Moldes Menduíña

Catedrático/a de universidad

Área de Ingeniería Química
Departamento de Ingeniería Química

Información de contacto

Escuela de Ingeniería de Minas y Energía
Despacho Fundición 14

As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo

+34 986 812 022

Breve CV

Ana Belén Moldes es licenciada en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos por la Universidad de Vigo en 1996 y doctora por el Departamento de Ingeniería Química, con premio extraordinario de Doctorado, que también obtuvo por la misma Universidad en el año 2000. Ha realizado diversas estancias de investigación en el “USDA Forest Service”, perteneciente al Departamento Americano de Agricultura, en Madison-Wisconsin (EE.UU.), así como en el Departamento de Ingeniería Biológica de la Universidad de Minho en Braga-Portugal. Fué investigadora del programa nacional «Juan de la Cierva» en el Departamento de Edafología y Química Agrícola de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela de 2004 a 2006. Paralelamente también fue Profesora asociada a tiempo parcial en el Departamento de Ingeniería Química de Universidad de Vigo de 2001 a 2006. Posteriormente consiguió un contrato “Ramón & Cajal”, desarrollando su investigación en el Departamento de Ingeniería Química de la Universidad de Vigo entre los años 2006 a 2010. Destacar que en la convocatoria de 2005 del “Programa Ramón & Cajal ” logró el primer puesto en el área de Tecnología Química. Desde 2010 a 2020 ha sido Profesora Contratada Doctora, con plaza fija, en el Departamento de Ingeniería Química de la Universidad de Vigo y desde 2020 es Profesora Titular en el mismo departamento. En 2009 Ana Moldes junto con otro profesor del Programa Ramón y Cajal, José M. Cruz, crearon el grupo de investigación “EQ10 team”. El grupo de investigación está reconocido por la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad de Vigo con alto potencial de crecimiento. Este premio también es reconocido por el Gobierno Autonómico con la concesión de una financiación consecutiva a partir de 2009 dedicada a dar apoyo económico a grupos de investigación con potencial de crecimiento.
A lo largo de su carrera investigadora su trabajo se ha centrado en la utilización de residuos agroindustriales para la producción biotecnológica de aditivos alimentarios y / o químicos, principalmente ácido láctico y biosurfactantes, así como la obtención de bioadsorbentes. Hasta fecha, ha publicado más de 140 artículos en revistas internacionales, con un índice H de 35. Ha codirigido más de 7 Tesis Doctorales presentadas en el formato de artículos obteniendo cada Tesis al menos 6 artículos publicados en revistas SCI, y en algunas de las ellos varias patentes. Es coautora de 7 patentes, ha publicado más de 10 capítulos de libros y ha presentado más de 150 comunicaciones en congresos. Una de estas patentes tiene extensión PCT a varios países de la Unión Europea, y está licenciada por una empresa de ámbito internacional.
A lo largo de su carrera investigadora ha participado en más de 20 proyectos de investigación, siendo investigadora principal en 4 Proyectos de Investigación del Plan Nacional de I + D + i, un proyecto regional y varios locales. En cuanto a su actividad de transferencia en 2019 fue galardonada por la Real Sociedad Academia Gallega con el “Premio Fernando Calvet” y durante los últimos años ha liderado diversos contratos de transferencia con empresas nacionales e internacionales.
Por último, tiene reconocidos 3 sexenios de investigación (el último concedido el 23/06/2016) y 4 quinquenios docentes.


Grupo de investigación

Ingeniería Química 10


Resultados de investigación

Book Chapter
Vecino, X., Moldes, A.B., Martínez-Arcos, A., Cid-Pérez, B., López-Prieto, A., Cruz, J.M.,
Biosurfactants produced from corn steep liquor and other nonconventional sources: Their application in different industries
Biosurfactants: Research and Development, , , 2023 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M., Pérez-Cid, B.,
Fungicide Effect of a Novelty Antimicrobial Biosurfactant Extract Alone or Combined with Copper Oxychloride on Botrytis cinerea Cells
Fermentation, 9, 6, 2023 | DOI

Pérez-Cid, B., Río Segade, S., Vecino, X., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.,
Effect of a Biosurfactant Extract Obtained from a Corn Kernel Fermented Stream on the Sensory Colour Properties of Apple and Orange Juices
Foods, 12, 10, 2023 | DOI

Lvova, K., Martínez-Arcos, A., López-Prieto, A., Vecino, X., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.,
Optimization of the Operational Conditions to Produce Extracellular and Cell-Bound Biosurfactants by Aneurinibacillus aneurinilyticus Using Corn Steep Liquor as a Unique Source of Nutrients
Fermentation, 9, 4, 2023 | DOI

Moldes, A.B., Álvarez-Chaver, P., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M.,
Purification of lipopeptide biosurfactant extracts obtained from a complex residual food stream using Tricine-SDS-PAGE electrophoresis
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 11, , 2023 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M., Pérez-Cid, B.,
Solubilization of cuprous oxide in water using biosurfactant extracts from corn steep liquor: a comparative study
Scientific Reports, 12, 1, 2022 | DOI

Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.,
Study of biosurfactant extract from corn steep water as a potential ingredient in antiacne formulations
The Journal of dermatological treatment, 33, 1, 2022 | DOI

