Research topics
- Biomaterials
- Biosensors
- Biofluids
- Implants and tissue engineering
- Tools, technologies and digital solutions for health and care
In line with the priorities contemplated by the European R+D+I strategy in the field of health, within the area of biomedical engineering, CINTECX is working on the development of digital tools, statistical methods and numerical simulations, as tools to support the clinical decision-making process and to allow a rapid and accurate predictive evaluation of safety, efficacy and quality of health technologies. In addition, we are aligned with the new nanomedicine strategies, which are oriented towards personalized medicine and also minimally invasive surgery.
We research in the development of nanotechnology applied to biomedicine, and in the development of new materials for health, that is, biomaterials that are compatible with the human body and that can be used as grafts, as prostheses or biosensors using laser techniques, thermal processes and 3D printers. We are also specialized in other types of materials, such as semiconductors or chiral optical materials. In addition, we are developing 4D biomaterials, that is, to the traditional three dimensions we add the time variable.
We are developing new alloys for implants, both dental and orthopedic, that allow the load to be distributed evenly because that material will have the mechanical properties similar to those of bone but actually be a metal, which we do assisted all by laser techniques.
We work at CINTECX in the development of a new nanometric fiber manufacturing system. This material is a biocompatible material, bioactive glass, which when integrated into the body can be absorbed while the bone grows. In this nanoparticles field, we are manufacturing nanoparticles with bactericidal properties that prevent infections both in implants and in other areas of the body.
Sustainable Development Goals