Fernández Álvarez

Catedrático/a de universidad

Área de Expresión Gráfica en la Ingeniería
Departamento de Diseño en la Ingeniería

Información de contacto

Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial

As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo

+34 986 818 602


Grupo de investigación

Geotecnologías Aplicadas


Resultados de investigación

Treccani, D., Fernández, A., Díaz-Vilariño, L., Adami, A.,
Automating the inventory of the navigable space for pedestrians on historical sites: Towards accurate path planning
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 122, , 2023 | DOI

Conference Paper
Balado, J., Fernández, A., González, E., Díaz-Vilariño, L.,
Semantic Point Cloud Segmentation Based on Hexagonal Klemperer Rosette and Machine Learning
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, , , 2023 | DOI

Conference Paper
Díaz-Vilariño, L., González-Cespón, J.L., Alonso-Rodríguez, J.A., Fernández-Álvarez, A.,
Automatic Evaluation of Facility Layouts Through Graph Matching
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, , , 2022 | DOI

Conference Paper
Treccani, D., Balado, J., Fernández, A., Adami, A., Díaz-Vilariño, L.
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives, 43, B4-2022, 2022 | DOI

Bianconi, F., Fernández, A., Smeraldi, F., Pascoletti, G.,
Colour and texture descriptors for visual recognition: A historical overview
Journal of Imaging, 7, 11, 2021 | DOI

Bianconi, F., Fernández, A., Sánchez-Yáñez, R.E.,
Special issue texture and color in image analysis
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11, 9, 2021 | DOI

Smeraldi, F., Bianconi, F., Fernández, A., González, E.,
Partial order rank features in colour space
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10, 2, 2020 | DOI

Villanueva, D., Cordeiro, M., Feijóo, A., Míguez, E., Fernández, A.
Effects of adding batteries in household installations: Savings, efficiency and emissions
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10, 17, 2020 | DOI

Villanueva, D., Sixto, A., Feijóo, A., Fernández, A., Miguez, E.
Methods to apply a 3-parameter logistic model to wind turbine data
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10, 9, 2020 | DOI

Conference Paper
Fernández, A., Lima, D., Bianconi, F., Smeraldi, F.,
Compact Color Texture Descriptor Based on Rank Transform and Product Ordering in the RGB Color Space
Proceedings – 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, ICCVW 2017, 2018-January, , 2017 | DOI

Conference Paper
Penide, J., Quintero, F., Arias-González, F., Fernández, A., Del Val, J., Comesaña, R., Riveiro, A., Lusquiños, F., Pou, J.,
Everlasting dark printing on alumina by laser
Physics Procedia, 83, , 2016 | DOI

Bello-Cerezo, R., Bianconi, F., Fernández, A., González, E., Di Maria, F.,
Experimental comparison of color spaces for material classification
Journal of Electronic Imaging, 25, 6, 2016 | DOI

González, E., Bianconi, F., Fernández, A.,
An investigation on the use of local multi-resolution patterns for image classification
Information Sciences, 361-362, , 2016 | DOI

Aguilar, M.A., Fernández, A., Aguilar, F.J., Bianconi, F., Lorca, A.G.,
Classification of urban areas from geoeye-1 imagery through texture features based on histograms of equivalent patterns
European Journal of Remote Sensing, 49, , 2016 | DOI

Conference Paper
Penide, J., Quintero, F., Riveiro, A., Fernández, A., Del Val, J., Comesaña, R., Lusquiños, F., Pou, J.,
High contrast laser marking of alumina
Applied Surface Science, 336, , 2015 | DOI

Bianconi, F., Di Maria, F., Micale, C., Fernández, A., Harvey, R.W.,
Grain-size assessment of fine and coarse aggregates through bipolar area morphology
Machine Vision and Applications, 26, 6, 2015 | DOI

Bianconi, F., González, E., Fernández, A.,
Dominant local binary patterns for texture classification: Labelled or unlabelled?
Pattern Recognition Letters, 65, , 2015 | DOI

Bianconi, F., Álvarez-Larrán, A., Fernández, A.,
Discrimination between tumour epithelium and stroma via perception-based features
Neurocomputing, 154, , 2015 | DOI

Conference Paper
Pardo-Balado, J., Fernández, A., Bianconi, F.,
Texture classification using rotation invariant LBP based on digital polygons
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9281, , 2015 | DOI

Conference Paper
Bianconi, F., Bello, R., Fernández, A., González, E.,
On comparing colour spaces from a performance perspective: Application to automated classification of Polished natural stones
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9281, , 2015 | DOI