Pérez-Cid, B., Rodríguez-López, L., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M., Vecino, X.,
Effect of a Multifunctional Biosurfactant Extract Obtained from Corn Steep Liquor on Orange and Apple Juices
Foods, 11, 21, 2022 | DOI

Martínez-Arcos, A., Reig, M., Cruz, J.M., Cortina, J.L., Moldes, A.B., Vecino, X.
Evaluation of calcium alginate-based biopolymers as potential component of membranes for recovering biosurfactants from corn steep water
Water (Switzerland), 13, 17, 2021 | DOI

Martínez-Arcos, A., López-Prieto, A., Rodríguez-López, L., Pérez-Cid, B., Vecino, X., Moldes, A.B., Manuel, C.J.
Evaluation of morphological changes in grapes coated with a biosurfactant extract obtained from corn steep liquor
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11, 13, 2021 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Vecino, X., Rodríguez-López, L., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
Correction: Fungistatic and fungicidal capacity of a biosurfactant extract obtained from corn steep water (Foods, (2020) 9, 662, 10.3390/foods9050662)
Foods, 10, 6, 2021 | DOI

Moldes, A.B., Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., López-Prieto, A., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M.
Synthetic and bio-derived surfactants versus microbial biosurfactants in the cosmetic industry: An overview
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22, 5, 2021 | DOI

Martínez-Arcos, A., Moldes, A.B., Vecino, X.
CYTA – Journal of Food, 19, 1, 2021 | DOI

Book Chapter
Vecino, X., Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Nanomaterials synthesized by biosurfactants
Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, 94, , 2021 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Characterization of extracellular and cell bound biosurfactants produced by Aneurinibacillus aneurinilyticus isolated from commercial corn steep liquor
Microbiological Research, 242, , 2021 | DOI

Rodríguez-López, L., López-Prieto, A., Lopez-Álvarez, M., Pérez-Davila, S., Serra, J., González, P., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Characterization and Cytotoxic Effect of Biosurfactants Obtained from Different Sources
ACS Omega, 5, 48, 2020 | DOI

Scalzini, G., López-Prieto, A., Paissoni, M.A., Englezos, V., Giacosa, S., Rolle, L., Gerbi, V., Segade, S.R., Cid, B.P., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
Can a corn-derived biosurfactant improve colour traits of wine? first insight on its application during winegrape skin maceration versus oenological tannins
Foods, 9, 12, 2020 | DOI

Pérez-Cid, B., Calvar, S., Moldes, A.B., Manuel Cruz, J.
Effective Removal of Cyanide and Heavy Metals from an Industrial Electroplating Stream Using Calcium Alginate Hydrogels
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 25, 21, 2020 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M., Pérez Cid, B.
Towards more Ecofriendly Pesticides: Use of Biosurfactants Obtained from the Corn Milling Industry as Solubilizing Agent of Copper Oxychloride
Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 23, 6, 2020 | DOI

Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Extraction, separation and characterization of lipopeptides and phospholipids from corn steep water
Separation and Purification Technology, 248, , 2020 | DOI

Iglesias, A.M., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A., Pérez-Cid, B.
Efficient Adsorption of Lead Ions onto Alginate–Grape Marc Hybrid Beads: Optimization and Bioadsorption Kinetics
Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 25, 5, 2020 | DOI

Rincón-Fontán, M., Rodríguez-López, L., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Potential application of a multifunctional biosurfactant extract obtained from corn as stabilizing agent of vitamin C in cosmetic formulations
Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 16, , 2020 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Vecino, X., Rodríguez-López, L., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
Fungistatic and fungicidal capacity of a biosurfactant extract obtained from corn steep water
Foods, 9, 5, 2020 | DOI

Rincón-Fontán, M., Rodríguez-López, L., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Novel Multifunctional Biosurfactant Obtained from Corn as a Stabilizing Agent for Antidandruff Formulations Based on Zn Pyrithione Powder
ACS Omega, 5, 11, 2020 | DOI

Ndiaye, B., Bustos, G., Calvar, S., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B., Pérez-Cid, B.
Selective Adsorption Capacity of Grape Marc Hydrogel for Adsorption of Binary Mixtures of Dyes
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 231, 1, 2020 | DOI

Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Vecino, X., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
Biodegradability Study of the Biosurfactant Contained in a Crude Extract from Corn Steep Water
Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 23, 1, 2020 | DOI

Book Chapter
Moldes, A., Vecino, X., Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Cruz, J.M.,
Biosurfactants: The use of biomolecules in cosmetics and detergents
New and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Microbial Biomolecules: Properties, Relevance, and Their Translational Applications, , , 2020 | DOI

Paradelo, R., Vecino, X., Moldes, A.B., Barral, M.T.
Potential use of composts and vermicomposts as low-cost adsorbents for dye removal: an overlooked application
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26, 21, 2019 | DOI

Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Preservative and Irritant Capacity of Biosurfactants From Different Sources: A Comparative Study
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 108, 7, 2019 | DOI

Knoth, D., Rincón-Fontán, M., Stahr, P.-L., Pelikh, O., Eckert, R.-W., Dietrich, H., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B., Keck, C.M.
Evaluation of a biosurfactant extract obtained from corn for dermal application
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 564, , 2019 | DOI

Rodríguez-López, L., Shokry, D.S., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B., Waters, L.J.
The effect of the presence of biosurfactant on the permeation of pharmaceutical compounds through silicone membrane
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 176, , 2019 | DOI

