Profesor/a titular de universidad
Área de Mecánica de Medios Contínuos y Teoría de Estructuras
Departamento de Ingeniería de los Materiales, Mecánica Aplicada y Construcción
Información de contacto
Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal
Despacho 31
A Xunqueira, s/n
36005 Pontevedra
+34 986 801 943
Breve CV
Es Doctora Ingeniera de Montes, con Mención Europea, por la Universidad de Vigo (2011) (Cum Laude y Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado). Actualmente es profesora del Departamento de Ingeniería de los Materiales, Mecánica Aplicada y Construcción. Sus líneas de investigación se centran en la aplicación de técnicas geomáticas a la monitorización dimensional-estructural de estructuras de ingeniería civil y construcción, así como aplicaciones de modelado 3D en ciudades inteligentes. Ha realizado estancias de investigación en el Institut for Applied Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics (Alemania, 2009), y en la New Mexico State University (USA, 2010). En junio de 2011 consiguió una plaza de Lecturer en el Departamento de Ingeniería Civil de la Newcastle University, donde ha impartido las materias de Engineering Surveying y Photogrammetry and Laser Scanning. Ha realizado estancias de investigación postdoctoral, en: Delft University of Technology (Holanda, 2016), University of Cambridge (Reino Unido, 2015), y en Universidade do Minho (Portugal 2012 y 2014). Es coautora de 51 artículos publicados en revistas internacionales indexadas en el Journal Citation Reports (JCR), índice h=11 (fuente Scopus). Editora de un libro de tirada internacional (editorial CRC Press), y co-autora de 7 capítulos de libros de tirada internacional. Co-autora de 7 patentes, 4 de ellas en explotación.
Grupo de investigación
Resultados de investigación
Barros, B., Conde, B., Cabaleiro, M., Solla, M., Riveiro, B.,
Multi-objective optimization-based model calibration of masonry bridges
Case Studies in Construction Materials, 19, , 2023 | DOI
Pereiro, X., Cabaleiro, M., Conde, B., Riveiro, B.,
BIM methodology for cost analysis, sustainability, and management of steel structures with reconfigurable joints for industrial structures
Journal of Building Engineering, 77, , 2023 | DOI
Barros, B., Conde, B., Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B.,
Design and testing of a decision tree algorithm for early failure detection in steel truss bridges
Engineering Structures, 289, , 2023 | DOI
Barros, B., Conde, B., Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B.,
Deterministic and probabilistic-based model updating of aging steel bridges
Structures, 54, , 2023 | DOI
Lamas, D., Justo, A., Soilán, M., Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B.,
Instance and semantic segmentation of point clouds of large metallic truss bridges
Automation in Construction, 151, , 2023 | DOI
López, S., Makoond, N., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., Adam, J.M., Riveiro, B.,
Learning from failure propagation in steel truss bridges
Engineering Failure Analysis, 152, , 2023 | DOI
Justo, A., Lamas, D., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., Soilán, M., Riveiro, B.,
Generating IFC-compliant models and structural graphs of truss bridges from dense point clouds
Automation in Construction, 149, , 2023 | DOI
Conference Paper
Palamà, R., Luzi, G., Barros-González, B., Riveiro-Rodríguez, B., Breschi, M.,
Stability Monitoring of Bridges via Dual Frequency Terrestrial Radar Measurements
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 254 LNCE, , 2023 | DOI
Grandio, J., Riveiro, B., Lamas, D., Arias, P.,
Multimodal deep learning for point cloud panoptic segmentation of railway environments
Automation in Construction, 150, , 2023 | DOI
Conference Paper
del Río-Barral, P., Grandío, J., Riveiro, B., Arias, P.,
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives, 48, 1/W1-2023, 2023 | DOI
Rodríguez-Antuñano, I., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B.,
Anticipating the Collapse of Urban Infrastructure: A Methodology Based on Earth Observation and MT-InSAR
Remote Sensing, 15, 15, 2023 | DOI
Conference Paper
Gallego, M., Cabaleiro, M., Garrido, I., Conde, B., Riveiro, B.,
First Results of the Application of Infrared Thermography to the Crack Inspection in Wooden Beams
World Congress on Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering, , , 2022 | DOI
Conference Paper
Lamas, D., Justo, A., Soilán, M., Riveiro, B.,
3D Point Cloud to Bim: Automated Application to Define IFC Alignment and Roadway Width Entities from Mls-Acquired Lidar Data of Mountain Roads
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 10, 4/W2-2022, 2022 | DOI
Bouzas, O., Conde, B., Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B.
A holistic methodology for the non-destructive experimental characterization and reliability-based structural assessment of historical steel bridges
Engineering Structures, 270, , 2022 | DOI
Bouzas, Ó., Cabaleiro, M., Conde, B., Cruz, Y., Riveiro, B.
