Catedrático/a de universidad
Área de Máquinas y Motores Térmicos
Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica, Máquinas y Motores Térmicos y Fluídos
Información de contacto
Escuela de Ingeniería de Minas y Energía
Despacho M129
As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo
+34 986 818 772
Breve CV
Ingeniero Industrial por la Universidad de Vigo (especialidad Eléctrica con Intensificación en Automática y Electrónica), Doctor en Ingeniería Térmica por la Universidad de Vigo. Su actividad privada se centró principalmente en la de Programador de Sistemas Informáticos de Gestión para empresas del sector naval y en el desarrollo del Ejercicio Libre de la Profesión durante cerca de 10 años. También se vinieron realizando las labores de Asesor Técnico en IBR Consulting y la Dirección Técnica de IDi Energía, empresa dedicada a la Simulación Energética de Edificios y sus Instalaciones. Desde 2016 es Profesor Titular de Universidad aunque impartió docencia universitaria desde 2006. Sus intereses de investigación son los métodos numéricos para la modelización dinámica de procesos energéticos. Es coautor de más de 50 publicaciones (artículos, trabajos en congresos, capítulos, libros, documentos científico-técnico restringidos) y participante en proyectos de investigación y contratos con empresas. Dirigió dos Tesis Doctorales y más de 30 trabajos de estudiantes (Trabajos Fin de Máster/Trabajos Fin de Grado/Proyectos Fin de Carrera).
Grupo de investigación
Grupo de Tecnología Energética (GTE)
Líneas de investigación
- Simulación dinámica de edificios y sus instalaciones
- Métodos numéricos aplicados a procesos térmicos y energéticos
- Nuevos Materiales y Máquinas Térmicas
Resultados de investigación
Cordeiro-Costas, M., Villanueva, D., Eguía-Oller, P., Granada-Álvarez, E.,
Intelligent energy storage management trade-off system applied to Deep Learning predictions
Journal of Energy Storage, 61, , 2023 | DOI
Giraldo-Soto, C., Mora, L., Erkoreka, A., Uriarte, I., Eguia, P.
Overall uncertainty analysis of zonal indoor air temperature measurement in an in-use office building
Building and Environment, 219, , 2022 | DOI
Pérez-Orozco, R., López-Gómez, J., Eguía-Oller, P., López-Pérez, J., de la Huz, R., Granada-Álvarez, E., Cerviño-Rodríguez, R.,
Reliability of Using Meteorological Data to Estimate Upwelling Events on the Galician Coast
Water (Switzerland), 14, 21, 2022 | DOI
Cordeiro-Costas, M., Villanueva, D., Eguía-Oller, P., Granada-Álvarez, E.,
Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models Applied to Photovoltaic Production Forecasting
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 12, 17, 2022 | DOI
Troncoso-Pastoriza, F., Martínez-Comesaña, M., Ogando-Martínez, A., López-Gómez, J., Eguía-Oller, P., Febrero-Garrido, L.,
IoT-based platform for automated IEQ spatio-temporal analysis in buildings using machine learning techniques
Automation in Construction, 139, , 2022 | DOI
Eguía-Oller, P., Martínez-Mariño, S., Granada-Álvarez, E., Febrero-Garrido, L.
Empirical validation of a multizone building model coupled with an air flow network under complex realistic situations
Energy and Buildings, 249, , 2021 | DOI
Cordeiro-Costas, M., Villanueva, D., Eguía-Oller, P.
Optimization of the electrical demand of an existing building with storage management through machine learning techniques
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11, 17, 2021 | DOI
Pensado-Mariño, M., Febrero-Garrido, L., Pérez-Iribarren, E., Oller, P.E., Granada-álvarez, E.
Estimation of heat loss coefficient and thermal demands of in-use building by capturing thermal inertia using lstm neural networks
Energies, 14, 16, 2021 | DOI
Martínez-Mariño, S., Eguía-Oller, P., Granada-Álvarez, E., Erkoreka-González, A.