Rincón-Fontán, M., Rodríguez-López, L., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Study of the synergic effect between mica and biosurfactant to stabilize Pickering emulsions containing Vitamin E using a triangular design
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 537, , 2019 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
Effect of biosurfactant extract obtained from the corn-milling industry on probiotic bacteria in drinkable yogurt
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 99, 2, 2019 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Martínez-Padrón, H., Rodríguez-López, L., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
Isolation and characterization of a microorganism that produces biosurfactants in corn steep water [Aislamiento y caracterización del microorganismo responsable de la producción de biosurfactantes en licores de lavado de maíz]
CYTA – Journal of Food, 17, 1, 2019 | DOI

López-Prieto, A., Vecino, X., Rodríguez-López, L., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
A multifunctional biosurfactant extract obtained from corn steep water as bactericide for agrifood industry
Foods, 8, 9, 2019 | DOI

Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Biological surfactants vs. polysorbates: Comparison of their emulsifier and surfactant properties
Tenside, Surfactants, Detergents, 55, 4, 2018 | DOI

Bustos-Vázquez, G., Vidal-Fontela, A., Vecino-Bello, X., Cruz-Freire, J.M., Moldes-Menduiña, A.B.
Usage of biosurfactants extracted from corn steep liquor to eliminate burned engine oil on sandy soil [Uso de biosurfactantes extraidos de los licores de lavado de maíz para la eliminación de aceite quemado de motor en suelo arenoso]
Agrociencia, 52, 4, 2018 | DOI

Bustos, G., Arcos, U., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Recycled Lactobacillus pentosus biomass can regenerate biosurfactants after various fermentative and extractive cycles
Biochemical Engineering Journal, 132, , 2018 | DOI

Vecino, X., Rodríguez-López, L., Ferreira, D., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B., Rodrigues, L.R.
Bioactivity of glycolipopeptide cell-bound biosurfactants against skin pathogens
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 109, , 2018 | DOI

Rincón-Fontán, M., Rodríguez-López, L., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Design and characterization of greener sunscreen formulations based on mica powder and a biosurfactant extract
Powder Technology, 327, , 2018 | DOI

Bustos, G., Calvar, S., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Industrial Symbiosis Between the Winery and Environmental Industry Through the Utilization of Grape Marc for Water Desalination Containing Copper(II)
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 229, 2, 2018 | DOI

Vecino, X., Rodríguez-López, L., Gudiña, E.J., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B., Rodrigues, L.R.
Vineyard pruning waste as an alternative carbon source to produce novel biosurfactants by Lactobacillus paracasei
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 55, , 2017 | DOI

Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B., Rodrigues, L.R.
Biosurfactants in cosmetic formulations: trends and challenges
Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 37, 7, 2017 | DOI

Ferreira, A., Vecino, X., Ferreira, D., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B., Rodrigues, L.R.
Novel cosmetic formulations containing a biosurfactant from Lactobacillus paracasei
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 155, , 2017 | DOI

Gómez-Graña, S., Perez-Ameneiro, M., Vecino, X., Pastoriza-Santos, I., Perez-Juste, J., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Biogenic synthesis of metal nanoparticles using a biosurfactant extracted from corn and their antimicrobial properties
Nanomaterials, 7, 6, 2017 | DOI

Rincón-Fontán, M., Rodríguez-López, L., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Influence of micelle formation on the adsorption capacity of a biosurfactant extracted from corn on dyed hair
RSC Advances, 7, 27, 2017 | DOI

Book Chapter
Moldes, A.B., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M.
Nutraceuticals and Food Additives
Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Food and Beverages Industry, , , 2017 | DOI

Rodríguez-López, L., Rincón-Fontán, M., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.
Ionic Behavior Assessment of Surface-Active Compounds from Corn Steep Liquor by Exchange Resins
Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 20, 1, 2017 | DOI

Vecino, X., Devesa-Rey, R., de Lima Stebbins, D.M., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M., Alcantar, N.A.
Evaluation of a cactus mucilage biocomposite to remove total arsenic from water
Environmental Technology and Innovation, 6, , 2016 | DOI

Rodríguez-López, L., Vecino, X., Barbosa-Pereira, L., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
A multifunctional extract from corn steep liquor: Antioxidant and surfactant activities
Food and Function, 7, 9, 2016 | DOI

Rincón-Fontán, M., Rodríguez-López, L., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Adsorption of natural surface active compounds obtained from corn on human hair
RSC Advances, 6, 67, 2016 | DOI

Vecino, X., Devesa-Rey, R., Villagrasa, S., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Kinetic and morphology study of alginate-vineyard pruning waste biocomposite vs. non modified vineyard pruning waste for dye removal
Journal of Environmental Sciences (China), 38, , 2015 | DOI

Perez-Ameneiro, M., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Physicochemical study of a bio-based adsorbent made from grape marc
Ecological Engineering, 84, , 2015 | DOI

Vecino, X., Barbosa-Pereira, L., Devesa-Rey, R., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Optimization of liquid–liquid extraction of biosurfactants from corn steep liquor
Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 38, 9, 2015 | DOI

Vecino, X., Rodríguez-López, L., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Sewage Sludge Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Decontamination Technique Based on the Utilization of a Lipopeptide Biosurfactant Extracted from Corn Steep Liquor
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63, 32, 2015 | DOI

