Pérez Cid

Profesor/a titular de universidade

Área de Química Analítica
Departamento de Química Analítica e Alimentaria

Información de contacto

Facultade de Química
Edificio de Ciencias Experimentais
Bloque E, Planta 2, Despacho 18
As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo

+34 986 814 083

Breve CV

Licenciada en Química en 1992 pola Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Doutora en Química pola Universidade de Vigo en 1998. Estadías de investigación posdoutorais no Departamento de Ambiente da Universidade de Aveiro (Prof. Cristina Boia), desde 1999-2001 (9 meses). Autora de 24 artigos de investigación en revistas internacionais e 40 contribucións a congresos (27 internacionais). Dirección de 2 Teses de Doutoramento, 5 Teses de Licenciatura/Teses de Máster, 6 Proxectos fin de Carreira e 2 Traballos fin de Grao. Participación en 6 proxectos de investigación en convocatorias autonómicas. As súas liñas de investigación centranse na especiación de elementos metálicos e outros contaminantes inorgánicos en mostras biolóxicas e medioambientais. Colaboración con outros grupos de investigación da Universidade de Dakar-Senegal (Prof. Momar Ndiaye) e da Universidade de Torino-Italia (Dra. Susana Río).


Grupo de investigación

Enxeñería Química 10


Resultados de investigación

López-Prieto, A., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M., Pérez-Cid, B.,
Fungicide Effect of a Novelty Antimicrobial Biosurfactant Extract Alone or Combined with Copper Oxychloride on Botrytis cinerea Cells
Fermentation, 9, 6, 2023 | DOI

Pérez-Cid, B., Río Segade, S., Vecino, X., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.,
Effect of a Biosurfactant Extract Obtained from a Corn Kernel Fermented Stream on the Sensory Colour Properties of Apple and Orange Juices
Foods, 12, 10, 2023 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M., Pérez-Cid, B.,
Solubilization of cuprous oxide in water using biosurfactant extracts from corn steep liquor: a comparative study
Scientific Reports, 12, 1, 2022 | DOI

Pérez-Cid, B., Rodríguez-López, L., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M., Vecino, X.,
Effect of a Multifunctional Biosurfactant Extract Obtained from Corn Steep Liquor on Orange and Apple Juices
Foods, 11, 21, 2022 | DOI

Martínez-Arcos, A., López-Prieto, A., Rodríguez-López, L., Pérez-Cid, B., Vecino, X., Moldes, A.B., Manuel, C.J.
Evaluation of morphological changes in grapes coated with a biosurfactant extract obtained from corn steep liquor
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11, 13, 2021 | DOI

Pérez-Cid, B., Falqué, E., Simal-Gandara, J.
Coastline levels of dissolved heavy metals in the estuarine water–system of vigo
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 4, 2021 | DOI

Veiga-Gómez, M., Nebot, C., Falqué, E., Pérez, B., Franco, C.M., Cepeda, A.
Determination of pharmaceuticals and heavy metals in groundwater for human and animal consumption and crop irrigation in Galicia
Food Additives and Contaminants – Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment, 38, 12, 2021 | DOI

Pérez-Cid, B., Calvar, S., Moldes, A.B., Manuel Cruz, J.
Effective Removal of Cyanide and Heavy Metals from an Industrial Electroplating Stream Using Calcium Alginate Hydrogels
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 25, 21, 2020 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M., Pérez Cid, B.
Towards more Ecofriendly Pesticides: Use of Biosurfactants Obtained from the Corn Milling Industry as Solubilizing Agent of Copper Oxychloride
Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 23, 6, 2020 | DOI

Iglesias, A.M., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A., Pérez-Cid, B.
Efficient Adsorption of Lead Ions onto Alginate–Grape Marc Hybrid Beads: Optimization and Bioadsorption Kinetics
Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 25, 5, 2020 | DOI

Rodriguez, J., Perez, B., Nebot, C., Falque, E., Simal-Gandara, J.
Food production link to underground waters quality in A Limia river basin
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 297, , 2020 | DOI

Ndiaye, B., Bustos, G., Calvar, S., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B., Pérez-Cid, B.
Selective Adsorption Capacity of Grape Marc Hydrogel for Adsorption of Binary Mixtures of Dyes
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 231, 1, 2020 | DOI

Pérez Cid, B., Muinelo Martínez, M., Vázquez Vázquez, F.A., Río Segade, S.
Content and bioavailability of trace elements and nutrients in grape pomace
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 99, 15, 2019 | DOI

Vázquez Vázquez, F.A., Pérez Cid, B., Río Segade, S.
Assessment of metal bioavailability in the vineyard soil-grapevine system using different extraction methods
Food Chemistry, 208, , 2016 | DOI