Structural health control of historical steel structures using HBIM
Automation in Construction, 140, , 2022 | DOI
Conference Paper
Barros, B., Conde, B., Bouzas, Ó., Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B.
Numerical model updating of an aging steel bridge based on a multidisciplinary experimental campaign
IABSE Symposium Prague, 2022: Challenges for Existing and Oncoming Structures – Report, , , 2022 | DOI
Conference Paper
Rodríguez-Antuñano, I., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Lagüela-López, S., Riveiro, B.,
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 10, 4/W3-2022, 2022 | DOI
Conference Paper
Barros, B., Conde, B., Sánchez-Aparicio, L.J., Cabaleiro, M., Bouzas, O., Riveiro, B.,
Model Calibration of a Historic Masonry Arch Bridge Using a Probabilistic Approach
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 200 LNCE, , 2022 | DOI
Grandio, J., Riveiro, B., Soilán, M., Arias, P.
Point cloud semantic segmentation of complex railway environments using deep learning
Automation in Construction, 141, , 2022 | DOI
Conference Paper
Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., Rúa, E., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Solla, M., Riveiro, B., Arias, P., Lorenzo, H.
Latest trends for condition assessment using non-destructive techniques
IABSE Symposium Prague, 2022: Challenges for Existing and Oncoming Structures – Report, , , 2022 | DOI
Conference Paper
Rodríguez-Antunano, I., Riveiro, B., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Soilán, M.
Large-scale monitoring of terrestrial infrastructure to anticipate extreme events using SAR interferometry
International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure: Transferring Research into Practice, SHMII, 2021-June, , 2021 | DOI
Conference Paper
Justo, A., Soilán, M., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., Riveiro, B.
Automatic generation of IFC models from point cloud data of transport infrastructure environments
EG-ICE 2021 Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Proceedings, , , 2021 | DOI
Conference Paper
Rúa, E., Cabaleiro, M., Conde, B., Riveiro, B.
Obtaining of variable geometry beam models for steel beams with corrosion
International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure: Transferring Research into Practice, SHMII, 2021-June, , 2021 | DOI
Rúa, E., Cabaleiro, M., Conde, B., Riveiro, B.,
First results of a methodology to obtain a 1D variable geometry model for the structural analysis of corroded steel beams from the point cloud
Structures, 33, , 2021 | DOI
Conference Paper
Bouzas, Ó., Conde, B., Cabaleiro, M., Barros, B., Riveiro, B., Riego, N.,
Reliability-based structural assessment of a historical steel railway bridge
IABSE Congress, Ghent 2021: Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs, , , 2021 | DOI
Justo, A., Soilán, M., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., Riveiro, B.,
Scan-to-BIM for the infrastructure domain: Generation of IFC-complaint models of road infrastructure assets and semantics using 3D point cloud data
Automation in Construction, 127, , 2021 | DOI
Conference Paper
Soilán, M., Justo, A., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., Lamas, D., Riveiro, B.,
3D point cloud data processing and infrastructure information models: Methods and findings from safeway project
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives, 43, B2-2021, 2021 | DOI
Lamas, D., Soilán, M., Grandío, J., Riveiro, B.,
Automatic point cloud semantic segmentation of complex railway environments
Remote Sensing, 13, 12, 2021 | DOI
Soilán, M., Nóvoa, A., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., Justo, A., Riveiro, B.,
Fully automated methodology for the delineation of railway lanes and the generation of IFC alignment models using 3D point cloud data
Automation in Construction, 126, , 2021 | DOI
Conde, B., Matos, J.C., Oliveira, D.V., Riveiro, B.,
Probabilistic-based structural assessment of a historic stone arch bridge
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 17, 3, 2021 | DOI
Soilán, M., Riveiro, B., Balado, J., Arias, P.,
Comparison of heuristic and deep learning-based methods for ground classification from aerial point clouds
International Journal of Digital Earth, 13, 10, 2020 | DOI
Conference Paper
Soilán, M., Nóvoa, A., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., Riveiro, B., Arias, P.,
Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds with Pointnet and Kpconv Architectures Applied to Railway Tunnels
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 5, 2, 2020 | DOI
Cabaleiro, M., Conde, B., Riveiro, B., Caamaño, J.C.,
Analysis of steel connections with girder clamps according to the bolts preload
Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 168, , 2020 | DOI
Hermida, J., Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B., Caamaño, J.C.,
