Cabaleiro Núñez

Senior Lecturer

Área of Mechanics of Continuous Media and the Theory of Structures
Department of Materials Engineering, Applied Mechanics and Construction

Contact information

School of Industrial Engineering
Despacho 307

As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo

+34 986 813 659


Research results

Barros, B., Conde, B., Cabaleiro, M., Solla, M., Riveiro, B.,
Multi-objective optimization-based model calibration of masonry bridges
Case Studies in Construction Materials, 19, , 2023 | DOI

Pereiro, X., Cabaleiro, M., Conde, B., Riveiro, B.,
BIM methodology for cost analysis, sustainability, and management of steel structures with reconfigurable joints for industrial structures
Journal of Building Engineering, 77, , 2023 | DOI

Barros, B., Conde, B., Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B.,
Design and testing of a decision tree algorithm for early failure detection in steel truss bridges
Engineering Structures, 289, , 2023 | DOI

Barros, B., Conde, B., Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B.,
Deterministic and probabilistic-based model updating of aging steel bridges
Structures, 54, , 2023 | DOI

Cabaleiro, M., Conde, B., González-Gaya, C., Barros, B.,
A novel fully removable walkway system with non-invasive anchors for structural health inspection and maintenance of historic steel structures
Structures, 53, , 2023 | DOI

Lamas, D., Justo, A., Soilán, M., Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B.,
Instance and semantic segmentation of point clouds of large metallic truss bridges
Automation in Construction, 151, , 2023 | DOI

Bouzas, O., Conde, B., Matos, J.C., Solla, M., Cabaleiro, M.,
Reliability-based structural assessment of historical masonry arch bridges: The case study of Cernadela bridge
Case Studies in Construction Materials, 18, , 2023 | DOI

Cabaleiro, M., Conde, B., González-Gaya, C., Barros, B.,
Removable, Reconfigurable, and Sustainable Steel Structures: A State-of-the-Art Review of Clamp-Based Steel Connections
Sustainability (Switzerland), 15, 10, 2023 | DOI

Otero, R., Lagüela, S., Cabaleiro, M., Sousa, H.S., Arias, P.,
Semi-automatic 3D frame modelling of wooden trusses using indoor point clouds
Structures, 47, , 2023 | DOI

Rodríguez-Antuñano, I., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B.,
Anticipating the Collapse of Urban Infrastructure: A Methodology Based on Earth Observation and MT-InSAR
Remote Sensing, 15, 15, 2023 | DOI

Abraldes, P., Cabaleiro, M., Sousa, H.S., Branco, J.M.,
Use of polar coordinates for improving the measurement of resistant cross-sections of existing timber elements combining laser scanner and drilling resistance tests
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 204, , 2022 | DOI

Conference Paper
Gallego, M., Cabaleiro, M., Garrido, I., Conde, B., Riveiro, B.,
First Results of the Application of Infrared Thermography to the Crack Inspection in Wooden Beams
World Congress on Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering, , , 2022 | DOI

Bouzas, O., Conde, B., Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B.
A holistic methodology for the non-destructive experimental characterization and reliability-based structural assessment of historical steel bridges
Engineering Structures, 270, , 2022 | DOI

Bouzas, Ó., Cabaleiro, M., Conde, B., Cruz, Y., Riveiro, B.
Structural health control of historical steel structures using HBIM
Automation in Construction, 140, , 2022 | DOI

Conference Paper
Barros, B., Conde, B., Bouzas, Ó., Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B.
Numerical model updating of an aging steel bridge based on a multidisciplinary experimental campaign
IABSE Symposium Prague, 2022: Challenges for Existing and Oncoming Structures – Report, , , 2022 | DOI

Santos, D., Cabaleiro, M., Sousa, H.S., Branco, J.M.,
Apparent and resistant section parametric modelling of timber structures in HBIM
Journal of Building Engineering, 49, , 2022 | DOI

Santos, D., Sousa, H.S., Cabaleiro, M., Branco, J.M.,
HBIM Application in Historic Timber Structures: A Systematic Review
International Journal of Architectural Heritage, , , 2022 | DOI

Conference Paper
Barros, B., Conde, B., Sánchez-Aparicio, L.J., Cabaleiro, M., Bouzas, O., Riveiro, B.,
Model Calibration of a Historic Masonry Arch Bridge Using a Probabilistic Approach
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 200 LNCE, , 2022 | DOI

Book Chapter
Cabaleiro, M., González-Gaya, C., Gonzalez, F.,
Experimental Analysis of the Bending Behavior of Structural Metal Joints Based on the Use of Girder Clamps to Service Life Extension of Existing Structures
RILEM Bookseries, 34, , 2022 | DOI

Conference Paper
Rúa, E., Cabaleiro, M., Conde, B., Riveiro, B.
Obtaining of variable geometry beam models for steel beams with corrosion
International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure: Transferring Research into Practice, SHMII, 2021-June, , 2021 | DOI

Cabaleiro, M., Comesaña, R., González-Gaya, C., Caamaño, C.,
Analytical model for the fatigue analysis of steel joints by clamps according to the lever length
Materials, 14, 24, 2021 | DOI

Rúa, E., Cabaleiro, M., Conde, B., Riveiro, B.,
First results of a methodology to obtain a 1D variable geometry model for the structural analysis of corroded steel beams from the point cloud
Structures, 33, , 2021 | DOI

Cabaleiro, M., Suñer, C., Sousa, H.S., Branco, J.M.,
Combination of laser scanner and drilling resistance tests to measure geometry change for structural assessment of timber beams exposed to fire
Journal of Building Engineering, 40, , 2021 | DOI