Perez-Ameneiro, M., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Wastewater treatment enhancement by applying a lipopeptide biosurfactant to a lignocellulosic biocomposite
Carbohydrate Polymers, 131, , 2015 | DOI

Perez-Ameneiro, M., Bustos, G., Vecino, X., Barbosa-Pereira, L., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Heterogenous Lignocellulosic Composites as Bio-Based Adsorbents for Wastewater Dye Removal: A Kinetic Comparison
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 226, 5, 2015 | DOI

Cela-Pérez, M.C., Barbosa-Pereira, L., Vecino, X., Pérez-Ameneiro, M., Latorre, A.L., López-Vilariño, J.M., González Rodríguez, M.V., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
Selective removal of ATP degradation products from food matrices II: Rapid screening of hypoxanthine and inosine by molecularly imprinted matrix solid-phase dispersion for evaluation of fish freshness
Talanta, 135, , 2015 | DOI

Vecino, X., Devesa-Rey, R., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Study of the physical properties of calcium alginate hydrogel beads containing vineyard pruning waste for dye removal
Carbohydrate Polymers, 115, , 2015 | DOI

Vecino, X., Bustos, G., Devesa-Rey, R., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Salt-free aqueous extraction of a cell-bound biosurfactant: A kinetic study
Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 18, 2, 2015 | DOI

Vecino, X., Barbosa-Pereira, L., Devesa-Rey, R., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Optimization of extraction conditions and fatty acid characterization of Lactobacillus pentosus cell-bound biosurfactant/bioemulsifier
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 95, 2, 2015 | DOI

Vecino, X., Barbosa-Pereira, L., Devesa-Rey, R., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Study of the surfactant properties of aqueous stream from the corn milling industry
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 62, 24, 2014 | DOI

Bustos, G., Carrizales, M.A., Cervantes, E., Vecino, X., Moldes, A.B.
Treatment of wastewater from sugarcane using entrapped activated carbon
CYTA – Journal of Food, 12, 2, 2014 | DOI

Perez-Ameneiro, M., Vecino, X., Vega, L., Devesa-Rey, R., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Elimination of micronutrients from winery wastewater using entrapped grape marc in alginate beads
CYTA – Journal of Food, 12, 1, 2014 | DOI

Conference Paper
Vecino, X., Devesa-Rey, R., Dominguez, J.M., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Effect of soil loading and ph during batch solvent extraction of fluorene from soil using a lipopetide biosurfactant aqueous solution
IMETI 2014 – 7th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation, Proceedings, , , 2014 | DOI

Conference Paper
Vecino, X., Perez-Ameneiro, M., Barbosa-Pereira, L., Devesa-Rey, R., Dominguez, J.M., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
Simultaneous production of biosurfactants and coagulants floculants from trimming vineyards
IMETI 2014 – 7th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation, Proceedings, , , 2014 | DOI

Conference Paper
Torrado-Agrasar, A., Perez-Rodriguez, N., Perez-Bibbins, B., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M., Gonzalez, J.M.D.
Strategies to enhance the enzymatic generation of xylose from corn cob for xylitol production
IMETI 2014 – 7th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation, Proceedings, , , 2014 | DOI

Book Chapter
Moldes, A.B.
Review on the Utilization of Low-cost Substrates to Obtain Metabolites for Protection of the Environment
The Role of Colloidal Systems in Environmental Protection, , , 2014 | DOI

Vecino, X., Devesa-Rey, R., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
Formulation of an alginate-vineyard pruning waste composite as a new eco-friendly adsorbent to remove micronutrients from agroindustrial effluents
Chemosphere, 111, , 2014 | DOI

Perez-Ameneiro, M., Vecino, X., Barbosa-Pereira, L., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Removal of pigments from aqueous solution by a calcium alginate-grape marc biopolymer: A kinetic study
Carbohydrate Polymers, 101, 1, 2014 | DOI

Moldes, A., González, J.M.D., Rodrigues, L.R.M., Converti, A.
New trends in biotechnological processes to increase the environmental protection
BioMed Research International, 2013, , 2013 | DOI

Vecino, X., Devesa-Rey, R., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Evaluation of biosurfactant obtained from Lactobacillus pentosus as foaming agent in froth flotation
Journal of Environmental Management, 128, , 2013 | DOI

Moldes, A.B., Paradelo, R., Vecino, X., Cruz, J.M., Gudiña, E., Rodrigues, L., Teixeira, J.A., Domínguez, J.M., Barral, M.T.
Partial characterization of biosurfactant from lactobacillus pentosus and comparison with sodium dodecyl sulphate for the bioremediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soil
BioMed Research International, 2013, , 2013 | DOI

Vecino, X., Devesa-Rey, R., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Entrapped peat in alginate beads as green adsorbent for the elimination of dye compounds from vinasses
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 224, 3, 2013 | DOI

Paradelo, R., Moldes, A.B., Barral, M.T.
Evolution of organic matter during the mesophilic composting of lignocellulosic winery wastes
Journal of Environmental Management, 116, , 2013 | DOI

Paradelo, R., Moldes, A.B., González, D., Barral, M.T.
Plant tests for determining the suitability of grape marc composts as components of plant growth media
Waste Management and Research, 30, 10, 2012 | DOI

