101166, 2023 | DOI

Muñoz-Ibáñez, A., Herbón-Penabad, M., Delgado-Martín, J., Alejano-Monge, L., Alvarellos-Iglesias, J., Canal-Vila, J.,
Hydrostatic, strike-slip and normal stress true triaxial hydrofracturing testing of Blanco Mera Granite: breakdown pressure and tensile strength assessment
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 9(1): 31, 2023 | DOI

Chang, L., Alejano, L.R., Cui, L., Sheng, Q., Xie, M.,
Limitation of convergence-confinement method on three-dimensional tunnelling effect
Scientific Reports, 13(1): 1988, 2023 | DOI

Pérez-Rey, I., Muñoz-Ibáñez, A., González-Fernández, M.A., Muñiz-Menéndez, M., Herbón Penabad, M., Estévez-Ventosa, X., Delgado, J., Alejano, L.R.,
Size effects on the tensile strength and fracture toughness of granitic rock in different tests
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 15(9): , 2023 | DOI

González-Fernández, M.A., Estévez-Ventosa, X., Alejano, L.R., Masoumi, H.,
Size-Dependent Behaviour of Hard Rock Under Triaxial Loading
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 56(8): , 2023 | DOI

Ludmány, B., Pérez-Rey, I., Domokos, G., Muñiz-Menéndez, M., Alejano, L.R., Sipos, A.,
A New Insight into the Stability of Precariously Balanced Rocks
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 56(5): , 2023 | DOI

Gui, J., Alejano, L.R., Yao, M., Zhao, F., Chen, W.,
GIS-Based Landslide Susceptibility Modeling: A Comparison between Best-First Decision Tree and Its Two Ensembles (BagBFT and RFBFT)
Remote Sensing, 15(4): 1007, 2023 | DOI

Gui, J.Y., González-Fernández, M.A., Estévez-Ventosa, X., Song, F., Alejano, L.R.,
Toppling susceptibility of a single rock block resting on a regularly rough base
Engineering Geology, 313: 106982, 2023 | DOI

Qiu, Z., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Arias, P., Datcu, M.,
A novel low-cost multi-sensor solution for pavement distress segmentation and characterization at night
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 120: 103331, 2023 | DOI

Grandio, J., Riveiro, B., Lamas, D., Arias, P.,
Multimodal deep learning for point cloud panoptic segmentation of railway environments
Automation in Construction, 150: 104854, 2023 | DOI

Qiu, Z., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Arias-Sánchez, P., Rashdi, R.,
External multi-modal imaging sensor calibration for sensor fusion: A review
Information Fusion, 97: 101806, 2023 | DOI

Rodríguez-Antuñano, I., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B.,
Anticipating the Collapse of Urban Infrastructure: A Methodology Based on Earth Observation and MT-InSAR
Remote Sensing, 15(15): 3867, 2023 | DOI

Aldao, E., González-Jorge, H., González-deSantos, L.M., Fontenla-Carrera, G., Martínez-Sánchez, J.,
Validation of Solid-State LiDAR Measurement System for Ballast Geometry Monitoring in Rail Tracks
Infrastructures, 8(4): 63, 2023 | DOI

Quintero, F., Doval, A.F., Goitia, A., Vázquez, R., Crespo, K., Barciela, R., Fernández-Arias, M., Lusquiños, F., Otto, A., Pou, J.,
Analysis of the oscillations induced by a supersonic jet applied to produce nanofibers
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 238: 107826, 2023 | DOI

Solanki, A.K., Autefage, H., Rodriguez, A.R., Agarwal, S., Penide, J., Mahat, M., Whittaker, T., Nommeots-Nomm, A., Littmann, E., Payne, D.J., Metcalfe, A.D., Quintero, F., Pou, J., Stevens, M.M., Jones, J.R.,
Cobalt containing glass fibres and their synergistic effect on the HIF-1 pathway for wound healing applications
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 11: 1125060, 2023 | DOI

Dong, Z., Fu, C., Lu, C., Nóvoa, X.R., Ye, H.,
Effect of Stress on the Critical Chloride Content of Steel Bar in Simulated Concrete Pore Solution
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 35(10): 04023350, 2023 | DOI

Nóvoa, X.R., Pérez, C.,
The use of smart coatings for metal corrosion control
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 40: 101324, 2023 | DOI

Silva-Fernández, S., Díaz, B., Feijoo, I., Nóvoa, X.R., Pérez, C.,
Influence of pH and temperature in the performance of Zn phosphate conversion coatings
Electrochimica Acta, 457: 142510, 2023 | DOI

Díaz, B., Novoa, X.R., Pérez, C., Pintos, A., Vivier, V.,
Two-and Four-Electrode Configurations for Contactless Reinforced Concrete Corrosion Monitoring
Corrosion, 79(4): , 2023 | DOI

Abidli, I., Souissi, N., Essalah, K., Novoa, X.R.,
A combined experimental and theoretical approach effect of Curcuma. L extract as a corrosion inhibitor on iron in acidic solution
Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, : , 2023 | DOI

González-Rodríguez, L., Pérez-Davila, S., López-Álvarez, M., Chiussi, S., Serra, J., González, P.,
Review article laser-induced hyperthermia on graphene oxide composites
Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 21(1): 196, 2023 | DOI

Pérez-Davila, S., Garrido-Gulías, N., González-Rodríguez, L., López-Álvarez, M., Serra, J., López-Periago, J.E., González, P.,
Physicochemical Properties of 3D-Printed Polylactic Acid/Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds
Polymers, 15(13): 2849, 2023 | DOI

González-Rodríguez, L., Pérez-Davila, S., Lama, R., López-Álvarez, M., Serra, J., Novoa, B., Figueras, A., González, P.,
3D printing of PLA:CaP:GO scaffolds for bone tissue applications
RSC Advances, 13(23): , 2023 | DOI

Akkari, I., Graba, Z., Pazos, M., Bezzi, N., Manseri, A., Derkaoui, K., Kaci, M.M.,
NaOH-activated Pomegranate Peel Hydrochar: Preparation, Characterization and Improved Acebutolol Adsorption
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 234(11): 705, 2023 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M., Pérez-Cid, B.,
Fungicide Effect of a Novelty Antimicrobial Biosurfactant Extract Alone or Combined with Copper Oxychloride on Botrytis cinerea Cells
Fermentation, 9(6): 528, 2023 | DOI

Akkari, I., Graba, Z., Pazos, M., Bezzi, N., Atmani, F., Manseri, A., Kaci, M.M.,
Recycling waste by manufacturing biomaterial for environmental engineering: Application to dye removal
Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 50: 102709, 2023 | DOI

Pérez-Cid, B., Río Segade, S., Vecino, X., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.,
Effect of a Biosurfactant Extract Obtained from a Corn Kernel Fermented Stream on the Sensory Colour Properties of Apple and Orange Juices
Foods, 12(10): 1959, 2023 | DOI

Baldonedo, J., Fernandez, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
Numerical analysis of a caginalp phase-field system in type iii heat conduction
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, 16(9): , 2023 | DOI

Lvova, K., Martínez-Arcos, A., López-Prieto, A., Vecino, X., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.,
Optimization of the Operational Conditions to Produce Extracellular and Cell-Bound Biosurfactants by Aneurinibacillus aneurinilyticus Using Corn Steep Liquor as a Unique Source of Nutrients
Fermentation, 9(4): 351, 2023 | DOI

Moldes, A.B., Álvarez-Chaver, P., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M.,
Purification of lipopeptide biosurfactant extracts obtained from a complex residual food stream using Tricine-SDS-PAGE electrophoresis
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 11: 1199103, 2023 | DOI

Álvarez, M.S., Deive, F.J., Longo, M.A., Rodríguez, A., Segade, L., Cabeza, O.,
Physico-chemical characterization of methanolic mixtures of cholinium dihydrogen phosphate-based DES
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 383: 122024, 2023 | DOI

Lombardi, F., Podd, F., Solla, M.,
Editorial for the Special Issue “Review of Application Areas of GPR”
Remote Sensing, 15(17): 4233, 2023 | DOI

Álvarez, M.S., Longo, M.A., Rodríguez, A., Deive, F.J.,
Heavy metals removal from soil/sediments washing effluents via biocompatible aqueous two-phase systems
Journal of Water Process Engineering, 53: 103851, 2023 | DOI

Alonso-Díaz, A., Casado-Rabasco, J., Solla, M., Lagüela, S.,
Using InSAR and GPR Techniques to Detect Subsidence: Application to the Coastal Area of “A Xunqueira” (NW Spain)
Remote Sensing, 15(15): 3729, 2023 | DOI

Álvarez, M.S., Rivas, M., Deive, F.J., Rodríguez, A.,
Physical properties of a new dipeptide ionic liquid in water and methanol at several temperatures: Correlation and prediction
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 376: 121435, 2023 | DOI

Othman, A.M., Sanromán, Á., Moldes, D.,
Laccase multi-point covalent immobilization: characterization, kinetics, and its hydrophobicity applications
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 107(2-3): , 2023 | DOI

Fdez-Sanromán, A., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A., Rosales, E.,
Heterogeneous electro-Fenton system using Fe-MOF as catalyst and electrocatalyst for degradation of pharmaceuticals
Chemosphere, 340: 139942, 2023 | DOI

Cruz del Álamo, A., Puga, A., Pariente, M.I., Rosales, E., Molina, R., Pazos, M., Martínez, F., Sanromán, M.A.,
Activity and stability of bifunctional perovskite/carbon-based electrodes for the removal of antipyrine by electro-Fenton process
Chemosphere, 334: 138858, 2023 | DOI

Díez, A.M., Fernandes, V.C., Moreira, M.M., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A., Albergaria, T., Delerue-Matos, C.,
Nano-zero-valent particles synthesized with agroindustry wastes for pesticide degradation under real conditions
Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 176: , 2023 | DOI

Escudero-Curiel, S., Pazos, M., Sanromán, A.,
Facile one-step synthesis of a versatile nitrogen-doped hydrochar from olive oil production waste, “alperujo”, for removing pharmaceuticals from wastewater
Environmental Pollution, 330: 121751, 2023 | DOI

Puga, A., Rosales, E., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A.,
Application of Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) for the Synthesis of Iron Heterogeneous Catalyst: Application to Sulfamethoxazole Degradation by Advanced Oxidation Processes
Catalysts, 13(4): 679, 2023 | DOI

Giráldez, A., Fdez-Sanromán, A., Terrón, D., Sanromán, M.A., Pazos, M.,
Nanostructured copper-organic frameworks for the generation of sulphate radicals: application in wastewater disinfection
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, : , 2023 | DOI

Ramos, D., Caamaño, M., Farget, F., Rodríguez-Tajes, C., Lemasson, A., Schmitt, C., Audouin, L., Benlliure, J., Casarejos, E., Clement, E., Cortina, D., Delaune, O., Derkx, X., Dijon, A., Doré, D., Fernández-Domínguez, B., De France, G., Heinz, A., Jacquot, B., Paradela, C., Rejmund, M., Roger, T., Salsac, M.D.,
Experimental evidence of the effect of nuclear shells on fission dissipation and time
Physical Review C, 107(2): L021601, 2023 | DOI

Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
A higher-order porous thermoelastic problem with microtemperatures
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 44(11): , 2023 | DOI

Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
Uniqueness for a high order ill posed problem
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics, 153(5): , 2023 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
A MGT thermoelastic problem with two relaxation parameters
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 74(5): 197, 2023 | DOI

Baldonedo, J.G., Fernández, J.R., Segade, A., Suárez, S.,
Finite Element Error Analysis of a Viscoelastic Timoshenko Beam with Thermodiffusion Effects
Mathematics, 11(13): 2900, 2023 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Bochicchio, I., Fernández, J.R., Vuk, E.,
Asymptotic behavior and numerical approximation of a double-suspended bridge system
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 124: 107302, 2023 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
Analysis of two thermoelastic problems with the Green–Lindsay model
Computational and Applied Mathematics, 42(4): 196, 2023 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Rodríguez-Damián, M.,
Numerical Analysi s of a Swelling Poro-Thermoelastic Problem with Second Sound
Mathematics, 11(6): 1456, 2023 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R., Suárez, S.,
An a priori error analysis of a type III thermoelastic problem with two porosities
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 39(2): , 2023 | DOI

Gilioli, G., Simonetto, A., Colturato, M., Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Naso, M.G., Donato, B., Bosco, D., Dongiovanni, C., Maiorano, A., Mosbach-Schulz, O., Navas Cortés, J.A., Saponari, M.,
An eco-epidemiological model supporting rational disease management of Xylella fastidiosa. An application to the outbreak in Apulia (Italy)
Ecological Modelling, 476: 110226, 2023 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
Analysis of a strain-gradient problem arising in MGT thermoelasticity
Journal of Thermal Stresses, 46(8): , 2023 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
Numerical analysis of a problem of elasticity with several dissipation mechanisms
Meccanica, 58(1): , 2023 | DOI

Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
Anisotropy can imply exponential decay in micropolar elasticity
Mechanics Research Communications, 131: 104133, 2023 | DOI

Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R., Rajagopal, K.R.,
Logarithmic convexity for third order in time partial differential equations
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 28(8): , 2023 | DOI

Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
On the hyperbolic thermoelasticity with several dissipation mechanisms
Archive of Applied Mechanics, 93(7): , 2023 | DOI

Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
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European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 70(1-2): , 2023 | DOI

Baldonedo, J., Fernández, J.R., Magaña, A., Quintanilla, R.,
Decay for strain gradient porous elastic waves
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 74(1): 35, 2023 | DOI

Fernández, J.R., Pellicer, M., Quintanilla, R.,
Continuous dependence and convergence for a Moore-Gibson-Thompson thermoelastic problem
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, : , 2023 | DOI

Baldonedo, J., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
A Fully Discrete Approximation of a New Two-Temperature Thermoelastic Model
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 44(10): , 2023 | DOI

Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
On the time decay for an elastic problem with three porous structures
Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, : , 2023 | DOI

Book Chapter
Rasol, M., Elseicy, A., Solla, M., Celaya, M., Schmidt, F.,
Role of intelligent data analysis to enhance GPR data interoperability: road transports
Interpretable Machine Learning for the Analysis, Design, Assessment, and Informed Decision Making for Civil Infrastructure, : , 2023 | DOI

Fernandez, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
On the thermoelasticity with several dissipative mechanisms of type III
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, : , 2023 | DOI

Medina-Sanchez, M., Yepes, A.G., Lopez, O., Abdel-Khalik, A.S., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
A Carrier-Based Overmodulation Strategy With Minimum Voltage Distortion for Symmetrical &lt;inline-formula&gt;&lt;tex-math notation="LaTeX"&gt;$n$&lt;/tex-math&gt;&lt;/inline-formula&gt;-Phase Induction Motor Drives
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, : , 2023 | DOI

Yepes, A.G., Abdel-Azim, W.E., Shawier, A., Abdel-Khalik, A.S., Hamad, M.S., Ahmed, S., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
Open-Phase-Tolerant Online Current References for Maximum Torque Range and Minimum Loss With Current and Torque-Ripple Limits for &lt;italic&gt;n&lt;/italic&gt;-phase Nonsalient PMSMs With Nonsinusoidal Back-EMF
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, : , 2023 | DOI

Lopez, O., Komrska, T., Alvarez, J., Adam, L., Yepes, A.G., Medina-Sanchez, M., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
Post-Fault Operation Strategy for Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters Driving a Multiphase Motor
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, : , 2023 | DOI

Paz-Bermúdez, G., Divakar, P.K., Etayo, J., Araujo, E.,
The lichen collection from Angola and Mozambique in COI (Coimbra, Portugal)
Bryologist, 126(1): , 2023 | DOI

Sanchez-Fuente, M., Alonso-Gómez, J.L., Salonen, L.M., Mas-Ballesté, R., Moya, A.,
Chiral Porous Organic Frameworks: Synthesis, Chiroptical Properties, and Asymmetric Organocatalytic Applications
Catalysts, 13(7): 1042, 2023 | DOI

Rigueira, X., Pazo, M., Araújo, M., Gerassis, S., Bocos, E.,
Bayesian Machine Learning and Functional Data Analysis as a Two-Fold Approach for the Study of Acid Mine Drainage Events
Water (Switzerland), 15(8): 1553, 2023 | DOI

Solares-Canal, A., Alonso, L., Picos, J., Armesto, J.,
Automatic tree detection and attribute characterization using portable terrestrial lidar
Trees - Structure and Function, 37(3): , 2023 | DOI

Alonso, L., Picos, J., Armesto, J.,
Automatic forest change detection through a bi-annual time series of satellite imagery: Toward production of an integrated land cover map
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 118: 103289, 2023 | DOI

Alonso, L., Porto-Rodríguez, J.C., Picos, J., Armesto, J.,
Comparison of a Sentinel-2 land cover map obtained through multi-temporal analysis with the official forest cartography. the case of Galicia (Spain)
Geocarto International, 38(1): 2181986, 2023 | DOI

Barros, B., Conde, B., Cabaleiro, M., Solla, M., Riveiro, B.,
Multi-objective optimization-based model calibration of masonry bridges
Case Studies in Construction Materials, 19: e02306, 2023 | DOI

Pereiro, X., Cabaleiro, M., Conde, B., Riveiro, B.,
BIM methodology for cost analysis, sustainability, and management of steel structures with reconfigurable joints for industrial structures
Journal of Building Engineering, 77: 107443, 2023 | DOI

Barros, B., Conde, B., Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B.,
Design and testing of a decision tree algorithm for early failure detection in steel truss bridges
Engineering Structures, 289: 116243, 2023 | DOI

Barros, B., Conde, B., Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B.,
Deterministic and probabilistic-based model updating of aging steel bridges
Structures, 54: , 2023 | DOI

Cabaleiro, M., Conde, B., González-Gaya, C., Barros, B.,
A novel fully removable walkway system with non-invasive anchors for structural health inspection and maintenance of historic steel structures
Structures, 53: , 2023 | DOI

Lamas, D., Justo, A., Soilán, M., Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B.,
Instance and semantic segmentation of point clouds of large metallic truss bridges
Automation in Construction, 151: 104865, 2023 | DOI

Bouzas, O., Conde, B., Matos, J.C., Solla, M., Cabaleiro, M.,
Reliability-based structural assessment of historical masonry arch bridges: The case study of Cernadela bridge
Case Studies in Construction Materials, 18: e02003, 2023 | DOI

Cabaleiro, M., Conde, B., González-Gaya, C., Barros, B.,
Removable, Reconfigurable, and Sustainable Steel Structures: A State-of-the-Art Review of Clamp-Based Steel Connections
Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(10): 7808, 2023 | DOI

Díaz-Curiel, J., Arévalo-Lomas, L., Biosca, B., Miguel, M.J., Caparrini, N.,
Correlation of Boreholes through Well Logs: Application to the Western Sector of Madrid
Sensors, 23(10): 4718, 2023 | DOI

Treccani, D., Fernández, A., Díaz-Vilariño, L., Adami, A.,
Automating the inventory of the navigable space for pedestrians on historical sites: Towards accurate path planning
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 122: 103400, 2023 | DOI

González-Collazo, S.M., Balado, J., González, E., Nurunnabi, A.,
A discordance analysis in manual labelling of urban mobile laser scanning data used for deep learning based semantic segmentation
Expert Systems with Applications, 230: 120672, 2023 | DOI

Rodriguez-Jimenez, F., Lorenzo, H., Novo, A., Acuña-Alonso, C., Alvarez, X.,
Modelling of live fuel moisture content in different vegetation scenarios during dry periods using meteorological data and spectral indices
Forest Ecology and Management, 546: 121378, 2023 | DOI

Rodriguez-Jimenez, F., Lorenzo, H., Acuña-Alonso, C., Alvarez, X.,
PLS-PM analysis of forest fires using remote sensing tools. The case of Xurés in the Transboundary Biosphere Reserve
Ecological Informatics, 75: 102010, 2023 | DOI

López, S., Makoond, N., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., Adam, J.M., Riveiro, B.,
Learning from failure propagation in steel truss bridges
Engineering Failure Analysis, 152: 107488, 2023 | DOI

Justo, A., Lamas, D., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., Soilán, M., Riveiro, B.,
Generating IFC-compliant models and structural graphs of truss bridges from dense point clouds
Automation in Construction, 149: 104786, 2023 | DOI

Cordeiro-Costas, M., Villanueva, D., Eguía-Oller, P., Granada-Álvarez, E.,
Intelligent energy storage management trade-off system applied to Deep Learning predictions
Journal of Energy Storage, 61: 106784, 2023 | DOI

García Sánchez, G.F., Chacón Velasco, J.L., Fuentes Díaz, D.A., Rueda-Ordóñez, Y.J., Patiño, D., Rico, J.J., Martínez Morales, J.R.,
Biomass Combustion Modeling Using OpenFOAM: Development of a Simple Computational Model and Study of the Combustion Performance of Lippia origanoides Bagasse
Energies, 16(6): 2932, 2023 | DOI

Cid-Seara, K.M., Pereira-Cameselle, R., Bolaño, S., Talavera, M.,
Selective Schiff Base Formation of Group 9 Organometallic Complexes with Functionalized Spirobifluorene Ligands
Molecules, 28(20): 7155, 2023 | DOI

Mouronte, N., Deive, F.J., Longo, M.A., Rodríguez, A., Álvarez, M.S.,
Design of novel aqueous two-phase systems to be coupled in biological remediation processes
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 392: 123471, 2023 | DOI

Tariq, M., Soromenho, M.R.C., Piñeiro, M.M., Pérez-Rodríguez, M., Kumar, D., Rodriguez, A., Deive, F.J., Esperança, J.M.S.S.,
CO<inf>2</inf> hydrates phase behaviour and onset nucleation temperatures in mixtures of H<inf>2</inf>O and D<inf>2</inf>O: Isotopic effects
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 391: 123232, 2023 | DOI

González, L., Álvarez, M.S., Rodríguez, A., Longo, M.A., Deive, F.J.,
Creating a new biocatalytic complex with extremolipases and biocompatible ionic liquids for improved transesterification reactions
Energy Conversion and Management: X, 20: 100456, 2023 | DOI

Rigueira, X., Martínez, J., Araújo, M., Giráldez, E., Recamán, A.,
Computer vision application for improved product traceability in the granite manufacturing industry
Materiales de Construccion, 73(351): e323, 2023 | DOI

Murio, E., Balado, J., Arias, P.,
Reinforcement Learning to Calculate Routes for Simulated Robot Safety Cones †
Engineering Proceedings, 56(1): 165, 2023 | DOI

Conde, D., Balado, J., Soilán, M., Martínez, J., Arias, P.,
LiDAR Data Processing for Digitization of the Castro of Santa Trega and Integration in Unreal Engine 5
International Journal of Architectural Heritage, : , 2023 | DOI

Medina-Sanchez, M., Yepes, A.G., Lopez, O., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
Assessment and Exploitation of the Minimum Current Harmonic Distortion under Overmodulation in Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 38(4): , 2023 | DOI

Rios-Castro, D., Perez-Estevez, D., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
AC-Voltage Controller for Grid-Forming Converters
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 38(4): , 2023 | DOI

Yepes, A.G., Fonseca, D.S.B., Antunes, H.R.P., Lopez, O., Marques Cardoso, A.J., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
Discrimination Between Eccentricity and Interturn Faults Using Current or Voltage-Reference Signature Analysis in Symmetrical Six-Phase Induction Machines
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 38(2): , 2023 | DOI

Yepes, A.G., Shawier, A., Abdel-Azim, W.E., Abdel-Khalik, A.S., Ahmed, S., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
General Online Current-Harmonic Generation for Increased Torque Capability With Minimum Stator Copper Loss in Fault-Tolerant Multiphase Induction Motor Drives
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, : , 2023 | DOI

Kali, Y., Rodas, J., Doval-Gandoy, J., Ayala, M., Gonzalez, O.,
Enhanced Reaching-Law-Based Discrete-Time Terminal Sliding Mode Current Control of a Six-Phase Induction Motor
Machines, 11(1): 107, 2023 | DOI

Yepes, A.G., Abdel-Azim, W.E., Shawier, A., Abdel-Majeed, M.S., Che, H.S., Abdel-Khalik, A.S., Ahmed, S., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
Online Control Strategy for Tolerating Resistance Asymmetry with Minimum Copper Loss in the Full Torque Range for Symmetrical Six-Phase AC Drives
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 38(1): , 2023 | DOI

Martínez-Comesaña, M., Martínez-Torres, J., Eguía-Oller, P.,
Optimisation of LSTM neural networks with NSGA-II and FDA for PV installations characterisation
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 126: 106770, 2023 | DOI

Cordeiro-Costas, M., Villanueva, D., Eguía-Oller, P., Martínez-Comesaña, M., Ramos, S.,
Load Forecasting with Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 13(13): 7933, 2023 | DOI

Rodriguez-Jimenez, F., Fernandes, P.M., Fernández-Guisuraga, J.M., Alvarez, X., Lorenzo, H.,
Drivers and Trends in the Size and Severity of Forest Fires Endangering WUI Areas: A Regional Case Study
Forests, 14(12): 2366, 2023 | DOI

López-Amoedo, A., Silvosa, M.R., Lago, M.B., Lorenzo, H., Acuña-Alonso, C., Álvarez, X.,
Weight estimation models for commercial Pinus radiata wood in small felling stands based on UAV-LiDAR data
Trees, Forests and People, 14: 100436, 2023 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, S., Rivas, T., Ramil, A., López, A.J.,
Galician research on the application of laser technology in the cleaning of material cultural heritage: past and future strategies
Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 45: , 2023 | DOI

Urosevic, M., Jiménez-Desmond, D., Arizzi, A., Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Moreno Prieto, C., Vila Oblitas, M.,
Analysis of pigments and mortars from the wall paintings of the Roman archaeological site of Las Dunas (San Pedro de Alcántara, Malaga S Spain)
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 52: 104280, 2023 | DOI

Alonso-Villar, E.M., Rivas, T., Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Pellis, G., Scalarone, D.,
Efficacy of Colour Protectors in Urban Art Paintings under Different Conditions: From a Real Mural to the Laboratory
Heritage, 6(4): , 2023 | DOI

Pazo, M., Boente, C., Albuquerque, T., Gerassis, S., Roque, N., Taboada, J.,
Unpacking Occupational Health Data in the Service Sector: From Bayesian Networking and Spatial Clustering to Policy-Making
Mathematical Geosciences, : , 2023 | DOI

Míguez, J.L., Rivo-López, E., Porteiro, J., Pérez-Orozco, R.,
Selection of non-financial sustainability indicators as key elements for multi-criteria analysis of hotel chains
Sustainable Production and Consumption, 35: , 2023 | DOI

Torres-Pinto, A., Díez, A.M., Silva, C.G., Faria, J.L., Sanromán, M.Á., Silva, A.M.T., Pazos, M.,
Photoelectrocatalytic degradation of pharmaceuticals promoted by a metal-free g?C<inf>3</inf>N<inf>4</inf> catalyst
Chemical Engineering Journal, 476: 146761, 2023 | DOI

Book Chapter
Vecino, X., Moldes, A.B., Martínez-Arcos, A., Cid-Pérez, B., López-Prieto, A., Cruz, J.M.,
Biosurfactants produced from corn steep liquor and other nonconventional sources: Their application in different industries
Biosurfactants: Research and Development, : , 2023 | DOI

Díez, A.M., Licciardello, N., Kolen´ko, Y.V.,
Photocatalytic processes as a potential solution for plastic waste management
Polymer Degradation and Stability, 215: 110459, 2023 | DOI

Balci, E., Rosales, E., Pazos, M., Sofuoglu, A., Sanromán, M.A.,
Immobilization of esterase from Bacillus subtilis on Halloysite nanotubes and applications on dibutyl phthalate degradation
Environmental Technology and Innovation, 30: 103113, 2023 | DOI

Díez, A.M., Lyu, X., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.Á., McCool, G., Lebedev, O.I., Kolen'ko, Y.V., Serov, A.,
Retrofitting of carbon-supported bimetallic Ni-based catalysts by phosphorization for hydrogen evolution reaction in acidic media
Electrochimica Acta, 443: 141923, 2023 | DOI

Díez, A.M., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.Á., Naranjo, H.V., Mayer, J., Kolen'ko, Y.V.,
Photocatalytic solid-phase degradation of polyethylene with fluoride-doped titania under low consumption ultraviolet radiation
Journal of Environmental Management, 329: 117044, 2023 | DOI

Cabaleiro, M., González-Gaya, C., Conde, B., Caamaño, C.,
Analysis of the Mechanical Behaviour of an Innovative Removable Clamps-Based Connection System for Steel Square and Rectangular Profiles
International Journal of Civil Engineering, : , 2023 | DOI

Carranza Fernandez, R., Tobie, T., Rommel, S., Collazo, J.,
Improve wind gears bending performance by means of IGS (Improved gear surface)
International Journal of Fatigue, 172: 107618, 2023 | DOI

Rivadulla, C., Pardo-Vazquez, J.L., de Labra, C., Aguilar, J., Suarez, E., Paz, C., Álvarez-Dolado, M., Cudeiro, J.,
Transcranial static magnetic stimulation reduces seizures in a mouse model of Dravet syndrome
Experimental Neurology, 370: 114581, 2023 | DOI

Liu, Z., van Oosterom, P., Balado, J., Swart, A., Beers, B.,
Data frame aware optimized Octomap-based dynamic object detection and removal in Mobile Laser Scanning data
Alexandria Engineering Journal, 74: , 2023 | DOI

Barros-Sobrín, Á., Balado, J., Soilán, M., Mingueza-Bauzá, E.,
Gamification for road asset inspection from Mobile Mapping System data
Journal of Spatial Science, : , 2023 | DOI

Rúa, E., Núñez-Seoane, A., Arias, P., Martínez-Sánchez, J.,
Automatic detection to inventory road slopes using open LiDAR point clouds
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 118: 103225, 2023 | DOI

Balado, J., González, E., Rodríguez-Somoza, J.L., Arias, P.,
Multi feature-rich synthetic colour to improve human visual perception of point clouds
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 196: , 2023 | DOI

Otero, R., Lagüela, S., Cabaleiro, M., Sousa, H.S., Arias, P.,
Semi-automatic 3D frame modelling of wooden trusses using indoor point clouds
Structures, 47: , 2023 | DOI

Shawier, A., Abdel-Azim, W.E., Yepes, A.G., Abdel-Khalik, A.S., Hamad, M.S., Ahmed, S., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
Hysteresis Current Control for Six-Phase Induction Motor Drives With Reduced Ripple and Improved Tracking Based on Subspace Decomposition and Restrained Voltage Vectors
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, : , 2023 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Alonso-Villar, E.M., Rivas, T., Márquez, I.,
Evaluation of a protective acrylic finish applied to surfaces painted with acrylic paints for outdoor or indoor uses
Dyes and Pigments, 212: 111141, 2023 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Jiménez-Desmond, D., De Villalobos, L., Mato, A., Dionísio, A., Rivas, T., Cardell, C.,
SO<inf>2</inf>-Induced Aging of Hematite- and Cinnabar-Based Tempera Paint Mock-Ups: Influence of Binder Type/Pigment Size and Composition
Minerals, 13(2): 289, 2023 | DOI

Bahtit, I., Gruet, N., Puga, B., Nóvoa, X.R., Thomas, C., Vivier, V.,
Influence of the temperature on the reduction mechanism of concentrated nitric acid on a silicon-enriched austenitic stainless steel
Electrochimica Acta, 446: 142068, 2023 | DOI

Collazo, A., Figueroa, R., Mariño-Martínez, C., Nóvoa, X.R., Pérez, C.,
Electrochemical characterization of a Fe-based shape memory alloy in an alkaline medium and the behaviour in aggressive conditions
Electrochimica Acta, 444: 142034, 2023 | DOI

