The selected theme for the 1st edition of the CINTECX Challenge is motivated by the ongoing digitizing process in the industrial sector. An important component of this process is the creation of digital replicas of living and non-living (i.e. product, service, system, process) physical entities called “Digital Twins”.

Terms of proposals
- Shall be presented by the project Chief Investigator (CI) as representative of the Principal Investigators (PIs) involved in the proposal.
- Shall involve a minimum of 2 CINTECX Research Groups (RGs). Proposals with a larger number and balanced participation of RGs will be valued
- Shall belong to the 5 Technological Areas of CINTECX
- Shall show collaboration beyond CINTECX, linking other individuals or groups belonging to UVigo (UVigo externals should be considered based on justification and external budget sources)
- Shall present a realistic dissemination plan, stressing the concept of Open Science and providing importance to reach the general audience
- A PI may be involved in only one proposal per edition
- Collaboration among RGs with no previous history of common activities (i.e. projects, publications, etc) will be valued
- Presenting a co-financing plan involving 3rd parties for the execution of the proposal will be appreciated
- Shall target the strategic industrial sectors of Galicia
Allocation of Funds
The 1st edition of the CINTECX Challenge will have a support of 25,000 € for the winning idea+project.
Details of the allocation follows regular practices at CINTECX and UVigo.
The CINTECX research center has just made public the resolution of the CHALLENGE-2020 call.
Thanks to the winning proposal, The Cintecx will become before the end of the year the first building of the University of Vigo with a digital twin, a virtual replica, which will facilitate real-time control of the indoor air quality, including parameters such as levels of carbon dioxide, temperature, humidity or radon gas, key factors to ensure issues related to the health and energy efficiency of these facilities.