Sanz Dominguez

Catedrático/a de universidad

Área de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática
Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática

Información de contacto

Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial

As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo

+34 986 812 230


Grupo de investigación



Resultados de investigación

Lopez, J., Sanchez-Vilarino, P., Sanz, R., Paz, E.,
Efficient Local Navigation Approach for Autonomous Driving Vehicles
IEEE Access, 9, , 2021 | DOI

López, J., Sánchez-Vilariño, P., Sanz, R., Paz, E.,
Implementing autonomous driving behaviors using a message driven petri net framework
Sensors (Switzerland), 20, 2, 2020 | DOI

Conference Paper
Lopez, J., Otero, C., Sanz, R., Paz, E., Molinos, E., Barea, R.,
A new approach to local navigation for autonomous driving vehicles based on the curvature velocity method
Proceedings – IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2019-May, , 2019 | DOI

Conference Paper
Sáez, Á., Bergasa, L.M., Romeral, E., López, E., Barea, R., Sanz, R.,
CNN-based Fisheye Image Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Proceedings, 2018-June, , 2018 | DOI

Losada, D.P., Fernández, J.L., Paz, E., Sanz, R.,
Distributed and modular CAN-based architecture for hardware control and sensor data integration
Sensors (Switzerland), 17, 5, 2017 | DOI

López, J., Sanz, R., Cacho, M.D., Diéguez, A.R.,
Increasing wireless reliability for autonomous mobile robots
Robotica, 31, 3, 2013 | DOI

Alfaro, I.J., Boullosa, A.P., Andreu-Besó, J.V., De Lamo, J., Sobrado, L., Sanz, R., Arias, J.M.,
Student opinion of the information policies of four Spanish universities with regard to erasmus and other international programmes
Higher Education in Europe, 34, 3-4, 2009 | DOI

Conference Paper
González, P., Burgard, W., Sanz, R., Fernández, J.L.,
Developing a low-cost autonomous indoor blimp
Journal of Physical Agents, 3, 1, 2009 | DOI

Conference Paper
Fernández, J.L., Sanz, R., Paz, E., Alonso, C.,
Using hierarchical binary Petri nets to build robust mobile robot applications: RoboGraph
Proceedings – IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, , , 2008 | DOI

Conference Paper
Fernández, J.L., Losada, D.P., Sanz, R.,
Enhancing building security systems with autonomous robots
2008 IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications, TePRA, , , 2008 | DOI

Conference Paper
Fernández, J.L., Souto, M.J., Losada, D.P., Sanz, R., Paz, E.,
Communication framework for sensor-actuator data in mobile robots
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, , , 2007 | DOI

Diéguez, A.R., Sanz, R., Fernández, J.L.,
A global motion planner that learns from experience for autonomous mobile robots
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 23, 5, 2007 | DOI

Fernández, J.L., Sanz, R., Simmons, R.G., Diéguez, A.R.,
Heuristic anytime approaches to stochastic decision processes
Journal of Heuristics, 12, 3, 2006 | DOI

Fernández, J.L., Sanz, R., Benayas, J.A., Diéguez, A.R.,
Improving collision avoidance for mobile robots in partially known environments: The beam curvature method
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 46, 4, 2004 | DOI

Fernández, J.L., Sanz, R., Diéguez, A.R.,
Probabilistic models for monitoring and fault diagnosis: Application and evaluation in a mobile robot
Applied Artificial Intelligence, 18, 1, 2004 | DOI

Diéguez, A.R., Sanz, R., López, J.,
Deliberative on-line local path planning for autonomous mobile robots
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications, 37, 1, 2003 | DOI

Conference Paper
Benayas, J.A., Fernández, J.L., Sanz, R., Diéguez, A.R.,
The beam-curvature method: A new approach for improving local realtime obstacle avoidance
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 35, 1, 2002 | DOI

Conference Paper
Garcia-Rivera, M., Sanz, R., Perez-Rodriguez, J.A.,
Antislipping fuzzy logic controller for a railway traction system
IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 1, , 1997 | DOI

Conference Paper
Sanz, R., Rajoy, J.A., Bernardez, J., Farina, J.,
Knowledge-based systems for daily generation scheduling of a small hydropower plant
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, , , 1995 | DOI