Simulation and validation of indoor temperatures and relative humidity in multi-zone buildings under occupancy conditions using multi-objective calibration
Building and Environment, 200, , 2021 | DOI
Pensado-Mariño, M., Febrero-Garrido, L., Eguía-Oller, P., Granada-álvarez, E.,
Feasibility of different weather data sources applied to building indoor temperature estimation using LSTM neural networks
Sustainability (Switzerland), 13, 24, 2021 | DOI
Ogando-Martínez, A., Troncoso-Pastoriza, F., Granada-Álvarez, E., Eguía-Oller, P.
Ellipsoid-based approximation method for the estimation of the actual reduced luminance coefficients of road surfaces for accurate lighting simulations
Sustainable Cities and Society, 63, , 2020 | DOI
Uriarte, I., Erkoreka, A., Eguia, P., Granada, E., Martin-Escudero, K.
Estimation of the heat loss coefficient of two occupied residential buildings through an average method
Energies, 13, 21, 2020 | DOI
López Gómez, J., Troncoso Pastoriza, F., Fariña, E.A., Eguía Oller, P., Granada Álvarez, E.
Use of a numerical weather prediction model as a meteorological source for the estimation of heating demand in building thermal simulations
Sustainable Cities and Society, 62, , 2020 | DOI
Anjos, O., Comesaña, M.M., Caldeira, I., Pedro, S.I., Oller, P.E., Canas, S.
Application of functional data analysis and FTIR-ATR spectroscopy to discriminatewine spirits ageing technologies
Mathematics, 8, 6, 2020 | DOI
Martínez, S., Eguía, P., Granada, E., Moazami, A., Hamdy, M.
A performance comparison of multi-objective optimization-based approaches for calibrating white-box building energy models.
Energy and Buildings, 216, , 2020 | DOI
Toboso, I., Tejeda-Velarde, A., Alvarez-Lafuente, R., Arroyo, R., Hegen, H., Deisenhammer, F., Sainz de la Maza, S., Alvarez-Cermeño, J.C., Izquierdo, G., Paramo, D., Oliva, P., Casanova, B., Agüera-Morales, E., Franciotta, D., Gastaldi, M., Fernández, O., Urbaneja, P., Garcia-Dominguez, J.M., Romero, F., Laroni, A., Uccelli, A., Perez-Sempere, A., Saiz, A., Blanco, Y., Galimberti, D., Scarpini, E., Espejo, C., Montalban, X., Rasche, L., Paul, F., González, I., Álvarez, E., Ramo, C., Caminero, A.B., Aladro, Y., Calles, C., Eguía, P., Belenguer-Benavides, A., Ramió-Torrentà, L., Quintana, E., Martínez-Rodríguez, J.E., Oterino, A., López de Silanes, C., Casanova, L.I., Landete, L., Frederiksen, J., Bsteh, G., Mulero, P., Comabella, M., Hernández, M.A., Espiño, M., Prieto, J.M., Pérez, D., Otano, M., Padilla, F., García-Merino, J.A., Navarro, L., Muriel, A., Frossard, L.C., Villar, L.M.,
New Algorithms Improving PML Risk Stratification in MS Patients Treated With Natalizumab
Frontiers in Neurology, 11, , 2020 | DOI
Comesaña, M.M., Mariño, S.M., Oller, P.E., Álvarez, E.G., González, A.E.
A functional data analysis for assessing the impact of a retrofitting in the energy performance of a building
Mathematics, 8, 4, 2020 | DOI
Cacabelos-Reyes, A., López-González, J.L., González-Gil, A., Febrero-Garrido, L., Eguía-Oller, P., Granada-Álvarez, E.
Assessing the energy demand reduction in a surgical suite by optimizing the HVAC operation during off-use periods
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10, 7, 2020 | DOI
Martínez, S., Pérez, E., Eguía, P., Erkoreka, A., Granada, E.
Model calibration and exergoeconomic optimization with NSGA-II applied to a residential cogeneration
Applied Thermal Engineering, 169, , 2020 | DOI
Gómez, J.L., Pastoriza, F.T., álvarez, E.G., Oller, P.E.