Vecino, X., Devesa-Rey, R., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M.
Optimization of batch operating conditions for the decolourization of vinasses using surface response methodology
Microchemical Journal, 102, , 2012 | DOI

Vecino Bello, X., Devesa-Rey, R., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Study of the synergistic effects of salinity, pH, and temperature on the surface-active properties of biosurfactants produced by Lactobacillus pentosus
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 60, 5, 2012 | DOI

Devesa-Rey, R., Bustos, G., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Evaluation of non-conventional coagulants to remove turbidity from water
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 223, 2, 2012 | DOI

Conference Paper
Cruz, J.M., Vecino, X., Devesa-Rey, R., Moldes, A.B.
Optimization of operational conditions to the treatment of vinasses using entrraped activated carbon: An incomplete factorial design
IMETI 2011 – 4th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation, Proceedings, 1, , 2011 | DOI

Conference Paper
Moldes, A.B., Vecino, X., Devesa-Rey, R., Cruz, J.M.
Advances for environmental protection: Biosurfactants produced by lactobacilluspentosus from trimming vine shoots as alternative to chemical surfactants
IMETI 2011 – 4th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation, Proceedings, 1, , 2011 | DOI

Paradelo, R., Moldes, A.B., Barral, M.T.
Carbon and nitrogen mineralization in a vineyard soil amended with grape marc vermicompost
Waste Management and Research, 29, 11, 2011 | DOI

Devesa-Rey, R., Vecino, X., Varela-Alende, J.L., Barral, M.T., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Valorization of winery waste vs. the costs of not recycling
Waste Management, 31, 11, 2011 | DOI

Devesa-Rey, R., Fernández, N., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Optimization of the dose of calcium lactate as a new coagulant for the coagulation-flocculation of suspended particles in water
Desalination, 280, 44256, 2011 | DOI

Moldes, A.B., Paradelo, R., Rubinos, D., Devesa-Rey, R., Cruz, J.M., Barral, M.T.
Ex situ treatment of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil using biosurfactants from lactobacillus pentosus
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59, 17, 2011 | DOI

Devesa-Rey, R., Vecino, X., Barral, M.T., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Study of the sorption of biosurfactants from L. Pentosus on sediments
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 79, , 2011 | DOI

Devesa-Rey, R., Bustos, G., Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Optimisation of entrapped activated carbon conditions to remove coloured compounds from winery wastewaters
Bioresource Technology, 102, 11, 2011 | DOI

Paradelo, R., Villada, A., Devesa-Rey, R., Moldes, A.B., Domínguez, M., Patiño, J., Barral, M.T.
Distribution and availability of trace elements in municipal solid waste composts
Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 13, 1, 2011 | DOI

Conference Paper
Fernández-Silva, I., Sanmartín, P., Silva, B., Moldes, A., Prieto, B.
Quantification of phototrophic biomass on rocks: Optimization of chlorophyll-a extraction by response surface methodology
Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 38, 1, 2011 | DOI

Paradelo, R., Prieto, B., Sandu, R.G., Barral, M.T., Moldes, A.B.
Can stability and maturity be evaluated in finished composts from different sources?
Compost Science and Utilization, 18, 1, 2010 | DOI

Paradelo, R., Prieto, B., Moldes, A.B., Barral, M.T.
Monitoring winery waste composting by means of colour measures [Seguimiento del compostaje de residuos vitivinícolas mediante medidas de color]
Optica Pura y Aplicada, 43, 4, 2010 | DOI

Devesa-Rey, R., Moldes, A.B., Sanmartin, P., Prieto-Fernández, Á., Barral, M.T.
Application of an incomplete factorial design for the formation of an autotrophic biofilm on river bed sediments at a microcosms scale
Journal of Soils and Sediments, 10, 8, 2010 | DOI

Portilla-Rivera, O.M., Torrado, A.M., Domínguez, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Stabilization of kerosene/water emulsions using bioemulsifiers obtained by fermentation of hemicellulosic sugars with lactobacillus pentosus
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58, 18, 2010 | DOI

Paradelo, R., Moldes, A.B., Barral, M.T.
Utilization of a factorial design to study the composting of hydrolyzed grape marc and vinification lees
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58, 5, 2010 | DOI

Portilla-Rivera, O.M., Torrado-Agrasar, A., Carballo, J., Domínguez, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Development of a factorial design to study the effect of the major hemicellulosic sugars on the production of surface-active compounds by L. pentosus
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57, 19, 2009 | DOI

Barral, M.T., Paradelo, R., Moldes, A.B., Domínguez, M., Díaz-Fierros, F.
Utilization of MSW compost for organic matter conservation in agricultural soils of NW Spain
Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 53, 9, 2009 | DOI

Paradelo, R., Moldes, A.B., Dominguez, J.M., Barral, M.T.
Reduction of water repellence of hydrophobic plant substrates using biosurfactant produced from hydrolyzed grape marc
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57, 11, 2009 | DOI

Max, B., Torrado, A.M., Moldes, A.B., Converti, A., Domínguez, J.M.
Ferulic acid and p-coumaric acid solubilization by alkaline hydrolysis of the solid residue obtained after acid prehydrolysis of vine shoot prunings: Effect of the hydroxide and pH
Biochemical Engineering Journal, 43, 2, 2009 | DOI