Suárez, S., López-Campos, J.A., Fernández, J.R., Segade, A.,
Nonlocal damage evaluation of a sigmoid-based damage model for fibrous biological soft tissues
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, : , 2023 | DOI

Pérez-Davila, S., Potel-Alvarellos, C., Carballo, R., González-Rodríguez, L., López-Álvarez, M., Serra, J., Díaz-Rodríguez, P., Landín, M., González, P.,
Vancomycin-Loaded 3D-Printed Polylactic Acid–Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering
Polymers, 15(21): 4250, 2023 | DOI

Solares-Canal, A., Alonso, L., Rincón, T., Picos, J., Molina-Terrén, D.M., Becerra, C., Armesto, J.,
Operational fuel model map for Atlantic landscapes using ALS and Sentinel-2 images
Fire Ecology, 19(1): 61, 2023 | DOI

Rodríguez-Dorna, A., Alonso, L., Picos, J., Armesto, J.,
Mapping Feasibility for Wood Supply: A High-Resolution Geospatial Approach to Enhance Sustainable Forest Management in Galicia (NW Spain)
Forests, 14(11): 2124, 2023 | DOI

Alonso, L., Rodríguez, A., Picos, J., Armesto, J.,
Challenges in automatic forest change reporting through land cover mapping
Forestry, 96(2): , 2023 | DOI

Cabrera Alvargonzález, J., Larrañaga Janeiro, A., Pérez Castro, S., Martínez Torres, J., Martínez Lamas, L., Daviña Nuñez, C., Del Campo-Pérez, V., Suarez Luque, S., Regueiro García, B., Porteiro Fresco, J.,
Proof of concept of the potential of a machine learning algorithm to extract new information from conventional SARS-CoV-2 rRT-PCR results
Scientific Reports, 13(1): 7786, 2023 | DOI

Escudero-Curiel, S., Giráldez, A., Pazos, M., Sanromán, Á.,
From Waste to Resource: Valorization of Lignocellulosic Agri-Food Residues through Engineered Hydrochar and Biochar for Environmental and Clean Energy Applications—A Comprehensive Review
Foods, 12(19): 3646, 2023 | DOI

Rico, J.J., Pérez-Orozco, R., Porteiro, J., Patiño, D.,
Effect of air staging and porous inert material on the emission of volatile organic compounds in solid biomass combustion
Fuel, 351: 128907, 2023 | DOI

Fdez-Sanromán, A., Lomba-Fernández, B., Pazos, M., Rosales, E., Sanromán, A.,
Peroxymonosulfate Activation by Different Synthesized CuFe-MOFs: Application for Dye, Drugs, and Pathogen Removal
Catalysts, 13(5): 820, 2023 | DOI

Gómez, M.A., Álvarez-Bermúdez, C., Chapela, S., Anca-Couce, A., Porteiro, J.,
Study of the effects of thermally thin and thermally thick particle approaches on the Eulerian modeling of a biomass combustor operating with wood chips
Energy, 281: 128243, 2023 | DOI

Fdez-Sanromán, A., Rosales, E., Pazos, M., Sanromán, A.,
One-pot synthesis of bimetallic Fe–Cu metal–organic frameworks composite for the elimination of organic pollutants via peroxymonosulphate activation
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, : , 2023 | DOI

Álvarez-Bermúdez, C., Anca-Couce, A., Chapela, S., Scharler, R., Buchmayr, M., Gómez, M.Á., Porteiro, J.,
Validation of a biomass conversion mechanism by Eulerian modelling of a fixed-bed system under low primary air conditions
Renewable Energy, 215: 119003, 2023 | DOI

Blanco-Rodríguez, J., Porteiro, J., López-Campos, J.A., Domínguez, B., Cortada-Garcia, M.,
Friction assessment of ultralow viscosity lubricant formulations based on a validated elastohydrodynamic simulation
International Journal of Engine Research, 24(8): , 2023 | DOI

Carranza Fernandez, R., Tobie, T., Collazo, J.
Increase wind gearbox power density by means of IGS (Improved Gear Surface)
International Journal of Fatigue, 159: 106789, 2022 | DOI

Elsaidy, A., Majcherkiewicz, J.N., Puértolas, B., Salgueiriño, V., Nóvoa, X.R., Correa-Duarte, M.A.
Synergistic Interaction of Clusters of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles and Reduced Graphene Oxide for High Supercapacitor Performance
Nanomaterials, 12(15): 2695, 2022 | DOI

López, A.J., Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Moreno, A., Rivas, T., Pereira, D., Ramil, A.,
Femtosecond laser texturing as a tool to increase the hydrophobicity of ornamental stone: The influence of lithology and texture
Journal of Building Engineering, 51: 104176, 2022 | DOI

Covelo, A., Rodil, S., Nóvoa, X.R., Hernández, M.
Development and characterization of sealed anodizing as a corrosion protection for AA2024-T3 in saline media
Materials Today Communications, 31: 103468, 2022 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Rivas, T., González, N., Alonso-Villar, E.M.,
Deterioration of graffiti spray paints applied on granite after a decade of natural environment
Science of the Total Environment, 826: 154169, 2022 | DOI

Ezpeleta, I., Freire, L., Mateo-Mateo, C., Nóvoa, X.R., Pintos, A., Valverde-Pérez, S.
Characterisation of Commercial Li-Ion Batteries Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
ChemistrySelect, 7(10): e202104464, 2022 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Rivas, T., de Silanes, M.E.L., Ramil, A., López, A.J.,
Dual combination of cleaning methods (scalpel, biocide, laser) to enhance lichen removal from granite
International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 168: 105373, 2022 | DOI

Poza-Nogueiras, V., Moratalla, Á., Pazos, M., Sanromán, Á., Sáez, C., Rodrigo, M.A.,
Exploring the pressurized heterogeneous electro-Fenton process and modelling the system
Chemical Engineering Journal, 431: 133280, 2022 | DOI

Baldonedo, J., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, 15(8): , 2022 | DOI

Puga, A., Moreira, M.M., Pazos, M., Figueiredo, S.A., Sanromán, M.Á., Delerue-Matos, C., Rosales, E.,
Continuous adsorption studies of pharmaceuticals in multicomponent mixtures by agroforestry biochar
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10(1): 106977, 2022 | DOI

Baldonedo, J., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.
Time decay for porosity problems
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 45(8): , 2022 | DOI

Baldonedo, J., Fernández, J.R., Magaña, A., Quintanilla, R.
An a priori error analysis of a porous strain gradient model
ZAMM Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 102(1): e202100213, 2022 | DOI

Martínez-Comesaña, M., Eguía-Oller, P., Martínez-Torres, J., Febrero-Garrido, L., Granada-Álvarez, E.
Optimisation of thermal comfort and indoor air quality estimations applied to in-use buildings combining NSGA-III and XGBoost
Sustainable Cities and Society, 80: 103723, 2022 | DOI

Alvariñas-Villaverde, M., Martínez-Torres, J., Toja-Reboredo, B., González-Valeiro, M.
Prediction Model for Physical Activity Level in Primary School Students
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(5): 2987, 2022 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
Numerical approximation of some poro-elastic problems with MGT-type dissipation mechanisms
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 177: , 2022 | DOI

Lombardi, F., Podd, F., Solla, M.
From Its Core to the Niche: Insights from GPR Applications
Remote Sensing, 14(13): 3033, 2022 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
On the numerical approximation of a problem involving a mixture of a MGT viscous material and an elastic solid
Computational and Applied Mathematics, 41(2): 76, 2022 | DOI

Solla, M., Blázquez, C.S., Nieto, I.M., Rodríguez, J.L., Maté-González, M.Á.
GPR Application on Geothermal Studies: The Case Study of the Thermal Baths of San Xusto (Pontevedra, Spain)
Remote Sensing, 14(11): 2667, 2022 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernandez, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
Numerical analysis of a problem in micropolar thermoviscoelasticity
Electronic Research Archive, 30(2): , 2022 | DOI

Solla, M., Buceta-Bruneti, G., Elseicy, A., Nieto-Muñiz, B.
Ground Penetrating Radar Applied to Monumental Stone Conservation: Application to the Rock Necropolis of San Vítor de Barxacova in NW Spain
Surveys in Geophysics, : , 2022 | DOI

Estévez-Ventosa, X., Castro-Filgueira, U., González-Fernández, M.A., García-Bastante, F., Mas-Ivars, D., Alejano, L.R.,
Scale effects on triaxial peak and residual strength of granite and preliminary PFC3D models
Geomechanics and Engineering, 31(5): , 2022 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Leseduarte, M.C., Magaña, A., Quintanilla, R.,
Journal of Computational Mathematics, 40(3): , 2022 | DOI

Othman, A.M., Sanromán, M.Á., Moldes, D.
Corrigendum to “Kinetic and thermodynamic study of laccase cross-linked onto glyoxyl Immobead 150P carrier: Characterization and application for beechwood biografting” [Enzym. Microb. Technol. 150 (2021) 109865] (Enzyme and Microbial Technology (2021) 150, (S014102292100123X), (10.1016/j.enzmictec.2021.109865))
Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 157: 110034, 2022 | DOI

Moldes, D.
1922: Annus mirabilis
Revista de Occidente, (490): , 2022 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.
Numerical analysis of a thermoelastic dielectric problem arising in the Moore–Gibson–Thompson theory
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 414: 114454, 2022 | DOI

Fernandez, J.R., Magana, A., Quintanilla, R.
Decay of waves in strain gradient porous elasticity with Moore-Gibson-Thompson dissipation
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 380(2231): 20210369, 2022 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.
On the MGT-micropolar viscoelasticity
Mechanics Research Communications, 124: 103948, 2022 | DOI

Novo, A., González-Jorge, H., Comesaña-Cebral, L.J., Lorenzo, H., Martínez-Sánchez, J.,
Semi-automated tree species classification based on roughness parameters using airborne lidar data
Dyna (Spain), 97(5): , 2022 | DOI

Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.
On the instability for an incremental problem in elastodynamics
Mechanics Research Communications, 124: 103943, 2022 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.
Energy Decay in Thermoelastic Bodies with Radial Symmetry
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 179(1): 4, 2022 | DOI

Book Chapter
Riveiro, A., Penide, J., Comesaña, R., Quintero, F., Gago, B., Barciela, R., Fernández-Arias, M., del Val, J., Lusquiños, F., Pou, J.,
Bioactive glass nanofibers: synthesis and applications
New Trends in Smart Nanostructured Biomaterials in Health Sciences, : , 2022 | DOI

Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.
Fast spatial behavior in higher order in time equations and systems
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 73(3): 102, 2022 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Colturato, M., Fernández, J.R., Naso, M.G., Simonetto, A., Gilioli, G.
Analysis of a Mathematical Model Arising in Plant Disease Epidemiology
Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 85(2): 19, 2022 | DOI

Campo, M., Copetti, M.I.M., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 27(4): , 2022 | DOI

Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.
n<sup>2</sup> of dissipative couplings are sufficient to guarantee the exponential decay in elasticity
Ricerche di Matematica, : , 2022 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.
A dual-phase-lag porous-thermoelastic problem with microtemperatures
Electronic Research Archive, 30(4): , 2022 | DOI

Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.
On a mixture of an MGT viscous material and an elastic solid
Acta Mechanica, 233(1): , 2022 | DOI

Pérez-Davila, S., González-Rodríguez, L., Lama, R., López-Álvarez, M., Oliveira, A.L., Serra, J., Novoa, B., Figueras, A., González, P.,
3D-Printed PLA Medical Devices: Physicochemical Changes and Biological Response after Sterilisation Treatments
Polymers, 14(19): 4117, 2022 | DOI

Elseicy, A., Alonso-Díaz, A., Solla, M., Rasol, M., Santos-Assunçao, S.,
Combined Use of GPR and Other NDTs for Road Pavement Assessment: An Overview
Remote Sensing, 14(17): 4336, 2022 | DOI

Garrido, I., Solla, M., Lagüela, S., Rasol, M.,
Review of InfraRed Thermography and Ground-Penetrating Radar Applications for Building Assessment
Advances in Civil Engineering, 2022: 5229911, 2022 | DOI

Rigueira, X., Araújo, M., Martínez, J., García-Nieto, P.J., Ocarranza, I.
Functional Data Analysis for the Detection of Outliers and Study of the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Air Quality: A Case Study in Gijón, Spain
Mathematics, 10(14): 2374, 2022 | DOI

G. Bastante, F., Araújo, M., Giráldez, E.
Predictive model of explosive detonation parameters from an equation of state based on detonation velocity
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Grandio, J., Riveiro, B., Soilán, M., Arias, P.
Point cloud semantic segmentation of complex railway environments using deep learning
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Qiu, Z., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Brea, V.M., López, P., Arias, P.
Low-cost mobile mapping system solution for traffic sign segmentation using Azure Kinect
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A new Time-of-flight detector for the R <sup>3</sup> B setup
European Physical Journal A, 58(12): 248, 2022 | DOI

Rashdi, R., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Arias, P., Qiu, Z.
Scanning Technologies to Building Information Modelling: A Review
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Zago, L., Gottardo, A., Valiente-Dobón, J.J., Benzoni, G., Gadea, A., Górska, M., Lunardi, S., Podolyák, Z., Regan, P.H., Rudolph, D., Algora, A., de Angelis, G., Bazzacco, D., Benlliure, J., Boutachkov, P., Bracco, A., Bruce, A.M., Camera, F., Casarejos, E., Cortés, M.L., Crespi, F.C.L., Corsi, A., Domingo-Pardo, C., Doncel, M., Engert, T., Geissel, H., Gerl, J., Goasduff, A., Goel, N., Grebosz, J., Gregor, E., Habermann, T., Klupp, S., Kojouharov, I., Kurz, N., Lenzi, S.M., Leoni, S., Mandal, S., Menegazzo, R., Mengoni, D., Million, B., Morales, A.I., Napoli, D.R., Naqvi, F., Nociforo, C., Pfützner, M., Pietri, S., Prochazka, A., Recchia, F., Sahin, E., Schaffner, H., Sharma, A., Sitar, B., Siwal, D., Strmen, P., Szarka, I., Ur, C.A., Walker, P.M., Weick, H., Wieland, O., Wollersheim, H.J.,
High-spin states in <sup>212</sup>Po above the ?-decaying (18<sup>+</sup>) isomer
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 834: 137457, 2022 | DOI

Campos, C., Casarejos, E., Segade, A.,
Structural Potting of Large Aeronautic Honeycomb Panels: End-Effector Design and Test for Automated Manufacturing
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Garrido, I., Lagüela, S., Fang, Q., Arias, P.
Introduction of the combination of thermal fundamentals and Deep Learning for the automatic thermographic inspection of thermal bridges and water-related problems in infrastructures
Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal, : , 2022 | DOI

Chatillon, A., Taïeb, J., Heinz, A., Alvarez-Pol, H., Audouin, L., Ayyad, Y., Bélier, G., Benlliure, J., Boutoux, G., Caamaño, M., Casarejos, E., Cortina-Gil, D., Ebran, A., Farget, F., Fernández-Domínguez, B., Gorbinet, T., Grente, L., Johansson, H.T., Jurado, B., Keli?-Heil, A., Kurz, N., Laurent, B., Martin, J.F., Nociforo, C., Paradela, C., Pellereau, E., Pietri, S., Prochazka, A., Rodríguez-Sánchez, J.L., Rossi, D., Simon, H., Tassan-Got, L., Vargas, J., Voss, B., Weick, H.,
Influence of proton and neutron deformed shells on the asymmetric fission of thorium isotopes
Physical Review C, 106(2): 024618, 2022 | DOI

Feijoo, I., Pena, G., Cristóbal, M.J., Cabeza, M., Rey, P.
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Díaz-Curiel, J., Biosca, B., Arévalo-Lomas, L., Miguel, M.J., Caparrini, N.
Advances in the hydraulic interpretation of water wells using flowmeter logs
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Baldonedo, J., Fernández, J.R., Segade, A., Suárez, S.,
CMMSE: numerical analysis of a chemical targeting model
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Paz, C., Cabarcos, A., Conde, M., Gil, C.
Comparison of characteristics evaluated by different fractal approaches of soot agglomerates produced by a combustion aerosol generator
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Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Magaña, A., Quintanilla, R.,
Time decay for several porous thermoviscoelastic systems of Moore-Gibson-Thompson type
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Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
On the mixtures of MGT viscoelastic solids
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Cabarcos, A., Paz, C., Pérez-Orozco, R., Vence, J.
An image-processing algorithm for morphological characterisation of soot agglomerates from TEM micrographs: Development and functional description
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Paz, C., Cabarcos, A., Vence, J., Gil, C.
Development of an active contour based algorithm to perform the segmentation of soot agglomerates in uneven illumination TEM imaging
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Baldonedo, J., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
On the fully discrete approximations of the MGT two-temperatures thermoelastic problem
Archives of Mechanics, 74(5): , 2022 | DOI

Fernández, J., Mukhopadhyay, S., Quintanilla, R., Shivay, O.N.,
On the existence and decay in a new thermoelastic theory with two temperatures
Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen, 41(1-2): , 2022 | DOI

Liu, Z., van Oosterom, P., Balado, J., Swart, A., Beers, B.
Detection and reconstruction of static vehicle-related ground occlusions in point clouds from mobile laser scanning
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Rodríguez-Sánchez, J.L., Benlliure, J., Vidaña, I., Lenske, H., Vargas, J., Scheidenberger, C., Alvarez-Pol, H., Atkinson, J., Aumann, T., Ayyad, Y., Beceiro-Novo, S., Boretzky, K., Caamaño, M., Casarejos, E., Cortina-Gil, D., Díaz Fernández, P., Estrade, A., Geissel, H., Haettner, E., Keli?-Heil, A., Litvinov, Y.A., Paradela, C., Pérez-Loureiro, D., Pietri, S., Prochazka, A., Takechi, M., Tanaka, Y.K., Weick, H., Winfield, J.S.
Systematic study of ? (1232) resonance excitations using single isobaric charge-exchange reactions induced by medium-mass projectiles of Sn
Physical Review C, 106(1): 014618, 2022 | DOI

Book Chapter
Paz-Bermúdez, G., Prieto, B., Pozo-Antonio, J.S.,
Laser cleaning vs. chemical cleaning for removal of Lichen from schist surfaces in the Coa Valley (Portugal) and Siega Verde (Spain) archaeological sites
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Yepes, A.G., Lopez, O., Gonzalez-Prieto, I., Duran, M.J., Doval-Gandoy, J.
A Comprehensive Survey on Fault Tolerance in Multiphase AC Drives, Part 1: General Overview Considering Multiple Fault Types
Machines, 10(3): 208, 2022 | DOI

Talavera, M., Pereira-Cameselle, R., Peña-Gallego, Á., Vázquez-Carballo, I., Prieto, I., Alonso-Gómez, J.L., Bolaño, S.,
Optical and electrochemical properties of spirobifluorene iridanaphthalene complexes
Dalton Transactions, 52(2): , 2022 | DOI

Yepes, A.G., Gonzalez-Prieto, I., Lopez, O., Duran, M.J., Doval-Gandoy, J.
A Comprehensive Survey on Fault Tolerance in Multiphase AC Drives, Part 2: Phase and Switch Open-Circuit Faults
Machines, 10(3): 221, 2022 | DOI

Santos, D., Cabaleiro, M., Sousa, H.S., Branco, J.M.,
Apparent and resistant section parametric modelling of timber structures in HBIM
Journal of Building Engineering, 49: 103990, 2022 | DOI

Yepes, A.G., Abdel-Majeed, M.S., Che, H.S., Abdel-Khalik, A.S., Ahmed, S., Doval-Gandoy, J.
DC-Signal Injection for Stator-Resistance Estimation in Symmetrical Six-Phase Induction Motors Under Open-Phase Fault
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, : , 2022 | DOI

Santos, D., Sousa, H.S., Cabaleiro, M., Branco, J.M.,
HBIM Application in Historic Timber Structures: A Systematic Review
International Journal of Architectural Heritage, : , 2022 | DOI

Suárez, S., López-Campos, J.A., Segade, A., Veiga, C.G., Jiménez, V.A.
An study on the influence of collagen fiber directions in TAVs performance using FEM
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 126: 104969, 2022 | DOI

Book Chapter
Cabaleiro, M., González-Gaya, C., Gonzalez, F.,
Experimental Analysis of the Bending Behavior of Structural Metal Joints Based on the Use of Girder Clamps to Service Life Extension of Existing Structures
RILEM Bookseries, 34: , 2022 | DOI

Matías, J.M.,
On metric-invariant relativistic transformations under anisotropy in the context of special relativity
International Journal of Modern Physics D, 31(12): 2250089, 2022 | DOI

Faílde-Garrido, J.M., Martínez Torres, J., Rodríguez-Castro, Y., García-Rodríguez, M.A.,
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Feijoo, J., de Rosario, I., Rivas, T., Mosquera, M.J., Benavides, R.,
Influence of a Pre-consolidation Treatment on the Desalination Effectiveness of a Highly Deteriorated Granite Façade of Medieval Age
International Journal of Architectural Heritage, : , 2022 | DOI

Calvo-García, E., Valverde-Pérez, S., Riveiro, A., Álvarez, D., Román, M., Magdalena, C., Badaoui, A., Moreira, P., Comesaña, R.,
An Experimental Analysis of the High-Cycle Fatigue Fracture of H13 Hot Forging Tool Steels
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Frías, E., Previtali, M., Díaz-Vilariño, L., Scaioni, M., Lorenzo, H.
Optimal scan planning for surveying large sites with static and mobile mapping systems
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Rico, J.J., Pérez-Orozco, R., Patiño Vilas, D., Porteiro, J.
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Junejo, A., Al-Abdeli, Y.M., Porteiro, J.
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Ullah, S., Li, X., Guo, G., Riveiro Rodríguez, A., Li, D., Du, J., Cui, L., Wei, L., Liu, X.
Influence of the fiber laser cutting parameters on the mechanical properties and cut?edge microfeatures of a AA2B06?T4 aluminum alloy
Optics and Laser Technology, 156: 108395, 2022 | DOI

Book Chapter
Balado, J., Frías, E., González-Collazo, S.M., Díaz-Vilariño, L.
New Trends in Laser Scanning for Cultural Heritage
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 258: , 2022 | DOI

Ullah, S., Li, X., Guo, G., Rodríguez, A.R., Li, D., Du, J., Cui, L., Wei, L.
Energy efficiency and cut-quality improvement during fiber laser cutting of aluminum alloy in the different hardened conditions
Materials Today Communications, 33: 104236, 2022 | DOI

Abraldes, P., Cabaleiro, M., Sousa, H.S., Branco, J.M.,
Use of polar coordinates for improving the measurement of resistant cross-sections of existing timber elements combining laser scanner and drilling resistance tests
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Fernández-Arias, M., Vilas, A.M., Boutinguiza, M., Rodríguez, D., Arias-González, F., Pou-Álvarez, P., Riveiro, A., Gil, J., Pou, J.
Palladium Nanoparticles Synthesized by Laser Ablation in Liquids for Antimicrobial Applications
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Raymond, Y., Lehmann, C., Thorel, E., Benitez, R., Riveiro, A., Pou, J., Manzanares, M.C., Franch, J., Canal, C., Ginebra, M.P.
3D printing with star-shaped strands: A new approach to enhance in vivo bone regeneration
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Frías, E., Pinto, J., Sousa, R., Lorenzo, H., Díaz-Vilariño, L.,
Exploiting BIM Objects for Synthetic Data Generation toward Indoor Point Cloud Classification Using Deep Learning
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Pérez-Orozco, R., López-Gómez, J., Eguía-Oller, P., López-Pérez, J., de la Huz, R., Granada-Álvarez, E., Cerviño-Rodríguez, R.,
Reliability of Using Meteorological Data to Estimate Upwelling Events on the Galician Coast
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Cordeiro-Costas, M., Villanueva, D., Eguía-Oller, P., Granada-Álvarez, E.,
Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models Applied to Photovoltaic Production Forecasting
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 12(17): 8769, 2022 | DOI

Troncoso-Pastoriza, F., Martínez-Comesaña, M., Ogando-Martínez, A., López-Gómez, J., Eguía-Oller, P., Febrero-Garrido, L.,
IoT-based platform for automated IEQ spatio-temporal analysis in buildings using machine learning techniques
Automation in Construction, 139: 104261, 2022 | DOI

Larosi, M.B., García, J.d.V., Rodríguez, A.R.,
Laser Synthesis of Nanomaterials
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Giraldo-Soto, C., Mora, L., Erkoreka, A., Uriarte, I., Eguia, P.
Overall uncertainty analysis of zonal indoor air temperature measurement in an in-use office building
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Martins, G.V., Riveiro, A., Chiussi, S., Sales, M.G.F.,
Flexible sensing devices integrating molecularly-imprinted polymers for the detection of 3-nitrotyrosine biomarker
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González, E., Balado, J., Arias, P., Lorenzo, H.,
Realistic correction of sky-coloured points in Mobile Laser Scanning point clouds
Optics and Laser Technology, 149: 107807, 2022 | DOI

Boillos J.M., Cortina-Gil D., Benlliure J., Rodriguez-Sanchez J.L., Alvarez-Pol H., Atar L., Aumann T., Avdeichikov V.V., Beceiro-Novo S., Bemmerer D., Bertulani C.A., Boretzky K., Borge M.J.G., Caamano M., Caesar C., Casarejos E., Catford W., Cederkall J., Chartier M., Chulkov L., Cravo E., Crespo R.N.P., Dillmann I., Diaz Fernandez P., Elekes Z., Enders J., Ershova O., Estrade A., Farinon F., Fraile L.M., Freer M., Galaviz Redondo D., Geissel H., Gernhauser R., Golubev P., Gobel K., Hagdahl J., Heftrich T., Heil M., Heine M., Heinz A., Henriques A., Holl M., Hufnagel A., Ignatov A., Johansson H.T., Jonson B., Kahlbow J., Kalantar-Nayestanaki N., Kanungo R., Kelic-Heil A., Knyazev A., Kroll T., Kurz N., Labiche M., Langer C., Le Bleis T., Lemmon R., Lindberg S., Machado J.F.D.C., Marganiec J., Movsesyan A., Nacher E., Najafi M.A., Nilsson T., Nociforo C., Panin V., Paschalis S., Perea A., Petri M., Pietri S., Plag R., Reifarth R., Ribeiro G., Rigollet C., Rossi D.M., Roder M., Savran D., Scheit H., Simon H., Sorlin O., Syndikus I.J., Taylor J.T., Tengblad O., Thies R., Togano Y., Vandebrouck M., Velho P.J.F., Volkov V., Wagner A., Wamers F., Weick H., Wheldon C., Wilson G.L., Winfield J.S., Woods P., Yakorev D., Zhukov M., Zilges A., Zuber K.,
Isotopic cross sections of fragmentation residues produced by light projectiles on carbon near
Physical Review C, 105(1): 014611, 2022 | DOI

Rasol, M., Pais, J.C., Pérez-Gracia, V., Solla, M., Fernandes, F.M., Fontul, S., Ayala-Cabrera, D., Schmidt, F., Assadollahi, H.,
GPR monitoring for road transport infrastructure: A systematic review and machine learning insights
Construction and Building Materials, 324: 126686, 2022 | DOI

Solla, M., Fernández, N.,
GPR analysis to detect subsidence: a case study on a loaded reinforced concrete pavement
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Rasol, M.A., Pérez-Gracia, V., Fernandes, F.M., Pais, J.C., Solla, M., Santos, C.,
NDT assessment of rigid pavement damages with ground penetrating radar: laboratory and field tests
International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 23(3): , 2022 | DOI

Lastra, R., Pereira, A., Díaz-Cacho, M., Acevedo, J., Collazo, A.,
Spare Parts Made by Additive Manufacturing to Improve Preventive Maintenance
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 12(20): 10564, 2022 | DOI

Partida, A., Gerassis, S., Criado, R., Romance, M., Giráldez, E., Taboada, J.
Modeling Bitcoin plus Ethereum as an Open System of Systems of Public Blockchains to Improve Their Resilience against Intentional Risk
Electronics (Switzerland), 11(2): 241, 2022 | DOI

Book Chapter
Pérez-Estévez, D., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
Current and voltage control of AC power electronic converters in microgrids
Power Electronic Converters and Induction Motor Drives, : , 2022 | DOI

Chikondra, B., Yepes, A.G., Zaabi, O.A., Hosani, K.A., Gandoy, J.D., Behera, R.K.,
Open-Phase Fault-Tolerant DTC Technique for Three-Level NPC VSI-Fed Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, : , 2022 | DOI

González-Collazo, S.M., Del Río-Barral, P., Balado, J., González, E.
Detection of Direct Sun Glare on Drivers from Point Clouds
Remote Sensing, 14(6): 1456, 2022 | DOI

González-Jorge, H., Gonzálezde-Santos, L.M., Fariñas-Álvarez, N., Novo, A., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Aldao, E.
Operational study of drone spraying application of phytosanitary products in vineyards
Dyna (Spain), 97(1): , 2022 | DOI

Araújo, I., Nunes, L.J.R., Vilas, D.P., Curado, A.,
Photovoltaic Production Management in a Hall of Residence with High Energy Consumption
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Díaz, B., Nóvoa, X.R., Pérez, C.,
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscropy Study on the Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Elements under Loading
Corrosion and Materials Degradation, 3(4): , 2022 | DOI

Díaz, B., Nóvoa, X.R., Pérez, C., Rodríguez-Morgado, M.,
Influence of Graphene Oxide Additions on the Corrosion Resistance of a Rust Converter Primer
Coatings, 12(3): 345, 2022 | DOI

Abreu, C.M., Feijoo, I., Pérez, C.,
Effect of the Annealing Treatment on the Microstructure and Corrosion Resistance of a Cu-Al-Ni Alloy
Metals, 12(9): 1473, 2022 | DOI

Alonso, L., Picos, J., Armesto, J.,
Automatic Identification of Forest Disturbance Drivers Based on Their Geometric Pattern in Atlantic Forests
Remote Sensing, 14(3): 697, 2022 | DOI

Khodaei, H., Olson, C., Patino, D., Rico, J., Jin, Q., Boateng, A.
Multi-objective utilization of wood waste recycled from construction and demolition (C&amp;D): Products and characterization
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Mkaddem, H., Rosales, E., Pazos, M., Ben Amor, H., Sanromán, M.A., Meijide, J.
Anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac removal by a synthesized MgAl layered double hydroxide
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 359: 119207, 2022 | DOI

Rajh, B., Gómez, M.A., Álvarez-Bermúdez, C., Cid, N., Míguez, J.L.,
Assessment of experimental 1D and analytical 3D steady approaches of packed bed thermal conversion through the simulation of a 60-kW biomass boiler operating at half and full load
Energy Conversion and Management, 268: 116003, 2022 | DOI

Collazo, A., Figueroa, R., Pérez, C., Nóvoa, X.R.,
Effect of Laser Speed and Hatch Spacing on the Corrosion Behavior of 316L Stainless Steel Produced by Selective Laser Melting
Materials, 15(4): 1353, 2022 | DOI

Cid, N., Patiño, D., Pérez-Orozco, R., Porteiro, J.
Performance analysis of a small-scale electrostatic precipitator with biomass combustion
Biomass and Bioenergy, 162: 106500, 2022 | DOI

Escudero-Curiel, S., Pazos, M., Sanromán, A.
Sustainable regeneration of a honeycomb carbon aerogel used as a high-capacity adsorbent for Fluoxetine removal
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 357: 119079, 2022 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Cabarcos, A., Díaz, A.,
Experimental Investigation and CFD Analysis of Pressure Drop in an ORC Boiler for a WHRS Implementation
Sensors, 22(23): 9437, 2022 | DOI

