Turn of the Scientific Seminars to CINTECX: An opportunity to know the investigation of the centre

With these Seminars, the researchers of the CINTECX give to know his investigations internally. h3>

On 11 September, CINTECX celebrated a new session of his Scientific Seminars. In this occasion, Muataz Safaa Abed Albadri was the attendant of the report, where exposed an advance of the study that will present in the ISPRS Geospatial Week, that will celebrate in Dubai of the 6 to 11 April 2025 . During his intervention, Muataz Albadri showed the advances of his investigation titled Automatic Segmentation and IFC Model Generation of Indoor Scans.

Besides, the professor Jeffrey Beasley, of the Centre of Linguas, provided valuable tools to improve the communication in oral exhibitions, that the speaker will be able to apply in future congresses, international meetings and defences of thesis doctorales.

The next seminar is programmed for 30 October, with open assistance and the people interested can find more details in the link of Scientific Seminars CINTECX 2024: href=”https://cintecx.uvigo.es/es/event/seminarios-cientificos-2024-04-24-2024-10-30/2024-10-30/”>Scientific Seminars

These meetings range with the vision of the centre to promote the collaboration between researchers and promote new opportunities of cooperation between the personal researcher and to his time, framed in the Program Mentoring of CINTECX.