Rivera, Ó.M.P., Torrado, A.M., Moldes, A.B., Domínguez, J.M.
Minerals and organic nitrogen present in grape marc hydrolyzates enhance xylose consumption by Lactobacillus pentosus
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 152, 2, 2009 | DOI

Paradelo, R., Devesa-Rey, R., Moldes, A.B., Barral, M.T.
Study of the hydraulic properties of slate processing fines and fitting to Van Genuchten´s model
Boletin Geologico y Minero, 120, 1, 2009 | DOI

Paradelo, R., Moldes, A.B., Barral, M.T.
Amelioration of the physical properties of slate processing fines using grape marc compost and vermicompost
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 73, 4, 2009 | DOI

Devesa-Rey, R., Moldes, A.B., Díaz-Fierros, F., Barral, M.T.
Study of phytopigments in river bed sediments: Effects of the organic matter, nutrients and metal composition
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 153, 44287, 2009 | DOI

Paradelo, R., Moldes, A.B., Barral, M.T.
Treatment of red wine vinasses with non-conventional substrates for removing coloured compounds
Water Science and Technology, 59, 8, 2009 | DOI

Paradelo Núñez, R., Moldes, A.B., Barral, M.T., Moldes, A.B.
Magnetic susceptibility as an indicator of heavy metal contamination in compost
Waste Management and Research, 27, 1, 2009 | DOI

Paradelo, R., Moldes, A.B., Barral, M.T.
Properties of slate mining wastes incubated with grape marc compost under laboratory conditions
Waste Management, 29, 2, 2009 | DOI

Portilla, O.M., Rivas, B., Torrado, A., Moldes, A.B., Domínguez, J.M.
Revalorisation of vine trimming wastes using Lactobacillus acidophilus and Debaryomyces hansenii
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 88, 13, 2008 | DOI

Portilla-Rivera, O., Torrado, A., Domínguez, J.M., Moldes, A.B.
Stability and emulsifying capacity of biosurfactants obtained from lignocellulosic sources using Lactobacillus pentosus
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56, 17, 2008 | DOI

Moldes, A.B., Vázquez, M., Domínguez, J.M., Díaz-Fierros, F., Barral, M.T.
Negative effect of discharging vinification lees on soils
Bioresource Technology, 99, 13, 2008 | DOI

Devesa-Rey, R., Moldes, A.B., Díaz-Fierros, F., Barral, M.T.
Toxicity of Anllóns River sediment extracts using microtox and the zucconi phytotoxicity test
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 80, 3, 2008 | DOI

Paradelo, R., Moldes, A.B., Rodríguez, M., Barral, M.T.
Relationship between heavy metals and phytotoxicity in composts [Relación entre metales pesados y fitotoxicidad en composts]
Ciencia y Tecnologia Alimentaria, 6, 2, 2008 | DOI

Conference Paper
Cendón, Y., Moldes, A., Barral, M.T.
Evaluation of municipal solid waste compost as a growing media component for potted plant production
Acta Horticulturae, 779, , 2008 | DOI

Paradelo, R., Moldes, A.B., Barral, M.T.
Characterization of slate processing fines according to parameters of relevance for mine spoil reclamation
Applied Clay Science, 41, 44289, 2008 | DOI

Paradelo Núñez, R., Devesa Rey, R., Belén Moldes Menduíña, A., Teresa Barral Silva, M.
Physiologically based extraction of heavy metals in compost: Preliminary results
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 21, SUPPL. 1, 2007 | DOI

Moldes, A.B., Bustos, G., Torrado, A., Domínguez, J.M.
Comparison between different hydrolysis processes of vine-trimming waste to obtain hemicellulosic sugars for further lactic acid conversion
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 143, 3, 2007 | DOI

Moldes, A., Cendón, Y., Barral, M.T.
Evaluation of municipal solid waste compost as a plant growing media component, by applying mixture design
Bioresource Technology, 98, 16, 2007 | DOI

Paradelo, R., Cendón, Y., Moldes, A.B., Barral, M.T.
A pot experiment with mixtures of slate processing fines and compost
Geoderma, 141, 44289, 2007 | DOI

Devesa, R., Moldes, A., Díaz-Fierros, F., Barral, M.T.
Extraction study of algal pigments in river bed sediments by applying factorial designs
Talanta, 72, 4, 2007 | DOI

Rivas, B., Torrado, A., Rivas, S., Moldes, A.B., Domínguez, J.M.
Simultaneous lactic acid and xylitol production from vine trimming wastes
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 87, 8, 2007 | DOI

Rivera, O.M.P., Moldes, A.B., Torrado, A.M., Domínguez, J.M.
Lactic acid and biosurfactants production from hydrolyzed distilled grape marc
Process Biochemistry, 42, 6, 2007 | DOI

Moldes, A.B., Torrado, A.M., Barral, M.T., Domínguez, J.M.
Evaluation of biosurfactant production from various agricultural residues by Lactobacillus pentosus
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55, 11, 2007 | DOI

Cruz, J.M., Moldes, A.B., Bustos, G., Torrado, A., Domínguez, J.M.
Integral utilisation of barley husk for the production of food additives
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 87, 6, 2007 | DOI

Moldes, A.B., Vázquez, M., Domínguez, J.M., Díaz-Fierros, F., Barral, M.T.
Evaluation of mesophilic biodegraded grape marc as soil fertilizer
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 141, 1, 2007 | DOI