Ndiaye, B., Ndiaye, M., Pérez Cid, B., Diop, A.
Distribution of inorganic and total mercury in marine sediments from two coastal areas delimited by Atlantic Ocean: Galician Rías (NW Spain) and coast of Dakar (Senegal)
Asian Journal of Chemistry, 27, 7, 2015 | DOI

Birame, N., Momar, N., Abdoulaye, D., Cid, B.P.
Determination of methyl mercury in biological samples from Dakar coast using CV-AAS and a simple ultrasound method
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 19, 4, 2015 | DOI

González Medeiros, J.J., Pérez Cid, B., Fernández Gómez, E.
Analytical phosphorus fractionation in sewage sludge and sediment samples
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 381, 4, 2005 | DOI

Pérez-Cid, B., Silva, C., Boia, C.
Application of leaching tests for the assessment of available heavy metals from domestic and industrial sludges
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 82, 10, 2002 | DOI

Pérez Cid, B., Silva, C., Boia, C.
Determination of lead in biological samples by use of slurry sampling electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 374, 3, 2002 | DOI

Pérez Cid, B., De Jesús González, M., Fernández Gómez, E.
Comparison of single extraction procedures, using either conventional shaking or microwave heating, and the tessier sequential extraction method for the fractionation of heavy metals from environmental samples
Analyst, 127, 5, 2002 | DOI

Pérez Cid, B., Boia, C., Pombo, L., Rebelo, E.
Determination of trace metals in fish species of the Ria de Aveiro (Portugal) by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry
Food Chemistry, 75, 1, 2001 | DOI

Pérez Cid, B., Fernández Alborés, A., Fernández Gómez, E., Falqué López, E.
Use of microwave single extractions for metal fractionation in sewage sludge samples
Analytica Chimica Acta, 431, 2, 2001 | DOI

Pérez-Cid, B., Boia, C.
Comparison between total determination and extractable heavy metals from river sediments using conventional and microwave accelerated leaching tests
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 81, 2, 2001 | DOI

Pérez Cid, B., Fernández Alborés, A., Fernández Gómez, E., Falqué López, E.
Metal fractionation in olive oil and urban sewage sludges using the three-stage BCR sequential extraction method and microwave single extractions
Analyst, 126, 8, 2001 | DOI

Fernández Alborés, A., Pérez Cid, B., Fernández Gómez, E., Falqué López, E.
Comparison between sequential extraction procedures and single extractions for metal partitioning in sewage sludge samples
Analyst, 125, 7, 2000 | DOI

Lavilla, I., Perez-Cid, B., Bendicho, C.
Use of flow-injection sample-to-standard addition methods for quantification of metals leached by selective chemical extraction from sewage sludge
Analytica Chimica Acta, 381, 44257, 1999 | DOI

Pérez-Cid, B., Lavilla, I., Bendicho, C.
Application of microwave extraction for partitioning of heavy metals in sewage sludge
Analytica Chimica Acta, 378, 44256, 1999 | DOI

Pérez-Cid, B., Lavilla, I., Bendicho, C.
Use of ultrasonic energy for shortening the sequential extraction of metals from river sediments
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 73, 2, 1999 | DOI

Pérez-Cid, B., Lavilla, I., Bendicho, C.
Comparison between conventional and ultrasound accelerated Tessier sequential extraction schemes for metal fractionation in sewage sludge
Fresenius´ Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 363, 7, 1999 | DOI

Pérez-Cid, B., Lavilla, I., Bendicho, C.
Speeding up of a three-stage sequential extraction method for metal speciation using focused ultrasound
Analytica Chimica Acta, 360, 44256, 1998 | DOI

Lavilla, I., Perez-Cid, B., Bendicho, C.
Leaching of heavy metals from an aquatic plant (Lagarosiphon major) used as environmental biomonitor by ultrasonic extraction
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 72, 1, 1998 | DOI

Lavilla, I., Pérez-Cid, B., Bendicho, C.
Optimization of digestion methods for sewage sludge using the Plackett-Burman saturated design
Fresenius´ Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 361, 2, 1998 | DOI

Perez-Cid, B., Rio-Segade, S., Bendicho, C.
Determination of copper in mineral waters from Galicia, Spain, by flame atomic absorption spectrometry using preconcentration with diethyldithiocarbamate loaded on silica gel
Microchemical Journal, 55, 3, 1997 | DOI

Pérez-Cid, B., Lavilla, I., Bendicho, C.
Analytical assessment of two sequential extraction schemes for metal partitioning in sewage sludges
Analyst, 121, 10, 1996 | DOI

Rio-Segade, S., Pérez-Cid, B., Bendicho, C.
Preconcentration of lead, cadmium and zinc on silica gel loaded with diethyldithiocarbamate prior to their determination by flame-atomic absorption spectrometry
Fresenius´ Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 351, 8, 1995 | DOI