Two-dimensional models of variable inertia from LiDAR data for structural analysis of timber trusses
Construction and Building Materials, 231, , 2020 | DOI
Conference Paper
Del Rio, I., Cabaleiro, M., Conde, B., Riveiro, B., Caamaño, J.C.,
Hbim application to historical steel structures: The case study of lapela bridge
World Congress on Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering, , , 2020 | DOI
Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B., Conde, B., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A.,
A case study of measurements of deformations due to different loads in pieces less than 1?m from lidar data
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 151, , 2020 | DOI
Kassotakis, N., Sarhosis, V., Riveiro, B., Conde, B., D’Altri, A.M., Mills, J., Milani, G., de Miranda, S., Castellazzi, G.,
Three-dimensional discrete element modelling of rubble masonry structures from dense point clouds
Automation in Construction, 119, , 2020 | DOI
Soilán, M., Justo, A., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., Riveiro, B.,
3D point cloud to BIM: Semi-automated framework to define IFC alignment entities from MLS-acquired LiDAR data of highway roads
Remote Sensing, 12, 14, 2020 | DOI
Conference Paper
Oliveira, D.V., Allahvirdizadeh, R., Sánchez, A., Riveiro, B., Mendes, N., Silva, R.A., Fernandes, F.,
Structural performance of a medieval stone masonry arch bridge
IABSE Symposium, Wroclaw 2020: Synergy of Culture and Civil Engineering – History and Challenges, Report, , , 2020 | DOI
Conference Paper
Sánchez-Aparicio, L.J., Masciotta, M.G., Pellegrini, D., Conde, B., Girardi, M., Padovani, C., Ramos, L.F., Riveiro, B.,
A multidisciplinary approach integrating geomatics, dynamic field testing and finite element modelling to evaluate the conservation state of the guimarÃes castle?s tower keep
Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Dynamic , EURODYN, 1, , 2020 | DOI
Conference Paper
Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., Esser, S., Abualdenien, J., Borrmann, A., Riveiro, B.,
From point cloud to IFC: A masonry arch bridge case study
EG-ICE 2020 Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Proceedings, , , 2020 | DOI
Book Chapter
Oliveira, D.V., Allahvirdizadeh, R., Sánchez, A., Riveiro, B., Mendes, N., Silva, R.A., Fernandes, F.M.,
Assessment of a Medieval Arch Bridge Resorting to Non-destructive Techniques and Numerical Tools
Structural Integrity, 11, , 2020 | DOI
Soilán, M., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., Del Río-Barral, P., Perez-Collazo, C., Arias, P., Riveiro, B.,
Review of laser scanning technologies and their applications for road and railway infrastructure monitoring
Infrastructures, 4, 4, 2019 | DOI
Conference Paper
Conde, B., Riveiro, B., Cabaleiro, M., Caamaño, J.C., Stavroulakis, G.E.,
Uncertainty sources in the structural assessment of masonry arch bridges: A case study of a single-span stone arch bridge
IABSE Symposium, Guimaraes 2019: Towards a Resilient Built Environment Risk and Asset Management – Report, , , 2019 | DOI
Book Chapter
Sánchez, A., Riveiro, B., Puente, I., Conde, B., Mendes, N., Cabaleiro, M., Lourenço, P.B.,
Parameterization of Structural Faults in Large Historical Constructions for Further Structural Modelling Thanks to Laser Scanning Technology and Computer Vision Algorithms
RILEM Bookseries, 18, , 2019 | DOI
Boehm, J., Rutzinger, M., Yang, B., Weinmann, M., Riveiro, B., Yao, W.,
Preface-ISPRS workshop laser scanning 2019
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives, 42, 2/W13, 2019 | DOI
Boehm, J., Rutzinger, M., Yang, B., Weinmann, M., Riveiro, B., Yao, W.,
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 4, 2/W5, 2019 | DOI
Conference Paper
Soilán, M., Lindenbergh, R., Riveiro, B., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A.,
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 4, 2/W5, 2019 | DOI
Soilán, M., Riveiro, B., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., Arias, P.,
Safety assessment on pedestrian crossing environments using MLS data
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 111, , 2018 | DOI
Conference Paper
Riveiro, B., Cubreiro, G., Conde, B., Cabaleiro, M., Lindenbergh, R., Soilán, M., Caamaño, J.C.,
Automated calibration of fem models using LiDAR point clouds
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives, 42, 2, 2018 | DOI
Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., Riveiro, B., Soilán, M., González-deSantos, L.M.,
Automated detection and decomposition of railway tunnels from Mobile Laser Scanning Datasets
Automation in Construction, 96, , 2018 | DOI
Soilán, M., Riveiro, B., Liñares, P., Pérez-Rivas, A.,
Automatic parametrization of urban areas using ALS data: The case study of santiago de compostela
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 7, 11, 2018 | DOI
González-DeSantos, L.M., Martínez-Sánchez, J., González-Jorge, H., Díaz-Vilariño, L., Riveiro, B.,