Comparison between geostatistical interpolation and numerical weather model predictions for meteorological conditions mapping
Infrastructures, 5, 2, 2020 | DOI
Ogando-Martínez, A., Troncoso-Pastoriza, F., Eguía-Oller, P., Granada-Álvarez, E., Erkoreka, A.
Model calibration methodology to assess the actual lighting conditions of a road infrastructure
Infrastructures, 5, 1, 2020 | DOI
García-Domínguez, J.M., Maurino, J., Martínez-Ginés, M.L., Carmona, O., Caminero, A.B., Medrano, N., Ruíz-Beato, E., Ares, A., Arnal, C., Carcelén, M., Eguía, P., Del Carmen Fernández, M., Ginestal, R., Lacruz, L., Llaneza, M., De Silanes, C.L., Martín, G., Navarro, L., Romero, B., Seral, M., Solar, M.,
Economic burden of multiple sclerosis in a population with low physical disability
BMC Public Health, 19, 1, 2019 | DOI
Uriarte, I., Erkoreka, A., Giraldo-Soto, C., Martin, K., Uriarte, A., Eguia, P.
Mathematical development of an average method for estimating the reduction of the Heat Loss Coefficient of an energetically retrofitted occupied office building
Energy and Buildings, 192, , 2019 | DOI
Martínez, S., Erkoreka, A., Eguía, P., Granada, E., Febrero, L.
Energy characterization of a PASLINK test cell with a gravel covered roof using a novel methodology: Sensitivity analysis and Bayesian calibration
Journal of Building Engineering, 22, , 2019 | DOI
Febrero-Garrido, L., López-González, J.L., Eguía-Oller, P., Granada-Álvarez, E.
Development of a calibrated simulation method for airborne particles to optimize energy consumption in operating rooms
Energies, 12, 12, 2019 | DOI
Troncoso-Pastoriza, F., Eguía-Oller, P., Díaz-Redondo, R.P., Granada-Álvarez, E.,
Use of BIM data as input and output for improved detection of lighting elements in buildings
Automation in Construction, 106, , 2019 | DOI
Troncoso-Pastoriza, F., Eguía-Oller, P., Díaz-Redondo, R.P., Granada-Álvarez, E., Erkoreka, A.,
Orientation-constrained system for lamp detection in buildings based on computer vision
Sensors (Switzerland), 19, 7, 2019 | DOI
Conde, B., Eguía, P., Stavroulakis, G.E., Granada, E.
Parameter identification for damaged condition investigation on masonry arch bridges using a Bayesian approach
Engineering Structures, 172, , 2018 | DOI
González-Gil, A., López-González, J.L., Fernández, M., Eguía, P., Erkoreka, A., Granada, E.
Thermal energy demand and potential energy savings in a Spanish surgical suite through calibrated simulations
Energy and Buildings, 174, , 2018 | DOI
Fernández, M., Conde, B., Eguía, P., Granada, E.
Parameter identification of a round-robin test box model using a deterministic and probabilistic methodology
Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 11, 6, 2018 | DOI
Troncoso-Pastoriza, F., Eguía-Oller, P., Díaz-Redondo, R.P., Granada-Álvarez, E.,
Generation of BIM data based on the automatic detection, identification and localization of lamps in buildings
Sustainable Cities and Society, 36, , 2018 | DOI
Fernández, M., Eguía, P., Granada, E., Febrero, L.
Sensitivity analysis of a vertical geothermal heat exchanger dynamic simulation: Calibration and error determination
Geothermics, 70, , 2017 | DOI
Cacabelos, A., Eguía, P., Febrero, L., Granada, E.
Development of a new multi-stage building energy model calibration methodology and validation in a public library
Energy and Buildings, 146, , 2017 | DOI
Belmonte, J.F., Eguía, P., Molina, A.E., Almendros-Ibáñez, J.A., Salgado, R.
