
Cintecx offers the following services to members of the centre, as well as to the entire university community and to companies and organisations in general.

Those interested in using these services should fill in the application form and send it to the e-mail address

It is necessary to fill in a form for each use/service.

Specific training in 4.0 technologies.

Training programmes on digital transformation at management level.

Digital cartographic twin of the forestry environment

Application of cartographic technologies to the digitalisation, measurement, evaluation and diagnosis of the forest environment. The results make it possible to generate cartographic products that facilitate decision-making and management of the forest environment, whether for the purposes of optimising production or for improving conservation actions.

Sensorisation demonstrator, AI, IoT, 5G

Monitoring in smart buildings and analysis of indoor environmental conditions

Prototyping. Design and construction support

Advanced manufacturing and materials processing methods. Lasers in surface coating, biocompatible materials. Laser-assisted micro-coating. Additive manufacturing.

Products with new properties

Bio-inspired ceramics for dental and orthopaedic implants. New techniques for the production of nanofibres: laser spinning and Cofibres.

Prototyping. Design and construction support

Design and coupling of artificial vision systems and automatic quality prediction to the Natural Stone transformation process. Quality of construction materials.

Predictive modelling

Development of predictive models. CFD simulation, FEM, electronic components, thermal simulation, fluid-structure interaction, fatigue, life cycle, energy efficiency, industrial processes. Simulation of manufacturing processes and advanced materials.

Energy management optimisation

Modelling, simulation and optimisation of energy mixes. Flexible and efficient power management systems. Waste heat recovery systems. Power electronics for the integration of renewable energy systems.

Consumption prediction

Modelling of buildings and installations for energy performance prediction.

Optimisation of energy management

Energy analysis and optimisation in renewable energy plants

Circular Economy

Bioremediation. Application of chemical oxidation, electrochemical and photochemical technologies for the treatment of effluents and soils contaminated with heavy metals and organic compounds. Extraction for the separation of a wide range of compounds of industrial interest (biological products, etc.).

Waste and co-product assessment

Evaluation of waste from the agri-food industry. Natural antioxidants and antimicrobial agents in active food packaging. Extraction, purification and characterisation of microbial detergents. Production and purification of high value compounds



Check the prices by service type and user in this document.