Fdez-Sanromán, A., Pazos, M., Sanroman, A.
Peroxymonosulphate Activation by Basolite® F-300 for Escherichia coli Disinfection and Antipyrine Degradation
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(11): 6852, 2022 | DOI

Pérez-Cid, B., Rodríguez-López, L., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M., Vecino, X.,
Effect of a Multifunctional Biosurfactant Extract Obtained from Corn Steep Liquor on Orange and Apple Juices
Foods, 11(21): 3506, 2022 | DOI

Meijide, J., Lama, G., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A., Dunlop, P.S.M.
Ultraviolet-based heterogeneous advanced oxidation processes as technologies to remove pharmaceuticals from wastewater: An overview
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10(3): 107630, 2022 | DOI

Poza-Nogueiras, V., Gomis-Berenguer, A., Pazos, M., Sanroman, A., Ania, C.O.
Exploring the use of carbon materials as cathodes in electrochemical advanced oxidation processes for the degradation of antibiotics
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10(3): 107506, 2022 | DOI

Woo, K.E., Kong, S., Chen, W., Chang, T.H., Viswanathan, G., Díez, A.M., Sousa, V., Kolen'ko, Y.V., Lebedev, O.I., Costa Figueiredo, M., Kovnir, K.,
Topotactic BI<inf>3</inf>-assisted borodization: synthesis and electrocatalysis applications of transition metal borides
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 10(40): , 2022 | DOI

Hayoun, B., Escudero-Curiel, S., Bourouina, M., Bourouina-Bacha, S., Angeles Sanromán, M., Pazos, M.
Preparation and characterization of high performance hydrochar for efficient adsorption of drugs mixture
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 353: 118797, 2022 | DOI

Caruncho-Pérez, S., Prado-Comesaña, A.M., Arellano, M., Pazos, M., Ángeles Sanromán, M., González-Romero, E.
Methodology for decentralized analysis: Detection, quantification and in situ monitoring of pharmaceutical formulations removal by electro-Fenton
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 909: 116139, 2022 | DOI

Lama, G., Meijide, J., Sanromán, A., Pazos, M.
Heterogeneous Advanced Oxidation Processes: Current Approaches for Wastewater Treatment
Catalysts, 12(3): 344, 2022 | DOI

Puga, A., Meijide, J., Pazos, M., Rosales, E., Sanromán, M.A.,
Electric field as a useful tool to improve the poor adsorption affinity of pollutants on carbonaceous aerogel pellets
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 366: 120269, 2022 | DOI

Rezgui, S., Díez, A.M., Monser, L., Adhoum, N., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.Á.,
Magnetic TiO<inf>2</inf>/Fe<inf>3</inf>O<inf>4</inf>-Chitosan Beads: A Highly Efficient and Reusable Catalyst for Photo-Electro-Fenton Process
Catalysts, 12(11): 1425, 2022 | DOI

Balci, E., Rosales, E., Pazos, M., Sofuoglu, A., Sanroman, M.A.,
Continuous treatment of diethyl hexyl and dibutyl phthalates by fixed-bed reactor: Comparison of two esterase bionanocomposites
Bioresource Technology, 363: 127990, 2022 | DOI

Díez, A.M., Núñez, I., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.Á., Kolen’ko, Y.V.,
Fluoride-Doped TiO<inf>2</inf> Photocatalyst with Enhanced Activity for Stable Pollutant Degradation
Catalysts, 12(10): 1190, 2022 | DOI

Nuñez de la Rosa, Y.E., Calabokis, O.P., Pena Uris, G.M., Borges, P.C.,
Pitting and Crevice Corrosion Behavior of the Duplex Stainless Steel UNS S32205 Welded by Using the GTAW Process
Materials Research, 25: e20220179, 2022 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M., Pérez-Cid, B.,
Solubilization of cuprous oxide in water using biosurfactant extracts from corn steep liquor: a comparative study
Scientific Reports, 12(1): 2695, 2022 | DOI

Alonso-Villar, E.M., Rivas, T., Pozo-Antonio, J.S.
Sol-silicate versus organic paints: Durability after outdoor and ultraviolet radiation exposures
Progress in Organic Coatings, 168: 106843, 2022 | DOI

Othman, A.M., Sanroman, A., Moldes, D.,
Laccase-Oriented Immobilization Using Concanavalin A as an Approach for Efficient Glycoproteins Immobilization and Its Application to the Removal of Aqueous Phenolics
Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(20): 13306, 2022 | DOI

Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.,
Study of biosurfactant extract from corn steep water as a potential ingredient in antiacne formulations
The Journal of dermatological treatment, 33(1): , 2022 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Otero, J., González, N.
The influence of using wet cellulose poultice on nanolime consolidation treatments applied on a limestone
Construction and Building Materials, 337: 127615, 2022 | DOI

Díez, A.M., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.Á., Kolen’ko, Y.V.,
GO-TiO<inf>2</inf> as a Highly Performant Photocatalyst Maximized by Proper Parameters Selection
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(19): 11874, 2022 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Cardell, C., Sánchez, S., Rueda, J.M.
Reflectance of Oil Paintings: Influence of Paint Layer Thickness and Binder Amount
Coatings, 12(5): 601, 2022 | DOI

Blanco-Canella, P., Lama, G., Sanromán, M.A., Pazos, M.,
Disinfection through Advance Oxidation Processes: Optimization and Application on Real Wastewater Matrices
Toxics, 10(9): 512, 2022 | DOI

Penide, J., Quintero, F., Fernández, J.L., Fernández-Arias, M., Barciela, R., del Val, J., Lusquiños, F., Pou, J.,
Anamorphic beam shaping system designed to optimize irradiance distribution in the Cofiblas process for glass nanofibers production
Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 152: 106972, 2022 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Cardell, C., Comite, V., Fermo, P.
Characterization of black crusts developed on historic stones with diverse mineralogy under different air quality environments
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(20): , 2022 | DOI

López-Álvarez, M., González-Rodríguez, L., Gontad, F., Teixeira-Santos, R., Doiro, M., Álvarez-Gómez, L., Mergulhão, F.J.M., González, P., Serra, J.,
Dual pulsed laser deposition of Ag nanoparticles on calcium phosphate coatings for biomedical applications
Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express, 8(6): 065019, 2022 | DOI

Míguez-Álvarez, C., Cuevas-Alonso, M., Saavedra, Á.
Relationships Between Phonological Awareness and Reading in Spanish: A Meta-Analysis
Language Learning, 72(1): , 2022 | DOI

Arias-González, F., Rodríguez-Contreras, A., Punset, M., Manero, J.M., Barro, Ó., Fernández-Arias, M., Lusquiños, F., Gil, J., Pou, J.,
Laser-Deposited Beta Type Ti-42Nb Alloy with Anisotropic Mechanical Properties for Pioneering Biomedical Implants with a Very Low Elastic Modulus
Materials, 15(20): 7172, 2022 | DOI

Míguez-Álvarez, C., Cuevas-Alonso, M., Saavedra, Á., Cabanach, R.G.
The role of text characteristics in the reading comprehension of primary school children in Spanish
Revista Iberoamericana de Psicologia y Salud, 13(1): , 2022 | DOI

Pérez-Tanoira, R., Fernández-Arias, M., Potel, C., Carballo-Fernández, R., Pérez-Castro, S., Boutinguiza, M., Górgolas, M., Lusquiños, F., Pou, J.,
Silver Nanoparticles Produced by Laser Ablation and Re-Irradiation Are Effective Preventing Peri-Implantitis Multispecies Biofilm Formation
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(19): 12027, 2022 | DOI

Gonzalez-Prieto, A., Gonzalez-Prieto, I., Yepes, A.G., Duran, M.J., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
On the Advantages of Symmetrical over Asymmetrical Multiphase AC Drives with even Phase Number Using Direct Controllers
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 69(8): , 2022 | DOI

Book Chapter
Comesaña, R., del Val, J., Quintero, F., Riveiro, A., Arias-González, F., Boutinguiza, M., Lusquiños, F., Pou, J.,
Laser cladding and laser direct glass deposition of bioactive glass and glass-ceramics
Bioactive Glasses and Glass-Ceramics: Fundamentals and Applications, : , 2022 | DOI

Yepes, A.G., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
Overmodulation Method with Adaptive x-y Current Limitation for Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 69(3): , 2022 | DOI

Partida, A., Gerassis, S., Criado, R., Romance, M., Giráldez, E., Taboada, J.,
The chaotic, self-similar and hierarchical patterns in Bitcoin and Ethereum price series
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 165: 112806, 2022 | DOI

Fretes, H., Rodas, J., Doval-Gandoy, J., Gomez, V., Gomez, N., Novak, M., Rodriguez, J., Dragicevic, T.,
Pareto Optimal Weighting Factor Design of Predictive Current Controller of a Six-Phase Induction Machine Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 10(1): , 2022 | DOI

Jarju, J.J., Díez, A.M., Frey, L., Sousa, V., Carbó-Argibay, E., Gonçalves, L.P.L., Medina, D.D., Lebedev, O.I., Kolen'ko, Y.V., Salonen, L.M.
Synthetic strategy for metallophthalocyanine covalent organic frameworks for electrochemical water oxidation
Materials Today Chemistry, 26: 101032, 2022 | DOI

Rúa, E., Comesaña-Cebral, L., Arias, P., Martínez-Sánchez, J.,
A top-down approach for a multi-scale identification of risk areas in infrastructures: particularization in a case study on road safety
European Transport Research Review, 14(1): 39, 2022 | DOI

Hong, S., Díez, A.M., Adeyemi, A.N., Sousa, J.P.S., Salonen, L.M., Lebedev, O.I., Kolen'Ko, Y.V., Zaikina, J.V.
Deep Eutectic Solvent Synthesis of Perovskite Electrocatalysts for Water Oxidation
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14(20): , 2022 | DOI

del Río-Barral, P., Soilán, M., González-Collazo, S.M., Arias, P.,
Pavement Crack Detection and Clustering via Region-Growing Algorithm from 3D MLS Point Clouds
Remote Sensing, 14(22): 5866, 2022 | DOI

Mann, D.K., Díez, A.M., Xu, J., Lebedev, O.I., Kolen'Ko, Y.V., Shatruk, M.
Polar Layered Intermetallic LaCo<inf>2</inf>P<inf>2</inf>as a Water Oxidation Electrocatalyst
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14(12): , 2022 | DOI

Rabat, , Tomás, R., Cano, M., Pérez-Rey, I., Siles, J.S., Alejano, L.R.
Influence of water content on the basic friction angle of porous limestones—experimental study using an automated tilting table
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 81(6): 223, 2022 | DOI

Song, F., González-Fernández, M.A., Rodriguez-Dono, A., Alejano, L.R.
Numerical analysis of anisotropic stiffness and strength for geomaterials
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, : , 2022 | DOI

Barro, Ó., Arias-González, F., Lusquiños, F., Comesaña, R., del Val, J., Riveiro, A., Badaoui, A., Gómez-Baño, F., Pou, J.
Characterization of Co-Cr-W Dental Alloys with Veneering Materials Manufactured via Subtractive Milling and Additive Manufacturing LDED Methods
Materials, 15(13): 4624, 2022 | DOI

Rivas, T., Alonso-Villar, E.M., Pozo-Antonio, J.S.,
Forms and factors of deterioration of urban art murals under humid temperate climate; influence of environment and material properties
European Physical Journal Plus, 137(11): 1257, 2022 | DOI

González, L., Deive, F.J., Rodríguez, A., Longo, M.A., Álvarez, M.S.,
Salting out Tergitol 15S-based surfactants for extremolipases separation
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 353: 118736, 2022 | DOI

Fernández, A., Longo, M.A., Deive, F.J., Álvarez, M.S., Rodríguez, A.,
Dual role of a natural deep eutectic solvent as lipase extractant and transesterification enhancer
Journal of Cleaner Production, 346: 131095, 2022 | DOI

Vargas, M.A., Deive, F.J., Álvarez, M.S., Longo, M.A., Rodríguez, A., Bernal, C., Martínez, R.,
Effect of process parameters and surfactant additives on the obtained activity of recombinant tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH1) for enzymatic synthesis of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)
Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 154: 109975, 2022 | DOI

Collazo, A., Díaz, B., Figueroa, R., Nóvoa, X.R., Pérez, C.,
Corrosion resistance of a water-borne resin doped with graphene derivatives applied on galvanized steel
Progress in Organic Coatings, 173: 107220, 2022 | DOI

Fernández, A., Longo, M.A., Deive, F.J., Álvarez, M.S., Rodríguez, A.,
Effective lipase extraction: Designing a natural liquid support for immobilization
Separation and Purification Technology, 278: 119601, 2022 | DOI

Ramos, R.G., Domingo, J.D., Zalama, E., Gómez-García-Bermejo, J., López, J.,
SDHAR-HOME: A Sensor Dataset for Human Activity Recognition at Home
Sensors, 22(21): 8109, 2022 | DOI

Otero, C., López, J., Díaz, A., Manchado, C., Gomez-Jauregui, V., Iglesias, A., Gálvez, A.,
Visual cost of energy facilities: A comprehensive model and case study of offshore wind farms
Landscape and Urban Planning, 220: 104314, 2022 | DOI

López, J., Zalama, E., Gómez-García-Bermejo, J.,
A simulation and control framework for AGV based transport systems
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 116: 102430, 2022 | DOI

Lopez, J., Santana-Alonso, A., Losada, D.P.,
Middleware Control Systems Design and Analysis Using Message Interpreted Petri Nets (MIPN)
IEEE Access, 10: , 2022 | DOI

Gómez-Huélamo, C., Del Egido, J., Bergasa, L.M., Barea, R., López-Guillén, E., Arango, F., Araluce, J., López, J.,
Train here, drive there: ROS based end-to-end autonomous-driving pipeline validation in CARLA simulator using the NHTSA typology
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81(3): , 2022 | DOI

Bouzas, O., Conde, B., Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B.
A holistic methodology for the non-destructive experimental characterization and reliability-based structural assessment of historical steel bridges
Engineering Structures, 270: 114867, 2022 | DOI

Bouzas, Ó., Cabaleiro, M., Conde, B., Cruz, Y., Riveiro, B.
Structural health control of historical steel structures using HBIM
Automation in Construction, 140: 104308, 2022 | DOI

Álvarez-García, J., García-Lago, R., Alonso-Gómez, J.L., López, C.S., Cid, M.M.,
Accessible triplet excited states in the photoisomerization of allenes with extended conjugation
Dalton Transactions, 51(4): , 2022 | DOI

Otero, R., Sánchez-Aparicio, M., Lagüela, S., Arias, P.,
Semi-automatic roof modelling from indoor laser-acquired data
Automation in Construction, 136: 104130, 2022 | DOI

Barros-Ribademar, J., Balado, J., Arias, P., González-Collazo, S.M.,
Visibility analysis for the occlusion detection and characterisation in street point clouds acquired with Mobile Laser Scanning
Geocarto International, : , 2022 | DOI

Ozcelik, A., Aranda, D., Pereira-Cameselle, R., Talavera, M., Covelo, B., Santoro, F., Peña-Gallego, Á., Alonso-Gómez, J.L.
ON/OFF Spiroconjugation through Peripheral Functionalization: Impact on the Reactivity and Chiroptical Properties of Spirobifluorenes
ChemPlusChem, 87(6): e202100554, 2022 | DOI

Fdez-Sanromán, A., Rosales, E., Pazos, M., Sanroman, A.
Metal–Organic Frameworks as Powerful Heterogeneous Catalysts in Advanced Oxidation Processes for Wastewater Treatment
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 12(16): 8240, 2022 | DOI

Ozcelik, A., Pereira-Cameselle, R., Peña-Gallego, Á., Alonso-Gómez, J.L.
A Tetracyanobutadiene Spirobifluorene: Synthesis, Enantiomeric Resolution and Chiroptical Properties
European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2022(16): e202101333, 2022 | DOI

González, L., Longo, M.A., Álvarez, M.S., Rodríguez, A., Deive, F.J.
Extracting extremophilic lipases from aqueous streams by using biocompatible ionic liquids
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 366: 120214, 2022 | DOI

Álvarez, M.S., Mouronte, N., Longo, M.A., Deive, F.J., Rodríguez, A.
Influence of water and ethanol in the physical properties of choline glycinate at several temperatures
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 364: 120022, 2022 | DOI

Ouiriemmi, I., Escudero-Curiel, S., Pazos, M., Angeles Sanromán, M.
On-site regeneration by ultrasound activated persulfate of iron-rich Antipyrine-loaded biochar
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10(5): 108400, 2022 | DOI

Mouronte, N., Álvarez, M.S., Deive, F.J., Rodríguez, A.
Combining biodegradable surfactants and potassium inorganic salts for efficiently removing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from aqueous effluents
Journal of Water Process Engineering, 47: 102796, 2022 | DOI

Calenciuc, C., Fdez-Sanromán, A., Lama, G., Annamalai, S., Sanromán, A., Pazos, M.,
Recent Developments in Advanced Oxidation Processes for Organics-Polluted Soil Reclamation
Catalysts, 12(1): 64, 2022 | DOI

Garrido, I., Erazo-Aux, J., Lagüela, S., Sfarra, S., Ibarra-Castanedo, C., Pivar?iová, E., Gargiulo, G., Maldague, X., Arias, P.,
Introduction of deep learning in thermographic monitoring of cultural heritage and improvement by automatic thermogram pre-processing algorithms
Sensors (Switzerland), 21(3): 750, 2021 | DOI

Abidl, I., Souissi, N.b., Novoa, X.R.n.
Corrosion inhibition of iron in chloride media by the aqueous extract of Curcuma longa rhizome powder
Kuwait Journal of Science, 48(2): , 2021 | DOI

Gómez Morgade, T., Rivas Brea, T., Carrera-Ramírez, F., Barbi Alonso, V.,
Earth mortars in the “Castro de Santa Trega” (A Guarda, Pontevedra, Spain)
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 37: 102931, 2021 | DOI

António, J., Bastos, G., Almeida, J., Tadeu, A., Marques, B., Marques, A., Armesto, J., Patiño-Barbeito, F.
Influence of Different Dosages of Limestone Dust and Charcoal on the Properties of Lightweight Cement Composites
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 33(10): 4021271, 2021 | DOI

Fdez-Sanromán, A., Martinez-Treinta, R., Pazos, M., Rosales, E., Sanromán, M.Á.,
Heterogeneous electro-fenton-like designs for the disposal of 2-phenylphenol from water
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(24): 12103, 2021 | DOI

Othman, A.M., Sanromán, M.Á., Moldes, D.,
Kinetic and thermodynamic study of laccase cross-linked onto glyoxyl Immobead 150P carrier: Characterization and application for beechwood biografting
Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 150: 109865, 2021 | DOI

Baldonedo, J., Fernández, J.R.
An a priori error analysis of a strain gradient model using c<sup>0</sup> interior penalty methods
Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 11(5): , 2021 | DOI

Alonso, L., Picos, J., Armesto, J.
Forest land cover mapping at a regional scale using multi-temporal sentinel-2 imagery and rf models
Remote Sensing, 13(12): 2237, 2021 | DOI

Escudero-Curiel, S., Acevedo-García, V., Sanromán, M.Á., Pazos, M.,
Eco-approach for pharmaceutical removal: Thermochemical waste valorisation, biochar adsorption and electro-assisted regeneration
Electrochimica Acta, 389: 138694, 2021 | DOI

Poza-Nogueiras, V., Moratalla, Á., Pazos, M., Sanromán, Á., Sáez, C., Rodrigo, M.A.,
Towards a more realistic heterogeneous electro-Fenton
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 895: 115475, 2021 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Castejón, A., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
A type III porous-thermo-elastic problem with quasi-static microvoids
Meccanica, 56(12): , 2021 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
On the decay of the energy for radial solutions in Moore–Gibson–Thompson thermoelasticity
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 26(10): , 2021 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
Lord–Shulman Thermoelasticity with Microtemperatures
Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 84(2): , 2021 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Copetti, M.I.M., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
Numerical analysis of a dual-phase-lag model with microtemperatures
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 166: , 2021 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Bochicchio, I., Fernández, J.R., Naso, M.G.,
Thermoelastic Bresse system with dual-phase-lag model
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 72(3): 102, 2021 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
A type III thermoelastic problem with mixtures
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 389: 113357, 2021 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Bochicchio, I., Fernández, J.R., Naso, M.G.,
Analysis of a Contact Problem Problem Involving an Elastic Body with Dual-Phase-Lag
Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 83(2): , 2021 | DOI

Filgueira, D., Bolaño, C., Gouveia, S., Moldes, D.
Enzymatic functionalization of wood as an antifouling strategy against the marine bacterium cobetia marina
Polymers, 13(21): 3795, 2021 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
Analysis of a Moore–Gibson–Thompson thermoelastic problem
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 382: 113058, 2021 | DOI

Bolaño, C., Palanti, S., Benni, L., Moldes, D.
Enhancement of wood biological resistance and fire retardant properties after laccase assisted enzymatic grafting
Forests, 12(8): 1102, 2021 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
On the approximate problem for the incremental thermoelasticity
Journal of Thermal Stresses, 44(5): , 2021 | DOI

Puga, A., Pazos, M., Rosales, E., Sanromán, M.A.
Electro-reversible adsorption as a versatile tool for the removal of diclofenac from wastewater
Chemosphere, 280: 130778, 2021 | DOI

Fdez-Sanromán, A., Pazos, M., Rosales, E., Sanromán, M.Á.
Prospects on integrated electrokinetic systems for decontamination of soil polluted with organic contaminants
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 27: 100692, 2021 | DOI

Escudero-Curiel, S., Penelas, U., Sanromán, M.Á., Pazos, M.
An approach towards Zero-Waste wastewater technology: Fluoxetine adsorption on biochar and removal by the sulfate radical
Chemosphere, 268: 129318, 2021 | DOI

Rezgui, S., Díez, A.M., Monser, L., Adhoum, N., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A.
ZnFe2O4-chitosan magnetic beads for the removal of chlordimeform by photo-Fenton process under UVC irradiation
Journal of Environmental Management, 283: 111987, 2021 | DOI

Puga, A., Moreira, M.M., Figueiredo, S.A., Delerue-Matos, C., Pazos, M., Rosales, E., Sanromán, M.Á.
Electro-Fenton degradation of a ternary pharmaceutical mixture and its application in the regeneration of spent biochar
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 886: 115135, 2021 | DOI

Talavera, M., Cid-Seara, K.M., Penã-Gallego, Á., Bolanõ, S.,
Key factors in the synthesis of polycyclic iridaaromatics: Via the methoxyalkenylcarbene pathway
Dalton Transactions, 50(32): , 2021 | DOI

Surra, E., Correia, M., Figueiredo, S., Silva, J.G., Vieira, J., Jorge, S., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.Á., Lapa, N., Delerue-matos, C.
Life cycle and economic analyses of the removal of pesticides and pharmaceuticals from municipal wastewater by anodic oxidation
Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(7): 3669, 2021 | DOI

Talavera, M., Bolaño, S.,
Iridaaromatics via methoxy(Alkenyl)carbeneiridium complexes
Molecules, 26(15): 4655, 2021 | DOI

Hayoun, B., Bourouina-Bacha, S., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A., Benkhennouche-Bouchene, H., Deflaoui, O., Hamaidi-Maouche, N., Bourouina, M.
Production of modified sunflowers seed shells for the removal of bisphenol A
RSC Advances, 11(6): , 2021 | DOI

Morandeira, L., Martínez-Baltasar, A., Sanromán, M.Á., Rodríguez, A., Deive, F.J.
Designing novel biocompatible oligopeptide-based ionic liquids for greener downstream processes
Journal of Cleaner Production, 279: 123356, 2021 | DOI

Meijide, J., Dunlop, P.S.M., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A.
Heterogeneous electro-fenton as “Green” technology for pharmaceutical removal: A review
Catalysts, 11(1): 85, 2021 | DOI

Fernández-Sanromán, Á., Lama, G., Pazos, M., Rosales, E., Sanromán, M.Á.
Bridging the gap to hydrochar production and its application into frameworks of bioenergy, environmental and biocatalysis areas
Bioresource Technology, 320: 124399, 2021 | DOI

Copetti, M.I.M., El Arwadi, T., Fernández, J.R., Naso, M.G., Youssef, W.
Analysis of a contact problem for a viscoelastic Bresse system
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 55(3): , 2021 | DOI

Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.
Moore-Gibson-Thompson theory for thermoelastic dielectrics
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 42(2): , 2021 | DOI

Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.
Uniqueness and exponential instability in a new two-temperature thermoelastic theory
AIMS Mathematics, 6(6): , 2021 | DOI

Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.
Two-temperatures thermo-porous-elasticity with microtemperatures
Applied Mathematics Letters, 111: 106628, 2021 | DOI

Fernández, J.R., Masid, M., Magaña, A., Quintanilla, R.
A problem with viscoelastic mixtures: numerical analysis and computational experiments
Applicable Analysis, 100(12): , 2021 | DOI

Bianconi, F., Fernández, A., Smeraldi, F., Pascoletti, G.,
Colour and texture descriptors for visual recognition: A historical overview
Journal of Imaging, 7(11): 245, 2021 | DOI

Veiga-Gómez, M., Nebot, C., Falqué, E., Pérez, B., Franco, C.M., Cepeda, A.
Determination of pharmaceuticals and heavy metals in groundwater for human and animal consumption and crop irrigation in Galicia
Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment, 38(12): , 2021 | DOI

Martínez-Arcos, A., Reig, M., Cruz, J.M., Cortina, J.L., Moldes, A.B., Vecino, X.
Evaluation of calcium alginate-based biopolymers as potential component of membranes for recovering biosurfactants from corn steep water
Water (Switzerland), 13(17): 2396, 2021 | DOI

Bianconi, F., Fernández, A., Sánchez-Yáñez, R.E.,
Special issue texture and color in image analysis
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(9): 3801, 2021 | DOI

Martínez-Arcos, A., López-Prieto, A., Rodríguez-López, L., Pérez-Cid, B., Vecino, X., Moldes, A.B., Manuel, C.J.
Evaluation of morphological changes in grapes coated with a biosurfactant extract obtained from corn steep liquor
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(13): 5904, 2021 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Vecino, X., Rodríguez-López, L., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
Correction: Fungistatic and fungicidal capacity of a biosurfactant extract obtained from corn steep water (Foods, (2020) 9, 662, 10.3390/foods9050662)
Foods, 10(6): 1318, 2021 | DOI

Moldes, A.B., Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., López-Prieto, A., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M.
Synthetic and bio-derived surfactants versus microbial biosurfactants in the cosmetic industry: An overview
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(5): 2371, 2021 | DOI

Pérez-Cid, B., Falqué, E., Simal-Gandara, J.
Coastline levels of dissolved heavy metals in the estuarine water–system of vigo
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(4): 2136, 2021 | DOI

Martínez-Arcos, A., Moldes, A.B., Vecino, X.
CYTA - Journal of Food, 19(1): , 2021 | DOI

Book Chapter
Vecino, X., Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Nanomaterials synthesized by biosurfactants
Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, 94: , 2021 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Characterization of extracellular and cell bound biosurfactants produced by Aneurinibacillus aneurinilyticus isolated from commercial corn steep liquor
Microbiological Research, 242: 126614, 2021 | DOI

Baptista, A., Silva, F.J.G., Pinto, G., Porteiro, J., Míguez, J., Alexandre, R., Sousa, V.F.C.,
Influence of the ball surface texture in the dragging of abrasive particles on micro-abrasion wear tests
Wear, 476: 203730, 2021 | DOI

Míguez, J.L., Porteiro, J., Behrendt, F., Blanco, D., Patiño, D., Dieguez-Alonso, A.,
Review of the use of additives to mitigate operational problems associated with the combustion of biomass with high content in ash-forming species
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 141: 110502, 2021 | DOI

Pinto, G., Baptista, A., Silva, F., Porteiro, J., Míguez, J., Alexandre, R.,
Study on the influence of the ball material on abrasive particles’ dynamics in ball-cratering thin coatings wear tests
Materials, 14(3): 668, 2021 | DOI

Paz-Bermúdez, G., Calvino-Cancela, M., López De Silanes, M.E., Prieto, B.,
Lichen saxicolous communities on granite churches in Galicia (NW Spain) as affected by the conditions of north and south orientations
Bryologist, 124(3): , 2021 | DOI

Martínez-Comesaña, M., Ogando-Martínez, A., Troncoso-Pastoriza, F., López-Gómez, J., Febrero-Garrido, L., Granada-Álvarez, E.
Use of optimised MLP neural networks for spatiotemporal estimation of indoor environmental conditions of existing buildings
Building and Environment, 205: 108243, 2021 | DOI

Martínez-Arcos, A., Reig, M., Cruz, J.M., Cortina, J.L., Moldes, A.B., Vecino, X.
Evaluation of calcium alginate-based biopolymers as potential component of membranes for recovering biosurfactants from corn steep water
Water (Switzerland), 13(17): 2396, 2021 | DOI

Martínez-Arcos, A., López-Prieto, A., Rodríguez-López, L., Pérez-Cid, B., Vecino, X., Moldes, A.B., Manuel, C.J.
Evaluation of morphological changes in grapes coated with a biosurfactant extract obtained from corn steep liquor
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(13): 5904, 2021 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Vecino, X., Rodríguez-López, L., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
Correction: Fungistatic and fungicidal capacity of a biosurfactant extract obtained from corn steep water (Foods, (2020) 9, 662, 10.3390/foods9050662)
Foods, 10(6): 1318, 2021 | DOI

Moldes, A.B., Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., López-Prieto, A., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M.
Synthetic and bio-derived surfactants versus microbial biosurfactants in the cosmetic industry: An overview
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(5): 2371, 2021 | DOI

Pérez-Cid, B., Falqué, E., Simal-Gandara, J.
Coastline levels of dissolved heavy metals in the estuarine water–system of vigo
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(4): 2136, 2021 | DOI

Perez-Estevez, D., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
A Model Predictive Current Controller with Improved Robustness against Measurement Noise and Plant Model Variations
IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications, 2: 9409608, 2021 | DOI

Martínez-Arcos, A., Moldes, A.B., Vecino, X.
CYTA - Journal of Food, 19(1): , 2021 | DOI

Book Chapter
Vecino, X., Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Nanomaterials synthesized by biosurfactants
Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, 94: , 2021 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Characterization of extracellular and cell bound biosurfactants produced by Aneurinibacillus aneurinilyticus isolated from commercial corn steep liquor
Microbiological Research, 242: 126614, 2021 | DOI

Baldonedo, J., Fernández, J.R., López-Campos, J.A.
Quasistatic porous-thermoelastic problems: An a priori error analysis
Mathematics, 9(12): 1436, 2021 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Alonso-Villar, E.M., Rivas, T.
Efficacy of mechanical procedures for removal of a lichen and a gypsum black crust from granite
Journal of Building Engineering, 44: 102986, 2021 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Dionísio, A., Vázquez, C.
Effects of staining agents on an ornamental granite
Journal of Building Engineering, 44: 102700, 2021 | DOI

Cabaleiro, M., Comesaña, R., González-Gaya, C., Caamaño, C.,
Analytical model for the fatigue analysis of steel joints by clamps according to the lever length
Materials, 14(24): 7726, 2021 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Barreiro, P., Paz-Bermúdez, G., González, P., Fernandes, A.B.
Effectiveness and durability of chemical- and laser-based cleanings of lichen mosaics on schists at archaeological sites
International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 163: 105276, 2021 | DOI

Rúa, E., Cabaleiro, M., Conde, B., Riveiro, B.,
First results of a methodology to obtain a 1D variable geometry model for the structural analysis of corroded steel beams from the point cloud
Structures, 33: , 2021 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Dionísio, A.
Effects of accidental staining in carbonate stones: Physical, chemical and mineralogical changes
Construction and Building Materials, 297: 123774, 2021 | DOI