A simplified method for modeling the thermal performance of storage tanks containing PCMs
Applied Thermal Engineering, 95, , 2016 | DOI
Cacabelos, A., Eguía, P., Míguez, J.L., Granada, E., Arce, M.E.,
Calibrated simulation of a public library HVAC system with a ground-source heat pump and a radiant floor using TRNSYS and GenOpt
Energy and Buildings, 108, , 2015 | DOI
Belmonte, J.F., Eguía, P., Molina, A.E., Almendros-Ibáñez, J.A.
Thermal simulation and system optimization of a chilled ceiling coupled with a floor containing a phase change material (PCM)
Sustainable Cities and Society, 14, 1, 2015 | DOI
Febrero, L., Granada, E., Patiño, D., Eguía, P., Regueiro, A.
A comparative study of fouling and bottom ash from woody biomass combustion in a fixed-bed small-scale boiler and evaluation of the analytical techniques used
Sustainability (Switzerland), 7, 5, 2015 | DOI
Cacabelos, A., Eguía, P., Míguez, J.L., Rey, G., Arce, M.E.,
Development of an improved dynamic model of a Stirling engine and a performance analysis of a cogeneration plant
Applied Thermal Engineering, 73, 1, 2014 | DOI
Cacabelos, A., Eguía, P., Míguez, J.L., Rey, G., Arce, M.E.,
Development of an improved dynamic model of a Stirling engine and a performance analysis of a cogeneration plant
Applied Thermal Engineering, 73, 1, 2014 | DOI
Belmonte, J.F., Izquierdo-Barrientos, M.A., Eguía, P., Molina, A.E., Almendros-Ibáñez, J.A.
PCM in the heat rejection loops of absorption chillers. A feasibility study for the residential sector in Spain
Energy and Buildings, 80, , 2014 | DOI
González-Jorge, H., Puente, I., Eguía, P., Arias, P.,
Single-image rectification technique in forensic science
Journal of Forensic Sciences, 58, 2, 2013 | DOI
Granada, E., Míguez, J.L., Febrero, L., Collazo, J., Eguía, P.,
Development of an experimental technique for oil recovery during biomass pyrolysis
Renewable Energy, 60, , 2013 | DOI
Conference Paper
Granada, E., Eguía, P., Comesaña, J.A., Patiño, D., Porteiro, J., Miguez, J.L.,
Devolatilization behaviour and pyrolysis kinetic modelling of Spanish biomass fuels
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 113, 2, 2013 | DOI
Ulloa, C., Eguía, P., Miguez, J.L., Porteiro, J., Pousada-Carballo, J.M., Cacabelos, A.,
Feasibility of using a Stirling engine-based micro-CHP to provide heat and electricity to a recreational sailing boat in different European ports
Applied Thermal Engineering, 59, 1-2, 2013 | DOI
Ulloa, C., Míguez, J.L., Porteiro, J., Eguía, P., Cacabelos, A.,
Development of a transient model of a stirling-based CHP system
Energies, 6, 7, 2013 | DOI
Piqué-Duran, E., Eguía, P., García-Vázquez, O.,
Acquired perforating dermatosis associated with natalizumab
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 68, 6, 2013 | DOI
Comesaña, R., Gómez, M.A., Álvarez Feijoo, M.A., Eguía, P.
CFD simulation of a TG-DSC furnace during the indium phase change process
Applied Energy, 102, , 2013 | DOI
Ulloa, C., Porteiro, J., Eguía, P., Pousada-Carballo, J.M.,
Application model for a stirling engine micro-generation system in caravans in different European locations
Energies, 6, 2, 2013 | DOI
Gómez, M.A., Álvarez Feijoo, M.A., Comesaña, R., Eguía, P., Míguez, J.L., Porteiro, J.,
CFD simulation of a concrete cubicle to analyze the thermal effect of phase change materials in buildings
Energies, 5, 7, 2012 | DOI
Comesaña, R., Gómez, M.A., Álvarez, M.A., Eguía, P.
Thermal lag analysis on a simulated TGA-DSC device
Thermochimica Acta, 547, , 2012 | DOI
Granada, E., Eguía, P., Vilan, J.A., Comesaña, J.A., Comesaña, R.
