Researcher Juan Carlos Navares and students from the IES de Brión win the Scientific Youtubers contest

Juan Carlos won the award in the category for UVigo research staff with a work that highlights his ability to communicate the differences between virtual, augmented and mixed reality, in a fresh, dynamic way and with a touch of humor.

Virtual, augmented and mixed reality and Why science is relevant to society are the titles of the winning works of the 4th edition of the Youtubers Científicos contest, organized by the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit (UCC+i) of the University of Vigo and framed within the annual plan of activities Ciencia de ida e valuta, which has the collaboration of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities).

In the first edition in which the contest opened its participation to students of Secondary and Baccalaureate, the students of 1º of ESO A of the IES de Brión were the winner with their work Por que ciencia é relevant para sociedad, a very creative and collaborative video, in which the students explain in a simple and original way the relevance of scientific knowledge to society. For his part, the researcher from the Applied Geotechnologies group at Cintecx, Juan Carlos Navares, won the award in the category for UVigo research staff with a work that highlights his ability to communicate the differences between virtual, augmented and mixed reality, in a fresh, dynamic way and with a touch of humor.