Cabaleiro, M., Suñer, C., Sousa, H.S., Branco, J.M.,
Combination of laser scanner and drilling resistance tests to measure geometry change for structural assessment of timber beams exposed to fire
Journal of Building Engineering, 40: 102365, 2021 | DOI

Cordeiro?costas, M., Villanueva, D., Feijóo?lorenzo, A.E., Martínez?torres, J.,
Simulation of wind speeds with spatio?temporal correlation
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(8): 3355, 2021 | DOI

Walton, G., Gaines, S., Alejano, L.R.
Validity of continuous-failure-state unloading triaxial tests as a means to estimate the residual strength of rocks
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 13(4): , 2021 | DOI

Cabaleiro, M., Moutinho, C., González-Gaya, C., Caetano, E., Rosales-Prieto, V.F.,
Analysis of stiffness of clamped joints versus bolted joints in steel structures by means of accelerometers and shaking table tests
Sensors, 21(14): 4778, 2021 | DOI

Baldonedo, J.G., Fernández, J.R., Segade, A.
Spatial extension of a bone remodeling dynamics model and its finite element analysis
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 37(3): e3429, 2021 | DOI

Gerassis, S., Albuquerque, M.T.D., Roque, N., Ribeiro, S., Taboada, J., Ribeiro, M.M.
Future habitat suitability for species under climate change – Lessons learned from the strawberry tree case study
Forest Ecology and Management, 491: 119150, 2021 | DOI

Pereira, Á., Cabaleiro, M., Conde, B., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A.,
Automatic identification and geometrical modeling of steel rivets of historical structures from lidar data
Remote Sensing, 13(11): 2108, 2021 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Rey, B.C., Bacelar, L.A., Barreiro, P.
Methodological approach (In situ and laboratory) for the characterisation of late prehistoric rock paintings—penedo gordo (nw spain)
Minerals, 11(6): 551, 2021 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Estévez-Ventosa, X., González-Fernández, M.A., Walton, G., West, I.G., González-Molano, N.A., Alvarellos, J.
A Method to Correct Indirect Strain Measurements in Laboratory Uniaxial and Triaxial Compressive Strength Tests
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 54(6): , 2021 | DOI

Sanmartín, P., Noya-Pintos, D., Fuentes, E., Pozo-Antonio, J.S.
Cracks in consolidants containing TiO2 as a habitat for biological colonization: A case of quaternary bioreceptivity
Materials Science and Engineering C, 124: 112058, 2021 | DOI

Alonso-Villar, E.M., Rivas, T., Pozo-Antonio, J.S.
Resistance to artificial daylight of paints used in urban artworks. Influence of paint composition and substrate
Progress in Organic Coatings, 154: 106180, 2021 | DOI

Bosch-Roig, P., Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Sanmartín, P.
Identification of the best-performing novel microbial strains from naturally-aged graffiti for biocleaning research
International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 159: 105206, 2021 | DOI

Gerassis, S., Boente, C., Albuquerque, M.T.D., Ribeiro, M.M., Abad, A., Taboada, J.
Mapping occupational health risk factors in the primary sector—A novel supervised machine learning and Area-to-Point Poisson kriging approach
Spatial Statistics, 42: 100434, 2021 | DOI

Dionísio, A., Martinho, E., Pozo-António, J.S., Sequeira Braga, M.A., Mendes, M.
Evaluation of combined effects of real-fire and natural environment in a building granite
Construction and Building Materials, 277: 122327, 2021 | DOI

Pérez-Rey, I., Muñiz-Menéndez, M., González, J., Vagnon, F., Walton, G., Alejano, L.R.
Laboratory physical modelling of block toppling instability by means of tilt tests
Engineering Geology, 282: 105994, 2021 | DOI

Sarro, R., Pérez-Rey, I., Tomás, R., Alejano, L.R., Hernández-Gutiérrez, L.E., Mateos, R.M.
Effects of wildfire on rockfall occurrence: a review through actual cases in spain
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(6): 2545, 2021 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Alonso-Villar, E.M., Rivas, T.
Efficacy of mechanical procedures for removal of a lichen and a gypsum black crust from granite
Journal of Building Engineering, 44: 102986, 2021 | DOI

Cardell, C., Pozo-Antonio, J.S.
Editorial for special issue “historical mineral pigments”
Minerals, 11(3): 237, 2021 | DOI

Justo, A., Soilán, M., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., Riveiro, B.,
Scan-to-BIM for the infrastructure domain: Generation of IFC-complaint models of road infrastructure assets and semantics using 3D point cloud data
Automation in Construction, 127: 103703, 2021 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Dionísio, A., Vázquez, C.
Effects of staining agents on an ornamental granite
Journal of Building Engineering, 44: 102700, 2021 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Rocha, C.S.A., Pereira, M.F.C., Maurício, A.M.A.S., Flores-Colen, I.
Evaluation of side effects of mechanical cleaning with an anionic detergent on granite cladding tiles
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(12): , 2021 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Barreiro, P., Paz-Bermúdez, G., González, P., Fernandes, A.B.
Effectiveness and durability of chemical- and laser-based cleanings of lichen mosaics on schists at archaeological sites
International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 163: 105276, 2021 | DOI

Otero, J., Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Montojo, C.
Influence of application method and number of applications of nanolime on the effectiveness of the Doulting limestone treatments
Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, 54(1): 41, 2021 | DOI

Lamas, D., Soilán, M., Grandío, J., Riveiro, B.,
Automatic point cloud semantic segmentation of complex railway environments
Remote Sensing, 13(12): 2332, 2021 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Dionísio, A.
Effects of accidental staining in carbonate stones: Physical, chemical and mineralogical changes
Construction and Building Materials, 297: 123774, 2021 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Pérez-Rey, I., Múñiz-Menéndez, M., Riquelme, A., Walton, G.
Considerations Relevant to the Stability of Granite Boulders
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, : , 2021 | DOI

Soilán, M., Nóvoa, A., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., Justo, A., Riveiro, B.,
Fully automated methodology for the delineation of railway lanes and the generation of IFC alignment models using 3D point cloud data
Automation in Construction, 126: 103684, 2021 | DOI

Walton, G., Gaines, S., Alejano, L.R.
Validity of continuous-failure-state unloading triaxial tests as a means to estimate the residual strength of rocks
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 13(4): , 2021 | DOI

Alves, D.N.M., Míguez Tabarés, J.L., Rivo-Lopez, E., Saavedra, A., Fariña, M.E.A., Alonso, J.M., Nunes, L.J.R.
Residual forest biomass and energy assessment: a case study analysis in the region of Alto Minho (North Portugal) for the creation of BLCs and 2GBLCs
International Journal of Sustainable Energy, : , 2021 | DOI

Conde, B., Matos, J.C., Oliveira, D.V., Riveiro, B.,
Probabilistic-based structural assessment of a historic stone arch bridge
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 17(3): , 2021 | DOI

Pou, J., Riveiro, A., Davim, J.P.
Additive Manufacturing: A volume in Handbooks in Advanced Manufacturing
Additive Manufacturing, : , 2021 | DOI

Balado-Frías, J.,
Doctoral thesis information
Ciudad y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 53(210): , 2021 | DOI

Gerassis, S., Albuquerque, M.T.D., Roque, N., Ribeiro, S., Taboada, J., Ribeiro, M.M.
Future habitat suitability for species under climate change – Lessons learned from the strawberry tree case study
Forest Ecology and Management, 491: 119150, 2021 | DOI

Balado, J., Díaz-Vilariño, L., Azenha, M., Lourenço, P.B.
Automatic Detection of Surface Damage in Round Brick Chimneys by Finite Plane Modelling from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds. Case Study of Bragança Dukes’ Palace, Guimarães, Portugal
International Journal of Architectural Heritage, : , 2021 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Rey, B.C., Bacelar, L.A., Barreiro, P.
Methodological approach (In situ and laboratory) for the characterisation of late prehistoric rock paintings—penedo gordo (nw spain)
Minerals, 11(6): 551, 2021 | DOI

Feijoo, I., Pena, G., Cabeza, M., Cristóbal, M.J., Rey, P.,
Mwcnt-reinforced aa7075 composites: Effect of reinforcement percentage on mechanical properties
Metals, 11(6): 969, 2021 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Estévez-Ventosa, X., González-Fernández, M.A., Walton, G., West, I.G., González-Molano, N.A., Alvarellos, J.
A Method to Correct Indirect Strain Measurements in Laboratory Uniaxial and Triaxial Compressive Strength Tests
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 54(6): , 2021 | DOI

Sanmartín, P., Noya-Pintos, D., Fuentes, E., Pozo-Antonio, J.S.
Cracks in consolidants containing TiO2 as a habitat for biological colonization: A case of quaternary bioreceptivity
Materials Science and Engineering C, 124: 112058, 2021 | DOI

Otero-Perez, R., Permuy, M., Lopez-Senra, E., Lopez-Alvarez, M., Lopez-Pena, M., Serra, J., Gonzalez-Cantalapiedra, A., Munoz, F.M., Gonzalez, P.
Preclinical evaluation of an innovative bone graft of marine origin for the treatment of critical-sized bone defects in an animal model
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(5): 2116, 2021 | DOI

Alonso-Villar, E.M., Rivas, T., Pozo-Antonio, J.S.
Resistance to artificial daylight of paints used in urban artworks. Influence of paint composition and substrate
Progress in Organic Coatings, 154: 106180, 2021 | DOI

Bosch-Roig, P., Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Sanmartín, P.
Identification of the best-performing novel microbial strains from naturally-aged graffiti for biocleaning research
International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 159: 105206, 2021 | DOI

Gerassis, S., Boente, C., Albuquerque, M.T.D., Ribeiro, M.M., Abad, A., Taboada, J.
Mapping occupational health risk factors in the primary sector—A novel supervised machine learning and Area-to-Point Poisson kriging approach
Spatial Statistics, 42: 100434, 2021 | DOI

Dionísio, A., Martinho, E., Pozo-António, J.S., Sequeira Braga, M.A., Mendes, M.
Evaluation of combined effects of real-fire and natural environment in a building granite
Construction and Building Materials, 277: 122327, 2021 | DOI

Pérez-Rey, I., Muñiz-Menéndez, M., González, J., Vagnon, F., Walton, G., Alejano, L.R.
Laboratory physical modelling of block toppling instability by means of tilt tests
Engineering Geology, 282: 105994, 2021 | DOI

Sarro, R., Pérez-Rey, I., Tomás, R., Alejano, L.R., Hernández-Gutiérrez, L.E., Mateos, R.M.
Effects of wildfire on rockfall occurrence: a review through actual cases in spain
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(6): 2545, 2021 | DOI

Cardell, C., Pozo-Antonio, J.S.
Editorial for special issue “historical mineral pigments”
Minerals, 11(3): 237, 2021 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Rocha, C.S.A., Pereira, M.F.C., Maurício, A.M.A.S., Flores-Colen, I.
Evaluation of side effects of mechanical cleaning with an anionic detergent on granite cladding tiles
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(12): , 2021 | DOI

Otero, J., Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Montojo, C.
Influence of application method and number of applications of nanolime on the effectiveness of the Doulting limestone treatments
Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, 54(1): 41, 2021 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Pérez-Rey, I., Múñiz-Menéndez, M., Riquelme, A., Walton, G.
Considerations Relevant to the Stability of Granite Boulders
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, : , 2021 | DOI

Alves, D.N.M., Míguez Tabarés, J.L., Rivo-Lopez, E., Saavedra, A., Fariña, M.E.A., Alonso, J.M., Nunes, L.J.R.
Residual forest biomass and energy assessment: a case study analysis in the region of Alto Minho (North Portugal) for the creation of BLCs and 2GBLCs
International Journal of Sustainable Energy, : , 2021 | DOI

Pensado-Mariño, M., Febrero-Garrido, L., Eguía-Oller, P., Granada-álvarez, E.,
Feasibility of different weather data sources applied to building indoor temperature estimation using LSTM neural networks
Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(24): 13735, 2021 | DOI

Eguía-Oller, P., Martínez-Mariño, S., Granada-Álvarez, E., Febrero-Garrido, L.
Empirical validation of a multizone building model coupled with an air flow network under complex realistic situations
Energy and Buildings, 249: 111197, 2021 | DOI

Cordeiro-Costas, M., Villanueva, D., Eguía-Oller, P.
Optimization of the electrical demand of an existing building with storage management through machine learning techniques
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(17): 7991, 2021 | DOI

Pérez Davila, S., González Rodríguez, L., Chiussi, S., Serra, J., González, P.,
How to sterilize polylactic acid based medical devices?
Polymers, 13(13): 2115, 2021 | DOI

Pensado-Mariño, M., Febrero-Garrido, L., Pérez-Iribarren, E., Oller, P.E., Granada-álvarez, E.
Estimation of heat loss coefficient and thermal demands of in-use building by capturing thermal inertia using lstm neural networks
Energies, 14(16): 5188, 2021 | DOI

Schlipf, J., Tetzner, H., Spirito, D., Manganelli, C.L., Capellini, G., Huang, M.R.S., Koch, C.T., Clausen, C.J., Elsayed, A., Oehme, M., Chiussi, S., Schulze, J., Fischer, I.A.,
Raman shifts in MBE-grown Si<inf>x</inf>Gex<inf>1 ? ? y</inf>Sn<inf>y</inf> alloys with large Si content
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 52(6): , 2021 | DOI

Martínez-Mariño, S., Eguía-Oller, P., Granada-Álvarez, E., Erkoreka-González, A.
Simulation and validation of indoor temperatures and relative humidity in multi-zone buildings under occupancy conditions using multi-objective calibration
Building and Environment, 200: 107973, 2021 | DOI

López-Amoedo, A., Álvarez, X., Lorenzo, H., Rodríguez, J.L.,
Multi-temporal sentinel-2 data analysis for smallholding forest cut control
Remote Sensing, 13(15): 2983, 2021 | DOI

Area, I., Lorenzo, H., Marcos, P.J., Nieto, J.J.,
One year of the covid-19 pandemic in galicia: A global view of age-group statistics during three waves
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10): 5104, 2021 | DOI

Paredes-Sánchez, B.M., Paredes, J.P., Caparrini, N., Rivo-López, E.,
Analysis of district heating and cooling energy systems in Spain: Resources, technology and management
Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(10): 5442, 2021 | DOI

Martin, J.F., Taïeb, J., Boutoux, G., Chatillon, A., Gorbinet, T., Pellereau, E., Audouin, L., Heinz, A., Alvarez-Pol, H., Ayyad, Y., Bélier, G., Benlliure, J., Caamaño, M., Casarejos, E., Cortina-Gil, D., Ebran, A., Farget, F., Fernández-Domínguez, B., Grente, L., Johansson, H.T., Jurado, B., Keli?-Heil, A., Kurz, N., Laurent, B., Nociforo, C., Paradela, C., Pietri, S., Prochazka, A., Rodríguez-Sánchez, J.L., Rossi, D., Simon, H., Tassan-Got, L., Vargas, J., Voss, B., Weick, H.,
Fission-fragment yields and prompt-neutron multiplicity for Coulomb-induced fission of and
Physical Review C, 104(4): 044602, 2021 | DOI

Knyazev, A., Park, J., Golubev, P., Cederkäll, J., Alvarez-Pol, H., Benlliure, J., Cabanelas, P., Casarejos, E., Causeret, L., Cortina-Gil, D., Fernández, P.D., Feijoo, M., Galaviz, D., Galiana, E., Gernhäuser, R., Gonzalez, D., Hartig, A.L., Heinz, A., Heiss, B., Johansson, H.T., Klenze, P., Kröll, T., Perea, A., Ponnath, L., Ren, Z., Rhee, H.B., Rodriguez-Sanchez, J.L., Rondeau, G., Tengblad, O., Scheblykin, I.G., Teubig, P., Timm, R.,
Simulations of light collection in long tapered CsI(Tl) scintillators using real crystal surface data and comparisons to measurement
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1003: 165302, 2021 | DOI

Valiente-Dobón, J.J., Gottardo, A., Benzoni, G., Gadea, A., Lunardi, S., Algora, A., de Angelis, G., Bazzacco, D., Benlliure, J., Boutachkov, P., Bracco, A., Bruce, A.M., Camera, F., Casarejos, E., Cortés, M.L., Crespi, F.C.L., Corsi, A., Domingo-Pardo, C., Doncel, M., Engert, T., Geissel, H., Gerl, J., Goasduff, A., Goel, N., Górska, M., Grebosz, J., Gregor, E., Habermann, T., Klupp, S., Kojouharov, I., Kurz, N., Lenzi, S.M., Leoni, S., Mandal, S., Menegazzo, R., Mengoni, D., Million, B., Morales, A.I., Napoli, D.R., Naqvi, F., Nociforo, C., Pfützner, M., Pietri, S., Podolyák, Z., Prochazka, A., Recchia, F., Regan, P.H., Rudolph, D., Sahin, E., Schaffner, H., Sharma, A., Sitar, B., Siwal, D., Strmen, P., Szarka, I., Ur, C.A., Walker, P.M., Weick, H., Wieland, O., Wollersheim, H.J., Van Isacker, P.,
Manifestation of the Berry phase in the atomic nucleus <sup>213</sup>Pb
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 816: 136183, 2021 | DOI

Solla, M., Pérez-Gracia, V., Fontul, S.,
Review of GPR application on transport infrastructures: Troubleshooting and best practices
Remote Sensing, 13(4): 672, 2021 | DOI

Book Chapter
Francisco, C., Gonçalves, L., Gaspar, F., Rodrigues, H., Carracelas, M.S., Luna, I.P., Gonçalves, G., Providência, P.,
Data Acquisition in Cultural Heritage Buildings Using Non-destructive Techniques, and Its Gathering with BIM—The Case Study of the Gothic Monastery of Batalha in Portugal
Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation, : , 2021 | DOI

Larrañaga, A., Gómez, M.A., Patiño, D., Porteiro, J.,
Experimental study on the stability and transient behavior of a closed-loop two-phase thermosyphon (CLTPT) charged with NOVEC 649
Energies, 14(23): 7920, 2021 | DOI

Khodaei, H., Gonzalez, L., Chapela, S., Porteiro, J., Nikrityuk, P., Olson, C.,
CFD-based coupled multiphase modeling of biochar production using a large-scale pyrolysis plant
Energy, 217: 119325, 2021 | DOI

Puga, A., Pazos, M., Rosales, E., Sanromán, M.A.
Electro-reversible adsorption as a versatile tool for the removal of diclofenac from wastewater
Chemosphere, 280: 130778, 2021 | DOI

Varela, L.G., Gómez, M.A., Garabatos, M., Glez-Peña, D., Porteiro, J.,
Improving the bed movement physics of inclined grate biomass CFD simulations
Applied Thermal Engineering, 182: 116043, 2021 | DOI

Fdez-Sanromán, A., Pazos, M., Rosales, E., Sanromán, M.Á.
Prospects on integrated electrokinetic systems for decontamination of soil polluted with organic contaminants
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 27: 100692, 2021 | DOI

Cid, N., Patino, D., Porteiro, J., Eiroa, D.,
Validation of a Fouling Measurement Procedure
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70: 9199876, 2021 | DOI

Escudero-Curiel, S., Penelas, U., Sanromán, M.Á., Pazos, M.
An approach towards Zero-Waste wastewater technology: Fluoxetine adsorption on biochar and removal by the sulfate radical
Chemosphere, 268: 129318, 2021 | DOI

Rezgui, S., Díez, A.M., Monser, L., Adhoum, N., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A.
ZnFe2O4-chitosan magnetic beads for the removal of chlordimeform by photo-Fenton process under UVC irradiation
Journal of Environmental Management, 283: 111987, 2021 | DOI

Puga, A., Moreira, M.M., Figueiredo, S.A., Delerue-Matos, C., Pazos, M., Rosales, E., Sanromán, M.Á.
Electro-Fenton degradation of a ternary pharmaceutical mixture and its application in the regeneration of spent biochar
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 886: 115135, 2021 | DOI

Lopez, J., Sanchez-Vilarino, P., Sanz, R., Paz, E.,
Efficient Local Navigation Approach for Autonomous Driving Vehicles
IEEE Access, 9: 9443169, 2021 | DOI

Surra, E., Correia, M., Figueiredo, S., Silva, J.G., Vieira, J., Jorge, S., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.Á., Lapa, N., Delerue-matos, C.
Life cycle and economic analyses of the removal of pesticides and pharmaceuticals from municipal wastewater by anodic oxidation
Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(7): 3669, 2021 | DOI

Hayoun, B., Bourouina-Bacha, S., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A., Benkhennouche-Bouchene, H., Deflaoui, O., Hamaidi-Maouche, N., Bourouina, M.
Production of modified sunflowers seed shells for the removal of bisphenol A
RSC Advances, 11(6): , 2021 | DOI

Morandeira, L., Martínez-Baltasar, A., Sanromán, M.Á., Rodríguez, A., Deive, F.J.
Designing novel biocompatible oligopeptide-based ionic liquids for greener downstream processes
Journal of Cleaner Production, 279: 123356, 2021 | DOI

Meijide, J., Dunlop, P.S.M., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A.
Heterogeneous electro-fenton as “Green” technology for pharmaceutical removal: A review
Catalysts, 11(1): 85, 2021 | DOI

Fernández-Sanromán, Á., Lama, G., Pazos, M., Rosales, E., Sanromán, M.Á.
Bridging the gap to hydrochar production and its application into frameworks of bioenergy, environmental and biocatalysis areas
Bioresource Technology, 320: 124399, 2021 | DOI

Gerassis, S., Giráldez, E., Pazo-Rodríguez, M., Saavedra, Á., Taboada, J.
Ai approaches to environmental impact assessments (Eias) in the mining and metals sector using automl and bayesian modeling
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(17): 7914, 2021 | DOI

Rivas-Martinez, G.I., Rodas, J., Gandoy, J.D.,
Statistical tools to evaluate the performance of current control strategies of power converters and drives
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70: 9373349, 2021 | DOI

González-Desantos, L.M., Frías, E., Martínez-Sánchez, J., González-Jorge, H.
Indoor path-planning algorithm for uav-based contact inspection
Sensors (Switzerland), 21(2): 642, 2021 | DOI

Jorge, H.G., de Santos, L.M.G., Álvarez, N.F., Sánchez, J.M., Medina, F.N.
Operational study of drone spraying application for the disinfection of surfaces against the COVID-19 pandemic
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Balado, J., Olabarria, C., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Rodríguez-Pérez, J.R., Pedro, A.
Semantic segmentation of major macroalgae in coastal environments using high-resolution ground imagery and deep learning
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 42(5): , 2021 | DOI

Díaz, B., Guitián, B., Nóvoa, X.R., Pérez, C.,
Conductivity assessment of multifunctional cement pastes by impedance spectroscopy
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Díaz, B., Ramón Nóvoa, X., Pérez, C., Silva-Fernández, S.,
Characterization of phosphate coatings: Influence of the acid pickling conditions
Materials, 14(4): 1048, 2021 | DOI

Martínez-Torres, J., Piñeiro, A.S., Alesanco, Á., Pérez-Rey, I., García, J.,
Automatic image characterization of psoriasis lesions
Mathematics, 9(22): 2974, 2021 | DOI

Portela-Pino, I., Alvariñas-Villaverde, M., Martínez-Torres, J., Pino-Juste, M.,
Influence of the perception of barriers in practice of pa in adolescents: Explanatory model
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Morales-Sánchez, G., Collazo, A., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
Influence of the process parameters on the quality and efficiency of the resistance spot welding process of advanced high-strength complex-phase steels
Metals, 11(10): 1545, 2021 | DOI

Robinson, Y.H., Vimal, S., Julie, E.G., Khari, M., Expósito-Izquierdo, C., Martínez, J.,
Hybrid optimization routing management for autonomous underwater vehicle in the internet of underwater things
Earth Science Informatics, 14(1): , 2021 | DOI

Collazo, A., Figueroa, R., Mariño?martínez, C., Pérez, C.,
Microstructure and thermomechanical characterization of fe?28mn?6si?5cr shape memory alloy
Metals, 11(4): 649, 2021 | DOI

Rodriguez-Vida, A., Rodríguez-Alonso, A., Useros-Rodríguez, E., Lopez-Campos, F., Amor-Carro, O., Arribas-Ruiz, A., Martinez-Torres, J., Roca-Pardiñas, J., Quesada-García, A., Muñoz-Del-Toro, J.R., Juárez-Soto, Á.,
Impact of New Systemic Therapies in Overall Survival in Non-Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Clinical Genitourinary Cancer, : , 2021 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Gil, C., Vence, J.,
Assessment of the methodology for the CFD simulation of the flight of a quadcopter UAV
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 218: 104776, 2021 | DOI

Ruiz, J.G., Torres, J.M., Crespo, R.G.,
The application of artificial intelligence in project management research: A review
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 6(6): , 2021 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Cabarcos, A., Pinto, S.I.S.,
FSI modeling on the effect of artery-aneurysm thickness and coil embolization in patient cases
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 206: 106148, 2021 | DOI

Conde-Fontenla, M., Paz, C., Concheiro, M., Ribatski, G.,
On the width and mean value of bubble size distributions under subcooled flow boiling
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 124: 110368, 2021 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Vence, J., Hoard, J.,
Evolution of EGR cooler deposits under hydrocarbon condensation: Analysis of local thickness, roughness, and fouling layer density
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 161: 106744, 2021 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Gil, C., Parga, O.,
Numerical modelling of osteocyte growth on different bone tissue scaffolds
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, : , 2021 | DOI

Book Chapter
Fernández-Sanromán, Á., Sanromán, M.Á.
Extremozymes in food production and processing
Value-Addition in Food Products and Processing Through Enzyme Technology, : , 2021 | DOI

Ribas, F., Espinosa, J.A., Lusquios, F.
Average force obtained from the impulse or from the mechanical work?
Physics Education, 56(5): 053006, 2021 | DOI

Pou-Álvarez, P., Riveiro, A., Nóvoa, X.R., Fernández-Arias, M., del Val, J., Comesaña, R., Boutinguiza, M., Lusquiños, F., Pou, J.,
Nanosecond, picosecond and femtosecond laser surface treatment of magnesium alloy: role of pulse length
Surface and Coatings Technology, 427: 127802, 2021 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Antonio Fontán, N.
Application of a Nd:YAG laser to remove graffiti from Lioz limestone: influence of laser parameters (wavelength, fluence and number of pulses) and graffiti composition
Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 43: , 2021 | DOI

Raymond, Y., Thorel, E., Liversain, M., Riveiro, A., Pou, J., Ginebra, M.P.,
3D printing non-cylindrical strands: Morphological and structural implications
Additive Manufacturing, 46: 102129, 2021 | DOI

Wallerstein, D., Solla, E.L., Lusquiños, F., Comesaña, R., del Val, J., Riveiro, A., Pou, J.,
Advanced characterization of intermetallic compounds in dissimilar aluminum-steel joints obtained by laser welding-brazing with Al[sbnd]Si filler metals
Materials Characterization, 179: 111345, 2021 | DOI

Arias-González, F., Rodríguez-Contreras, A., Punset, M., Manero, J.M., Barro, Ó., Fernández-Arias, M., Lusquiños, F., Gil, F.J., Pou, J.,
In-situ laser directed energy deposition of biomedical ti-nb and ti-zr-nb alloys from elemental powders
Metals, 11(8): 1205, 2021 | DOI

Riveiro, A., Amorim, S., Solanki, A., Costa, D.S., Pires, R.A., Quintero, F., del Val, J., Comesaña, R., Badaoui, A., Lusquiños, F., Maçon, A.L.B., Tallia, F., Jones, J.R., Reis, R.L., Pou, J.,
Hyaluronic acid hydrogels reinforced with laser spun bioactive glass micro- and nanofibres doped with lithium
Materials Science and Engineering C, 126: 112124, 2021 | DOI

Barciela, R., Quintero, F., Doval, A.F., Fernández-Arias, M., Del Val, J., Comesaña, R., Pou, J.,
Monte Carlo simulation of a LSC based on stacked layers of fiber arrays with core-coating different absorbing properties
Optics Express, 29(13): , 2021 | DOI

Pou-Álvarez, P., Riveiro, A., Nóvoa, X.R., Jin, X., del Val, J., Comesaña, R., Boutinguiza, M., Lusquiños, F., Jones, J.R., Pérez-Prado, M.T., Pou, J.,
Laser-Guided Corrosion Control: A New Approach to Tailor the Degradation of Mg-Alloys
Small, 17(18): 2100924, 2021 | DOI

Ayala, M., Doval-Gandoy, J., Gonzalez, O., Rodas, J., Gregor, R., Rivera, M.,
Experimental Stability Study of Modulated Model Predictive Current Controllers Applied to Six-Phase Induction Motor Drives
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 36(11): 9435043, 2021 | DOI

Wallerstein, D., Lusquiños, F., Comesaña, R., del Val, J., Riveiro, A., Badaoui, A., Pou, J.,
Dissimilar unbeveled butt joints of AA6061 to S235 structural steel by means of standard single beam fiber laser welding-brazing
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 291: 116994, 2021 | DOI

Fernández?arias, M., Álvarez?olcina, I., Malvido?fresnillo, P., Vázquez, J.A., Boutinguiza, M., Comesaña, R., Pou, J.,
Biogenic calcium phosphate from fish discards and by?products
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(8): 3387, 2021 | DOI

Rodas, J., Gonzalez-Prieto, I., Kali, Y., Saad, M., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
Recent Advances in Model Predictive and Sliding Mode Current Control Techniques of Multiphase Induction Machines
Frontiers in Energy Research, 9: 729034, 2021 | DOI

Wallerstein, D., Salminen, A., Lusquiños, F., Comesaña, R., García, J.D.V., Rodríguez, A.R., Badaoui, A., Pou, J.,
Recent developments in laser welding of aluminum alloys to steel
Metals, 11(4): 622, 2021 | DOI

Bukhari, S.S.H., Memon, A.A., Madanzadeh, S., Sirewal, G.J., Doval-Gandoy, J., Ro, J.S.,
Novel single inverter-controlled brushless wound field synchronous machine topology
Mathematics, 9(15): 1739, 2021 | DOI

Barro, Ó., Arias-González, F., Lusquiños, F., Comesaña, R., Del Val, J., Riveiro, A., Badaoui, A., Gómez-Baño, F., Pou, J.,
Improved commercially pure titanium obtained by laser directed energy deposition for dental prosthetic applications
Metals, 11(1): 70, 2021 | DOI

Bukhari, S.S.H., Ali, Q., Doval-gandoy, J., Ro, J.S.,
High-efficient brushless wound rotor synchronous machine topology based on sub-harmonic field-excitation technique
Energies, 14(15): 4427, 2021 | DOI

Yepes, A.G., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
Simple Carrier-Based PWM for Prolonged High DC-Link Utilization for Symmetrical and Asymmetrical n-Phase AC Drives
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 36(8): 9350212, 2021 | DOI

Díez, A.M., Valencia, H.E., Meledina, M., Mayer, J., Kolen’ko, Y.V.
Photocatalytic-fenton process under simulated solar radiation promoted by a suitable catalyst selection
Catalysts, 11(8): 885, 2021 | DOI

Rahman, F.M.M., Pirsto, V., Kukkola, J., Hinkkanen, M., Perez-Estevez, D., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
Equivalence of the Integrator-Based and Disturbance-Observer-Based State-Space Current Controllers for Grid Converters
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 68(6): 9075404, 2021 | DOI