Cabaleiro, M., Moutinho, C., González-Gaya, C., Caetano, E., Rosales-Prieto, V.F.,
Analysis of stiffness of clamped joints versus bolted joints in steel structures by means of accelerometers and shaking table tests
Sensors, 21, 14, 2021 | DOI

Pereira, Á., Cabaleiro, M., Conde, B., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A.,
Automatic identification and geometrical modeling of steel rivets of historical structures from lidar data
Remote Sensing, 13, 11, 2021 | DOI

Conference Paper
Bouzas, Ó., Conde, B., Cabaleiro, M., Barros, B., Riveiro, B., Riego, N.,
Reliability-based structural assessment of a historical steel railway bridge
IABSE Congress, Ghent 2021: Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs, , , 2021 | DOI

Cabaleiro, M., Conde, B., Riveiro, B., Caamaño, J.C.,
Analysis of steel connections with girder clamps according to the bolts preload
Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 168, , 2020 | DOI

Hermida, J., Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B., Caamaño, J.C.,
Two-dimensional models of variable inertia from LiDAR data for structural analysis of timber trusses
Construction and Building Materials, 231, , 2020 | DOI

Conference Paper
Del Rio, I., Cabaleiro, M., Conde, B., Riveiro, B., Caamaño, J.C.,
Hbim application to historical steel structures: The case study of lapela bridge
World Congress on Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering, , , 2020 | DOI

Mol, A., Cabaleiro, M., Sousa, H.S., Branco, J.M.,
HBIM for storing life-cycle data regarding decay and damage in existing timber structures
Automation in Construction, 117, , 2020 | DOI

Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B., Conde, B., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A.,
A case study of measurements of deformations due to different loads in pieces less than 1?m from lidar data
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 151, , 2020 | DOI

Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., Soilán, M., Cabaleiro, M., Arias, P.,
Automated inspection of Railway Tunnels’ power line using LiDAR point clouds
Remote Sensing, 11, 21, 2019 | DOI

Conference Paper
Conde, B., Riveiro, B., Cabaleiro, M., Caamaño, J.C., Stavroulakis, G.E.,
Uncertainty sources in the structural assessment of masonry arch bridges: A case study of a single-span stone arch bridge
IABSE Symposium, Guimaraes 2019: Towards a Resilient Built Environment Risk and Asset Management – Report, , , 2019 | DOI

Cuartero, J., Cabaleiro, M., Sousa, H.S., Branco, J.M.,
Tridimensional parametric model for prediction of structural safety of existing timber roofs using laser scanner and drilling resistance tests
Engineering Structures, 185, , 2019 | DOI

Conference Paper
Cabaleiro, M., González, C., Conde, B.,
Analyzing the effective length of i cross-section beams in connections with girder clamps for totally removable, reusable and reconfigurable structures
Procedia Manufacturing, 41, , 2019 | DOI

Conference Paper
Sousa, H.S., Sguazzo, C., Cabaleiro, M.,
Use of BIM in rehabilitation and assessment of the built heritage: From the visible to the intangible
IABSE Symposium, Guimaraes 2019: Towards a Resilient Built Environment Risk and Asset Management – Report, , , 2019 | DOI

Book Chapter
Sánchez, A., Riveiro, B., Puente, I., Conde, B., Mendes, N., Cabaleiro, M., Lourenço, P.B.,
Parameterization of Structural Faults in Large Historical Constructions for Further Structural Modelling Thanks to Laser Scanning Technology and Computer Vision Algorithms
RILEM Bookseries, 18, , 2019 | DOI

Conference Paper
Riveiro, B., Cubreiro, G., Conde, B., Cabaleiro, M., Lindenbergh, R., Soilán, M., Caamaño, J.C.,
Automated calibration of fem models using LiDAR point clouds
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives, 42, 2, 2018 | DOI

Cabaleiro, M., Branco, J.M., Sousa, H.S., Conde, B.,
First results on the combination of laser scanner and drilling resistance tests for the assessment of the geometrical condition of irregular cross-sections of timber beams
Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, 51, 4, 2018 | DOI

Cabaleiro, M., Hermida, J., Riveiro, B., Caamaño, J.C.,
Automated processing of dense points clouds to automatically determine deformations in highly irregular timber structures
Construction and Building Materials, 146, , 2017 | DOI

Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B., Conde, B., Caamaño, J.C.,
Analytical T-stub model for the analysis of clamps in structural metal joints
Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 130, , 2017 | DOI

Cabaleiro, M., Lindenbergh, R., Gard, W.F., Arias, P., van de Kuilen, J.W.G.,
Algorithm for automatic detection and analysis of cracks in timber beams from LiDAR data
Construction and Building Materials, 130, , 2017 | DOI

Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B., Arias, P., Caamaño, J.C.,
Algorithm for the analysis of the geometric properties of cross-sections of timber beams with lack of material from LIDAR data
Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, 49, 10, 2016 | DOI

Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B., Arias, P., Caamaño, J.C.,
Algorithm for the analysis of deformations and stresses due to torsion in a metal beam from LIDAR data
Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 23, 7, 2016 | DOI

Book Chapter
Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B., Caamaño, J.C., Arias, P.,
Metallic industrial structures. As-built and structural calculation
Non-Destructive Techniques for the Evaluation of Structures and Infrastructure, , , 2016 | DOI

Conde, B., Villarino, A., Cabaleiro, M., Gonzalez-Aguilera, D.,
Geometrical issues on the structural analysis of transmission electricity towers thanks to laser scanning technology and finite element method
Remote Sensing, 7, 9, 2015 | DOI

Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B., Arias, P., Caamaño, J.C.,
Algorithm for beam deformation modeling from LiDAR data
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 76, , 2015 | DOI

Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B., Arias, P., Caamaño, J.C., Vilán, J.A.,
Automatic 3D modelling of metal frame connections from LiDAR data for structural engineering purposes
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 96, , 2014 | DOI