Barral Silva, M.T., Menduíña, A.M., Seijo, Y.C., Viqueira, F.D.-F.
Assessment of municipal solid waste compost quality using standardized methods before preparation of plant growth media
Waste Management and Research, 25, 2, 2007 | DOI

Bustos, G., de la Torre, N., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M., Domínguez, J.M.
Revalorization of hemicellulosic trimming vine shoots hydrolyzates trough continuous production of lactic acid and biosurfactants by L. pentosus
Journal of Food Engineering, 78, 2, 2007 | DOI

Moldes, A.B., Torrado, A., Converti, A., Domínguez, J.M.
Complete bioconversion of hemicellulosic sugars from agricultural residues into lactic acid by Lactobacillus pentosus
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 135, 3, 2006 | DOI

Rivas, B., Torrado, A., Moldes, A.B., Domínguez, J.M.
Tartaric acid recovery from distilled lees and use of the residual solid as an economic nutrient for Lactobacillus
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54, 20, 2006 | DOI

Rodrigues, L., Moldes, A., Teixeira, J., Oliveira, R.
Kinetic study of fermentative biosurfactant production by Lactobacillus strains
Biochemical Engineering Journal, 28, 2, 2006 | DOI

Moldes, A., Cendón, Y., Barral, M.T., López, E.
Biological quality of potting media based on msw composts: A comparative study
Compost Science and Utilization, 14, 4, 2006 | DOI

Bustos, G., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M., Domínguez, J.M.
Influence of the metabolism pathway on lactic acid production from hemicellulosic trimming vine shoots hydrolyzates using Lactobacillus pentosus
Biotechnology Progress, 21, 3, 2005 | DOI

Bustos, G., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M., Domínguez, J.M.
Production of lactic acid from vine-trimming wastes and viticulture lees using a simultaneous saccharification fermentation method
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 85, 3, 2005 | DOI

Rivas, B., Moldes, A.B., Domínguez, J.M., Parajó, J.C.
Development of culture media containing spent yeast cells of Debaryomyces hansenii and corn steep liquor for lactic acid production with Lactobacillus rhamnosus
International Journal of Food Microbiology, 97, 1, 2004 | DOI

Bustos, G., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M., Domínguez, J.M.
Production of fermentable media from vine-trimming wastes and bioconversion into lactic acid by Lactobacillus pentosus
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 84, 15, 2004 | DOI

Bustos, G., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M., Domínguez, J.M.
Evaluation of vinification lees as a general medium for Lactobacillus strains
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52, 16, 2004 | DOI

Rivas, B., Moldes, A.B., Domínguez, J.M., Parajó, J.C.
Lactic acid production from corn cobs by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation: A mathematical interpretation
Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 34, 7, 2004 | DOI

Bustos, G., Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M., Domínguez, J.M.
Formulation of Low-Cost Fermentative Media for Lactic Acid Production with Lactobacillus rhamnosus Using Vinification Lees as Nutrients
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52, 4, 2004 | DOI

Bustos, G., Moldes, A.B., Alonso, J.L., Vázquez, M.
Optimization of D-lactic acid production by Lactobacillus coryniformis using response surface methodology
Food Microbiology, 21, 2, 2004 | DOI

Yáñez, R., Moldes, A.B., Alonso, J.L., Parajó, J.C.
Production of D(-)-lactic acid from cellulose by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation using Lactobacillus coryniformis subsp. torquens
Biotechnology Letters, 25, 14, 2003 | DOI

Moldes, A.B., Alonso, J.L., Parajó, J.C.
Recovery of lactic acid from simultaneous saccharification and fermentation media using anion exchange resins
Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 25, 6, 2003 | DOI

Alonso, J.L., Yáñez, R., Abad, S., Moldes, A.B.
Biotechnological processes to obtain products of high value from waste paper and cardboard [Procesos biotecnológicos para la obtención de productos de alto valor a partir de papel y cartón residual]
Afinidad, 60, 504, 2003 | DOI

Téllez-Luis, S.J., Moldes, A.B., Vázquez, M., Alonso, J.L.
Alternative media for lactic acid production by Lactobacillus delbrueckii NRRL B-445
Food and Bioproducts Processing: Transactions of the Institution of of Chemical Engineers, Part C, 81, 3, 2003 | DOI

Téllez-Luis, S.J., Moldes, A.B., Alonso, J.L., Vázquez, M.
Optimization of lactic acid production by Lactobacillus delbrueckii through response surface methodology
Journal of Food Science, 68, 4, 2003 | DOI

Moldes, A.B., Cruz, J.M., Domínguez, J.M., Parajó, J.C.
Production of a cellulosic substrate susceptible to enzymatic hydrolysis from prehydrolyzed barley husks
Agricultural and Food Science in Finland, 11, 1, 2002 | DOI

Sreenath, H.K., Koegel, R.G., Moldes, A.B., Jeffries, T.W., Straub, R.J.
Ethanol production from alfalfa fiber fractions by saccharification and fermentation
Process Biochemistry, 36, 12, 2001 | DOI

Moldes, A.B., Alonso, J.L., Parajó, J.C.
Strategies to improve the bioconversion of processed wood into lactic acid by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation
Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 76, 3, 2001 | DOI