Book Chapter
Díez, A.M., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A.
Hybrid systems to improve photo-based processes and their importance in the dye degradation
Photocatalytic Degradation of Dyes: Current Trends and Future Perspectives, : , 2021 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., González-Fernández, M.A., Estévez-Ventosa, X., Song, F., Delgado-Martín, J., Muñoz-Ibáñez, A., González-Molano, N., Alvarellos, J.
Anisotropic deformability and strength of slate from NW-Spain
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 148: 104923, 2021 | DOI

Ayala, M., Doval-Gandoy, J., Rodas, J., Gonzalez, O., Gregor, R., Rivera, M.,
A Novel Modulated Model Predictive Control Applied to Six-Phase Induction Motor Drives
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 68(5): 9062536, 2021 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Walton, G., Gaines, S.
Residual strength of granitic rocks
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 118: 104189, 2021 | DOI

Book Chapter
Arias-González, F., Barro, O., Del Val, J., Lusquiños, F., Fernández-Arias, M., Comesaña, R., Riveiro, A., Pou, J.
Laser-directed energy deposition: Principles and applications
Additive Manufacturing, : , 2021 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Pérez-Rey, I., Estévez-Ventosa, X., Muñiz-Menéndez, M., Arzúa, J.
Natural instability phenomena in granitic rock masses: slopes in decomposed granite, boulder fields and irregular large granitic boulders
Boletin Geologico y Minero, 132(4): , 2021 | DOI

Kali, Y., Saad, M., Doval-Gandoy, J., Rodas, J.,
Discrete terminal super-twisting current control of a six-phase induction motor
Energies, 14(5): 1339, 2021 | DOI

Book Chapter
Wallerstein, D., Riveiro, A., delVala, J., Comesaña, R., Lusquiñosa, F., Poua, J.
Developments in laser welding of aluminum alloys
Advanced Welding and Deforming, : , 2021 | DOI

García-Fernández, A., Doval-Gandoy, J., Pérez-Estévez, D.,
Discrete fundamental ac voltage controller for three-phase standalone converters
Energies, 14(3): 650, 2021 | DOI

Yepes, A.G., Doval-Gandoy, J., Toliyat, H.A.,
Improvement in DC-Link Utilization with Reduced Current and Torque Deterioration for Five-Phase Drives by Combination of Circulating-Current Filters and Simple Carrier-Based PWM Based on Closed-Form Expressions
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 68(2): 8967198, 2021 | DOI

Yepes, A.G., Doval-Gandoy, J., Toliyat, H.A.,
Strategy with Smooth Transitions and Improved Torque-Speed Region and Stator Copper Loss for Two-Level Asymmetrical Six-Phase Induction Motor Drives under Switch Faults
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 36(2): 9147054, 2021 | DOI

Hoffman, S.M., Alvarez, M., Alfassi, G., Rein, D.M., Garcia-Echauri, S., Cohen, Y., Avalos, J.L.,
Cellulosic biofuel production using emulsified simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (eSSF) with conventional and thermotolerant yeasts
Biotechnology for Biofuels, 14(1): 157, 2021 | DOI

Perez-Estevez, D., Doval-Gandoy, J., Crego-Lourido, A.,
Grid Current Control for Active-Front-End Electric Propulsion Systems in AC Ship Microgrids
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, : , 2021 | DOI

Álvarez, M.S., Longo, M.A., Deive, F.J., Rodríguez, A.,
Synthesis and characterization of a lipase-friendly DES based on cholinium dihydrogen phosphate
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 340: 117230, 2021 | DOI

Yepes, A.G., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
Study and Active Enhancement by Converter Reconfiguration of the Performance in Terms of Stator Copper Loss, Derating Factor and Converter Rating of Multiphase Drives under Two Open Legs with Different Stator Winding Connections
IEEE Access, 9: 9410265, 2021 | DOI

Álvarez, M.S., Rivas, M.A., Longo, M.A., Deive, F.J., Rodríguez, A.,
Choline dihydrogen phosphate-based deep eutectic solvent: A suitable bioplatform for lipase extraction
Separation and Purification Technology, 265: 118525, 2021 | DOI

Fernández, A., González, L., Álvarez, M.S., Deive, F.J.,
Suitability of non-conventional reaction medium for biocatalysis: From lipase activity to thermophysical characterization
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 322: 114960, 2021 | DOI

Gálvez, A., Iglesias, A., Díaz, J.A., Fister, I., López, J., Fister, I.,
Modified OFS-RDS bat algorithm for IFS encoding of bitmap fractal binary images
Advanced Engineering Informatics, 47: 101222, 2021 | DOI

Álvarez-Bermúdez, C., Chapela, S., Varela, L.G., Gómez, M.Á.,
Cfd simulation of an internally cooled biomass fixed-bed combustion plant
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Cid, N., Rico, J.J., Pérez-Orozco, R., Larrañaga, A.,
Experimental study of the performance of a laboratory-scale esp with biomass combustion: Discharge electrode disposition, dynamic control unit and aging effect
Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(18): 10344, 2021 | DOI

Sánchez-Aparicio, L.J., Mora, R., Conde, B., Maté-González, M.Á., Sánchez-Aparicio, M., González-Aguilera, D.
Integration of a wearable mobile mapping solution and advance numerical simulations for the structural analysis of historical constructions: A case of study in san pedro church (Palencia, Spain)
Remote Sensing, 13(7): 1252, 2021 | DOI

Pereira-Cameselle, R., Peña-Gallego, Á., Cid-Seara, K.M., Alonso-Gómez, J.L., Talavera, M., Bolaño, S.,
Chemoselectivity on the synthesis of iridacycles: A theoretical and experimental study
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 517: 120189, 2021 | DOI

Gómez, M.A., Bellas, R., González-Gil, A., Cacabelos, A., Larrañaga, A.,
Thermal study of a passive cooling device operating through a bubble lifting CLTPT of NOVEC 7000 with a two-fluid condenser
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 177: 121530, 2021 | DOI

António, J., Bastos, G., Almeida, J., Tadeu, A., Marques, B., Marques, A., Armesto, J., Patiño-Barbeito, F.
Influence of Different Dosages of Limestone Dust and Charcoal on the Properties of Lightweight Cement Composites
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 33(10): 4021271, 2021 | DOI

Comesaña-Cebral, L., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Lorenzo, H., Arias, P.,
Individual tree segmentation method based on mobile backpack LiDAR point clouds
Sensors, 21(18): 6007, 2021 | DOI

Alonso, L., Picos, J., Armesto, J.
Forest land cover mapping at a regional scale using multi-temporal sentinel-2 imagery and rf models
Remote Sensing, 13(12): 2237, 2021 | DOI

Balado, J., Arias, P., Lorenzo, H., Meijide-Rodríguez, A.,
Disturbance analysis in the classification of objects obtained from urban lidar point clouds with convolutional neural networks
Remote Sensing, 13(11): 2135, 2021 | DOI

Picos, J., Bastos, G., Míguez, D., Alonso, L., Armesto, J.
Individual tree detection in a eucalyptus plantation using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-LiDAR
Remote Sensing, 12(5): 885, 2020 | DOI

Otero, R., Lagüela, S., Garrido, I., Arias, P.,
Mobile indoor mapping technologies: A review
Automation in Construction, 120: 103399, 2020 | DOI

Garrido, I., Lagüela, S., Otero, R., Arias, P.,
Thermographic methodologies used in infrastructure inspection: A review—data acquisition procedures
Infrared Physics and Technology, 111: 103481, 2020 | DOI

González-deSantos, L.M., Martínez-Sánchez, J., González-Jorge, H., Arias, P.,
Active UAV payload based on horizontal propellers for contact inspections tasks
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 165: 108106, 2020 | DOI

Soilán, M., Riveiro, B., Balado, J., Arias, P.,
Comparison of heuristic and deep learning-based methods for ground classification from aerial point clouds
International Journal of Digital Earth, 13(10): , 2020 | DOI

Otero, R., Frías, E., Lagüela, S., Arias, P.,
Automatic gbXML modeling from LiDAR data for energy studies
Remote Sensing, 12(17): 2679, 2020 | DOI

Villanueva, D., Cordeiro, M., Feijóo, A., Míguez, E., Fernández, A.
Effects of adding batteries in household installations: Savings, efficiency and emissions
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10(17): 5891, 2020 | DOI

Corrosion inhibition of steel by prickly pear: Extraction, characterization and electrochemical studies
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 65(4): , 2020 | DOI

Villanueva, D., Sixto, A., Feijóo, A., Fernández, A., Miguez, E.
Methods to apply a 3-parameter logistic model to wind turbine data
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10(9): 3317, 2020 | DOI

Díaz, B., Guitián, B., Nóvoa, X.R., Pérez, M.C.
The effect of chlorides on the corrosion behaviour of weathered reinforcing bars
Electrochimica Acta, 336: 135737, 2020 | DOI

Zidi, Z., Ltifi, M., Ayadi, Z.B., Mir, L.E.L., Nóvoa, X.R.
Effect of nano-ZnO on mechanical and thermal properties of geopolymer
Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies, 8(1): , 2020 | DOI

González-deSantos, L.M., Martínez-Sánchez, J., González-Jorge, H., Navarro-Medina, F., Arias, P.,
UAV payload with collision mitigation for contact inspection
Automation in Construction, 115: 103200, 2020 | DOI

Garrido, I., Lagüela, S., Sfarra, S., Arias, P.,
Development of thermal principles for the automation of the thermographic monitoring of cultural heritage
Sensors (Switzerland), 20(12): 3392, 2020 | DOI

Garrido, I., Lagüela, S., Otero, R., Arias, P.,
Thermographic methodologies used in infrastructure inspection: A review—Post-processing procedures
Applied Energy, 266: 114857, 2020 | DOI

Alonso, L., Picos, J., Bastos, G., Armesto, J.
Detection of very small tree plantations and tree-level characterization using open-access remote-sensing databases
Remote Sensing, 12(14): 2276, 2020 | DOI

Balado, J., Sousa, R., Díaz-Vilariño, L., Arias, P.,
Transfer Learning in urban object classification: Online images to recognize point clouds
Automation in Construction, 111: 103058, 2020 | DOI

Picos, J., Bastos, G., Míguez, D., Alonso, L., Armesto, J.
Individual tree detection in a eucalyptus plantation using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-LiDAR
Remote Sensing, 12(5): 885, 2020 | DOI

Balado, J., González, E., Arias, P., Castro, D.,
Novel approach to automatic traffic sign inventory based on mobile mapping system data and deep learning
Remote Sensing, 12(3): 442, 2020 | DOI

Baldonedo, J., Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
An a priori error analysis of a Lord–Shulman poro-thermoelastic problem with microtemperatures
Acta Mechanica, 231(10): , 2020 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
Numerical analysis of a type III thermo-porous-elastic problem with microtemperatures
Computational and Applied Mathematics, 39(3): 242, 2020 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Suárez, S.,
Numerical analysis of a thermal problem arising in microstretch elastic plates
Journal of Thermal Stresses, 43(9): , 2020 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
An a priori error analysis of poro-thermoviscoelastic problems
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 379: 125268, 2020 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
Analysis of a thermoelastic problem of type III
European Physical Journal Plus, 135(6): 480, 2020 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Magaña, A., Quintanilla, R.,
Numerical analysis of a dual-phase-lag model involving two temperatures
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 43(5): , 2020 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Magaña, A., Quintanilla, R.,
A poro-thermoelastic problem with dissipative heat conduction
Journal of Thermal Stresses, : , 2020 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Leseduarte, M.C., Magaña, A., Quintanilla, R.,
On the linear thermoelasticity with two porosities: Numerical aspects
International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 17(2): , 2020 | DOI

Puga, A., Rosales, E., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A.
Prompt removal of antibiotic by adsorption/electro-Fenton degradation using an iron-doped perlite as heterogeneous catalyst
Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 144: , 2020 | DOI

Fdez-Sanromán, A., Pazos, M., Rosales, E., Sanromán, M.A.
Unravelling the environmental application of biochar as low-cost biosorbent: A review
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10(21): 7810, 2020 | DOI

Morandeira, L., Sanromán, M.Á., Deive, F.J., Rodríguez, A.
Cholinium dipeptide as the cornerstone to build promising separation processes: A simultaneous recovery strategy for microalgae biorefineries
Separation and Purification Technology, 250: 117288, 2020 | DOI

Fernandez-Sanroman, A., Acevedo-García, V., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A., Rosales, E.
Removal of sulfamethoxazole and methylparaben using hydrocolloid and fiber industry wastes: Comparison with biochar and laccase-biocomposite
Journal of Cleaner Production, 271: 122436, 2020 | DOI

Bochicchio, I., Campo, M., Fernández, J.R., Naso, M.G.
Analysis of a thermoelastic Timoshenko beam model
Acta Mechanica, 231(10): , 2020 | DOI

Gutiérrez-Arnillas, E., Sanromán, M.Á., Longo, M.A., Rodríguez, A., Deive, F.J.
Potential of cholinium glycinate for the extraction of extremophilic lipolytic biocatalysts
Separation and Purification Technology, 248: 117008, 2020 | DOI

Fraiese, A., Cesaro, A., Belgiorno, V., Sanromán, M.A., Pazos, M., Naddeo, V.
Ultrasonic processes for the advanced remediation of contaminated sediments
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 67: 105171, 2020 | DOI

Smeraldi, F., Bianconi, F., Fernández, A., González, E.,
Partial order rank features in colour space
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10(2): 499, 2020 | DOI

Arellano, M., Oturan, N., Oturan, M.A., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.Á., González-Romero, E.
Differential pulse voltammetry as a powerful tool to monitor the electro-Fenton process
Electrochimica Acta, 354: 136740, 2020 | DOI

Ouiriemmi, I., Díez, A.M., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.Á.
Iron-loaded catalytic silicate adsorbents: Synthesis, characterization, electroregeneration and application for continuous removal of 1-butylpyridinium chloride
Catalysts, 10(9): 950, 2020 | DOI

Acevedo-García, V., Rosales, E., Puga, A., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A.
Synthesis and use of efficient adsorbents under the principles of circular economy: Waste valorisation and electroadvanced oxidation process regeneration
Separation and Purification Technology, 242: 116796, 2020 | DOI

Ouiriemmi, I., Díez, A.M., Rosales, E., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.Á.
Pre-concentration by natural adsorbent as plausible tool for effective electro-Fenton removal of micropollutants
Separation and Purification Technology, 241: 116676, 2020 | DOI

Puga, A., Rosales, E., Sanromán, M.A., Pazos, M.
Environmental application of monolithic carbonaceous aerogels for the removal of emerging pollutants
Chemosphere, 248: 125995, 2020 | DOI

Hayoun, B., Bourouina, M., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A., Bourouina-Bacha, S.
Equilibrium study, modeling and optimization of model drug adsorption process by sunflower seed shells
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10(9): 3271, 2020 | DOI

Rodríguez-López, L., López-Prieto, A., Lopez-Álvarez, M., Pérez-Davila, S., Serra, J., González, P., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Characterization and Cytotoxic Effect of Biosurfactants Obtained from Different Sources
ACS Omega, 5(48): , 2020 | DOI

Fdez-Sanromán, A., Acevedo-García, V., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.Á., Rosales, E.
Iron-doped cathodes for electro-Fenton implementation: Application for pymetrozine degradation
Electrochimica Acta, 338: 135768, 2020 | DOI

Scalzini, G., López-Prieto, A., Paissoni, M.A., Englezos, V., Giacosa, S., Rolle, L., Gerbi, V., Segade, S.R., Cid, B.P., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
Can a corn-derived biosurfactant improve colour traits of wine? first insight on its application during winegrape skin maceration versus oenological tannins
Foods, 9(12): 1747, 2020 | DOI

Arellano, M., Oturan, N., Pazos, M., Ángeles Sanromán, M., Oturan, M.A.
Coupling electro-Fenton process to a biological treatment, a new methodology for the removal of ionic liquids?
Separation and Purification Technology, 233: 115990, 2020 | DOI

Pérez-Cid, B., Calvar, S., Moldes, A.B., Manuel Cruz, J.
Effective Removal of Cyanide and Heavy Metals from an Industrial Electroplating Stream Using Calcium Alginate Hydrogels
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 25(21): , 2020 | DOI

Díez, A.M., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A.
Bifunctional floating catalyst for enhancing the synergistic effect of LED-photolysis and electro-Fenton process
Separation and Purification Technology, 230: 115880, 2020 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M., Pérez Cid, B.
Towards more Ecofriendly Pesticides: Use of Biosurfactants Obtained from the Corn Milling Industry as Solubilizing Agent of Copper Oxychloride
Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 23(6): , 2020 | DOI

Book Chapter
Arellano, M., Sanromán, M.Á., Pazos, M.
Sulfate radicals-based technology as a promising strategy for wastewater management
Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation, : , 2020 | DOI

Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Extraction, separation and characterization of lipopeptides and phospholipids from corn steep water
Separation and Purification Technology, 248: 117076, 2020 | DOI

Book Chapter
Rosales, E., Soares, A., Buftia, G., Pazos, M., Lazar, G., Delerue-Matos, C., Sanromán, M.Á.
Fluoxetine and pirimicarb abatement by ecofriendly electro-fenton process
Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation, : , 2020 | DOI

Iglesias, A.M., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A., Pérez-Cid, B.
Efficient Adsorption of Lead Ions onto Alginate–Grape Marc Hybrid Beads: Optimization and Bioadsorption Kinetics
Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 25(5): , 2020 | DOI

Book Chapter
Amorim, J., Pinheiro, C., Abreu, I., Rodrigues, P., Sanromán, M.Á., Rosales, E., Pazos, M., Soares, A., Delerue-Matos, C., Saraiva, A., Oliva-Teles, L., Carvalho, A.P., Guimarães, L.
Performance of electro-fenton water treatment technology in decreasing zebrafish embryotoxicity elicited by a mixture of organic contaminants
Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation, : , 2020 | DOI

Rodriguez, J., Perez, B., Nebot, C., Falque, E., Simal-Gandara, J.
Food production link to underground waters quality in A Limia river basin
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 297: 106969, 2020 | DOI

Rincón-Fontán, M., Rodríguez-López, L., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Potential application of a multifunctional biosurfactant extract obtained from corn as stabilizing agent of vitamin C in cosmetic formulations
Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 16: 100248, 2020 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Vecino, X., Rodríguez-López, L., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
Fungistatic and fungicidal capacity of a biosurfactant extract obtained from corn steep water
Foods, 9(5): foods9050662, 2020 | DOI

Rincón-Fontán, M., Rodríguez-López, L., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Novel Multifunctional Biosurfactant Obtained from Corn as a Stabilizing Agent for Antidandruff Formulations Based on Zn Pyrithione Powder
ACS Omega, 5(11): , 2020 | DOI

Ndiaye, B., Bustos, G., Calvar, S., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B., Pérez-Cid, B.
Selective Adsorption Capacity of Grape Marc Hydrogel for Adsorption of Binary Mixtures of Dyes
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 231(1): 2, 2020 | DOI

Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Vecino, X., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
Biodegradability Study of the Biosurfactant Contained in a Crude Extract from Corn Steep Water
Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 23(1): , 2020 | DOI

Chapela, S., Cid, N., Porteiro, J., Míguez, J.L.,
Numerical transient modelling of the fouling phenomena and its influence on thermal performance in a low-scale biomass shell boiler
Renewable Energy, 161: , 2020 | DOI

Chapela, S., Porteiro, J., Míguez, J.L., Behrendt, F.,
Eulerian CFD fouling model for fixed bed biomass combustion systems
Fuel, 278: 118251, 2020 | DOI

Rico, J.J., Pérez-Orozco, R., Cid, N., Larrañaga, A., Tabarés, J.L.M.,
Viability of agricultural and forestry residues as biomass fuels in the galicia-north portugal region: An experimental study
Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(19): 8206, 2020 | DOI

Pérez-Orozco, R., Patiño, D., Porteiro, J., Míguez, J.L.,
Bed cooling effects in solid particulate matter emissions during biomass combustion. A morphological insight
Energy, 205: 118088, 2020 | DOI

Bellas, R., Gómez, M.A., González-Gil, A., Porteiro, J., Míguez, J.L.,
Assessment of the Fire Dynamics Simulator for Modeling Fire Suppression in Engine Rooms of Ships with Low-Pressure Water Mist
Fire Technology, 56(3): , 2020 | DOI

Pérez-Orozco, R., Patiño, D., Porteiro, J., Míguez, J.L.,
Novel test bench for the active reduction of biomass particulate matter emissions
Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(1): 5529, 2020 | DOI

Míguez, J.L., Porteiro, J., Pérez-Orozco, R., Patiño, D., Gómez, M.Á.,
Biological systems for CCS: Patent review as a criterion for technological development
Applied Energy, 257: 114032, 2020 | DOI

Olariaga, I., Paz-Bermúdez, G., Calvo, J., Prieto, M., Prieto, M.,
Rediscovery of the endangered lichen Pseudocyphellaria aurata (Lobariaceae, Ascomycota) in mainland Spain
Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid, 77(2): , 2020 | DOI

Gómez, J.L., Martínez, A.O., Pastoriza, F.T., Garrido, L.F., Álvarez, E.G., García, J.A.O.
Photovoltaic power prediction using artificial neural networks and numerical weather data
Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(24): 10295, 2020 | DOI

Cabaleiro, M., Conde, B., Riveiro, B., Caamaño, J.C.,
Analysis of steel connections with girder clamps according to the bolts preload
Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 168: 105866, 2020 | DOI

Hermida, J., Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B., Caamaño, J.C.,
Two-dimensional models of variable inertia from LiDAR data for structural analysis of timber trusses
Construction and Building Materials, 231: 117072, 2020 | DOI

Rodríguez-López, L., López-Prieto, A., Lopez-Álvarez, M., Pérez-Davila, S., Serra, J., González, P., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Characterization and Cytotoxic Effect of Biosurfactants Obtained from Different Sources
ACS Omega, 5(48): , 2020 | DOI

Scalzini, G., López-Prieto, A., Paissoni, M.A., Englezos, V., Giacosa, S., Rolle, L., Gerbi, V., Segade, S.R., Cid, B.P., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
Can a corn-derived biosurfactant improve colour traits of wine? first insight on its application during winegrape skin maceration versus oenological tannins
Foods, 9(12): 1747, 2020 | DOI

Pérez-Cid, B., Calvar, S., Moldes, A.B., Manuel Cruz, J.
Effective Removal of Cyanide and Heavy Metals from an Industrial Electroplating Stream Using Calcium Alginate Hydrogels
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 25(21): , 2020 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M., Pérez Cid, B.
Towards more Ecofriendly Pesticides: Use of Biosurfactants Obtained from the Corn Milling Industry as Solubilizing Agent of Copper Oxychloride
Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 23(6): , 2020 | DOI

Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Extraction, separation and characterization of lipopeptides and phospholipids from corn steep water
Separation and Purification Technology, 248: 117076, 2020 | DOI

Iglesias, A.M., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A., Pérez-Cid, B.
Efficient Adsorption of Lead Ions onto Alginate–Grape Marc Hybrid Beads: Optimization and Bioadsorption Kinetics
Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 25(5): , 2020 | DOI

Rodriguez, J., Perez, B., Nebot, C., Falque, E., Simal-Gandara, J.
Food production link to underground waters quality in A Limia river basin
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 297: 106969, 2020 | DOI

Rincón-Fontán, M., Rodríguez-López, L., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Potential application of a multifunctional biosurfactant extract obtained from corn as stabilizing agent of vitamin C in cosmetic formulations
Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 16: 100248, 2020 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Vecino, X., Rodríguez-López, L., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
Fungistatic and fungicidal capacity of a biosurfactant extract obtained from corn steep water
Foods, 9(5): foods9050662, 2020 | DOI

López-Campos, J.A., Ferreira, J.P.S., Segade, A., Fernández, J.R., Natal, R.M.
Characterization of hyperelastic and damage behavior of tendons
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 23(6): , 2020 | DOI

Rincón-Fontán, M., Rodríguez-López, L., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Novel Multifunctional Biosurfactant Obtained from Corn as a Stabilizing Agent for Antidandruff Formulations Based on Zn Pyrithione Powder
ACS Omega, 5(11): , 2020 | DOI

Fernández, J.R., López-Campos, J.A., Segade, A., Vilán, J.A.
CMMSE 2017–a numerical method based on genetic algorithms for the characterization of viscoelastic materials
International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 97(1-2): , 2020 | DOI

Ndiaye, B., Bustos, G., Calvar, S., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B., Pérez-Cid, B.
Selective Adsorption Capacity of Grape Marc Hydrogel for Adsorption of Binary Mixtures of Dyes
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 231(1): 2, 2020 | DOI

Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Vecino, X., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
Biodegradability Study of the Biosurfactant Contained in a Crude Extract from Corn Steep Water
Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 23(1): , 2020 | DOI

Baldonedo, J., Fernández, J.R., Segade, A.
Numerical analysis of a bone remodeling model with damage
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 367: 113113, 2020 | DOI

Baldonedo, J., Fernández, J.R., Segade, A.
Analysis of a bone remodeling model with myeloma disease arising in cellular dynamics
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 36(6): e3333, 2020 | DOI

Mol, A., Cabaleiro, M., Sousa, H.S., Branco, J.M.,
HBIM for storing life-cycle data regarding decay and damage in existing timber structures
Automation in Construction, 117: 103262, 2020 | DOI

Baldonedo, J., Fernández, J.R., Segade, A.
Numerical analysis of an osseointegration model
Mathematics, 8(1): 87, 2020 | DOI

Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B., Conde, B., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A.,
A case study of measurements of deformations due to different loads in pieces less than 1?m from lidar data
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 151: 107196, 2020 | DOI

Calviño-Cancela, M., Neumann, M., López de Silanés, M.E.,
Contrasting patterns of lichen abundance and diversity in Eucalyptus globulus and Pinus pinaster plantations with tree age
Forest Ecology and Management, 462: 117994, 2020 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Sanmartín, P., Serrano, M., De la Rosa, J.M., Miller, A.Z., Sanjurjo-Sánchez, J.
Impact of wildfire on granite outcrops in archaeological sites surrounded by different types of vegetation
Science of the Total Environment, 747: 141143, 2020 | DOI

Kassotakis, N., Sarhosis, V., Riveiro, B., Conde, B., D'Altri, A.M., Mills, J., Milani, G., de Miranda, S., Castellazzi, G.,
Three-dimensional discrete element modelling of rubble masonry structures from dense point clouds
Automation in Construction, 119: 103365, 2020 | DOI

Ricci, C., Gambino, F., Nervo, M., Piccirillo, A., Scarcella, A., Zenucchini, F., Ramil, A., Pozo-Antonio, J.S.
Enhancement of graffiti removal from heritage stone by combining laser ablation and application of a solvent mixture
Construction and Building Materials, 262: 119934, 2020 | DOI

Soilán, M., Justo, A., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., Riveiro, B.,
3D point cloud to BIM: Semi-automated framework to define IFC alignment entities from MLS-acquired LiDAR data of highway roads
Remote Sensing, 12(14): 2301, 2020 | DOI

Balado, J., van Oosterom, P., Díaz-Vilariño, L., Meijers, M.
Mathematical morphology directly applied to point cloud data
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 168: , 2020 | DOI

Gerassis, S., Saavedra, Á., Taboada, J., Alonso, E., Bastante, F.G.
Differentiating between fatal and non-fatal mining accidents using artificial intelligence techniques
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 34(10): , 2020 | DOI

Feijoo, I., Merino, P., Pena, G., Rey, P., Cabeza, M.,
Microstructure and mechanical properties of an extruded 6005a al alloy composite reinforced with tic nanosized particles and strengthened by precipitation hardening
Metals, 10(8): 1050, 2020 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Noya-Pintos, D., Sanmartín, P.
Moving toward smart cities: Evaluation of the self-cleaning properties of si-based consolidants containing nanocrystalline tio2 activated by either uv-a or uv-b radiation
Polymers, 12(11): 2577, 2020 | DOI

Comite, V., Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Cardell, C., Randazzo, L., La Russa, M.F., Fermo, P.
A multi-analytical approach for the characterization of black crusts on the facade of an historical cathedral
Microchemical Journal, 158: 105121, 2020 | DOI

Vázquez, J.A., Fraguas, J., González, P., Serra, J., Valcarcel, J.
Optimal recovery of valuable biomaterials, chondroitin sulfate and bioapatites, from central skeleton wastes of blue shark
Polymers, 12(11): 2613, 2020 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Arzúa, J., Estévez-Ventosa, X., Suikkanen, J.
Correcting indirect strain measurements in laboratory uniaxial compressive testing at various scales
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 79(9): , 2020 | DOI

Book Chapter
Oliveira, D.V., Allahvirdizadeh, R., Sánchez, A., Riveiro, B., Mendes, N., Silva, R.A., Fernandes, F.M.,
Assessment of a Medieval Arch Bridge Resorting to Non-destructive Techniques and Numerical Tools
Structural Integrity, 11: , 2020 | DOI

López-Álvarez, M., González, P., Serra, J., Fraguas, J., Valcarcel, J., Vázquez, J.A.
Chondroitin sulfate and hydroxyapatite from Prionace glauca shark jaw: Physicochemical and structural characterization
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 156: , 2020 | DOI

Castro-Filgueira, U., Alejano, L.R., Ivars, D.M.
Particle flow code simulation of intact and fissured granitic rock samples
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 12(5): , 2020 | DOI

López-Senra, E., Casal-Beiroa, P., López-Álvarez, M., Serra, J., González, P., Valcarcel, J., Vázquez, J.A., Burguera, E.F., Blanco, F.J., Magalhães, J.
Impact of prevalence ratios of chondroitin sulfate (CS)- 4 and -6 isomers derived from marine sources in cell proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation processes
Marine Drugs, 18(2): 94, 2020 | DOI

Alegria, C., Roque, N., Albuquerque, T., Gerassis, S., Fernandez, P., Ribeiro, M.M.
Species ecological envelopes under climate change scenarios: A case study for the main two wood-production forest species in Portugal
Forests, 11(8): 880, 2020 | DOI

Pérez-Rey, I., Bastante, F.G., Alejano, L.R., Ivars, D.M.
Influence of Microroughness on the Frictional Behavior and Wear Response of Planar Saw-Cut Rock Surfaces
International Journal of Geomechanics, 20(8): 4020118, 2020 | DOI

Ricci, C., Gambino, F., Nervo, M., Piccirillo, A., Scarcella, A., De Stefanis, A., Pozo-Antonio, J.S.
Anti-graffiti coatings on stones for historical buildings in Turin (NW Italy)
Coatings, 10(6): 582, 2020 | DOI

Rabat, Á., Cano, M., Tomás, R., Tamayo, Á.E., Alejano, L.R.
Evaluation of Strength and Deformability of Soft Sedimentary Rocks in Dry and Saturated Conditions Through Needle Penetration and Point Load Tests: A Comparative Study
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 53(6): , 2020 | DOI

Feijoo, J., Rivas, T., Nóvoa, X.R., Ottosen, L.M.
New Double Electrode System for the Electrochemical Desalination of Building Stones
International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 14(5): , 2020 | DOI

Ricci, C., Gambino, F., Nervo, M., Piccirillo, A., Scarcella, A., Zenucchini, F., Pozo-Antonio, J.S.
Developing new cleaning strategies of cultural heritage stones: Are synergistic combinations of a low-toxic solvent ternary mixtures followed by laser the solution?
Coatings, 10(5): 466, 2020 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Rivas, T., Dionísio, A., Barral, D., Cardell, C.
Effect of a SO2 rich atmosphere on tempera paint mock-ups. Part 1: Accelerated aging of smalt and Lapis Lazuli-based paints
Minerals, 10(5): 427, 2020 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Cardell, C., Barral, D., Dionisio, A., Rivas, T.
Effect of a SO2 rich atmosphere on tempera paint mock-ups. Part 2: Accelerated aging of azurite-and malachite-based paints
Minerals, 10(5): 424, 2020 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Sanmartín, P., Serrano, M., De la Rosa, J.M., Miller, A.Z., Sanjurjo-Sánchez, J.
Impact of wildfire on granite outcrops in archaeological sites surrounded by different types of vegetation
Science of the Total Environment, 747: 141143, 2020 | DOI

