Suárez Porto

Senior Lecturer

Área of Fluid Mechanics
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Heat Engines and Fluid Mechanics

Contact information

School of Industrial Engineering
Despacho 212

As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo

+34 986 818 771

Short CV

Ingeniero Superior Industrial en el 2006, doctor por la Universidad de Vigo en el 2010. Investigador del Grupo de Tecnología Energética (GTE), en el Centro de Investigación de Tecnologías, Energía y Procesos Industriales (CINTECX), y del grupo de investigación Biofluidos. Su actividad investigadora se centra en la simulación numérica mediante Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional (CFD) en diferentes aplicaciones como aerodinámica externa en alta velocidad, fluidodinámica en procesos de intercambio térmico, biofluidos, o sistemas multifísicos entre otras. En base a su actividad investigadora tiene reconocidos 2 sexenios de investigación, ha contribuido con más de 50 comunicaciones en congresos internacionales, ha publicado más de 40 publicaciones con indicador de calidad relativa, más de 25 indexados en el Journal Citation Report JCR. Ha dirigido 2 tesis doctorales, más de 20 trabajos fin de máster y 115 trabajos fin de grado. Ha participado en más de 40 contratos y proyectos de investigación en colaboración con empresas, tiene 3 registros de la propiedad, un acuerdo de licencia de explotación y fue premio a la transferencia de tecnología en Galicia de la Real Academia Gallega de ciencias y la Agencia Gallega de Innovación en el 2017.


Research results

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Cabarcos, A., Pinto, S.I.S.,
Numerical Study of a Thrombus Migration Risk in Aneurysm After Coil Embolization in Patient Cases: FSI Modelling
Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology, 14, 4, 2023 | DOI

Vence, J., Paz, C., Suárez, E., Cabarcos, A., Conde-Fontenla, M.,
Experimental evaluation of the effect of ozone treatment on the oxidation and removal of dry soot deposits of the exhaust gas recirculation system
Heliyon, 9, 7, 2023 | DOI

Vence, J., Paz, C., Suárez, E., Cabarcos, A., Concheiro, M.,
Analysis of the local growth and density evolution of soot deposits generated under hydrocarbon condensation: 3D simulation and detailed experimental validation
Results in Engineering, 18, , 2023 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Cabarcos, A., Díaz, A.,
Experimental Investigation and CFD Analysis of Pressure Drop in an ORC Boiler for a WHRS Implementation
Sensors, 22, 23, 2022 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Gil, C., Vence, J.,
Assessment of the methodology for the CFD simulation of the flight of a quadcopter UAV
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 218, , 2021 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Cabarcos, A., Pinto, S.I.S.,
FSI modeling on the effect of artery-aneurysm thickness and coil embolization in patient cases
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 206, , 2021 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Vence, J., Hoard, J.,
Evolution of EGR cooler deposits under hydrocarbon condensation: Analysis of local thickness, roughness, and fouling layer density
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 161, , 2021 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Gil, C., Parga, O.,
Numerical modelling of osteocyte growth on different bone tissue scaffolds
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, , , 2021 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Gil, C., Baker, C.,
CFD analysis of the aerodynamic effects on the stability of the flight of a quadcopter UAV in the proximity of walls and ground
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 206, , 2020 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Vence, J., Cabarcos, A.,
Fouling evolution on ribbed surfaces under EGR dry soot conditions: Experimental measurements and 3D model validation
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 151, , 2020 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Conde, M., Vence, J.,
Development of a Computational Fluid Dynamics Model for Predicting Fouling Process Using Dynamic Mesh Model
Heat Transfer Engineering, 41, 2, 2020 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Porteiro, J., Díaz, A.,
New methodology for CFD simulations of compact evaporators used in automotive ORC systems
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 143, , 2019 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Vence, J., Cabarcos, A.,
Analysis of the volume of fluid (VOF) method for the simulation of the mucus clearance process with CFD
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 22, 5, 2019 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Concheiro, M., Diaz, A.,
Development of a pattern recognition methodology with thermography and implementation in an experimental study of a boiler for a WHRS-ORC
Sensors (Switzerland), 19, 7, 2019 | DOI

Conference Paper
Paz, C., Suárez, E., Cabarcos, A., Gil, C.,
Development of an online tool based on CFD and object-oriented programming to support teaching fluid mechanics
Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2019 – Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Learning 2019, , , 2019 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Gil, C., Cabarcos, A.,
Effect of realistic ballasted track in the underbody flow of a high-speed train via CFD simulations
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 184, , 2019 | DOI