Sreenath, H.K., Moldes, A.B., Koegel, R.G., Straub, R.J.
Lactic acid production from agriculture residues
Biotechnology Letters, 23, 3, 2001 | DOI

Sreenath, H.K., Moldes, A.B., Koegel, R.G., Straub, R.J.
Lactic acid production by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of alfalfa fiber
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 92, 6, 2001 | DOI

Moldes, A.B., Alonso, J.L., Parajó, J.C.
Resin selection and single-step production and recovery of lactic acid from pretreated wood
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology – Part A Enzyme Engineering and Biotechnology, 95, 2, 2001 | DOI

Moldes, A.B., Alonso, J.L., Parajó, J.C.
Multi-step feeding systems for lactic acid production by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of processed wood
Bioprocess Engineering, 22, 2, 2000 | DOI

Sreenath, H.K., Koegel, R.G., Moldes, A.B., Jeffries, T.W., Straub, R.J.
Enzymic saccharification of alfalfa fibre after liquid hot water pretreatment
Process Biochemistry, 35, 44228, 1999 | DOI

Moldes, A.B., Alonso, J.L., Parajó, J.C.
Cogeneration of cellobiose and glucose from pretreated wood and bioconversion to lactic acid: A kinetic study
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 87, 6, 1999 | DOI

Moldes, A.B., Alonso, J.L., Parajó, J.C.
Bioconversion of wood pretreated simultaneously with hydrolysis and fermentation: Obtention of lactic acid in systems with substrate feed in several steps [Bioconversión de madera pretratada por hidrólisis y fermentación simultáneas: Obtención de ácido láctico en sistemas con alimentación de sustrato en varias etapas]
Afinidad, 55, 478, 1998 | DOI

Parajó, J.C., Alonso, J.L., Moldes, A.B.
Production of lactic acid from lignocellulose in a single stage of hydrolysis and fermentation
Food Biotechnology, 11, 1, 1997 | DOI

SURFACORN: Aplicación del extracto biosurfactante obtenido de los licores de lavado de maíz para usos cosméticos y farmacéuticos utilizando datos multiescala y multifuentes
Ref.: IN855A 2021/11
01/01/2022 – 31/12/2023 | Xunta de Galicia
Investigadores: Ana Belén Moldes Menduíña

Usos potenciales del biosurfactante obtenido a partir de licores de lavado de maíz en la industria agroquímica
Ref.: RTI2018-093610-B-I00
01/01/2019 – 31/12/2021 | Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Investigadores: Ana Belén Moldes Menduíña; José Manuel Cruz Freire

06/03/2020 | Lorena Rodríguez López
Purificación e caracterización de biosurfactantes obtidos mediante procesos biotecnolóxicos, utilizando residuos agroindustriais, para a súa aplicación en produtos farmacéuticos e cosméticos
Directores: José Manuel Cruz Freire, Ana Belén Moldes Menduiña
Cum Laude International Mention Extraordinary Award

25/11/2019 | Mirian Rincón Fontán
Formulación de produtos cosméticos e de coidado persoal con biosurfactantes obtidos a partir de subprodutos do procesado do lavado de millo
Directores: José Manuel Cruz Freire, Ana Belén Moldes Menduiña
Cum Laude International Mention Extraordinary Award

31/07/2015 | María Pérez Ameneiro
Desenvolvemento e aplicación de eco-absorbentes na minimización de residuos da industria vitivinícola
Directores: José Manuel Cruz Freire, Ana Belén Moldes Menduiña
Cum Laude International Mention Extraordinary Award

22/10/2014 | Xanel Vecino Bello
Avances cara a un desenvolvemento sostenible mediante o tratamento e revalorización de residuos: estudo da aplicación industrial dos produtos obtidos
Directores: José Manuel Cruz Freire, Ana Belén Moldes Menduiña, Rosa Devesa Rey
Cum Laude International Mention Extraordinary Award

Proceso para a extracción acuosa de biosurfactantes a partir dos licores de lavado de millo ou «corn steep liquor»
P201900084 | Ana Belen Moldes Menduiña, José Manuel Cruz Freire, Alejandro López Prieto, L. Rodríguez-López

Uso de licores de lavado de maíz como fuente de fosfolípidos y lecitina
P201800169 | Ana Belen Moldes Menduiña, José Manuel Cruz Freire, MIrian Rincón Fontán, Lorena Rodríguez-López

Composición deterxente que comprende un biosurfactante de orixe vexetal
P201300680 | Xanel Vecino Bello, Letricia Barbosa Pereira, José Manuel Cruz Freire, Ana Belén Moldes Menduíña

Procedemento de separación dos surfactantes presentes de licores de lavado de millo e usos
P201200649 | Xanel Vecino Bello, Rosa Devesa Rey, José Manuel Cruz Freire, Ana Belén Moldes Menduíña

Proceso para a preparación de turba inmobilizada
P201200457 | Xanel Vecino Bello, Rosa Devesa Rey, José Manuel Cruz Freire, Ana Belén Moldes Menduíña

Aplicación de licores de lavado de millo («corn steep liquid») como surfactante
P201200330 | Xanel Vecino Bello, Rosa Devesa Rey, José Manuel Cruz Freire, Ana Belén Moldes Menduíña

Production and extraction of biosurfactant for applications in the cosmetic industry
25/07/2018 | Ana Belén Moldes Menduíña; José Manuel Cruz Freire