Boente, C., Gerassis, S., Albuquerque, M.T.D., Taboada, J., Gallego, J.R.
Local versus Regional Soil Screening Levels to Identify Potentially Polluted Areas
Mathematical Geosciences, 52(3): , 2020 | DOI

Ricci, C., Gambino, F., Nervo, M., Piccirillo, A., Scarcella, A., Zenucchini, F., Ramil, A., Pozo-Antonio, J.S.
Enhancement of graffiti removal from heritage stone by combining laser ablation and application of a solvent mixture
Construction and Building Materials, 262: 119934, 2020 | DOI

Sanmartín, P., Pozo-Antonio, J.S.
Weathering of graffiti spray paint on building stones exposed to different types of UV radiation
Construction and Building Materials, 236: 117736, 2020 | DOI

Gerassis, S., Saavedra, Á., Taboada, J., Alonso, E., Bastante, F.G.
Differentiating between fatal and non-fatal mining accidents using artificial intelligence techniques
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 34(10): , 2020 | DOI

Ramil, A., Vázquez-Nion, D., Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Sanmartín, P., Prieto, B.
Using hyperspectral imaging to quantify phototrophic biofilms on granite
Journal of Environmental Informatics, 35(1): , 2020 | DOI

Toboso, I., Tejeda-Velarde, A., Alvarez-Lafuente, R., Arroyo, R., Hegen, H., Deisenhammer, F., Sainz de la Maza, S., Alvarez-Cermeño, J.C., Izquierdo, G., Paramo, D., Oliva, P., Casanova, B., Agüera-Morales, E., Franciotta, D., Gastaldi, M., Fernández, O., Urbaneja, P., Garcia-Dominguez, J.M., Romero, F., Laroni, A., Uccelli, A., Perez-Sempere, A., Saiz, A., Blanco, Y., Galimberti, D., Scarpini, E., Espejo, C., Montalban, X., Rasche, L., Paul, F., González, I., Álvarez, E., Ramo, C., Caminero, A.B., Aladro, Y., Calles, C., Eguía, P., Belenguer-Benavides, A., Ramió-Torrentà, L., Quintana, E., Martínez-Rodríguez, J.E., Oterino, A., López de Silanes, C., Casanova, L.I., Landete, L., Frederiksen, J., Bsteh, G., Mulero, P., Comabella, M., Hernández, M.A., Espiño, M., Prieto, J.M., Pérez, D., Otano, M., Padilla, F., García-Merino, J.A., Navarro, L., Muriel, A., Frossard, L.C., Villar, L.M.,
New Algorithms Improving PML Risk Stratification in MS Patients Treated With Natalizumab
Frontiers in Neurology, 11: 579438, 2020 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Noya-Pintos, D., Sanmartín, P.
Moving toward smart cities: Evaluation of the self-cleaning properties of si-based consolidants containing nanocrystalline tio2 activated by either uv-a or uv-b radiation
Polymers, 12(11): 2577, 2020 | DOI

Barreiro, P., Andreotti, A., Colombini, M.P., González, P., Pozo-Antonio, J.S.
Influence of the laser wavelength on harmful effects on granite due to biofilm removal
Coatings, 10(3): 196, 2020 | DOI

Comite, V., Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Cardell, C., Randazzo, L., La Russa, M.F., Fermo, P.
A multi-analytical approach for the characterization of black crusts on the facade of an historical cathedral
Microchemical Journal, 158: 105121, 2020 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Noya, D., Montojo, C.
Aesthetic effects on granite of adding nanoparticle TiO2 to si-based consolidants (ethyl silicate or nano-sized silica)
Coatings, 10(3): 215, 2020 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Arzúa, J., Estévez-Ventosa, X., Suikkanen, J.
Correcting indirect strain measurements in laboratory uniaxial compressive testing at various scales
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 79(9): , 2020 | DOI

Rivas, T., Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Ramil, A., López, A.J.
Influence of the weathering rate on the response of granite to nanosecond UV laser irradiation
Science of the Total Environment, 706: 135999, 2020 | DOI

Castro-Filgueira, U., Alejano, L.R., Ivars, D.M.
Particle flow code simulation of intact and fissured granitic rock samples
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 12(5): , 2020 | DOI

López, A.J., Lamas, J., Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Rivas, T., Ramil, A.
Development of processing strategies for 3D controlled laser ablation: Application to the cleaning of stonework surfaces
Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 126: 105897, 2020 | DOI

Alegria, C., Roque, N., Albuquerque, T., Gerassis, S., Fernandez, P., Ribeiro, M.M.
Species ecological envelopes under climate change scenarios: A case study for the main two wood-production forest species in Portugal
Forests, 11(8): 880, 2020 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J., Alonso-Villar, E.
Stone durability of a surfactant-synthesised alkosylane consolidant on granites with different mineralogy and texture
Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies, 10(2): , 2020 | DOI

González-Cela, G., Bellas, R., Carreño, R., Martínez, J., Touza, R., González-Gil, A., Gómez, M., González, D.,
A framework for integrating human factors in the early stages of ship design: Application to the mess halls of a surface combatant
Journal of Ship Production and Design, 36(1): A1, 2020 | DOI

Pérez-Rey, I., Bastante, F.G., Alejano, L.R., Ivars, D.M.
Influence of Microroughness on the Frictional Behavior and Wear Response of Planar Saw-Cut Rock Surfaces
International Journal of Geomechanics, 20(8): 4020118, 2020 | DOI

Estévez Ventosa, X., González Molano, N.A., Blázquez Pascual, V., Alvarellos, J., Alejano, L.R.
A methodology to estimate permeability in porous and fissured rock specimens at laboratory scale
Archives of Mining Sciences, 65(4): , 2020 | DOI

Ricci, C., Gambino, F., Nervo, M., Piccirillo, A., Scarcella, A., De Stefanis, A., Pozo-Antonio, J.S.
Anti-graffiti coatings on stones for historical buildings in Turin (NW Italy)
Coatings, 10(6): 582, 2020 | DOI

Rabat, Á., Cano, M., Tomás, R., Tamayo, Á.E., Alejano, L.R.
Evaluation of Strength and Deformability of Soft Sedimentary Rocks in Dry and Saturated Conditions Through Needle Penetration and Point Load Tests: A Comparative Study
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 53(6): , 2020 | DOI

Feijoo, J., Rivas, T., Nóvoa, X.R., Ottosen, L.M.
New Double Electrode System for the Electrochemical Desalination of Building Stones
International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 14(5): , 2020 | DOI

Ricci, C., Gambino, F., Nervo, M., Piccirillo, A., Scarcella, A., Zenucchini, F., Pozo-Antonio, J.S.
Developing new cleaning strategies of cultural heritage stones: Are synergistic combinations of a low-toxic solvent ternary mixtures followed by laser the solution?
Coatings, 10(5): 466, 2020 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Rivas, T., Dionísio, A., Barral, D., Cardell, C.
Effect of a SO2 rich atmosphere on tempera paint mock-ups. Part 1: Accelerated aging of smalt and Lapis Lazuli-based paints
Minerals, 10(5): 427, 2020 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Cardell, C., Barral, D., Dionisio, A., Rivas, T.
Effect of a SO2 rich atmosphere on tempera paint mock-ups. Part 2: Accelerated aging of azurite-and malachite-based paints
Minerals, 10(5): 424, 2020 | DOI

Boente, C., Gerassis, S., Albuquerque, M.T.D., Taboada, J., Gallego, J.R.
Local versus Regional Soil Screening Levels to Identify Potentially Polluted Areas
Mathematical Geosciences, 52(3): , 2020 | DOI

Sanmartín, P., Pozo-Antonio, J.S.
Weathering of graffiti spray paint on building stones exposed to different types of UV radiation
Construction and Building Materials, 236: 117736, 2020 | DOI

Ramil, A., Vázquez-Nion, D., Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Sanmartín, P., Prieto, B.
Using hyperspectral imaging to quantify phototrophic biofilms on granite
Journal of Environmental Informatics, 35(1): , 2020 | DOI

Barreiro, P., Andreotti, A., Colombini, M.P., González, P., Pozo-Antonio, J.S.
Influence of the laser wavelength on harmful effects on granite due to biofilm removal
Coatings, 10(3): 196, 2020 | DOI

Ogando-Martínez, A., Troncoso-Pastoriza, F., Granada-Álvarez, E., Eguía-Oller, P.
Ellipsoid-based approximation method for the estimation of the actual reduced luminance coefficients of road surfaces for accurate lighting simulations
Sustainable Cities and Society, 63: 102502, 2020 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Noya, D., Montojo, C.
Aesthetic effects on granite of adding nanoparticle TiO2 to si-based consolidants (ethyl silicate or nano-sized silica)
Coatings, 10(3): 215, 2020 | DOI

Comite, V., Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Cardell, C., Rivas, T., Randazzo, L., La Russa, M.F., Fermo, P.
Environmental impact assessment on the Monza cathedral (Italy): A multi-analytical approach
International Journal of Conservation Science, 11(SpecialIssue1): , 2020 | DOI

Uriarte, I., Erkoreka, A., Eguia, P., Granada, E., Martin-Escudero, K.
Estimation of the heat loss coefficient of two occupied residential buildings through an average method
Energies, 13(21): 5724, 2020 | DOI

Rivas, T., Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Ramil, A., López, A.J.
Influence of the weathering rate on the response of granite to nanosecond UV laser irradiation
Science of the Total Environment, 706: 135999, 2020 | DOI

Iglesias, C., Antunes, I.M.H.R., Albuquerque, M.T.D., Martínez, J., Taboada, J.
Predicting ore content throughout a machine learning procedure – An Sn-W enrichment case study
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 208: 106405, 2020 | DOI

López Gómez, J., Troncoso Pastoriza, F., Fariña, E.A., Eguía Oller, P., Granada Álvarez, E.
Use of a numerical weather prediction model as a meteorological source for the estimation of heating demand in building thermal simulations
Sustainable Cities and Society, 62: 102403, 2020 | DOI

López, A.J., Lamas, J., Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Rivas, T., Ramil, A.
Development of processing strategies for 3D controlled laser ablation: Application to the cleaning of stonework surfaces
Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 126: 105897, 2020 | DOI

Vagnon, F., Ferrero, A.M., Alejano, L.R.
Reliability-based design for debris flow barriers
Landslides, 17(1): , 2020 | DOI

Novo, A., Fariñas-álvarez, N., Martínez-Sánchez, J., González-Jorge, H., Fernández-Alonso, J.M., Lorenzo, H.,
Mapping forest fire risk—a case study in Galicia (Spain)
Remote Sensing, 12(22): 3705, 2020 | DOI

Díaz-Curiel, J., Miguel, M.J., Caparrini, N., Biosca, B., Arévalo-Lomas, L.,
Improving basic relationships of pipe hydraulics
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 72: 101698, 2020 | DOI

Anjos, O., Comesaña, M.M., Caldeira, I., Pedro, S.I., Oller, P.E., Canas, S.
Application of functional data analysis and FTIR-ATR spectroscopy to discriminatewine spirits ageing technologies
Mathematics, 8(6): 896, 2020 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J., Alonso-Villar, E.
Stone durability of a surfactant-synthesised alkosylane consolidant on granites with different mineralogy and texture
Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies, 10(2): , 2020 | DOI

Martínez, S., Eguía, P., Granada, E., Moazami, A., Hamdy, M.
A performance comparison of multi-objective optimization-based approaches for calibrating white-box building energy models.
Energy and Buildings, 216: 109942, 2020 | DOI

Estévez Ventosa, X., González Molano, N.A., Blázquez Pascual, V., Alvarellos, J., Alejano, L.R.
A methodology to estimate permeability in porous and fissured rock specimens at laboratory scale
Archives of Mining Sciences, 65(4): , 2020 | DOI

Comesaña, M.M., Mariño, S.M., Oller, P.E., Álvarez, E.G., González, A.E.
A functional data analysis for assessing the impact of a retrofitting in the energy performance of a building
Mathematics, 8(4): 547, 2020 | DOI

Cacabelos-Reyes, A., López-González, J.L., González-Gil, A., Febrero-Garrido, L., Eguía-Oller, P., Granada-Álvarez, E.
Assessing the energy demand reduction in a surgical suite by optimizing the HVAC operation during off-use periods
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10(7): 2233, 2020 | DOI

Novo, A., Fariñas-Álvarez, N., Martínez-Sánchez, J., González-Jorge, H., Lorenzo, H.,
Automatic processing of aerial LiDAR data to detect vegetation continuity in the surroundings of roads
Remote Sensing, 12(10): 1677, 2020 | DOI

Martínez, S., Pérez, E., Eguía, P., Erkoreka, A., Granada, E.
Model calibration and exergoeconomic optimization with NSGA-II applied to a residential cogeneration
Applied Thermal Engineering, 169: 114916, 2020 | DOI

Novo, A., González-Jorge, H., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Lorenzo, H.,
Canopy detection over roads using mobile lidar data
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41(5): , 2020 | DOI

Gómez, J.L., Pastoriza, F.T., álvarez, E.G., Oller, P.E.
Comparison between geostatistical interpolation and numerical weather model predictions for meteorological conditions mapping
Infrastructures, 5(2): 15, 2020 | DOI

Luaces, M.R., Fisteus, J.A., Sánchez-Fernández, L., Munoz-Organero, M., Balado, J., Díaz-Vilariño, L., Lorenzo, H.,
Accessible Routes Integrating Data from Multiple Sources
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(1): 2021, 2020 | DOI

Ogando-Martínez, A., Troncoso-Pastoriza, F., Eguía-Oller, P., Granada-Álvarez, E., Erkoreka, A.
Model calibration methodology to assess the actual lighting conditions of a road infrastructure
Infrastructures, 5(1): 2, 2020 | DOI

Díaz-Cortés, J., Benlliure, J., Rodríguez-Sánchez, J.L., Álvarez-Pol, H., Aumann, T., Bertulani, C.A., Blank, B., Casarejos, E., Cortina-Gil, D., Dragosavac, D., Föhr, V., Gargano, A., Gascón, M., Gawlikowicz, W., Heinz, A., Helariutta, K., Keli?-Heil, A., Luki?, S., Montes, F., Pérez-Loureiro, D., Pie?kowski, L., Schmidt, K.H., Staniou, M., Suboti?, K., Sümmerer, K., Taieb, J., Trzci?ska, A.,
Systematic reduction of the proton-removal cross section in neutron-rich medium-mass nuclei
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 811: 135962, 2020 | DOI

Solla, M., Gonçalves, L.M.S., Gonçalves, G., Francisco, C., Puente, I., Providência, P., Gaspar, F., Rodrigues, H.,
A building information modeling approach to integrate geomatic data for the documentation and preservation of cultural heritage
Remote Sensing, 12(24): 4028, 2020 | DOI

Garrido, I., Solla, M., Lagüela, S., Fernández, N.,
Irt and gpr techniques for moisture detection and characterisation in buildings
Sensors (Switzerland), 20(22): 6421, 2020 | DOI

Rasol, M.A., Pérez-Gracia, V., Solla, M., Pais, J.C., Fernandes, F.M., Santos, C.,
An experimental and numerical approach to combine Ground Penetrating Radar and computational modeling for the identification of early cracking in cement concrete pavements
NDT and E International, 115: 102293, 2020 | DOI

Solla, M., Casqueiro, C., del Cuvillo, I.,
Approach to generate 3D-printed terrain models using free software and open data sources: Application to military planning
Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 28(3): , 2020 | DOI

Comite, V., Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Cardell, C., Rivas, T., Randazzo, L., La Russa, M.F., Fermo, P.
Environmental impact assessment on the Monza cathedral (Italy): A multi-analytical approach
International Journal of Conservation Science, 11(SpecialIssue1): , 2020 | DOI

Pérez-Orozco, R., Patiño, D., Porteiro, J., Rico, J.J.,
The effect of primary measures for controlling biomass bed temperature on PM emission through analysis of the generated residues
Fuel, 280: 118702, 2020 | DOI

Syndikus, I., Petri, M., Macchiavelli, A.O., Paschalis, S., Bertulani, C.A., Aumann, T., Alvarez-Pol, H., Atar, L., Beceiro-Novo, S., Benlliure, J., Boillos, J.M., Boretzky, K., Borge, M.J.G., Brown, B.A., Caamaño, M., Caesar, C., Casarejos, E., Catford, W., Cederkall, J., Chakraborty, S., Chulkov, L.V., Cortina-Gil, D., Cravo, E., Crespo, R., Datta Pramanik, U., Dillmann, I., Díaz Fernández, P., Elekes, Z., Enders, J., Farinon, F., Fraile, L.M., Galaviz, D., Geissel, H., Gernhäuser, R., Golubev, P., Göbel, K., Heil, M., Heine, M., Heinz, A., Henriques, A., Holl, M., Johansson, H.T., Jonson, B., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kanungo, R., Kelic-Heil, A., Kröll, T., Kurz, N., Langer, C., Le Bleis, T., Machado, J., Marganiec-Ga??zka, J., Nacher, E., Nilsson, T., Nociforo, C., Panin, V., Perea, A., Pietri, S.B., Plag, R., Rahaman, A., Reifarth, R., Revel, A., Ribeiro, G., Rigollet, C., Rossi, D.M., Savran, D., Scheit, H., Simon, H., Sorlin, O., Tengblad, O., Togano, Y., Vandebrouck, M., Volkov, V., Wamers, F., Wheldon, C., Wilson, G.L., Winfield, J.S., Weick, H., Woods, P., Yakorev, D., Zhukov, M., Zilges, A., Zuber, K.,
Probing the Z?=?6 spin-orbit shell gap with (p,2p) quasi-free scattering reactions
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 809: 135748, 2020 | DOI

Iglesias, C., Antunes, I.M.H.R., Albuquerque, M.T.D., Martínez, J., Taboada, J.
Predicting ore content throughout a machine learning procedure – An Sn-W enrichment case study
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 208: 106405, 2020 | DOI

Cabrera Alvargonzalez, J.J., Rey Cao, S., Pérez Castro, S., Martinez Lamas, L., Cores Calvo, O., Torres Pinõn, J., Porteiro Fresco, J., Garcia Comesanã, J., Regueiro Garcia, B.,
Pooling for SARS-CoV-2 control in care institutions
BMC Infectious Diseases, 20(1): 745, 2020 | DOI

Knyazev, A., Park, J., Golubev, P., Pallon, J., Cederkall, J., Alvarez-Pol, H., Benlliure, J., Briz, J.A., Cabanelas, P., Casarejos, E., Cortina-Gil, D., Fernández, P.D., Feijoo, M., Galaviz, D., Galiana, E., Borge, M.J.G., Gernhäuser, R., Gonzalez, D., Gutierrez-Neira, C., Hartig, A.L., Heinz, A., Heiss, B., Johansson, H., Klenze, P., Kröll, T., Nilsson, T., Perea, A., Ponnath, L., Rhee, H.B., Rodriguez-Sanchez, J.L., Tengblad, O., Teubig, P.,
Tl concentration and its variation in a CsI(Tl) crystal for the CALIFA detector
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 975: 164197, 2020 | DOI

Vagnon, F., Ferrero, A.M., Alejano, L.R.
Reliability-based design for debris flow barriers
Landslides, 17(1): , 2020 | DOI

Pérez-Orozco, R., Patiño, D., Porteiro, J., Larrañaga, A.,
Flue Gas Recirculation during Biomass Combustion: Implications on PM Release
Energy and Fuels, 34(9): , 2020 | DOI

Rodríguez-Sánchez, J.L., Benlliure, J., Vidaña, I., Lenske, H., Scheidenberger, C., Vargas, J., Alvarez-Pol, H., Atkinson, J., Aumann, T., Ayyad, Y., Beceiro-Novo, S., Boretzky, K., Caamaño, M., Casarejos, E., Cortina-Gil, D., Díaz Fernández, P., Estrade, A., Geissel, H., Haettner, E., Keli?-Heil, A., Litvinov, Y.A., Paradela, C., Pérez-Loureiro, D., Pietri, S., Prochazka, A., Takechi, M., Tanaka, Y.K., Weick, H., Winfield, J.S.,
Study of ? excitations in medium-mass nuclei with peripheral heavy ion charge-exchange reactions
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 807: 135565, 2020 | DOI

Bermúdez, C.A., Porteiro, J., Varela, L.G., Chapela, S., Patiño, D.,
Three-dimensional CFD simulation of a large-scale grate-fired biomass furnace
Fuel Processing Technology, 198: 106219, 2020 | DOI

Cabanelas, P., González, D., Alvarez-Pol, H., Boillos, J.M., Casarejos, E., Cederkall, J., Cortina, D., Feijoo, M., Galaviz, D., Galiana, E., Gernhäuser, R., Golubev, P., Hartig, A.L., Klenze, P., Knyazev, A., Kröll, T., Nácher, E., Park, J., Perea, A., Pietras, B., Ponnath, L., Rhee, H.B., Rodríguez-Sánchez, J.L., Suerder, C., Tengblad, O., Teubig, P.,
Performance recovery of long CsI(Tl) scintillator crystals with APD-based readout
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 965: 163845, 2020 | DOI

López, J., Sánchez-Vilariño, P., Sanz, R., Paz, E.,
Implementing autonomous driving behaviors using a message driven petri net framework
Sensors (Switzerland), 20(2): 449, 2020 | DOI

Chatillon, A., Taiëb, J., Alvarez-Pol, H., Audouin, L., Ayyad, Y., Bélier, G., Benlliure, J., Boutoux, G., Caamanõ, M., Casarejos, E., Cortina-Gil, D., Ebran, A., Farget, F., Fernández-Domínguez, B., Gorbinet, T., Grente, L., Heinz, A., Johansson, H.T., Jurado, B., Keli?-Heil, A., Kurz, N., Laurent, B., Martin, J.F., Nociforo, C., Paradela, C., Pellereau, E., Pietri, S., Prochazka, A., Rodríguez-Sánchez, J.L., Rossi, D., Simon, H., Tassan-Got, L., Vargas, J., Voss, B., Weick, H.,
Evidence for a New Compact Symmetric Fission Mode in Light Thorium Isotopes
Physical Review Letters, 124(20): 202502, 2020 | DOI

López-Campos, J.A., Baldonedo, J., Suárez, S., Segade, A., Casarejos, E., Fernández, J.R.,
Finite element validation of an energy attenuator for the design of a formula student car
Mathematics, 8(3): 416, 2020 | DOI

Puga, A., Rosales, E., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A.
Prompt removal of antibiotic by adsorption/electro-Fenton degradation using an iron-doped perlite as heterogeneous catalyst
Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 144: , 2020 | DOI

Fdez-Sanromán, A., Pazos, M., Rosales, E., Sanromán, M.A.
Unravelling the environmental application of biochar as low-cost biosorbent: A review
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10(21): 7810, 2020 | DOI

Morandeira, L., Sanromán, M.Á., Deive, F.J., Rodríguez, A.
Cholinium dipeptide as the cornerstone to build promising separation processes: A simultaneous recovery strategy for microalgae biorefineries
Separation and Purification Technology, 250: 117288, 2020 | DOI

Casal-Beiroa, P., González, P., Blanco, F.J., Magalhães, J.
Molecular analysis of the destruction of articular joint tissues by Raman spectroscopy
Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics, 20(8): , 2020 | DOI

Fernandez-Sanroman, A., Acevedo-García, V., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A., Rosales, E.
Removal of sulfamethoxazole and methylparaben using hydrocolloid and fiber industry wastes: Comparison with biochar and laccase-biocomposite
Journal of Cleaner Production, 271: 122436, 2020 | DOI

Gutiérrez-Arnillas, E., Sanromán, M.Á., Longo, M.A., Rodríguez, A., Deive, F.J.
Potential of cholinium glycinate for the extraction of extremophilic lipolytic biocatalysts
Separation and Purification Technology, 248: 117008, 2020 | DOI

Fraiese, A., Cesaro, A., Belgiorno, V., Sanromán, M.A., Pazos, M., Naddeo, V.
Ultrasonic processes for the advanced remediation of contaminated sediments
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 67: 105171, 2020 | DOI

Arellano, M., Oturan, N., Oturan, M.A., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.Á., González-Romero, E.
Differential pulse voltammetry as a powerful tool to monitor the electro-Fenton process
Electrochimica Acta, 354: 136740, 2020 | DOI

Ouiriemmi, I., Díez, A.M., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.Á.
Iron-loaded catalytic silicate adsorbents: Synthesis, characterization, electroregeneration and application for continuous removal of 1-butylpyridinium chloride
Catalysts, 10(9): 950, 2020 | DOI

Acevedo-García, V., Rosales, E., Puga, A., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A.
Synthesis and use of efficient adsorbents under the principles of circular economy: Waste valorisation and electroadvanced oxidation process regeneration
Separation and Purification Technology, 242: 116796, 2020 | DOI

Ouiriemmi, I., Díez, A.M., Rosales, E., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.Á.
Pre-concentration by natural adsorbent as plausible tool for effective electro-Fenton removal of micropollutants
Separation and Purification Technology, 241: 116676, 2020 | DOI

Puga, A., Rosales, E., Sanromán, M.A., Pazos, M.
Environmental application of monolithic carbonaceous aerogels for the removal of emerging pollutants
Chemosphere, 248: 125995, 2020 | DOI

Hayoun, B., Bourouina, M., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A., Bourouina-Bacha, S.
Equilibrium study, modeling and optimization of model drug adsorption process by sunflower seed shells
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10(9): 3271, 2020 | DOI

Fdez-Sanromán, A., Acevedo-García, V., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.Á., Rosales, E.
Iron-doped cathodes for electro-Fenton implementation: Application for pymetrozine degradation
Electrochimica Acta, 338: 135768, 2020 | DOI

Arellano, M., Oturan, N., Pazos, M., Ángeles Sanromán, M., Oturan, M.A.
Coupling electro-Fenton process to a biological treatment, a new methodology for the removal of ionic liquids?
Separation and Purification Technology, 233: 115990, 2020 | DOI

Díez, A.M., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A.
Bifunctional floating catalyst for enhancing the synergistic effect of LED-photolysis and electro-Fenton process
Separation and Purification Technology, 230: 115880, 2020 | DOI

Book Chapter
Arellano, M., Sanromán, M.Á., Pazos, M.
Sulfate radicals-based technology as a promising strategy for wastewater management
Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation, : , 2020 | DOI

Book Chapter
Rosales, E., Soares, A., Buftia, G., Pazos, M., Lazar, G., Delerue-Matos, C., Sanromán, M.Á.
Fluoxetine and pirimicarb abatement by ecofriendly electro-fenton process
Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation, : , 2020 | DOI

Book Chapter
Amorim, J., Pinheiro, C., Abreu, I., Rodrigues, P., Sanromán, M.Á., Rosales, E., Pazos, M., Soares, A., Delerue-Matos, C., Saraiva, A., Oliva-Teles, L., Carvalho, A.P., Guimarães, L.
Performance of electro-fenton water treatment technology in decreasing zebrafish embryotoxicity elicited by a mixture of organic contaminants
Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation, : , 2020 | DOI

Díaz, B., Guitián, B., Nóvoa, X.R., Pérez, C.,
Analysis of the microstructure of carbon fibre reinforced cement pastes by impedance spectroscopy
Construction and Building Materials, 243: 118207, 2020 | DOI

Díaz, B., Figueroa, R., Nóvoa, X.R., Pérez, C., Pintos, A.,
The corrosion protection afforded by a commercial rust converter doped with graphene oxide
Electrochimica Acta, 342: 136096, 2020 | DOI

Collazo, A., Ezpeleta, I., Figueroa, R., Nóvoa, X.R., Pérez, C.,
Corrosion protection properties of anodized AA2024T3 alloy sealing with organic-based species
Progress in Organic Coatings, 147: 105779, 2020 | DOI

Martínez-Comesaña, M., Febrero-Garrido, L., Granada-álvarez, E., Martínez-Torres, J., Martínez-Mariño, S.,
Heat loss coefficient estimation applied to existing buildings through machine learning models
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10(24): 8968, 2020 | DOI

Echevarría, G.G.C., Cabana, M.A.C., Torres, J.M., Morales, R.M.C., Rivera, R.B., Touza, R., Arto, Á.D.,
Optimum configuration of the secondary artillery of the f-110 spanish frigates
Journal of Ship Production and Design, 36(4): , 2020 | DOI

Comesaña, M.M., Febrero-Garrido, L., Troncoso-Pastoriza, F., Martínez-Torres, J.,
Prediction of building’s thermal performance using LSTM and MLP neural networks
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10(21): 7439, 2020 | DOI

Torres, J.M., Pérez, J.P., Val, J.S., McNabola, A., Comesaña, M.M., Gallagher, J.,
A functional data analysis approach for the detection of air pollution episodes and outliers: A case study in Dublin, Ireland
Mathematics, 8(2): 225, 2020 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Gil, C., Baker, C.,
CFD analysis of the aerodynamic effects on the stability of the flight of a quadcopter UAV in the proximity of walls and ground
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 206: 104378, 2020 | DOI

Bellas, R., Martínez, J., Rivera, I., Touza, R., Gómez, M., Carreño, R.,
Analysis of naval ship evacuation using stochastic simulation models and experimental data sets
CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 122(3): , 2020 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Vence, J., Cabarcos, A.,
Fouling evolution on ribbed surfaces under EGR dry soot conditions: Experimental measurements and 3D model validation
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 151: 106271, 2020 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Conde, M., Vence, J.,
Development of a Computational Fluid Dynamics Model for Predicting Fouling Process Using Dynamic Mesh Model
Heat Transfer Engineering, 41(2): , 2020 | DOI

Book Chapter
Moldes, A., Vecino, X., Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Cruz, J.M.,
Biosurfactants: The use of biomolecules in cosmetics and detergents
New and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Microbial Biomolecules: Properties, Relevance, and Their Translational Applications, : , 2020 | DOI

Espinosa, J.A., Ribas, F., Lusquios, F.
Challenge on conservation of angular momentum
Physics Education, 57(2): 025005, 2020 | DOI

Barro, Ó., Arias-González, F., Lusquiños, F., Comesaña, R., Val, J.D., Riveiro, A., Badaoui, A., Gómez-Baño, F., Pou, J.,
Effect of four manufacturing techniques (Casting, laser directed energy deposition, milling and selective laser melting) on microstructural, mechanical and electrochemical properties of co-cr dental alloys, before and after pfm firing process
Metals, 10(10): 1291, 2020 | DOI

Riveiro, A., Abalde, T., Pou, P., Soto, R., del Val, J., Comesaña, R., Badaoui, A., Boutinguiza, M., Pou, J.,
Influence of laser texturing on the wettability of PTFE
Applied Surface Science, 515: 145984, 2020 | DOI

Fernández-Arias, M., Boutinguiza, M., Del Val, J., Covarrubias, C., Bastias, F., Gómez, L., Maureira, M., Arias-González, F., Riveiro, A., Pou, J.,
Copper nanoparticles obtained by laser ablation in liquids as bactericidal agent for dental applications
Applied Surface Science, 507: 145032, 2020 | DOI

Thenier-Villa, J.L., Riveiro Rodríguez, A., González-Vargas, P.M., Martínez-Rolán, R.M., Gelabert-González, M., Badaoui Fernández, A., Pou, J., Conde Alonso, C.,
Effects of external ventricular drainage decompression of intracranial hypertension on rebleeding of brain aneurysms: A fluid structure interaction study
Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management, 19: 100613, 2020 | DOI