González, E., Fernández, A., Bianconi, F.,
General framework for rotation invariant texture classification through co-occurrence of patterns
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 50, 3, 2014 | DOI

Bianconi, F., Fernández, A.,
Rotation invariant co-occurrence features based on digital circles and discrete Fourier transform
Pattern Recognition Letters, 48, , 2014 | DOI

Bianconi, F., Fernández, A.,
An appendix to "texture databases – A comprehensive survey"
Pattern Recognition Letters, 45, 1, 2014 | DOI

Bianconi, F., Ceccarelli, L., Fernández, A., Saetta, S.A.,
A sequential machine vision procedure for assessing paper impurities
Computers in Industry, 65, 2, 2014 | DOI

Bianconi, F., Fernández, A.,
A unifying framework for LBP and related methods
Studies in Computational Intelligence, 506, , 2014 | DOI

Conference Paper
Ceccarelli, L., Bianconi, F., Saetta, S.A., Fernández, A., Caldarelli, V.,
Experimental comparison of image thresholding methods for defect detection in the papermaking process
25th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS 2013, , , 2013 | DOI

Bianconi, F., Fernández, A., González, E., Saetta, S.A.,
Performance analysis of colour descriptors for parquet sorting
Expert Systems with Applications, 40, 5, 2013 | DOI

Carrillo, C., Diaz-Dorado, E., Cidrás, J., Bouza-Pregal, A., Falcón, P., Fernández, A., Álvarez-Sánchez, A.,
Lighting control system based on digital camera for energy saving in shop windows
Energy and Buildings, 59, , 2013 | DOI

Fernández, A., Álvarez, M.X., Bianconi, F.,
Texture description through histograms of equivalent patterns
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 45, 1, 2013 | DOI

Bianconi, F., González, E., Fernández, A., Saetta, S.A.,
Automatic classification of granite tiles through colour and texture features
Expert Systems with Applications, 39, 12, 2012 | DOI

Conference Paper
Aguilar, M.A., Vicente, R., Aguilar, F.J., Fernández, A., Saldaña, M.M.,
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 1, , 2012 | DOI

Ghita, O., Ilea, D., Fernandez, A., Whelan, P.,
Local binary patterns versus signal processing texture analysis: A study from a performance evaluation perspective
Sensor Review, 32, 2, 2012 | DOI

Fernández, A., Ghita, O., González, E., Bianconi, F., Whelan, P.F.,
Evaluation of robustness against rotation of LBP, CCR and ILBP features in granite texture classification
Machine Vision and Applications, 22, 6, 2011 | DOI

Bianconi, F., Harvey, R., Southam, P., Fernndez, A.,
Theoretical and experimental comparison of different approaches for color texture classification
Journal of Electronic Imaging, 20, 4, 2011 | DOI

Bianconi, F., Fernández, A.,
On the occurrence probability of local binary patterns: A theoretical study
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 40, 3, 2011 | DOI

Fernández, A., Álvarez, M.X., Bianconi, F.,
Image classification with binary gradient contours
Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 49, 9-10, 2011 | DOI

Álvarez, M.J., González, E., Bianconi, F., Armesto, J., Fernández, A.
Colour and texture features for image retrieval in granite industry [Características de color y textura para recuperación de imágenes en la industria del granito]
DYNA (Colombia), 77, 161, 2010 | DOI

Bianconi, F., Fernández, A., González, E., Armesto, J.
Robust color texture features based on ranklets and discrete Fourier transform
Journal of Electronic Imaging, 18, 4, 2009 | DOI

Bianconi, F., Fernández, A., González, E., Caride, D., Calviño, A.,
Rotation-invariant colour texture classification through multilayer CCR
Pattern Recognition Letters, 30, 8, 2009 | DOI

Conference Paper
Bianconi, F., Fernández, A., González, E., Ribas, F.,
Texture classification through combination of sequential colour texture classifiers
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 4756 LNCS, , 2007 | DOI

Bianconi, F., Fernández, A.,
Evaluation of the effects of Gabor filter parameters on texture classification
Pattern Recognition, 40, 12, 2007 | DOI

Guillen-Bonilla, J.T., Kurmyshev, E., Fernández, A.,
Quantifying a similarity of classes of texture images
Applied Optics, 46, 23, 2007 | DOI

Sánchez-Yáñez, R.E., Kurmyshev, E.V., Fernández, A.,
One-class texture classifier in the CCR feature space
Pattern Recognition Letters, 24, 9-10, 2003 | DOI

Fernández, A., Dávila, A., Pérez-López, C., Mendiola, G., Blanco-García, J.,
Algorithm for surface contouring using two-source phase-stepping digital shearography
Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4419, , 2001 | DOI