New discretization method applied to NBV problem: Semioctree
PLoS ONE, 13, 11, 2018 | DOI
Soilán, M., Riveiro, B., Liñares, P., Padín-Beltrán, M.,
Automatic parametrization and shadow analysis of roofs in urban areas from ALS point clouds with solar energy purposes
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 7, 8, 2018 | DOI
Conference Paper
Soilán, M., Riveiro, B., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., González-De Santos, L.M.,
Application of MLS data to the assessment of safety-related features in the surrounding area of automatically detected pedestrian crossings
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives, 42, 2, 2018 | DOI
Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., Riveiro, B., Conde, B., Soilán, M.,
Detection of structural faults in piers of masonry arch bridges through automated processing of laser scanning data
Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 25, 3, 2018 | DOI
Conference Paper
Barroso, C.E., Barros, F.C., Riveiro, B., Oliveira, D.V., Ramos, L.F., Lourenço, P.B., Do Vale, C.P.,
The construction of the transhumance territory of the gerÊs-xurÉs: Vernacular heritage identification, analysis and characterization
REHABEND, , 221479, 2018 | DOI
Barroso, C.E., Riveiro, B., Ramos, L.F., Oliveira, D.V., Barros, F.C., Lourenço, P.B.,
Corbelled dome buildings of the Gerês-Xurés transborder region: Methodologies and characterization
Conservar Patrimonio, 28, , 2018 | DOI
Soilán, M., Truong-Hong, L., Riveiro, B., Laefer, D.,
Automatic extraction of road features in urban environments using dense ALS data
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 64, , 2018 | DOI
Conference Paper
Lagüela, S., Gesto, M., Riveiro, B., González-Aguilera, D.,
Infrared cephalic-vein to assist blood extraction tasks: Automatic projection and recognition
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives, 42, 2/W4-2017, 2017 | DOI
Cabaleiro, M., Hermida, J., Riveiro, B., Caamaño, J.C.,
Automated processing of dense points clouds to automatically determine deformations in highly irregular timber structures
Construction and Building Materials, 146, , 2017 | DOI
Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B., Conde, B., Caamaño, J.C.,
Analytical T-stub model for the analysis of clamps in structural metal joints
Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 130, , 2017 | DOI
Soilán, M., Riveiro, B., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Arias, P.,
Segmentation and classification of road markings using MLS data
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 123, , 2017 | DOI
Holgado-Barco, A., Riveiro, B., González-Aguilera, D., Arias, P.,
Automatic Inventory of Road Cross-Sections from Mobile Laser Scanning System
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 32, 1, 2017 | DOI
Arcos-García, Á., Soilán, M., Álvarez-García, J.A., Riveiro, B.,
Exploiting synergies of mobile mapping sensors and deep learning for traffic sign recognition systems
Expert Systems with Applications, 89, , 2017 | DOI
Conde, B., Ramos, L.F., Oliveira, D.V., Riveiro, B., Solla, M.,
Structural assessment of masonry arch bridges by combination of non-destructive testing techniques and three-dimensional numerical modelling: Application to Vilanova bridge
Engineering Structures, 148, , 2017 | DOI
Book Chapter
Solla, M., Riveiro, B., Lagüela, S., Puente, I.,
Optical and electromagnetic sensing for the inspection and characterisation of ancient masonry arch bridges
Nondestructive Techniques for the Assessment and Preservation of Historic Structures, , , 2017 | DOI
Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B., Arias, P., Caamaño, J.C.,
Algorithm for the analysis of the geometric properties of cross-sections of timber beams with lack of material from LIDAR data
Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, 49, 10, 2016 | DOI
González-Jorge, H., Díaz-Vilariño, L., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Riveiro, B., Arias, P.,
Wave Run-Up Monitoring on Rubble-Mound Breakwaters Using a Photogrammetric Methodology
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 30, 4, 2016 | DOI
Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B., Arias, P., Caamaño, J.C.,
Algorithm for the analysis of deformations and stresses due to torsion in a metal beam from LIDAR data
Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 23, 7, 2016 | DOI
Conde-Carnero, B., Riveiro, B., Arias, P., Caamaño, J.C.,
Exploitation of geometric data provided by laser scanning to create FEM structural models of bridges
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 30, 3, 2016 | DOI
Riveiro, B., Lourenço, P.B., Oliveira, D.V., González-Jorge, H., Arias, P.,
Automatic Morphologic Analysis of Quasi-Periodic Masonry Walls from LiDAR
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 31, 4, 2016 | DOI
Soilán, M., Riveiro, B., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Arias, P.,