Quintero, F., Penide, J., Riveiro, A., del Val, J., Comesaña, R., Lusquiños, F., Pou, J.,
Continuous fiberizing by laser melting (Cofiblas): Production of highly flexible glass nanofibers with effectively unlimited length
Science Advances, 6(6): eaax7210, 2020 | DOI

Fernández-Arias, M., Boutinguiza, M., Del Val, J., Riveiro, A., Rodríguez, D., Arias-González, F., Gil, J., Pou, J.,
Fabrication and deposition of copper and copper oxide nanoparticles by laser ablation in open air
Nanomaterials, 10(2): 300, 2020 | DOI

Comesaña, R.
Special issue on surface treatment by laser-assisted techniques
Coatings, 10(6): 580, 2020 | DOI

Yepes, A.G., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
Effective Current Limitation for Multifrequency Current Control with Distortion-Free Voltage Saturation and Antiwindup
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 35(12): 9095387, 2020 | DOI

Perez-Estevez, D., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
A Finite-Control-Set Linear Current Controller with Fast Transient Response and Low Switching Frequency for Grid-Tied Inverters
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 56(6): 9152132, 2020 | DOI

Díaz-Quiroz, C., González, L., Álvarez, M.S., Hernández-Chávez, J.F., Rodríguez, A., Deive, F.J., Ulloa-Mercado, G.,
Biocompatible amino acid-based ionic liquids for extracting hormones and antibiotics from swine effluents
Separation and Purification Technology, 250: 117068, 2020 | DOI

Kali, Y., Ayala, M., Rodas, J., Saad, M., Doval-Gandoy, J., Gregor, R., Benjelloun, K.,
Time Delay Estimation Based Discrete-Time Super-Twisting Current Control for a Six-Phase Induction Motor
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 35(11): 9096514, 2020 | DOI

Escudero, N., Deive, F.J., Álvarez, M.S., Rodríguez, A.,
Plotting a nature-friendly separation process for recovering volatile fatty acids
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 315: 113755, 2020 | DOI

López, J., Sanchez-Vilariño, P., Cacho, M.D., Guillén, E.L.,
Obstacle avoidance in dynamic environments based on velocity space optimization
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 131: 103569, 2020 | DOI

Fernández, A., Deive, F.J., Rodríguez, A., Álvarez, M.S.,
Towards the use of eco-friendly solvents as adjuvants in remediation processes
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 305: 112824, 2020 | DOI

Gutiérrez, R., López-Guillén, E., Bergasa, L.M., Barea, R., Pérez, Ó., Gómez-Huélamo, C., Arango, F., Del Egido, J., López-Fernández, J.,
A waypoint tracking controller for autonomous road vehicles using ROS framework
Sensors (Switzerland), 20(14): 4062, 2020 | DOI

Jesús Rico, J., Patiño, D., Cid, N., Pérez-Orozco, R.,
PM reduction and flame confinement in biomass combustion using a porous inert material
Fuel, 280: 118496, 2020 | DOI

Lopez, O., Alvarez, J., Yepes, A.G., Baneira, F., Perez-Estevez, D., Freijedo, F.D., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
Carrier-based PWM equivalent to multilevel multiphase space vector PWM techniques
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 67(7): 8799007, 2020 | DOI

Samaniego, R., Rodríguez, R., Vázquez, F., López, J.,
Efficient path planing for articulated vehicles in cluttered environments
Sensors (Switzerland), 20(23): 6821, 2020 | DOI

Ozcelik, A., Aranda, D., Gil-Guerrero, S., Pola-Otero, X.A., Talavera, M., Wang, L., Behera, S.K., Gierschner, J., Peña-Gallego, Á., Santoro, F., Pereira-Cameselle, R., Alonso-Gómez, J.L.,
Distinct Helical Molecular Orbitals through Conformational Lock**
Chemistry - A European Journal, 26(72): , 2020 | DOI

Yepes, A.G., Doval-Gandoy, J., Baneira, F., Toliyat, H.A.,
Comparison of stator winding connections in multiphase drives under healthy operation and with one open converter leg
IET Electric Power Applications, 14(4): , 2020 | DOI

Ozcelik, A., Peña-Gallego, M.d.l.Á., Pereira-Cameselle, R., Alonso-Gómez, J.L.,
Design and synthesis of chiral spirobifluorenes
Chirality, 32(4): , 2020 | DOI

Ayala, M., Doval-Gandoy, J., Rodas, J., Gonzalez, O., Gregor, R.,
Current control designed with model based predictive control for six-phase motor drives
ISA Transactions, 98: , 2020 | DOI

Ozcelik, A., Pereira?cameselle, R., Ulrih, N.P., Petrovic, A.G., Lorenzo Alonso?Gómez, J.,
Chiroptical sensing: A conceptual introduction
Sensors (Switzerland), 20(4): 974, 2020 | DOI

Vidal-Vidal, Á., Alonso-Gómez, J.L., Cid, M.M., Marín-Luna, M.,
Aromatic interactions of allenyl-anthracene derivatives with pi-electron acceptor molecules: an experimental and computational study
Supramolecular Chemistry, 32(1): , 2020 | DOI

Baneira, F., Doval-Gandoy, J., Yepes, A.G., Lopez, O.,
DC-Current Injection with Minimum Torque Ripple in Interior Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 35(2): 8782639, 2020 | DOI

Ozcelik, A., Pereira-Cameselle, R., Alonso-Gómez, J.L.,
From allenes to spirobifluorenes: On the way to device-compatible chiroptical systems
Current Organic Chemistry, 24(23): , 2020 | DOI

Alonso, L., Picos, J., Bastos, G., Armesto, J.
Detection of very small tree plantations and tree-level characterization using open-access remote-sensing databases
Remote Sensing, 12(14): 2276, 2020 | DOI

Díaz-Quiroz, C., Hernández-Chávez, J.F., Ulloa-Mercado, G., Deive, F., Gortáres-Moroyoqui, P., Molina-Barrios, R.M.
Simultaneous extraction of antibiotic and estrogen from animal blood serum using aqueous two-phase systems as predictor of environmental impact
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(23): , 2020 | DOI

Yepes, A.G., Doval-Gandoy, J., Toliyat, H.A.,
Multifrequency Current Control for n-Phase Machines Including Antiwindup and Distortion-Free Saturation with Full DC-Bus Utilization
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 34(10): 8606158, 2019 | DOI

Book Chapter
Deive, F.J., Rodríguez, A.
Ionic liquids for enzyme-catalyzed production of biodiesel
Green Sustainable Process for Chemical and Environmental Engineering and Science: Ionic Liquids as Green Solvents, : , 2019 | DOI

Picos, J., Alonso, L., Bastos, G., Armesto, J.
Event-based integrated assessment of environmental variables and wildfire severity through Sentinel-2 Data
Forests, 10(11): 1021, 2019 | DOI

Outeiriño, D., Costa-Trigo, I., Paz, A., Deive, F.J., Rodríguez, A., Domínguez, J.M.
Biorefining brewery spent grain polysaccharides through biotuning of ionic liquids
Carbohydrate Polymers, 203: , 2019 | DOI

Patiño-Cambeiro, F., Armesto, J., Bastos, G., Prieto-López, J.I., Patiño-Barbeito, F.
Economic appraisal of energy efficiency renovations in tertiary buildings
Sustainable Cities and Society, 47: 101503, 2019 | DOI

Fernández-álvarez, M., Armesto, J., Picos, J.
LiDAR-based wildfire prevention in WUI: The automatic detection, measurement and evaluation of forest fuels
Forests, 10(2): 148, 2019 | DOI

Pesrez-Estevez, D., Doval-Gandoy, J.,
Grid-Tied Inverter with AC Voltage Sensorless Synchronization and Soft Start
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 55(5): 8733038, 2019 | DOI

Morya, A.K., Gardner, M.C., Anvari, B., Liu, L., Yepes, A.G., Doval-Gandoy, J., Toliyat, H.A.,
Wide bandgap devices in AC electric drives: Opportunities and challenges
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 5(1): 8611115, 2019 | DOI

Negahdari, A., Yepes, A.G., Doval-Gandoy, J., Toliyat, H.A.,
Efficiency Enhancement of Multiphase Electric Drives at Light-Load Operation Considering Both Converter and Stator Copper Losses
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 34(2): 8352033, 2019 | DOI

Gonzalez, O., Ayala, M., Doval-Gandoy, J., Rodas, J., Gregor, R., Rivera, M.,
Predictive-fixed switching current control strategy applied to six-phase induction machine
Energies, 12(12): 2294, 2019 | DOI

Kali, Y., Ayala, M., Rodas, J., Saad, M., Doval-Gandoy, J., Gregor, R., Benjelloun, K.,
Current control of a six-phase induction machine drive based on discrete-time sliding mode with time delay estimation
Energies, 12(1): en12010170, 2019 | DOI

Wahiba Ebdelly, , Ben Hassen, S., Nóvoa, X.R., Ben Amor, Y.
Inhibition of Carbon Steel Corrosion in Neutral Calcareous Synthetic Water by Eruca sativa Extract
Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 55(3): , 2019 | DOI

Guitián, B., Nóvoa, X.R., Pintos, A.
Development of conversion coatings on iron via corrosion in LiPF <inf>6</inf> solution
Electrochimica Acta, 304: , 2019 | DOI

Taha, M.A., Abbas, A.T., Benyahia, F., Alharbi, H.F., Guitián, B., Nóvoa, X.R.
Enhanced corrosion resistance of recycled aluminum alloy 6061 chips using hot extrusion followed by ECAP
Journal of Chemistry, 2019: 3658507, 2019 | DOI

Picos, J., Alonso, L., Bastos, G., Armesto, J.
Event-based integrated assessment of environmental variables and wildfire severity through Sentinel-2 Data
Forests, 10(11): 1021, 2019 | DOI

Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., Soilán, M., Cabaleiro, M., Arias, P.,
Automated inspection of Railway Tunnels' power line using LiDAR point clouds
Remote Sensing, 11(21): 2567, 2019 | DOI

Patiño-Cambeiro, F., Armesto, J., Bastos, G., Prieto-López, J.I., Patiño-Barbeito, F.
Economic appraisal of energy efficiency renovations in tertiary buildings
Sustainable Cities and Society, 47: 101503, 2019 | DOI

Garrido, I., Lagüela, S., Sfarra, S., Madruga, F.J., Arias, P.,
Automatic detection of moistures in different construction materials from thermographic images
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 138(2): , 2019 | DOI

Fernández-álvarez, M., Armesto, J., Picos, J.
LiDAR-based wildfire prevention in WUI: The automatic detection, measurement and evaluation of forest fuels
Forests, 10(2): 148, 2019 | DOI

Soilán, M., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., Del Río-Barral, P., Perez-Collazo, C., Arias, P., Riveiro, B.,
Review of laser scanning technologies and their applications for road and railway infrastructure monitoring
Infrastructures, 4(4): 58, 2019 | DOI

González-Desantos, L.M., Martínez-Sánchez, J., González-Jorge, H., Ribeiro, M., de Sousa, J.B., Arias, P.,
Payload for contact inspection tasks with UAV systems
Sensors (Switzerland), 19(17): 3752, 2019 | DOI

Balado, J., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Arias, P., Novo, A.,
Road environment semantic segmentation with deep learning from mls point cloud data
Sensors (Switzerland), 19(16): 3466, 2019 | DOI

Balado, J., Díaz-Vilariño, L., Arias, P., Novo, A.,
A safety analysis of roundabouts and turbo roundabouts based on Petri nets
Traffic Injury Prevention, 20(4): , 2019 | DOI

Balado, J., Díaz-Vilariño, L., Arias, P., Lorenzo, H.,
Point clouds for direct pedestrian pathfinding in urban environments
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 148: , 2019 | DOI

Gayarre, F.L., González, J.S., López, M.A.S., Pérez, C.L.C., Arias, P.J.F.,
Mechanical properties of prestressed joists made using recycled ceramic aggregates
Construction and Building Materials, 194: , 2019 | DOI

Schneider, W.D.H., Bolanõ Losada, C., Moldes, D., Fontana, R.C., De Siqueira, F.G., Prieto, A., Martínez, M.J., Martínez, Á.T., Dillon, A.J.P., Camassola, M.
A sustainable approach of enzymatic grafting on eucalyptus globulus wood by laccase from the newly isolated white-rot basidiomycete marasmiellus palmivorus VE111
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 7(15): , 2019 | DOI

Book Chapter
Gouveia, S., Moldes, D.
From black liquor to green material: Enzymatic valorization of pulp industry byproducts
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 31: , 2019 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Campo, M., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
Numerical analysis of a thermoelastic problem with dual-phase-lag heat conduction
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 140: , 2019 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Copetti, M.I.M., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.,
Numerical analysis of some dual-phase-lag models
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 77(2): , 2019 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Fernández, J.R., Leseduarte, M.C., Magaña, A., Quintanilla, R.,
On the uniqueness and analyticity in viscoelasticity with double porosity
Asymptotic Analysis, 112(3-4): , 2019 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Campo, M., Fernández, J.R.,
A thermoelastic problem with diffusion, microtemperatures, and microconcentrations
Acta Mechanica, 230(1): , 2019 | DOI

Campo, M., Fernández, J.R., Naso, M.G.
A dynamic problem involving a coupled suspension bridge system: Numerical analysis and computational experiments
Evolution Equations and Control Theory, 8(3): , 2019 | DOI

Aouadi, M., Campo, M., Copetti, M.I.M., Fernández, J.R.
Existence, stability and numerical results for a Timoshenko beam with thermodiffusion effects
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 70(4): 117, 2019 | DOI

Campo, M., Fernández, J.R., Naso, M.G., Vuk, E.
Dynamics of nonlinear thermoelastic double-beam systems
Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 72(2): , 2019 | DOI

Fernández, J.R., Magaña, A., Masid, M., Quintanilla, R.
On the Viscoelastic Mixtures of Solids
Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 79(2): , 2019 | DOI

Cabrerizo-Vilchez, M.A., Fernández, J.R., Fernández-Rodríguez, M.A., García-Río, L., Muñiz, M.C., Núñez, C.
Interfacial tension measurements using a new axisymmetric drop/bubble shape technique
RSC Advances, 9(28): , 2019 | DOI

Campo, M., Fernández, J.R., Quintanilla, R.
Numerical resolution of an exact heat conduction model with a delay term
Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 9(1): , 2019 | DOI

Fernández, J.R., Magaña, A., Masid, M., Quintanilla, R.
Analysis for the strain gradient theory of porous thermoelasticity
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 345: , 2019 | DOI

Aouadi, M., Campo, M., Copetti, M.I.M., Fernández, J.R.
Analysis of a multidimensional thermoviscoelastic contact problem under the Green–Lindsay theory
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 345: , 2019 | DOI

Morandeira, L., Sanromán, M.Á., Rodríguez, A., Deive, F.J.
Setting the Foundations of Aqueous Three-Phase Systems (A3PS) in the Quest for a Rational Design
ChemPhysChem, 20(24): , 2019 | DOI

Díez, A.M., Sanromán, M.A., Pazos, M.
New approaches on the agrochemicals degradation by UV oxidation processes
Chemical Engineering Journal, 376: 120026, 2019 | DOI

Poza-Nogueiras, V., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.Á., González-Romero, E.
Double benefit of electrochemical techniques: Treatment and electroanalysis for remediation of water polluted with organic compounds
Electrochimica Acta, 320: 134628, 2019 | DOI

Pinheiro, N., Assunção, P., Rodríguez, A., Sanromán, M.Á., Deive, F.J.
Surfactant-assisted disruption and extraction for carotenoid production from a novel Dunaliella strain
Separation and Purification Technology, 223: , 2019 | DOI

Bouzayani, B., Rosales, E., Pazos, M., Elaoud, S.C., Sanromán, M.A.
Homogeneous and heterogeneous peroxymonosulfate activation by transition metals for the degradation of industrial leather dye
Journal of Cleaner Production, 228: , 2019 | DOI

Arellano, M., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.Á.
Sulfate radicals-based technology as a promising strategy for wastewater
Water (Switzerland), 11(8): 1695, 2019 | DOI

Pérez Cid, B., Muinelo Martínez, M., Vázquez Vázquez, F.A., Río Segade, S.
Content and bioavailability of trace elements and nutrients in grape pomace
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 99(15): , 2019 | DOI

Escudero, N., Deive, F.J., Sanromán, M.Á., Álvarez, M.S., Rodríguez, A.
Design of eco-friendly aqueous two-phase systems for the efficient extraction of industrial finishing dyes
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 284: , 2019 | DOI

Paradelo, R., Vecino, X., Moldes, A.B., Barral, M.T.
Potential use of composts and vermicomposts as low-cost adsorbents for dye removal: an overlooked application
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(21): , 2019 | DOI

Álvarez, M.S., Zhang, Y., Ángeles Sanromán, M., Deive, F.J., Rodríguez, A.
Suitability of dihydrogen phosphate anion to salt out cholinium-based ionic liquids
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 133: , 2019 | DOI

Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Preservative and Irritant Capacity of Biosurfactants From Different Sources: A Comparative Study
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 108(7): , 2019 | DOI

Moreira, F.C., Bocos, E., Faria, A.G.F., Pereira, J.B.L., Fonte, C.P., Santos, R.J., Lopes, J.C.B., Dias, M.M., Sanromán, M.A., Pazos, M., Boaventura, R.A.R., Vilar, V.J.P.
Selecting the best piping arrangement for scaling-up an annular channel reactor: An experimental and computational fluid dynamics study
Science of the Total Environment, 667: , 2019 | DOI

Knoth, D., Rincón-Fontán, M., Stahr, P.-L., Pelikh, O., Eckert, R.-W., Dietrich, H., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B., Keck, C.M.
Evaluation of a biosurfactant extract obtained from corn for dermal application
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 564: , 2019 | DOI

Díez, A.M., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A.
Synthesis of magnetic-photo-Fenton catalyst for degradation of emerging pollutant
Catalysis Today, 328: , 2019 | DOI

Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Figueroa, R., Nóvoa, X.R., Pena, G.
Evolution of corrosion behavior for AA7075 aluminum alloy implanted with nitrogen
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 442: , 2019 | DOI

Rodríguez-López, L., Shokry, D.S., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B., Waters, L.J.
The effect of the presence of biosurfactant on the permeation of pharmaceutical compounds through silicone membrane
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 176: , 2019 | DOI

Rosales, E., Escudero, S., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A.
Sustainable removal of Cr(VI) by lime peel and pineapple core wastes
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 9(10): 1967, 2019 | DOI

Le Guével, Y., Grégoire, B., Cristóbal, M.J., Feaugas, X., Oudriss, A., Pedraza, F.
Dissolution and passivation of aluminide coatings on model and Ni-based superalloy
Surface and Coatings Technology, 357: , 2019 | DOI

Rincón-Fontán, M., Rodríguez-López, L., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Study of the synergic effect between mica and biosurfactant to stabilize Pickering emulsions containing Vitamin E using a triangular design
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 537: , 2019 | DOI

Morandeira, L., Danho, M., Markiewicz, M., Stolte, S., Ángeles Sanromán, M., Rodríguez, A., Deive, F.J.
Sketching a Suitable Immobilization Strategy for Ionic Liquid Removal in a Fixed-Bed Bioreactor
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 7(4): , 2019 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
Effect of biosurfactant extract obtained from the corn-milling industry on probiotic bacteria in drinkable yogurt
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 99(2): , 2019 | DOI

Meijide, J., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.Á.
Heterogeneous electro-Fenton catalyst for 1-butylpyridinium chloride degradation
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(4): , 2019 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Martínez-Padrón, H., Rodríguez-López, L., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
Isolation and characterization of a microorganism that produces biosurfactants in corn steep water [Aislamiento y caracterización del microorganismo responsable de la producción de biosurfactantes en licores de lavado de maíz]
CYTA - Journal of Food, 17(1): , 2019 | DOI

Arellano, M., Sanromán, M.A., Pazos, M.
Electro-assisted activation of peroxymonosulfate by iron-based minerals for the degradation of 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium chloride
Separation and Purification Technology, 208: , 2019 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Vecino, X., Rodríguez-López, L., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
A multifunctional biosurfactant extract obtained from corn steep water as bactericide for agrifood industry
Foods, 8(9): 410, 2019 | DOI

Rosales, E., Diaz, S., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A.
Comprehensive strategy for the degradation of anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac by different advanced oxidation processes
Separation and Purification Technology, 208: , 2019 | DOI

Varela, L.G., Bermúdez, C.Á., Chapela, S., Porteiro, J., Tabarés, J.L.M.,
Improving Bed Movement Physics in Biomass Computational Fluid Dynamics Combustion Simulations
Chemical Engineering and Technology, 42(12): , 2019 | DOI

Chapela, S., Porteiro, J., Garabatos, M., Patiño, D., Gómez, M.A., Míguez, J.L.,
CFD study of fouling phenomena in small-scale biomass boilers: Experimental validation with two different boilers
Renewable Energy, 140: , 2019 | DOI

Gómez, M.A., Chapela, S., Collazo, J., Míguez, J.L.,
CFD analysis of a buffer tank redesigned with a thermosyphon concentrator tube
Energies, 12(11): 2162, 2019 | DOI

Paredes-Sánchez, J.P., Míguez, J.L., Blanco, D., Rodríguez, M.A., Collazo, J.,
Assessment of micro-cogeneration network in European mining areas: A prototype system
Energy, 174: , 2019 | DOI

Sanmartín, P., Fuentes, E., Montojo, C., Barreiro, P., Paz-Bermúdez, G., Prieto, B.,
Tertiary bioreceptivity of schists from prehistoric rock art sites in the Côa Valley (Portugal)and Siega Verde (Spain)archaeological parks: Effects of cleaning treatments
International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 142: , 2019 | DOI

Paz-Bermúdez, G., Etayo, J.,
On three lichenicolous species on roccella montagnei from Angola with a description of the new species lecanographa rosea (Lecanographaceae) and a key to the lichenicolous fungi growing on roccella (roccellaceae)
Nova Hedwigia, 108(3-4): , 2019 | DOI

Paz-Bermúdez, G., Archer, A.W., Elix, J.A.,
A first approach to the lichen flora of Guinea-Bissau
Bryologist, 122(1): , 2019 | DOI

Baldonedo, J., Fernández, J.R., López-Campos, J.A., Segade, A.
Analysis of damage models for cortical bone
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 9(13): 2710, 2019 | DOI

Pérez Cid, B., Muinelo Martínez, M., Vázquez Vázquez, F.A., Río Segade, S.
Content and bioavailability of trace elements and nutrients in grape pomace
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 99(15): , 2019 | DOI

Paradelo, R., Vecino, X., Moldes, A.B., Barral, M.T.
Potential use of composts and vermicomposts as low-cost adsorbents for dye removal: an overlooked application
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(21): , 2019 | DOI

Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Preservative and Irritant Capacity of Biosurfactants From Different Sources: A Comparative Study
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 108(7): , 2019 | DOI

Knoth, D., Rincón-Fontán, M., Stahr, P.-L., Pelikh, O., Eckert, R.-W., Dietrich, H., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B., Keck, C.M.
Evaluation of a biosurfactant extract obtained from corn for dermal application
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 564: , 2019 | DOI

Rodríguez-López, L., Shokry, D.S., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B., Waters, L.J.
The effect of the presence of biosurfactant on the permeation of pharmaceutical compounds through silicone membrane
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 176: , 2019 | DOI

Rincón-Fontán, M., Rodríguez-López, L., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Study of the synergic effect between mica and biosurfactant to stabilize Pickering emulsions containing Vitamin E using a triangular design
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 537: , 2019 | DOI

Cuartero, J., Cabaleiro, M., Sousa, H.S., Branco, J.M.,
Tridimensional parametric model for prediction of structural safety of existing timber roofs using laser scanner and drilling resistance tests
Engineering Structures, 185: , 2019 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
Effect of biosurfactant extract obtained from the corn-milling industry on probiotic bacteria in drinkable yogurt
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 99(2): , 2019 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Martínez-Padrón, H., Rodríguez-López, L., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
Isolation and characterization of a microorganism that produces biosurfactants in corn steep water [Aislamiento y caracterización del microorganismo responsable de la producción de biosurfactantes en licores de lavado de maíz]
CYTA - Journal of Food, 17(1): , 2019 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Vecino, X., Rodríguez-López, L., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
A multifunctional biosurfactant extract obtained from corn steep water as bactericide for agrifood industry
Foods, 8(9): 410, 2019 | DOI

Book Chapter
Sánchez, A., Riveiro, B., Puente, I., Conde, B., Mendes, N., Cabaleiro, M., Lourenço, P.B.,
Parameterization of Structural Faults in Large Historical Constructions for Further Structural Modelling Thanks to Laser Scanning Technology and Computer Vision Algorithms
RILEM Bookseries, 18: , 2019 | DOI

Kang, Z., Khoshelham, K., DÍaz-Vilariño, L., Dalyot, S.
Preface-ISPRS workshop indoor 3D 2019
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 42(2/W13): , 2019 | DOI

Acuña, R., Abreu, C.M., Cristóbal, M.J., Cabeza, M., Nóvoa, X.R.,
Electrochemical study of the surface metal matrix composite developed on AA 2024-T351 by the friction stir process
Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology, 54(8): , 2019 | DOI

Kang, Z., Khoshelham, K., Díaz-Vilariño, L., Wang, C., Nebiker, S., Lehtola, V., Chiang, K.W., Li, K.J., De Lathouwer, B., Dalyot, S.
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 4(2/W5): , 2019 | DOI

Cabeza, M., Díaz, B., Nóvoa, X.R., Pérez, C., Pérez, M.C.,
The effect of loading on the diffusivity of chlorides in mortar
Materials, 12(16): 2527, 2019 | DOI

Feijoo, I., Cabeza, M., Merino, P., Pena, G., Rey, P.,
Age hardening of extruded AA 6005A aluminium alloy powders
Materials, 12(14): 2316, 2019 | DOI

Boehm, J., Rutzinger, M., Yang, B., Weinmann, M., Riveiro, B., Yao, W.,
Preface-ISPRS workshop laser scanning 2019
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 42(2/W13): , 2019 | DOI

Acuña, R., Cristóbal, M.J., Abreu, C.M., Cabeza, M.,
Microstructure and Wear Properties of Surface Composite Layer Produced by Friction Stir Processing (FSP) in AA2024-T351 Aluminum Alloy
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 50(6): , 2019 | DOI

Boehm, J., Rutzinger, M., Yang, B., Weinmann, M., Riveiro, B., Yao, W.,
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 4(2/W5): , 2019 | DOI

González-Rodríguez, L., López-Álvarez, M., Astray, S., Solla, E.L., Serra, J., González, P.
Hydroxyapatite scaffolds derived from deer antler: Structure dependence on processing temperature
Materials Characterization, 155: 109805, 2019 | DOI

Feijoo, I., Cabeza, M., Merino, P., Pena, G., Pérez, M.C., Cruz, S., Rey, P.,
Estimation of crystallite size and lattice strain in nano-sized TiC particle-reinforced 6005A aluminium alloy from X-ray diffraction line broadening
Powder Technology, 343: , 2019 | DOI

Díaz-Vilariño, L., Oliveira, V.
Point clouds and the measurement of the physical form of cities
Urban Morphology, 23(1): , 2019 | DOI

Diaz-Rodriguez, P., López-Álvarez, M., Serra, J., González, P., Landín, M.
Current stage of marine ceramic grafts for 3D bone tissue regeneration
Marine Drugs, 17(8): 471, 2019 | DOI

Rodríguez, C., Sánchez, I., Miñano, I., Benito, F., Cabeza, M., Parra, C.,
On the possibility of using recycled mixed aggregates and GICC thermal plant wastes in non-structural concrete elements
Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(3): 633, 2019 | DOI

Tran, H., Khoshelham, K., Kealy, A., Díaz-Vilariño, L.
Shape Grammar Approach to 3D Modeling of Indoor Environments Using Point Clouds
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 33(1): 04018055, 2019 | DOI

López-Álvarez, M., López-Senra, E., Valcárcel, J., Vázquez, J.A., Serra, J., González, P.
Quantitative evaluation of sulfation position prevalence in chondroitin sulphate by Raman spectroscopy
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 50(5): , 2019 | DOI

Ortega, J.M., Cabeza, M., Tenza-Abril, A.J., Real-Herraiz, T., Climent, M.Á., Sánchez, I.,
Effects of red mud addition in the microstructure, durability and mechanical performance of cement mortars
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 9(5): 984, 2019 | DOI

García-Domínguez, J.M., Maurino, J., Martínez-Ginés, M.L., Carmona, O., Caminero, A.B., Medrano, N., Ruíz-Beato, E., Ares, A., Arnal, C., Carcelén, M., Eguía, P., Del Carmen Fernández, M., Ginestal, R., Lacruz, L., Llaneza, M., De Silanes, C.L., Martín, G., Navarro, L., Romero, B., Seral, M., Solar, M.,
Economic burden of multiple sclerosis in a population with low physical disability
BMC Public Health, 19(1): 609, 2019 | DOI

Schlipf, J., Martín, E., Stchakovsky, M., Benedetti, A., Fischer, I.A., Schulze, J., Chiussi, S.,
Ellipsometric analysis of concentration gradients induced in semiconductor crystals by pulsed laser induced epitaxy
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Nanotechnology and Microelectronics, 37(6): 061213, 2019 | DOI

Gerassis, S., Abad, A., Taboada, J., Saavedra, Á., Giráldez, E.
A comparative analysis of health surveillance strategies for administrative video display terminal employees
BioMedical Engineering Online, 18(1): 118, 2019 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Papanikolaou, A., Philippidis, A., Melessanaki, K., Rivas, T., Pouli, P.
Cleaning of gypsum-rich black crusts on granite using a dual wavelength Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser
Construction and Building Materials, 226: , 2019 | DOI

Walton, G., Labrie, D., Alejano, L.R.
On the Residual Strength of Rocks and Rockmasses
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 52(11): , 2019 | DOI

Alonso-Villar, E.M., Rivas, T., Pozo-Antonio, J.S.
Adhesives applied to granite cultural heritage: Effectiveness, harmful effects and reversibility
Construction and Building Materials, 223: , 2019 | DOI

Barreiro, P., González, P., Pozo-Antonio, J.S.
IR irradiation to remove a sub-aerial biofilm from granitic stones using two different laser systems: An Nd: YAG (1064?nm) and an Er:YAG (2940?nm)
Science of the Total Environment, 688: , 2019 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Barreiro, P., González, P., Paz-Bermúdez, G.
Nd:YAG and Er:YAG laser cleaning to remove Circinaria hoffmanniana (Lichenes, Ascomycota) from schist located in the Côa Valley Archaeological Park
International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 144: 104748, 2019 | DOI

Pérez-Rey, I., Riquelme, A., González-deSantos, L.M., Estévez-Ventosa, X., Tomás, R., Alejano, L.R.
A multi-approach rockfall hazard assessment on a weathered granite natural rock slope
Landslides, 16(10): , 2019 | DOI

Uriarte, I., Erkoreka, A., Giraldo-Soto, C., Martin, K., Uriarte, A., Eguia, P.
Mathematical development of an average method for estimating the reduction of the Heat Loss Coefficient of an energetically retrofitted occupied office building
Energy and Buildings, 192: , 2019 | DOI

Abad, A., Gerassis, S., Saavedra, Á., Giráldez, E., García, J.F., Taboada, J.
A Bayesian assessment of occupational health surveillance in workers exposed to silica in the energy and construction industry
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(29): , 2019 | DOI

Díaz-Vilariño, L., Boguslawski, P., Khoshelham, K., Lorenzo, H.,
Obstacle-aware indoor pathfinding using point clouds
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8(5): 233, 2019 | DOI