Hurtado-Ramos, J.B., Blanco-García, J., Fernández, A., Ribas, F.,
An ESPI system for determining in-plane deformations. Three-dimensional analysis of the carrier fringes and a proposal for analysis of transient in-plane deformations
Measurement Science and Technology, 12, 5, 2001 | DOI

Fernández, A., Doval, A.F., Kaufmann, G.H., Dávila, A., Blanco-García, J., Pérez-López, C., Fernández, J.L.,
Measurement of transient out-of-plane displacement gradients in plates using double-pulsed subtraction TV shearography
Optical Engineering, 39, 8, 2000 | DOI

Conference Paper
Fernández, A., Doval, A.F., Dávila, A., Blanco-García, J., Pérez-López, C., Fernández, J.L.,
Double-pulsed-carrier speckle-shearing pattern interferometry for transient deformation analysis
Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 3478, , 1998 | DOI

Fernández, A., Blanco-García, J., Doval, Á.F., Bugarín, J., Dorrío, B.V., López, C., Alén, J.M., Pérez-Amor, M., Fernández, J.L.,
Transient deformation measurement by double-pulsed-subtraction tv holography and the fourier transform method
Applied Optics, 37, 16, 1998 | DOI

Dorrío, B.V., López, C., Alén, J.M., Bugarín, J., Fernández, A., Doval, A.F., Blanco-García, J., Pérez-Amor, M., Fernández, J.L.,
Multiplicative moiré two-beam phase-stepping and Fourier-transform methods for the evaluation of multiple-beam Fizeau patterns: A comparison
Applied Optics, 37, 10, 1998 | DOI

Fernández, A., Kaufmann, G.H., Doval, A.F., Blanco-García, J., Fernández, J.L.,
Comparison of carrier removal methods in the analysis of TV holography fringes by the Fourier transform method
Optical Engineering, 37, 11, 1998 | DOI

López, C., Doval, A.F., Dorrío, B.V., Blanco-García, J., Bugarín, J., Alén, J.M., Fernández, A., Fernández, J.L., Pérez-Amor, M., Tejedor, B.G.,
Fibreoptic reflectometric technique for the automatic detection and measurement of surface cracks
Measurement Science and Technology, 9, 9, 1998 | DOI

Conference Paper
Dorrío, B.V., López Vazquez, J.C., Alén, J.M., Bugarín, J., Fernández, A., Doval, A.F., Blanco-García, J., Pérez-Amor, M., Fernández, J.L.,
Comparison of the moiré two-beam phase-stepping and Fourier transform method techniques in Fizeau interferometry
Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 3098, , 1997 | DOI

Conference Paper
Alén, J.M., Doval, A.F., Bugarín, J., Dorrío, B.V., López Vazquez, J.C., Fernández, A., Blanco-García, J., Pérez-Amor, M., Fernández, J.L.,
Phase-shifted double single-pulse additive stroboscopic TV-holography for the measurement of high-frequency vibrations using low-bandwidth phase modulation devices
Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 3098, , 1997 | DOI

Conference Paper
Fernández, A., Doval, A.F., Bugarín, J., Dorrío, B.V., López Vazquez, J.C., Alén, J.M., Blanco-García, J., Pérez-Amor, M., Fernández, J.L.,
Transient bending wave analysis by Fourier evaluation of single pulsed TV-holography fringe patterns
Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 3098, , 1997 | DOI

Dorrío, B.V., López, C., Doval, A.F., Alén, J.M., Bugarín, J., Fernández, A., Blanco-García, J., Fernández, J.L., Pérez-Amor, J.L.,
Measurement range analysis in moiré evaluation Fizeau interferometry
Applied Optics, 36, 16, 1997 | DOI

Fernández, A., Moore, A.J., Párez-López, C., Doval, A.F., Blanco-Garcia, J.,
Study of transient deformations with pulsed TV holography: Application to crack detection
Applied Optics, 36, 10, 1997 | DOI

Conference Paper
Dorrio, B.V., Bugarin, J., Alen, J.M., Fernandez, A., Doval, A.F., Lopez Vazquez, J.C., Blanco-Garcia, J., Fernandez, J.L., Perez-Amor, M.,
High-reflectivity surface evaluation in Fizeau phase-stepping interferometry with a Ronchi grid as phase modulator
Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2782, , 1996 | DOI

Conference Paper
Blanco-Garcia, J., Doval, A.F., Fernandez, A., Dorrio, B.V., Lopez, C., Soto, R., Alen, J.M., Fernandez, J.L., Perez-Amor, M.,
Crack detection by TV holography: continuous and pulsed techniques
Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2730, , 1996 | DOI