CINTECX is the Research Center in Technologies, Energy and Industrial Processes of the University of Vigo.

CINTECX focuses the multidisciplinary effort of its researchers to develop basic and oriented research and transfer knowledge to the productive sector with a high level of excellence and competitiveness.

The long trajectory of its extensive team of researchers allows the center to be at the forefront of R+D+i in lines such as renewable energies, energy efficiency, the use of natural resources, the recovery of industrial waste, development and application from advanced manufacturing techniques and new materials, clean propulsion technologies or artificial intelligence.


Vision Statement


CINTECX’s vision is to consolidate itself as a reference centre through research excellence, producing a real impact on the environment and on our technological and industrial partners while generating critical mass in research.


Mission statement


The mission of the Center is to generate and disseminate excellent knowledge and transfer innovation in the field of energy, technologies and industrial processes, focusing on people and sustainable development.


Core Values


  • Sustainability
  • Trust
  • Efficiency
  • Excellence
  • Equality



CINTECX define sus objetivos estratégicos organizados en cuatro ejes de actuación prioritarios:

Research, transfer, and innovation

The generation of excellent scientific and technological knowledge, supporting an accessible and open science ecosystem, and promoting ethics in research.

Continuous transfer of knowledge to the market, collaborating directly with the industrial sector and all other agents in the innovation ecosystem, guiding research and technology to provide industry with innovative and sustainable solutions.

Strengthening the relationship between science and society by means of the social communication of science and citizen participation, paying special attention to groups with barriers to their access to science.

Adding value to research results by providing an environment that promotes spin-offs, supports the generation of licences and patents, and brings the market closer.

Relationship model

Being an active and participative voice in innovative, scientific, and sustainable thinking on the environment, and being a technological partner to the main players in the Galician innovation ecosystem.

Developing and implementing a Comprehensive Communication Plan, a framework strategy, and a corporate image.

Promoting efficient, ethical, and professional scientific communication with diverse audiences to encourage dialogue and mutual commitment between science and society..

The people

Creating an incentivizing, inclusive, sustainable and safe working environment that facilitates the development of research careers, guarantees equal opportunities, fosters compliance with Sustainable Development Goals and improves the lives of the people of CINTECX.

Supporting personal research training and the consolidation of professional careers through activities of international mobility and positioning at an international level as a talent receiving centre.


Quality, assessment, and recognition

Obtaining recognition for achievement and quality in research from CINTECX in calls for excellence from research centres.

Progressing in quality in administrative management and support for research, simplifying procedures and improving transparency and accountability.

Promoting recognition of excellence in research by the CINTECX staff.

Sustainable Development Goals