

The CINTECX Strategic Plan contemplates, within the action plan for the fulfillment of its strategic objectives, an annual call for aid in the modality of competitive competition called CINTECX Challenge, for the development of collaborative R&D projects between researchers integrated in the center.

To this end, the CHALLENGE 2023 aid is called.

The period to participate in this call will be open from December 8, 2022 to January 9, 2023.

The proposals that comply with the provisions of the call will be defended during a Technical Conference at CINTECX, in which their evaluation and the selection of the winning proposal will be carried out.

An important aspect of this challenge is to achieve a relevant social impact in the region, so that the results of the winning proposal can be disseminated, among others, through the Scientific Dissemination Program of Singular Science of the Xunta de Galicia.


Application Requirements

  1. The members of the research team must be members of the Research Center for Technologies, Energy and Industrial Processes (CINTECX) at the time of submitting the application.

  3. They must have the participation of at least 2 researchers, from at least two CINTECX research groups (one or two of which will act as PIs) in order to increase the degree of cohesion among the Center’s researchers. The proposal must have the approval of the coordinators of the research groups to which the research team belongs.

  5. The proposal presented must be aligned with the technological areas and the priority lines of the CINTECX scientific agenda and contribute to the projection and visibility of the center.

  7. The proposal must be original.


Consult the complete call



Consult the 2023 edidion poster of the challenge.