FTIR quantitative analysis technique for gases. Application in a biomass thermochemical process
Renewable Energy, 41, , 2012 | DOI
Gómez, M.A., Comesaña, R., Feijoo, M.A.A., Eguía, P.
Simulation of the effect of water temperature on domestic biomass boiler performance
Energies, 5, 4, 2012 | DOI
Comesaña, R., Porteiro, J., Granada, E., Vilán, J.A., Álvarez Feijoo, M.A., Eguía, P.,
CFD analysis of the modification of the furnace of a TG-FTIR facility to improve the correspondence between the emission and detection of gaseous species
Applied Energy, 89, 1, 2012 | DOI
Eguía, P., Zueco, J., Granada, E., Collazo, J.,
A numerical study of unsteady gas-solid flow between parallel porous plates submitted to a magnetic field
Meccanica, 47, 2, 2012 | DOI
Eguía, P., Zueco, J., Granada, E., Patiño, D.
NSM solution for unsteady MHD Couette flow of a dusty conducting fluid with variable viscosity and electric conductivity
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 35, 1, 2011 | DOI
Zueco, J., López-Ochoa, L.M., Eguía, P., Collazo, J.,
Combined heat and mass transfer by natural convection from a semi-infinite plate submitted to a magnetic field with Hall currents
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 5, 2, 2011 | DOI
Zueco, J., Eguía, P., Granada, E., Míguez, J.L., Bég, O.A.,
An electrical network for the numerical solution of transient mhd couette flow of a dusty fluid: Effects of variable properties and hall current
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 37, 10, 2010 | DOI
Zueco, J., Eguía, P., Patiño, D., López-Ochoa, L.M.
Network numerical modelling of unsteadyMHD-free convection flow with mass transfer, hall current and viscous dissipation effects
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 26, 12, 2010 | DOI
Zueco, J., Eguía, P., López-Ochoa, L.M., Collazo, J., Patiño, D.,
Unsteady MHD free convection of a micropolar fluid between two parallel porous vertical walls with convection from the ambient
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 36, 3, 2009 | DOI
Eguia, P., Garcia-Monco, J.C., Ruiz-Lavilla, N., Diaz-Konrad, V., Monton, F.,
SUNCT and trigeminal neuralgia attributed to meningoencephalitis
Journal of Headache and Pain, 9, 1, 2008 | DOI
Eguia, P., Medina, A., Garcia-Monco, J.C., Martin, V., Monton, F.I.,
The value of diffusion-weighted MRI in the diagnosis of cerebral fat embolism
Journal of Neuroimaging, 17, 1, 2007 | DOI
SMARTHERM: Investigación para el desarrollo de herramientas de caracterización y predicción del rendimiento energético de edificios
Ref.: RTI2018-096296-B-C21
01/01/2019 – 31/12/2021 | Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Investigadores: Pablo Eguía Oller
21/10/2021 | Ana Ogando Martínez
Ferramentas de simulación luminosa e algoritmos de optimización aplicados ó modelado, calibración e optimización de instalacións de iluminación exterior
Directores: Enrique Granada Álvarez, Pablo Eguía Oller
Cum Laude International Mention Extraordinary Award
13/07/2021 | Javier López Gómez
Investigación para a adaptación de novas técnicas de interpolación e fontes de datos meteorolóxicos para simulacións de eficiencia enerxética na edificación
Directores: Enrique Granada Álvarez, Pablo Eguía Oller
Cum Laude
30/09/2020 | José Luis López González
Análise de eficiencia enerxética e seguridade ambiental en bloques cirúrxicos mediante técnicas de simulación
Directores: Enrique Granada Álvarez, Pablo Eguía Oller
Cum Laude
17/09/2020 | Sandra Martínez Mariño
Investigación e desenvolvemento de técnicas automatizadas de calibración e optimización multiobxectivo aplicadas á simulación de modelos enerxéticos de edificios.
Directores: Enrique Granada Álvarez, Pablo Eguía Oller
Cum Laude International Mention