Traffic sign detection in MLS acquired point clouds for geometric and image-based semantic inventory
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 114, , 2016 | DOI
Book Chapter
Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B., Caamaño, J.C., Arias, P.,
Metallic industrial structures. As-built and structural calculation
Non-Destructive Techniques for the Evaluation of Structures and Infrastructure, , , 2016 | DOI
Solla, M., Riveiro, B., Arias, P., Lorenzo, H.,
Non-Destructive Techniques for the Evaluation of Structures and Infrastructure, , , 2016 | DOI
Book Chapter
Riveiro, B., Conde-Carnero, B., Arias-Sánchez, P.,
Laser scanning for the evaluation of historic structures
Civil and Environmental Engineering: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 2, , 2016 | DOI
Conference Paper
Solla, M., Riveiro, B., Conde, B., Arias, P., Lorenzo, H.,
The Potential of the TLS and GPR methods for the SHM of masonry arch bridges
8th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, EWSHM 2016, 4, , 2016 | DOI
Conference Paper
Martínez-Sánchez, J., Puente, I., González-Jorge, H., Riveiro, B., Arias, P.,
Automatic thickness and volume estimation of sprayed concrete on anchored retaining walls from terrestrial LIDAR data
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives, 41, , 2016 | DOI
Conference Paper
Soilán, M., Riveiro, B., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Arias, P.,
Automatic road sign inventory using mobile mapping systems
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives, 41, , 2016 | DOI
Riveiro, B., Diaz-Vilarino, L., Conde-Carnero, B., Soilan, M., Arias, P.,
Automatic Segmentation and Shape-Based Classification of Retro-Reflective Traffic Signs from Mobile LiDAR Data
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9, 1, 2016 | DOI
Riveiro, B., DeJong, M.J., Conde, B.,
Automated processing of large point clouds for structural health monitoring of masonry arch bridges
Automation in Construction, 72, , 2016 | DOI
Conde, B., Drosopoulos, G.A., Stavroulakis, G.E., Riveiro, B., Stavroulaki, M.E.,
Inverse analysis of masonry arch bridges for damaged condition investigation: Application on Kakodiki bridge
Engineering Structures, 127, , 2016 | DOI
Stavroulaki, M.E., Riveiro, B., Drosopoulos, G.A., Solla, M., Koutsianitis, P., Stavroulakis, G.E.,
Modelling and strength evaluation of masonry bridges using terrestrial photogrammetry and finite elements
Advances in Engineering Software, 101, , 2016 | DOI
Conde, B., Del Pozo, S., Riveiro, B., González-Aguilera, D.,
Automatic mapping of moisture affectation in exposed concrete structures by fusing different wavelength remote sensors
Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 23, 6, 2016 | DOI
Book Chapter
Soilán, M., Riveiro, B., González-Jorge, H., Puente, I.,
New challenges in laser scanning data processing: Automatic processing of data and object recognition
Non-Destructive Techniques for the Evaluation of Structures and Infrastructure, , , 2016 | DOI
Solla, M., Riveiro, B.,
Non-Destructive Techniques for the Evaluation of Structures and Infrastructure
Non-Destructive Techniques for the Evaluation of Structures and Infrastructure, , , 2016 | DOI
Book Chapter
Riveiro, B., González-Jorge, H., Conde, B., Puente, I.,
Laser scanning technology: Fundamentals, principles and applications in infrastructure
Non-Destructive Techniques for the Evaluation of Structures and Infrastructure, , , 2016 | DOI
Conference Paper
Barroso, C.E., Riveiro, B., Oliveira, D.V., Ramos, L.F., Barros, F.C., Lourenço, P.B.,
Survey and characterization of corbelled dome architecture in Northwestern Portugal
REHABEND, 2016-May, , 2016 | DOI
Conference Paper
Riveiro, B., Conde, B., Drosopoulos, G.A., Stavroulakis, G.E., Stavroulaki, M.E.,
Fully automatic approach for the diagnosis of masonry arches from laser scanning data and inverse finite element analysis
Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions: Anamnesis, diagnosis, therapy, controls – Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, SAHC 2016, , , 2016 | DOI
Conference Paper
Riveiro, B., DeJong, M., Conde, B.,
An automatic method for geometric segmentation of masonry arch bridges for structural engineering purposes
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives, 41, , 2016 | DOI
Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B., Arias, P., Caamaño, J.C.,
Algorithm for beam deformation modeling from LiDAR data
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 76, , 2015 | DOI
Conference Paper
Riveiro, B., Conde-Carnero, B., González-Jorge, H., Arias, P., Caamaño, J.C.,
Automatic creation of structural models from point cloud data: The case of masonry structures
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2, 3W5, 2015 | DOI
Book Chapter
Riveiro, B., Conde-Carnero, B., Arias-Sánchez, P.,
Laser scanning for the evaluation of historic structures
Handbook of Research on Seismic Assessment and Rehabilitation of Historic Structures, , , 2015 | DOI
