The exhibition “Mulleres Investigadoras en CINTECX” on the occasion of Women’s and Girls’ Day in Science, collects images of 12 scientists who encourage girls and boys to do science without gender stereotypes. This initiative seeks to equally promote research and scientific vocations in the field of knowledge of technical sciences.
This exhibition, conceived as a divulgative and awareness-raising action, collects the illustrations of the twelve researchers who participated in the CINTECX 2025 calendar. Through illustrations that capture their essence and commitment to science, and with messages aimed at youth, the scientists reflect their experience, highlighting the importance of breaking down barriers. This message resonates throughout the exhibition, which seeks to demonstrate that talent and passion for science have no gender.
The variety of researchers emphasizes the need to approach science from a multidisciplinary perspective, reflecting the diversity of the center’s research groups and staff. The exhibition tour offers a vision of the wide range of areas of knowledge that converge in CINTECX, one of its main hallmarks and strengths.
“We must eliminate stereotypes in the STEM disciplines so that anyone can develop professionally regardless of their gender” Teresa Rivas, protagonist of the month of January.
The initiative not only seeks to highlight the talent and career of the female scientists who are part of the exhibition, but also serve as inspiration for new generations, showing female role models to follow in the STEM disciplines.
The motivational phrases and stories about their experience collected both in this exhibition and in the calendar are specifically aimed at all young people interested in starting this career. This is why each researcher shares her vision on the importance of science and technology in today’s society, as well as the need for a greater female presence in these areas.
In addition, the protagonists highlight not only milestones in their research career, but also the motivations that drive them to continue innovating, researching and contributing to the development of knowledge.
“Women in science break barriers, showing that talent has no gender” Antía Fernández, protagonist of the month of February.
Throughout this month, you can visit the Cintecx 2025 Female Researchers exhibition, inaugurated last week, at the Center for Research in Technologies, Energy and Industrial Processes, Cintecx, where you can see posters with illustrations of the center’s 2025 calendar, 12 slides that highlight the work of 12 of its scientists and, in general, the work of women in research. Coinciding with the opening of the exhibition, a round table was also held with participants from different fields on women in research. Through guided tours and informative activities, attendees will be able to learn first-hand about the work that takes place at CINTECX and share experiences with its protagonists.
With initiatives like this, CINTECX reaffirms its commitment to equality in research, promoting female references in science and contributing to building a more diverse and inclusive future, with the aim of bringing science closer to society and awakening scientific vocations from an early age.