Conference Paper
Paz, C., Suárez, E., Concheiro, M., Conde, M.,
CFD simulation of the oral-nasal flow partitioning during a breathing cycle based on the soft palate movement
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 71, , 2018 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Concheiro, M., Porteiro, J.,
CFD transient simulation of a breathing cycle in an oral-nasal extrathoracic model
Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 10, 3, 2017 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Parga, O., Vence, J.,
Glottis effects on the cough clearance process simulated with a CFD dynamic mesh and Eulerian wall film model
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 20, 12, 2017 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Gil, C.,
Numerical methodology for evaluating the effect of sleepers in the underbody flow of a high-speed train
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 167, , 2017 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Vence, J.,
CFD transient simulation of the cough clearance process using an Eulerian wall film model
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 20, 2, 2017 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Gil, C., Concheiro, M.,
Numerical study of the impact of windblown sand particles on a high-speed train
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 145, , 2015 | DOI

Paz, M.C., Conde, M., Suárez, E., Concheiro, M.,
On the effect of surface roughness and material on the subcooled flow boiling of water: Experimental study and global correlation
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 64, , 2015 | DOI

Conference Paper
Gil, C., Paz, C., Suárez, E., Conde, M.,
A computational fluid dynamics comparison of the underflow of different commercial high-speed trains
Civil-Comp Proceedings, , , 2015 | DOI

Conference Paper
Paz, C., Suárez, E., Gil, C., Concheiro, M.,
CFD assessment of the effect of windblown sand on a high-speed train
Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2015, Multibody Dynamics 2015, , , 2015 | DOI

Conference Paper
Gil, C., Paz, C., Suárez, E., Conde, M.,
A computational fluid dynamics comparison of the underflow of different commercial high-speed trains
Civil-Comp Proceedings, 108, , 2015 | DOI

Conference Paper
Paz, C., Eirís, A., Porteiro, J., Suarez, E.,
The simulation of a rankine based waste heat recovery system for a heavy duty diesel engine
WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, 83, , 2014 | DOI

Conference Paper
Paz, C., Gil, C., Suárez, E., Porteiro, J.,
Comparison of turbulent models applied to the aerodynamics of a high speed train
Civil-Comp Proceedings, 105, , 2014 | DOI

Conference Paper
Paz, C., Gil, C., Suárez, E., Concheiro, M.,
Aerodynamic simulations of high-speed trains
Civil-Comp Proceedings, 105, , 2014 | DOI

Conference Paper
Paz, C., Suárez, E., Eirís, A., Porteiro, J.,
Development of a predictive CFD fouling model for diesel engine exhaust gas systems
Heat Transfer Engineering, 34, 8-9, 2013 | DOI

Conference Paper
Paz, C., Suárez, E., Concheiro, M., Porteiro, J., Valdés, R.,
CFD simulation of a CT scan oral-nasal extrathoracic model
WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, 79, , 2013 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Concheiro, M., Porteiro, J.,
Experimental study of soot particle fouling on ribbed plates: Applicability of the critical local wall shear stress criterion
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 44, , 2013 | DOI

Conference Paper
Paz, C., Suárez, E., Concheiro, M., Copo, A., Tobio, V.,
CFD implementation and experimental validation of the Chen model for heat transfer in nucleate boiling
WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, 79, , 2013 | DOI

Paz, C., Suárez, E., Eirís, A., Porteiro, J.,
Experimental evaluation of the critical local wall shear stress around cylindrical probes fouled by diesel exhaust gases
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 38, , 2012 | DOI

Conference Paper
Eirís, A., Paz, C., Suárez, E., Concheiro, M., Castaño, C.,
CFD numerical simulation of HP-EGR cooler performance under pulsating engine conditions
SAE Technical Papers, , , 2011 | DOI

Conference Paper
Paz, M.C., Porteiro, J., Eirís, A., Suárez, E.,
Computational model for particle deposition in turbulent gas flows for CFD codes
WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, 68, , 2010 | DOI

Conference Paper
Simón, D., Paz, M.C., Eirís, A., Suárez, E.,
Eulerian model for the prediction of nucleate boiling of refrigerant in heat exchangers
WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, 68, , 2010 | DOI

Conference Paper
Paz, C., Porteiro, J., Eirís, A., Suárez, E., Sánchez, A., Castaño, C.,
Pressure Drop in Protective Metal Meshes in Clean Low EGR Loop
SAE Technical Papers, 2009-January, January, 2009 | DOI

28/06/2019 | Christian Gil Pereira
Contribucións ao estudo dos fenómenos aerodinámicos en trens de alta velocidade
Directors: María Concepción Paz Penín, Eduardo Suárez Porto
Cum Laude