González-Jorge, H., Puente, I., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Riveiro, B., Díaz-Vilariño, L., Arias, P.,
Metrological evaluation of vessel-based mobile lidar for survey of coastal structures
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 36, 10, 2015 | DOI
Conference Paper
Arias, P., Riveiro, B., Soilán, M., Díaz-Vilariño, L., Martínez-Sánchez, J.,
Simple approaches to improve the automatic inventory of zebra crossing from MLS data
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives, 40, 3W3, 2015 | DOI
Sánchez-Aparicio, L.J., Ramos, L.F., Sena-Cruz, J., Barros, J.O., Riveiro, B.,
Experimental and numerical approaches for structural assessment in new footbridge designs (SFRSCC-GFPR hybrid structure)
Composite Structures, 134, , 2015 | DOI
Riveiro, B., González-Jorge, H., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Díaz-Vilariño, L., Arias, P.,
Automatic detection of zebra crossings from mobile LiDAR data
Optics and Laser Technology, 70, , 2015 | DOI
Conference Paper
Solla, M., Asorey-Cacheda, R., Nunez-Nieto, X., Riveiro, B.,
Combined approach of GPR and thermographic data through FDTD simulation to analyze masonry bridges: The evaluation of construction materials in a restored masonry arch bridge
2015 8th International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar, IWAGPR 2015, , , 2015 | DOI
Conference Paper
Drosopoulos, G.A., Koutsianitis, P., Stavroulaki, M.E., Riveiro, B., Stavroulakis, G.E.,
Numerical analysis of masonry structures, taking into account measured geometric and material data
UNCECOMP 2015 – 1st ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering, , , 2015 | DOI
Cabaleiro, M., Riveiro, B., Arias, P., Caamaño, J.C., Vilán, J.A.,
Automatic 3D modelling of metal frame connections from LiDAR data for structural engineering purposes
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 96, , 2014 | DOI
Varela-González, M., González-Jorge, H., Riveiro, B., Arias, P.,
Automatic filtering of vehicles from mobile LiDAR datasets
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 53, , 2014 | DOI
Solla, M., Riveiro, B., Lorenzo, H., Armesto, J.
Ancient stone bridge surveying by ground-penetrating radar and numerical modeling methods
Journal of Bridge Engineering, 19, 1, 2014 | DOI
Sánchez-Aparicio, L.J., Riveiro, B., González-Aguilera, D., Ramos, L.F.,
The combination of geomatic approaches and operational modal analysis to improve calibration of finite element models: A case of study in Saint Torcato Church (Guimarães, Portugal)
Construction and Building Materials, 70, , 2014 | DOI
Villarino, A., Riveiro, B., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Gonzalez-Aguilera, D.,
Successful applications of geotechnologies for the evaluation of road infrastructures
Remote Sensing, 6, 8, 2014 | DOI
Villarino, A., Riveiro, B., Gonzalez-Aguilera, D., Sánchez-Aparicio, L.J.,
The integration of geotechnologies in the evaluation of a wine cellar structure through the finite element method
Remote Sensing, 6, 11, 2014 | DOI
Conference Paper
Stavroulaki, M.E., Riveiro, B., Drosopoulos, G.A., Arias, P., Stavroulakis, G.E.,
Integrated modeling and evaluation of masonry bridges using terrestrial photogrammetry
Civil-Comp Proceedings, 106, , 2014 | DOI
Conference Paper
Varela-González, M., Riveiro, B., Arias-Sánchez, P., González-Jorge, H., Martínez-Sánchez, J.,
A citygml extension for traffic-sign objects that guides the automatic processing of data collected using mobile mapping technology
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives, 40, 1, 2014 | DOI
Conference Paper
Varela-González, M., González-Jorge, H., Riveiro, B., Arias, P.,
Performance testing of 3D point cloud software
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2, 5W2, 2013 | DOI
González-Jorge, H., Puente, I., Riveiro, B., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Arias, P.,
Automatic segmentation of road overpasses and detection of mortar efflorescence using mobile LiDAR data
Optics and Laser Technology, 54, , 2013 | DOI
Varela-González, M., González-Jorge, H., Riveiro, B., Arias, P.,
Performance testing of LiDAR exploitation software
Computers and Geosciences, 54, , 2013 | DOI
Puente, I., González-Jorge, H., Riveiro, B., Arias, P.,
Accuracy verification of the Lynx Mobile Mapper system
Optics and Laser Technology, 45, 1, 2013 | DOI
Riveiro, B., Solla, M., De Arteaga, I., Arias, P., Morer, P.,
A novel approach to evaluate masonry arch stability on the basis of limit analysis theory and non-destructive geometric characterization
Automation in Construction, 31, , 2013 | DOI
Gonzalez-Jorge, H., Riveiro, B., Vazquez-Fernandez, E., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Arias, P.,
Metrological evaluation of Microsoft Kinect and Asus Xtion sensors
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 46, 6, 2013 | DOI
González-Jorge, H., Riveiro, B., Armesto, J., Arias, P.