Martínez, S., Erkoreka, A., Eguía, P., Granada, E., Febrero, L.
Energy characterization of a PASLINK test cell with a gravel covered roof using a novel methodology: Sensitivity analysis and Bayesian calibration
Journal of Building Engineering, 22: , 2019 | DOI

Winn, K., Wong, L.N.Y., Alejano, L.R.
Multi-approach stability analyses of large caverns excavated in low-angled bedded sedimentary rock masses in Singapore
Engineering Geology, 259: 105164, 2019 | DOI

Frías, E., Díaz-Vilariño, L., Balado, J., Lorenzo, H.,
From BIM to scan planning and optimization for construction control
Remote Sensing, 11(17): 1963, 2019 | DOI

Febrero-Garrido, L., López-González, J.L., Eguía-Oller, P., Granada-Álvarez, E.
Development of a calibrated simulation method for airborne particles to optimize energy consumption in operating rooms
Energies, 12(12): 2433, 2019 | DOI

López, A.J., Ramil, A., Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Rivas, T., Pereira, D.
Ultrafast laser surface texturing: A sustainable tool to modify wettability properties of marble
Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(15): 4079, 2019 | DOI

Gerassis, S., Albuquerque, M.T.D., García, J.F., Boente, C., Giráldez, E., Taboada, J., Martín, J.E.
Understanding complex blasting operations: A structural equation model combining Bayesian networks and latent class clustering
Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 188: , 2019 | DOI

Pérez-Rey, I., Alejano, L.R., Riquelme, A., González-deSantos, L.
Failure mechanisms and stability analyses of granitic boulders focusing a case study in Galicia (Spain)
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 119: , 2019 | DOI

Bazarra, N., López-Campos, J.A., López, M., Segade, A., Fernández, J.R.,
Analysis of a poro-thermo-viscoelastic model of type III
Symmetry, 11(10): 1214, 2019 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Puente, I., Pereira, M.F.C., Rocha, C.S.A.
Quantification and mapping of deterioration patterns on granite surfaces by means of mobile LiDAR data
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 140: , 2019 | DOI

Castro-Caicedo, A.J., Alejano, L.R., Monsalve, J.E., Bernal, A.
Geotechnical design of pillars in underground mines of gold veins in cases of Colombia [Diseño geotécnico de pilares en minas subterráneas de vetas auríferas en casos de Colombia]
DYNA (Colombia), 86(209): , 2019 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Otero, J., Alonso, P., Mas i Barberà, X.
Nanolime- and nanosilica-based consolidants applied on heated granite and limestone: Effectiveness and durability
Construction and Building Materials, 201: , 2019 | DOI

Gerassis, S., Abad, A., Taboada, J., Saavedra, Á., Giráldez, E.
A comparative analysis of health surveillance strategies for administrative video display terminal employees
BioMedical Engineering Online, 18(1): 118, 2019 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Veiga, M., Pérez-Rey, I., Castro-Filgueira, U., Arzúa, J., Castro-Caicedo, Á.J.
Analysis of a complex slope failure in a granodiorite quarry bench
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 78(2): , 2019 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Papanikolaou, A., Philippidis, A., Melessanaki, K., Rivas, T., Pouli, P.
Cleaning of gypsum-rich black crusts on granite using a dual wavelength Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser
Construction and Building Materials, 226: , 2019 | DOI

Boente, C., Albuquerque, M.T.D., Gerassis, S., Rodríguez-Valdés, E., Gallego, J.R.
A coupled multivariate statistics, geostatistical and machine-learning approach to address soil pollution in a prototypical Hg-mining site in a natural reserve
Chemosphere, 218: , 2019 | DOI

Pérez-Orozco, R., Patiño, D., Porteiro, J., Cid, N., Regueiro, A.,
Influence of the Feeding Rate on the Transient Behavior of a Biomass Combustor
Chemical Engineering and Technology, 42(12): , 2019 | DOI

Mejías, A.M., Bellas, R., Pardo, J.E., Paz, E.,
Traceability management systems and capacity building as new approaches for improving sustainability in the fashion multi-tier supply chain
International Journal of Production Economics, 217: , 2019 | DOI

Walton, G., Labrie, D., Alejano, L.R.
On the Residual Strength of Rocks and Rockmasses
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 52(11): , 2019 | DOI

Pérez-Rey, I., Alejano, L.R., Muralha, J.
Experimental study of factors controlling tilt-test results performed on saw-cut rock joints
Geotechnical Testing Journal, 42(2): GTJ20170375, 2019 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Porteiro, J., Díaz, A.,
New methodology for CFD simulations of compact evaporators used in automotive ORC systems
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 143: , 2019 | DOI

Solla, M., Lagüela, S., Fernández, N., Garrido, I.,
Assessing rebar corrosion through the combination of nondestructive GPR and IRT methodologies
Remote Sensing, 11(14): 1705, 2019 | DOI

Alonso-Villar, E.M., Rivas, T., Pozo-Antonio, J.S.
Adhesives applied to granite cultural heritage: Effectiveness, harmful effects and reversibility
Construction and Building Materials, 223: , 2019 | DOI

Patiño, D., Pérez-Orozco, R., Porteiro, J., Lapuerta, M.,
Characterization of biomass PM emissions using thermophoretic sampling: Composition and morphological description of the carbonaceous residues
Journal of Aerosol Science, 127: , 2019 | DOI

Bazarra, N., Bochicchio, I., Casarejos, E., Fernández, J.R., Naso, M.G.,
Analysis of a contact problem involving thermoelastic mixtures
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 479(2): , 2019 | DOI

Gomez-Ortiz, D., Blanco-Montenegro, I., Arnoso, J., Martin-Crespo, T., Solla, M., Montesinos, F.G., Vélez, E., Sánchez, N.,
Imaging thermal anomalies in hot dry rock geothermal systems from near-surface geophysical modelling
Remote Sensing, 11(6): 675, 2019 | DOI

Barreiro, P., González, P., Pozo-Antonio, J.S.
IR irradiation to remove a sub-aerial biofilm from granitic stones using two different laser systems: An Nd: YAG (1064?nm) and an Er:YAG (2940?nm)
Science of the Total Environment, 688: , 2019 | DOI

Iglesias, C., Luo, L., Martínez, J., Kelly, D.J., Taboada, J., Pérez, I.
Obtaining the sGAG distribution profile in articular cartilage color images
Biomedizinische Technik, : , 2019 | DOI

Gómez, M.A., Martín, R., Chapela, S., Porteiro, J.,
Steady CFD combustion modeling for biomass boilers: An application to the study of the exhaust gas recirculation performance
Energy Conversion and Management, 179: , 2019 | DOI

Knyazev, A., Park, J., Golubev, P., Cederkäll, J., Alvarez-Pol, H., Cabanelas, P., Casarejos, E., Causeret, L., Cortina-Gil, D., Díaz Fernández, P., Feijoo, M., Galaviz, D., Galiana, E., Gernhäuser, R., Hartig, A.L., Heinz, A., Heiss, B., Ignatov, A., Johansson, H., Klenze, P., Kröll, T., Nilsson, T., Perea, A., Rhee, H.B., Tengblad, O., Teubig, P.,
Properties of the CsI(Tl) detector elements of the CALIFA detector
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 940: , 2019 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Barreiro, P., González, P., Paz-Bermúdez, G.
Nd:YAG and Er:YAG laser cleaning to remove Circinaria hoffmanniana (Lichenes, Ascomycota) from schist located in the Côa Valley Archaeological Park
International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 144: 104748, 2019 | DOI

Ribeiro, M.M., Roque, N., Ribeiro, S., Gavinhos, C., Castanheira, I., Quinta-Nova, L., Albuquerque, T., Gerassis, S.
Bioclimatic modeling in the Last Glacial Maximum, Mid-Holocene and facing future climatic changes in the strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.)
PLoS ONE, 14(1): e0210062, 2019 | DOI

Kostyleva, D., Mukha, I., Acosta, L., Casarejos, E., Chudoba, V., Ciemny, A.A., Dominik, W., Dueñas, J.A., Dunin, V., Espino, J.M., Estradé, A., Farinon, F., Fomichev, A., Geissel, H., Gorshkov, A., Grigorenko, L.V., Janas, Z., Kami?ski, G., Kiselev, O., Knöbel, R., Krupko, S., Kuich, M., Litvinov, Y.A., Marquinez-Durán, G., Martel, I., Mazzocchi, C., Nociforo, C., Ordúz, A.K., Pfützner, M., Pietri, S., Pomorski, M., Prochazka, A., Rymzhanova, S., Sánchez-Benítez, A.M., Scheidenberger, C., Simon, H., Sitar, B., Slepnev, R., Stanoiu, M., Strmen, P., Szarka, I., Takechi, M., Tanaka, Y.K., Weick, H., Winkler, M., Winfield, J.S., Xu, X., Zhukov, M.V.,
Towards the Limits of Existence of Nuclear Structure: Observation and First Spectroscopy of the Isotope K 31 by Measuring Its Three-Proton Decay
Physical Review Letters, 123(9): 092502, 2019 | DOI

Pérez-Rey, I., Riquelme, A., González-deSantos, L.M., Estévez-Ventosa, X., Tomás, R., Alejano, L.R.
A multi-approach rockfall hazard assessment on a weathered granite natural rock slope
Landslides, 16(10): , 2019 | DOI

Tserevelakis, G.J., Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Siozos, P., Rivas, T., Pouli, P., Zacharakis, G.
On-line photoacoustic monitoring of laser cleaning on stone: Evaluation of cleaning effectiveness and detection of potential damage to the substrate
Journal of Cultural Heritage, 35: , 2019 | DOI

Holl, M., Panin, V., Alvarez-Pol, H., Atar, L., Aumann, T., Beceiro-Novo, S., Benlliure, J., Bertulani, C.A., Boillos, J.M., Boretzky, K., Caamaño, M., Caesar, C., Casarejos, E., Catford, W., Cederkall, J., Chulkov, L., Cortina-Gil, D., Cravo, E., Dillmann, I., Díaz Fernández, P., Elekes, Z., Enders, J., Fraile, L.M., Galaviz Redondo, D., Gernhäuser, R., Golubev, P., Heftrich, T., Heil, M., Heine, M., Heinz, A., Henriques, A., Johansson, H.T., Jonson, B., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kanungo, R., Kelic-Heil, A., Kröll, T., Kurz, N., Langer, C., Le Bleis, T., Lindberg, S., Machado, J., Nacher, E., Najafi, M.A., Nilsson, T., Nociforo, C., Paschalis, S., Petri, M., Reifarth, R., Ribeiro, G., Rigollet, C., Rossi, D.M., Savran, D., Scheit, H., Simon, H., Sorlin, O., Syndikus, I., Tengblad, O., Togano, Y., Vandebrouck, M., Velho, P., Wamers, F., Weick, H., Wheldon, C., Wilson, G.L., Winfield, J.S., Woods, P., Zhukov, M., Zuber, K.,
Quasi-free neutron and proton knockout reactions from light nuclei in a wide neutron-to-proton asymmetry range
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 795: , 2019 | DOI

Abad, A., Gerassis, S., Saavedra, Á., Giráldez, E., García, J.F., Taboada, J.
A Bayesian assessment of occupational health surveillance in workers exposed to silica in the energy and construction industry
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(29): , 2019 | DOI

López-Campos, J.A., Segade, A., Casarejos, E., Fernández, J.R., Días, G.R.,
Hyperelastic characterization oriented to finite element applications using genetic algorithms
Advances in Engineering Software, 133: , 2019 | DOI

Winn, K., Wong, L.N.Y., Alejano, L.R.
Multi-approach stability analyses of large caverns excavated in low-angled bedded sedimentary rock masses in Singapore
Engineering Geology, 259: 105164, 2019 | DOI

Chatillon, A., Taïeb, J., Alvarez-Pol, H., Audouin, L., Ayyad, Y., Bélier, G., Benlliure, J., Boutoux, G., Caamaño, M., Casarejos, E., Cortina-Gil, D., Ebran, A., Farget, F., Fernández-Domínguez, B., Gorbinet, T., Grente, L., Heinz, A., Johansson, H.T., Jurado, B., Keli?-Heil, A., Kurz, N., Laurent, B., Martin, J.F., Nociforo, C., Paradela, C., Pellereau, E., Pietri, S., Prochazka, A., Rodríguez-Sánchez, J.L., Simon, H., Tassan-Got, L., Vargas, J., Voss, B., Weick, H.,
Experimental study of nuclear fission along the thorium isotopic chain: From asymmetric to symmetric fission
Physical Review C, 99(5): 054628, 2019 | DOI

López, A.J., Ramil, A., Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Rivas, T., Pereira, D.
Ultrafast laser surface texturing: A sustainable tool to modify wettability properties of marble
Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(15): 4079, 2019 | DOI

Gottardo, A., Valiente-Dobón, J.J., Benzoni, G., Morales, A.I., Gadea, A., Lunardi, S., Boutachkov, P., Bruce, A.M., Górska, M., Grebosz, J., Pietri, S., Podolyák, Z., Pfützner, M., Regan, P.H., Rudolph, D., Weick, H., Alcántara Núñez, J., Algora, A., Al-Dahan, N., De Angelis, G., Ayyad, Y., Alkhomashi, N., Allegro, P.R.P., Bazzacco, D., Benlliure, J., Bowry, M., Bracco, A., Bunce, M., Camera, F., Casarejos, E., Cortes, M.L., Crespi, F.C.L., Corsi, A., Denis Bacelar, A.M., Deo, A.Y., Domingo-Pardo, C., Doncel, M., Dombradi, Z., Engert, T., Eppinger, K., Farrelly, G.F., Farinon, F., Geissel, H., Gerl, J., Goel, N., Gregor, E., Habermann, T., Hoischen, R., Janik, R., Klupp, S., Kojouharov, I., Kurz, N., Lenzi, S.M., Leoni, S., Mandal, S., Menegazzo, R., Mengoni, D., Million, B., Napoli, D.R., Naqvi, F., Nociforo, C., Prochazka, A., Prokopowicz, W., Recchia, F., Ribas, R.V., Reed, M.W., Sahin, E., Schaffner, H., Sharma, A., Sitar, B., Siwal, D., Steiger, K., Strmen, P., Swan, T.P.D., Szarka, I., Ur, C.A., Walker, P.M., Wieland, O., Wollersheim, H.J., Nowacki, F., Maglione, E.,
New spectroscopic information on Tl 211,213: A changing structure beyond the N=126 shell closure
Physical Review C, 99(5): 054326, 2019 | DOI

Gerassis, S., Albuquerque, M.T.D., García, J.F., Boente, C., Giráldez, E., Taboada, J., Martín, J.E.
Understanding complex blasting operations: A structural equation model combining Bayesian networks and latent class clustering
Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 188: , 2019 | DOI

Pérez-Loureiro, D., Benlliure, J., Díaz-Cortes, J., Rodríguez-Sánchez, J.L., Álvarez-Pol, H., Blank, B., Casarejos, E., Dragosavac, D., Föhr, V., Gascón, M., Gawlikowicz, W., Heinz, A., Helariutta, K., Keli?-Heil, A., Luki?, S., Montes, F., Pie?kowski, L., Schmidt, K.H., Staniou, M., Suboti?, K., Sümmerer, K., Taieb, J., Trzci?ska, A.,
Neutron-rich fragments produced by in-flight fission of U 238
Physical Review C, 99(5): 054606, 2019 | DOI

Soares, G.C., Learmonth, D.A., Vallejo, M.C., Davila, S.P., González, P., Sousa, R.A., Oliveira, A.L.
Supercritical CO <inf>2</inf> technology: The next standard sterilization technique?
Materials Science and Engineering C, 99: , 2019 | DOI

Pérez-Rey, I., Alejano, L.R., Riquelme, A., González-deSantos, L.
Failure mechanisms and stability analyses of granitic boulders focusing a case study in Galicia (Spain)
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 119: , 2019 | DOI

Ramos, D., Caamaño, M., Farget, F., Rodríguez-Tajes, C., Audouin, L., Benlliure, J., Casarejos, E., Clement, E., Cortina, D., Delaune, O., Derkx, X., Dijon, A., Doré, D., Fernández-Domínguez, B., De France, G., Heinz, A., Jacquot, B., Paradela, C., Rejmund, M., Roger, T., Salsac, M.D., Schmitt, C.,
Insight into excitation energy and structure effects in fission from isotopic information in fission yields
Physical Review C, 99(2): 024615, 2019 | DOI

Troncoso-Pastoriza, F., Eguía-Oller, P., Díaz-Redondo, R.P., Granada-Álvarez, E.,
Use of BIM data as input and output for improved detection of lighting elements in buildings
Automation in Construction, 106: 102852, 2019 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Puente, I., Pereira, M.F.C., Rocha, C.S.A.
Quantification and mapping of deterioration patterns on granite surfaces by means of mobile LiDAR data
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 140: , 2019 | DOI

Casarejos, E., Riol, J.C., Lopez-Campos, J.A., Segade, A., Vilan, J.A.,
Evaluation of an FE model for the design of a complex thin-wall CFRP structure for a scientific instrument
Materials, 12(3): 489, 2019 | DOI

Troncoso-Pastoriza, F., Eguía-Oller, P., Díaz-Redondo, R.P., Granada-Álvarez, E., Erkoreka, A.,
Orientation-constrained system for lamp detection in buildings based on computer vision
Sensors (Switzerland), 19(7): 1516, 2019 | DOI

Castro-Caicedo, A.J., Alejano, L.R., Monsalve, J.E., Bernal, A.
Geotechnical design of pillars in underground mines of gold veins in cases of Colombia [Diseño geotécnico de pilares en minas subterráneas de vetas auríferas en casos de Colombia]
DYNA (Colombia), 86(209): , 2019 | DOI

A. López-Campos, J., Segade, A., R. Fernández, J., Casarejos, E., A. Vilán, J.,
Behavior characterization of visco-hyperelastic models for rubber-like materials using genetic algorithms
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 66: , 2019 | DOI

Bianconi, F., González, E.
Counting local n-ary patterns
Pattern Recognition Letters, 117: , 2019 | DOI

Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Otero, J., Alonso, P., Mas i Barberà, X.
Nanolime- and nanosilica-based consolidants applied on heated granite and limestone: Effectiveness and durability
Construction and Building Materials, 201: , 2019 | DOI

López-Campos, J.A., Segade, A., Casarejos, E., Fernández, J.R.,
Behavior characterization of viscoelastic materials for the finite element method calculation applying Prony series
Computational and Mathematical Methods, 1(1): e1014, 2019 | DOI

Alejano, L.R., Veiga, M., Pérez-Rey, I., Castro-Filgueira, U., Arzúa, J., Castro-Caicedo, Á.J.
Analysis of a complex slope failure in a granodiorite quarry bench
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 78(2): , 2019 | DOI

Baldonedo, J., López-Campos, J.A., López, M., Casarejos, E., Fernández, J.R.,
Optimization of the auxiliary-beam system in railway bridge vibration mitigation using FEM simulation and genetic algorithms
Symmetry, 11(9): 1089, 2019 | DOI

Boente, C., Albuquerque, M.T.D., Gerassis, S., Rodríguez-Valdés, E., Gallego, J.R.
A coupled multivariate statistics, geostatistical and machine-learning approach to address soil pollution in a prototypical Hg-mining site in a natural reserve
Chemosphere, 218: , 2019 | DOI

Book Chapter
García-Cordonié, J., Izquierdo, P., Vilán, J.A., Segade, A., Casarejos, E., Lopez, M.,
Approach to the management applied to the periodical technical inspection (PTI) stations in the context of industry 4.0
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, : , 2019 | DOI

Pérez-Rey, I., Alejano, L.R., Muralha, J.
Experimental study of factors controlling tilt-test results performed on saw-cut rock joints
Geotechnical Testing Journal, 42(2): GTJ20170375, 2019 | DOI

Gorbinet, T., Yordanov, O., Ducret, J.E., Aumann, T., Ayyad, Y., Bianchin, S., Borodina, O., Boudard, A., Caesar, C., Casarejos, E., Czech, B., Hlavac, S., Klimo, J., Kurz, N., Langer, C., Le Bleis, T., Leray, S., Lukasik, J., Mancusi, D., Pawlowski, P., Pietri, S., Rappold, C., Salsac, M.D., Simon, H., Veselsky, M.,
Study of the reaction mechanisms of <sup>136</sup>Xe + p and <sup>136</sup>Xe + <sup>12</sup>C at 1 A GeV with inverse kinematics and large-acceptance detectors
European Physical Journal A, 55(1): 11, 2019 | DOI

Iglesias, C., Luo, L., Martínez, J., Kelly, D.J., Taboada, J., Pérez, I.
Obtaining the sGAG distribution profile in articular cartilage color images
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Ribeiro, M.M., Roque, N., Ribeiro, S., Gavinhos, C., Castanheira, I., Quinta-Nova, L., Albuquerque, T., Gerassis, S.
Bioclimatic modeling in the Last Glacial Maximum, Mid-Holocene and facing future climatic changes in the strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.)
PLoS ONE, 14(1): e0210062, 2019 | DOI

Tserevelakis, G.J., Pozo-Antonio, J.S., Siozos, P., Rivas, T., Pouli, P., Zacharakis, G.
On-line photoacoustic monitoring of laser cleaning on stone: Evaluation of cleaning effectiveness and detection of potential damage to the substrate
Journal of Cultural Heritage, 35: , 2019 | DOI

Morandeira, L., Sanromán, M.Á., Rodríguez, A., Deive, F.J.
Setting the Foundations of Aqueous Three-Phase Systems (A3PS) in the Quest for a Rational Design
ChemPhysChem, 20(24): , 2019 | DOI

Díez, A.M., Sanromán, M.A., Pazos, M.
New approaches on the agrochemicals degradation by UV oxidation processes
Chemical Engineering Journal, 376: 120026, 2019 | DOI

Poza-Nogueiras, V., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.Á., González-Romero, E.
Double benefit of electrochemical techniques: Treatment and electroanalysis for remediation of water polluted with organic compounds
Electrochimica Acta, 320: 134628, 2019 | DOI

Pinheiro, N., Assunção, P., Rodríguez, A., Sanromán, M.Á., Deive, F.J.
Surfactant-assisted disruption and extraction for carotenoid production from a novel Dunaliella strain
Separation and Purification Technology, 223: , 2019 | DOI

Bouzayani, B., Rosales, E., Pazos, M., Elaoud, S.C., Sanromán, M.A.
Homogeneous and heterogeneous peroxymonosulfate activation by transition metals for the degradation of industrial leather dye
Journal of Cleaner Production, 228: , 2019 | DOI

Arellano, M., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.Á.
Sulfate radicals-based technology as a promising strategy for wastewater
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Escudero, N., Deive, F.J., Sanromán, M.Á., Álvarez, M.S., Rodríguez, A.
Design of eco-friendly aqueous two-phase systems for the efficient extraction of industrial finishing dyes
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 284: , 2019 | DOI

Álvarez, M.S., Zhang, Y., Ángeles Sanromán, M., Deive, F.J., Rodríguez, A.
Suitability of dihydrogen phosphate anion to salt out cholinium-based ionic liquids
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 133: , 2019 | DOI

Moreira, F.C., Bocos, E., Faria, A.G.F., Pereira, J.B.L., Fonte, C.P., Santos, R.J., Lopes, J.C.B., Dias, M.M., Sanromán, M.A., Pazos, M., Boaventura, R.A.R., Vilar, V.J.P.
Selecting the best piping arrangement for scaling-up an annular channel reactor: An experimental and computational fluid dynamics study
Science of the Total Environment, 667: , 2019 | DOI

Figueroa, R., Nóvoa, X.R., Pérez, C.,
Hydrophobic surface treatments for improving the corrosion resistance of anodized AA2024-T3 alloys
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Regueiro, A., Jezerská, L., Pérez-Orozco, R., Patiño, D., Zegzulka, J., Ne?as, J.
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Díez, A.M., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A.
Synthesis of magnetic-photo-Fenton catalyst for degradation of emerging pollutant
Catalysis Today, 328: , 2019 | DOI

Rosales, E., Escudero, S., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A.
Sustainable removal of Cr(VI) by lime peel and pineapple core wastes
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 9(10): 1967, 2019 | DOI

Morandeira, L., Danho, M., Markiewicz, M., Stolte, S., Ángeles Sanromán, M., Rodríguez, A., Deive, F.J.
Sketching a Suitable Immobilization Strategy for Ionic Liquid Removal in a Fixed-Bed Bioreactor
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 7(4): , 2019 | DOI

Meijide, J., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.Á.
Heterogeneous electro-Fenton catalyst for 1-butylpyridinium chloride degradation
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(4): , 2019 | DOI

Arellano, M., Sanromán, M.A., Pazos, M.
Electro-assisted activation of peroxymonosulfate by iron-based minerals for the degradation of 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium chloride
Separation and Purification Technology, 208: , 2019 | DOI

Rosales, E., Diaz, S., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A.
Comprehensive strategy for the degradation of anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac by different advanced oxidation processes
Separation and Purification Technology, 208: , 2019 | DOI

Zimbone, M., Cacciato, G., Boutinguiza, M., Gulino, A., Cantarella, M., Privitera, V., Grimaldi, M.G.
Hydrogenated black-TiO<inf>x</inf>: A facile and scalable synthesis for environmental water purification
Catalysis Today, 321-322: , 2019 | DOI

Martínez Torres, J., Iglesias Comesaña, C., García-Nieto, P.J.,
Review: machine learning techniques applied to cybersecurity
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 10(10): , 2019 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Vence, J., Cabarcos, A.,
Analysis of the volume of fluid (VOF) method for the simulation of the mucus clearance process with CFD
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 22(5): , 2019 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Concheiro, M., Diaz, A.,
Development of a pattern recognition methodology with thermography and implementation in an experimental study of a boiler for a WHRS-ORC
Sensors (Switzerland), 19(7): 1680, 2019 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Gil, C., Cabarcos, A.,
Effect of realistic ballasted track in the underbody flow of a high-speed train via CFD simulations
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 184: , 2019 | DOI

Comesaña, R., Riveiro, A., del Val, J., Badaoui, A., Penide, J., Quintero, F., Boutinguiza, M., Lusquiños, F., Pou, J.,
Laser surface modification of structural glass for anti-slip applications
Ceramics International, 45(18): , 2019 | DOI

Fernández-Arias, M., Zimbone, M., Boutinguiza, M., Val, J.D., Riveiro, A., Privitera, V., Grimaldi, M.G., Pou, J.,
Synthesis and deposition of Ag nanoparticles by combining laser ablation and electrophoretic deposition techniques
Coatings, 9(9): 571, 2019 | DOI

Thenier-Villa, J.L., Riveiro Rodríguez, A., Martínez-Rolán, R.M., Gelabert-González, M., González-Vargas, P.M., Calero-Félix, L., Galarraga Campoverde, R.A., De La Lama Zaragoza, A.R., Pou, J., Alonso, C.C.,
A1 asynchrony, a potential risk factor for the rupture of anterior communicating artery aneurysms: A computational fluid dynamics study
Neurocirugia, 30(5): , 2019 | DOI

Piccirillo, C., Fernández-Arias, M., Boutinguiza, M., Tobaldi, D.M., del Val, J., Pintado, M.M., Pou, J.,
Increased UV absorption properties of natural hydroxyapatite-based sunscreen through laser ablation modification in liquid
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102(6): , 2019 | DOI

Pou, P., del Val, J., Riveiro, A., Comesaña, R., Arias-González, F., Lusquiños, F., Bountinguiza, M., Quintero, F., Pou, J.,
Laser texturing of stainless steel under different processing atmospheres: From superhydrophilic to superhydrophobic surfaces
Applied Surface Science, 475: , 2019 | DOI

Fernández-Arias, M., Boutinguiza, M., del Val, J., Medina, E., Rodríguez, D., Riveiro, A., Comesaña, R., Lusquiños, F., Gil, F.J., Pou, J.,
RE-irradiation of silver nanoparticles obtained by laser ablation in water and assessment of their antibacterial effect
Applied Surface Science, 473: , 2019 | DOI

Penide, J., Riveiro, A., Soto, R., Boutinguiza, M., Arias-Gonzalez, F., del Val, J., Comesaña, R., Lusquiños, F., Quintero, F., Pou, J.,
Laser microdrilling of slate tiles
Materials, 12(3): 398, 2019 | DOI

Riveiro, A., Quintero, F., Boutinguiza, M., del Val, J., Comesaña, R., Lusquiños, F., Pou, J.,
Laser cutting: A review on the influence of assist gas
Materials, 12(1): 157, 2019 | DOI

Book Chapter
Riveiro, A., Chantada, A., Soto, R., del Val, J., Arias-González, F., Comesaña, R., Boutinguiza, M., Quintero, F., Lusquiños, F., Pou, J.,
Laser surface texturing of thermoplastics to improve biological performance
Materials for Biomedical Engineering: Thermoset and Thermoplastic Polymers, : , 2019 | DOI

Álvarez, M.S., Longo, M.A., Deive, F.J., Rodríguez, A.,
Non-ionic surfactants and ionic liquids are a suitable combination for aqueous two-phase systems
Fluid Phase Equilibria, 502: 112302, 2019 | DOI

López, J., Santana-Alonso, A., Medina, M.D.C.,
Formal verification for task description languages. A petri net approach
Sensors (Switzerland), 19(22): 4965, 2019 | DOI

Book Chapter
Penide, J., Quintero, F., Val, J.d., Comesaña, R., Lusquiños, F., Riveiro, A., Pou, J.,
Bioactive glass nanofibers for tissue engineering
Materials for Biomedical Engineering: Inorganic Micro- and Nanostructures, : , 2019 | DOI

Álvarez, M.S., Zhang, Y.,
Sketching neoteric solvents for boosting drugs bioavailability
Journal of Controlled Release, 311-312: , 2019 | DOI

Sánchez-Aparicio, L.J., Bautista-De Castro, Á., Conde, B., Carrasco, P., Ramos, L.F.
Non-destructive means and methods for structural diagnosis of masonry arch bridges
Automation in Construction, 104: , 2019 | DOI

Penide, J., del Val, J., Riveiro, A., Soto, R., Comesaña, R., Quintero, F., Boutinguiza, M., Lusquiños, F., Pou, J.,
Laser surface blasting of granite stones using a laser scanning system
Coatings, 9(2): 131, 2019 | DOI

Arias-Coronado, V.C., Pereira-Cameselle, R., Ozcelik, A., Talavera, M., Peña-Gallego, Á., Alonso-Gómez, J.L., Bolaño, S.,
Spirobifluorene Metallaaromatics
Chemistry - A European Journal, 25(59): , 2019 | DOI

Kali, Y., Saad, M., Doval-Gandoy, J., Rodas, J., Benjelloun, K.,
Discrete sliding mode control based on exponential reaching law and time delay estimation for an asymmetrical six-phase induction machine drive
IET Electric Power Applications, 13(11): , 2019 | DOI

Ozcelik, A., Pereira-Cameselle, R., Mosquera, R.A., Peña-Gallego, Á., Alonso-Gómez, J.L.,
Chiroptical symmetry analysis of trianglimines: A case study
Symmetry, 11(10): 1245, 2019 | DOI

Serra, G., Doval-Gandoy, J., Mengoni, M.,
Guest editorial: Multiphase electric drives and generation systems
IET Electric Power Applications, 13(11): , 2019 | DOI

Castro-Fernández, S., Peña-Gallego, Á., Mosquera, R.A., Alonso-Gómez, J.L.,
Chiroptical symmetry analysis: Exciton chirality-based formulae to understand the chiroptical responses of C<inf>N</inf> and D<inf>N</inf> symmetric systems
Molecules, 24(1): 141, 2019 | DOI