Evaluation of road signs using radiometric and geometric data from terrestrial LiDAR
Optica Applicata, 43, 3, 2013 | DOI
Carr, A.J., Jáuregui, D.V., Riveiro, B., Arias, P., Armesto, J.
Structural evaluation of historic masonry arch bridges based on first hinge formation
Construction and Building Materials, 47, , 2013 | DOI
Solla, M., Lagüela, S., Riveiro, B., Lorenzo, H.,
Non-destructive testing for the analysis of moisture in the masonry arch bridge of Lubians (Spain)
Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 20, 11, 2013 | DOI
Milani, G., Esquivel, Y.W., Lourenço, P.B., Riveiro, B., Oliveira, D.V.,
Characterization of the response of quasi-periodic masonry: Geometrical investigation, homogenization and application to the Guimarães castle, Portugal
Engineering Structures, 56, , 2013 | DOI
Conference Paper
Milani, G., Esquivel, Y.W., Lourenço, P.B., Riveiro, B., Oliveira, D.V.,
Limit analysis of loaded out-of-Plane rubble masonry : A case study in Portugal
Civil-Comp Proceedings, 102, , 2013 | DOI
Riveiro, B., González-Jorge, H., Varela, M., Jauregui, D.V.,
Validation of terrestrial laser scanning and photogrammetry techniques for the measurement of vertical underclearance and beam geometry in structural inspection of bridges
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 46, 1, 2013 | DOI
Solla, M., Riveiro, B., Álvarez, M.X., Arias, P.,
Experimental forensic scenes for the characterization of ground-penetrating radar wave response
Forensic Science International, 220, 1-3, 2012 | DOI
González-Jorge, H., Riveiro, B., Varela, M., Arias, P.,
Verification of image orthorectification techniques for low-cost geometric inspection of masonry arch bridges
Optical Engineering, 51, 7, 2012 | DOI
Solla, M., Caamaño, J.C., Riveiro, B., Arias, P.,
A novel methodology for the structural assessment of stone arches based on geometric data by integration of photogrammetry and ground-penetrating radar
Engineering Structures, 35, , 2012 | DOI
Conference Paper
Puente, I., González-Jorge, H., Riveiro, B., Arias, P.,
Deformation monitoring of motorway underpasses using laser scanning data
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives, 39, , 2012 | DOI
Lorenzo, H., Arias, P., Armesto, J., Riveiro, B., Solla, M., González-Jorge, H., Caamaño, C., Martínez, J., Álvarez, M., Lagüela, S., Puente, I., Díaz-Vilariño, L., Varela, M.
Ten years of applying geomatics to construction engineering in Spain: A review
DYNA (Colombia), 79, 175 E, 2012 | DOI
Riveiro, B., Jauregui, D.V., Arias, P., Armesto, J., Jiang, R.
An innovative method for remote measurement of minimum vertical underclearance in routine bridge inspection
Automation in Construction, 25, , 2012 | DOI
González-Jorge, H., Riveiro, B., Arias, P., Armesto, J.
Photogrammetry and laser scanner technology applied to length measurements in car testing laboratories
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 45, 3, 2012 | DOI
Conference Paper
Riveiro, B., Arias, P., Armesto, J., Caamaño, J.C., Solla, M.
From geometry to diagnosis: Experiences of geomatics in structural engineering
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives, 39, , 2012 | DOI
González-Jorge, H., Riveiro, B., Armesto, J., Arias, P.
Procedure to evaluate the accuracy of laser-scanning systems using a linear precision electro-mechanical actuator
IET Science, Measurement and Technology, 6, 1, 2012 | DOI
Conference Paper
Solla, M., Lagüela, S., Álvarez, M.X., Lorenzo, H., Riveiro, B.,
A multidisciplinary non-destructive approach to analyze moisture in historic masonry structures: Integration of both field and synthetic GPR data generated from photogrammetric and infrared imaging
2012 14th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, GPR 2012, , , 2012 | DOI
Lubowiecka, I., Arias, P., Riveiro, B., Solla, M.,
Multidisciplinary approach to the assessment of historic structures based on the case of a masonry bridge in Galicia (Spain)
Computers and Structures, 89, 17-18, 2011 | DOI
Arias, P., González-Aguilera, D., Riveiro, B., Caparrini, N.,
Orthoimage-based documentation of archaeological structures: The case of a mediaeval wall in Pontevedra, Spain
Archaeometry, 53, 4, 2011 | DOI
Riveiro, B., Caamaño, J.C., Arias, P., Sanz, E.,
Photogrammetric 3D modelling and mechanical analysis of masonry arches: An approach based on a discontinuous model of voussoirs
Automation in Construction, 20, 4, 2011 | DOI
Riveiro, B., Morer, P., Arias, P., De Arteaga, I.,
Terrestrial laser scanning and limit analysis of masonry arch bridges
Construction and Building Materials, 25, 4, 2011 | DOI
González-Jorge, H., Riveiro, B., Armesto, J., Arias, P.
Standard artifact for the geometric verification of terrestrial laser scanning systems
Optics and Laser Technology, 43, 7, 2011 | DOI
González-Jorge, H., Riveiro, B., Armesto, J., Arias, P.
Verification artifact for photogrammetric measurement systems
Optical Engineering, 50, 7, 2011 | DOI
Porteiro, J., Riveiro, B., Granada, E., Armesto, J., Eguía, P., Collazo, J.
A refrigerated web camera for photogrammetric video measurement inside biomass boilers and combustion analysis
Sensors, 11, 2, 2011 | DOI
Conference Paper
Gonzalez-Jorge, H., Riveiro, B., Armesto, J., Arias, P.
Geometric evaluation of road signs using radiometric information from laser scanning data
Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, ISARC 2011, , , 2011 | DOI
Riveiro, B., Arias, P., Armesto, J., Ordóñez, C.
A methodology for the inventory of historical infrastructures: Documentation, current state, and influencing factors
International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 5, 6, 2011 | DOI
Conference Paper
Solla, M., Caamano, C., Riveiro, B., Lorenzo, H.,
GPR analysis of a masonry arch for structural assessment: Evaluation of historical bridges
2011 6th International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar, IWAGPR 2011, , , 2011 | DOI
Solla, M., Lorenzo, H., Novo, A., Riveiro, B.,
Evaluation of ancient structures by GPR (ground penetrating radar): The arch bridges of Galicia (Spain)
Scientific Research and Essays, 6, 8, 2011 | DOI
Solla, M., Lorenzo, H., Riveiro, B., Rial, F.I.,
Non-destructive methodologies in the assessment of the masonry arch bridge of Traba, Spain
Engineering Failure Analysis, 18, 3, 2011 | DOI
Conference Paper
Arias, P., Riveiro, B., Armesto, J., Solla, M.
Terrestrial laser scanning and non parametric methods in masonry arches inspection
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives, 38, PART 5, 2010 | DOI
Conference Paper
Caamaño, J.C., Álvarez, A., Armesto, J., Riveiro, B.
Assessment of masonry arch behaviour through photogrammetric models and the finite element method
Civil-Comp Proceedings, 93, , 2010 | DOI
Conference Paper
Solla, M., Lorenzo, H., Rial, F.I., Novo, A., Riveiro, B.,
Masonry arch bridges evaluation by means of GPR
Proceedings of the 13th Internarional Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, GPR 2010, , , 2010 | DOI
Armesto-González, J., Riveiro-Rodríguez, B., González-Aguilera, D., Rivas-Brea, M.T.
Terrestrial laser scanning intensity data applied to damage detection for historical buildings
Journal of Archaeological Science, 37, 12, 2010 | DOI
Ordóñez, C., Riveiro, B., Arias, P., Armesto, J.
Application of close range photogrammetry to deck measurement in recreational ships
Sensors, 9, 9, 2009 | DOI
Conference Paper
Riveiro, B., Arias, P., Armesto, J., Rial, F., Solla, M.
Multidisciplinar aproach to historical arch bridges documentation
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives, 37, , 2008 | DOI
Strengthening Infrastructure Risk Management in the Atlantic Area (SIRMA)
Ref.: EAPA_826/2018
01/04/2019 – 31/03/2022 | Unión Europea
Investigadores: Belén Riveiro
Evolución del ciclo de vida de estructuras de puentes existentes utilizando datos multiescala y multifuentes
Ref.: RTI2018-095893-B-C21
01/01/2019 – 31/12/2021 | Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Investigadores: Belén Riveiro Rodríguez
GIS – sistema de gestión de infraestructura basado en la respuesta optimizada a eventos extremos en las redes de transporte terrestre (SAFEWAY)
Ref.: 769255
01/09/2018 – 28/02/2022 | Unión Europea
Investigadores: Belén Riveiro
27/11/2020 | Ana Sánchez Rodríguez
Inspección automatizada de estruturas asociadas a redes de transporte terrestre a partir de datos xeométricos e radiométricos capturados mediante unidades de mapeado móbil
Directores: Belén Riveiro Rodríguez, Pedro Arias Sánchez
Cum Laude International Mention
23/04/2019 | Jesús Balado Frías
Clasificación e modelado de entornos urbanos a partir de nubes de puntos para a diagnose da accesibilidade física e o cálculo de rutas para peóns
Directores: Belén Riveiro Rodríguez, Pedro Arias Sánchez, Lucía Díaz Vilariño
Cum Laude International Mention